The fairy woman called out to her, which made Shiloh turn her head to look over her shoulder. With her silvered tongue, the lady had one last request. Holding out a music box that had seen better days, the request was simple: the keepsake had a minor malfunction as of late, and for a small fee–she wanted it fixed. With the leprechaun unable to use magic to get away, Shiloh shoved him into her Reynash's endless bag and went to have a look. "I can look it over for you. If I can't fix what's wrong with it, you'll get a referral from me to someone who can." From what she could sense, the music box wasn't magical. That alone was a relief, since it meant she'd be able to do the repairs without a hitch. Listening to the fairy's instructions on how the mechanisms were supposed to operate, it was likely that something had worn down or gotten jammed with time. Since the moving parts were inside, it was likely they had never been maintained after being assembled.
Taking the box with steady hands, Shiloh went to work. Slowly, she moved her hand around the music box's edges as she worked her magic. In a low whisper she said, "Despite your age, you've managed to hold up well. Your owner cherishes you deeply, and so I will turn back the sands in your hourglass." The sound of parts creaking and clicking were heard as the wear and tear of the keepsake was reversed. The music box was now fully restored, as if it were brand new. Now, it was the moment of truth. With the key already in the slot, Shiloh turned it left twice, and then once to the right. There was a click before the front opened up, revealing the hidden compartment. The lid unlocked, and a melody began to play as two delicately painted figurines began to move. They both were women, dressed in gowns and slowly dancing together around the track that they were set on. One had brown hair, likely the Daisy the box had originally been addressed to. The other was a well-crafted miniature of the fairy standing beside her now.
"Congratulations, the repairs were a success. I'm sure it'll continue to work smoothly for many years to come. Fortunately it was made with superb craftsmanship, which worked in its favor." Satisfied with her work, she didn't mind if she didn't receive the promised payment just this once. Mementos were different from ordinary tools, they were precious objects that contained memories of their owners. You couldn't put a price on that.
"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."
Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune
Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.