Normally she wasn't angry. Normally she wasn't like this. Her eyes were filled with anger, though not at the temple that she was looking at. She burst into the building and headed straight for the fountain. Not bothering to look at the scenery, all she wanted was the bottles and their liquid. It wasn't even to get drunk this time! Her anger stemmed from two things. One, the forest was dying. She did NOT appreciate that. The forest was her home and one of the things she beloved the most. The fact that her beloved nature across the land was being destroyed by one little pearl infuriated her. Although she enjoyed chaos, this was not the kind that she liked. Nor would she stand for it! That was why she was here. To get the potion and get straight to the Spire.
Second, with all the lack of food, there wasn't any parties. That was just as bad as the lack of nature. Without nature there was no food and without food there were no parties. No alcohol. No drugs. No more fun. She would not allow this to happen. As a fey and as a party animal, it was her duty to help restore the world to its natural chaotic stature. Was it dangerous? Yes. Was it reckless? Yes. Did she care? No. She picked up a bottle and dunked it into the fountain. Ciara pulled it out, stuffed a cork in it, then stomped towards the exit of the temple.
"If this world is destroyed by that stupid pearl, I'm gonna be so pissed." She muttered to herself as she walked towards the exit.
If she ever got her hands on that pearl, she would find a way to destroy it in the most painful way possible. Ciara didn't even know if it could feel pain. If it did, she would find out and make its complete destruction more painful than giving birth and all the tortures in the world combined! Her normally calm grey eyes burned with a loathing that could rival all the stars and suns in the universe.
Sat Feb 8, 2020 11:35 PM Post Subject: A Free Drink [Event][O][R?]
Scrubble had journeyed far to arrive at this temple. For Scrubble had come to Scrubble in a dream and spoke the holy words of Scrubble "Scrubble must go to Vada and take the potion". Truly this was a glorious time, Scrubble had been issued a quest! A holy quest! Scrubble had not had such a quest for several hours. Scrubble had faced some difficulties on the journey to the temple. Scrubble had run into a gang of orcs who had tried to rob Scrubble. Luckily Scrubble delivered divine justice onto those who dared to try and rob the most holy paladin of Scrubble! Plus that meant Scrubble had the rations to make it to the temple well fed.
So there Scrubble was nearing the entrance of the temple gnawing on what was left of an orc leg. As Scrubble entered the temple Scrubble bumped into a strange looking creature they they were pale, had blue hair, and were a fair bit taller than Scrubble. Scrubble decided to offer this person some food. So Scrubble quickly pulled a roasted orc arm out of the holy satchel of Scrubble and handed it to the woman and carried on into the temple. Soon Scrubble had arrived at the fountain. Scrubble recognized the visage pouring the liquid one of the lesser gods under Scrubble.
Scrubble grabbed one of the bottles and filled it at the fountain and corked it. As Scrubble turned to leave though, the rest of the shiny bottles caught Scrubble's eye. Scrubble attempted to take a large armful of the bottles. Only to find the holy hands of Scrubble slapped away and the holy ear of Scrubble pulled upon. Scrubble wondered what this could possibly mean. Scrubble pondered this for a moment before coming to a conclusion. Surely this was a test from Scrubble!! Scrubble must take the bottles! And so Scrubble's holy quest to steal as many bottles as Scrubble could get a hold of began!
For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear simple and wrong.
Italics is god Scrubble, bold is paladin Scrubble.
For those wondering why Scrubbles name is said so much in these posts its because I refuse to refer to Scrubble as anything but Scrubble.
Sun Feb 9, 2020 12:25 AM Post Subject: A Free Drink [Event][O][R?]
Her anger, though still remaining, dimmed slightly when she spotted a strange green goblin who had gifted her a roasted orc arm. She had never seen a goblin in armor nor had she seen one give out food. Mischief glittered in her eyes. Perhaps she would liven up the temple with a bit of a performance. Ciara knelt down to the ground and picked up the roasted orc arm. Pushing herself to her feet, she opened up her mouth. Her teeth sharpened and her jaw expanded in a horrific manner. She dropped the roasted orc leg into her mouth and devoured it whole. After that she wiped her mouth with a small napkin from her satchel. She wasn't a barbarian after all. Just as she was about to leave, she heard the clanging of little glass bottles.
Turning around, she saw the strange goblin creature trying to take all the bottles. It was obviously not meant to work due to the enchantment and all. There were other people in the temple looking extremely annoyed. Normally Ciara wouldn't care but it was clear that the goblin wasn't completely useless, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to take on the orcs. So having him helping with the quest would be useful, as long as he didn't get caught up on things like the bottles. So she decided to get him away from the bottles and towards the Spire, but how?
An idea came to her. She slowly walked towards the fountain but didn't look at the goblin. Instead she put on a distressed look and raised her hand to her forehead like how a damsel in distress might. Ciara had no idea if this would work or if the goblin would fall for it. If it failed, she didn't really care. Somebody else would drag the goblin out of the temple if they needed to. "Oh, if only there was somebody strong and powerful to help me get to the Spire." She said loud enough for the goblin to hear, "But only the most amazing of beings could possibly do that!"