Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sandawe Savanna > Welayta Mountains > Live Or Die[EVENT, R, Open]
Bianca Bathory

Character Info
Name: Bianca Bathory
Age: Unknown
Alignment: None
Race: Compilcated
Gender: Unspecified
Class: Fire/Blood Mage
Silver: 601
The magma scythe flashed in a wide arch, cutting down an angel and setting fire to what clothing it was wearing. As it fell to the ground the scythe spun back around and used the outer edge of the blade to slice open another angel. The wound wasn’t instantly fatal, but the magma scythe ignited the angel’s clothing and flesh and it was burning in a heap on the ground a moment later. Bianca had a wicked looked on their face as they spun their scythe around them, dodging back away from the angels’ counterattack.

Bianca had come out to the mountains to help fight against the invading angelic army, Illiana was probably around here somewhere as well. But in the chaos they had become separated for now, trusting in each other to stay alive to fight back to back again soon. As a blood mage Bianca had every reason to believe these angels would want them dead, after that speech the Goddess of Light had given Bianca was sure they’d be on the chopping block. Not to mention that Bianca did enjoy Debauchery, and ‘sinning’ in general at any given moment, it would cramp their style if these angels succeeded.

Bianca wasn’t fight alone, there were other fighters of all kinds around them, fighting to gain ground up the mountain to destroy the statue. Bianca had dodged back into the second line of fighters, her large scythe having given them a wide area to work in while those ‘allies’ around kept their distance. Fighting a common foe or not Bianca wasn’t being as careful as they could be with their wild swinging, having caught at least one unfortunate soul in a back swing when he had come too close.

The blood mage also wanted the angelic blood these beings carried. Just a few moments to drain one of them in a calm moment to absorb their blood and see what kind of raw power it held. She was almost drooling at the idea of it, blood from an angelic being from another world; it was a thrilling prospect!

Character Info
Name: Ciara
Age: Looks in her 20s
Alignment: CN
Race: Fae
Gender: Female
Class: Noble/Bard
Silver: 1659
It was strange. So many creatures from either darkness, neutral grounds, or even some of the light were gathered together to fight against the light filled angels and the warriors of light. There weren't many times that the creatures of the night were willing to put their faction wars and infighting aside to work as one against the common enemy. It was a rare moment for certain. She wondered how the world would remember this event. Would they call it a tragedy or would they see it as a wonderful success? Perhaps it would depend on the enemy. 

Ciara was fighting along with them, though her form had changed drastically. Her pretty fingers were thin outstretched and sharp, as though they were claws. Her limbs were thin and bent in strange ways. Instead of regular eyes, ink dripped from her blackened eyes down to the chin of her face and dropped to the ground. Every move she made was fast to give her as much advantage as possible. The dark blue magic poured from her hand as she reached outwards towards a warrior of light. The warrior's skin began to shrivel and her muscles began to decay. A fae curse that would weaken the soldier. She plunged her claw-like fingers into the man's throat and watched as he dropped to the ground, clutching his bleeding neck.  Not waiting for him to die, she began to turn to the next foe. An angel. The angel was a woman with tied up hair and seemed to be determined to slice Ciara in half. The angel missed. 

"Hold still you wicked demon!" The angel shouted at her. 

"If you are going to insult me at least be creative about it." Ciara said with a smile, "Must I do all the work for you? Honestly, if you had one more brain cell it would be lonely." 

Angered by her words, the angel lifted her sword and swung wildly at Ciara. But the angel was wearing full armor which slowed down her movements. Ciara was only wearing a black tunic and some black trousers which made her faster. After dodging the blow, she slashed at the part of the woman's arm that didn't have armor. The angel was forced to drop her armor and Ciara swiftly picked up the sword and stabbed the woman in the neck with the blade. She pushed the blade in as far as it would go, to make the experience more painful for the angel. If somebody was going to die on the battlefield then it had to be a painful death…for that dramatic aesthetic. 

Ciara's eyes scanned the battlefield and she spotted an angel flying up behind a fiery person with amazing hair. Determined to not let some angel kill somebody with such amazing style, she lifted up her hand to cast a spell. An ice spell hit the angel's wings while she was midflight. The ice spread through the feathers and froze the angel's muscles. The angel fell to the ground, axe falling to the ground away from the target. Ciara lunged at the angel and began to drain the angel of his magic, draining to the point that he no longer had the strength to keep his heart beating. 

"Sorry for stealing your kill but I couldn't help but want a taste of an angel's strength."
Ciara said with a disturbing smile. 

Bianca Bathory

Character Info
Name: Bianca Bathory
Age: Unknown
Alignment: None
Race: Compilcated
Gender: Unspecified
Class: Fire/Blood Mage
Silver: 601
Bianca felt the cold from the ice spell behind them and, thinking it was an angel about to attack, spun around, scythe up, to strike back. But at the last moment Bianca got their scythe shifted to stop the attack upon seeing what was really going on behind them. Bianca eyed the ice mage who had brought down the angel and chuckled. ”No worries, plenty to go around anyway.” Bianca watched the life drain from the angel and grinned. ”Interesting. Personally I’m looking for moment to take advantage of to drain one of them of blood. I’m no vampire, but as a blood mage I like studying new kinds of blood. I am truly curious to see what kind of power these things have contained within their glowing blood.”

It would help if Bianca had stopped setting them on fire using her scythe, cauterized wounds didn’t bleed that much. Before Bianca could say much more the angels pressed the attack again and they were forced to bring their scythe around for a wide horizontal swing, bring it up at the last moment as not to hit the ice mage if they hadn’t moved. ”Might wanna give me some room.” Bianca warned and drove into the fight again, scythe swirling around leaving a trail of fire and smoke behind the blade.

Bianca whipped a hand forward and a volley of fire balls flashed out from their fingertips into the crowd of black skinned angels. What realm did these things come from? How had the Goddess of Light even found them, let alone convinced them to join her in this insanity? The fireballs collided with a few angels and ignited their clothing and armour. Bianca gave a wicked laugh as they swung their scythe in a terrifying dance of fire, a difficult weapon to master, but Bianca seemed more than capable of wielding such a weapon.

Character Info
Name: Ciara
Age: Looks in her 20s
Alignment: CN
Race: Fae
Gender: Female
Class: Noble/Bard
Silver: 1659
Ciara had never tried blood magic and often wondered what it was like. But that was something to consider for another time. Ciara dashed out of Bianca's way as they brought their scythe around for a swing. She joined the battle as well but kept her distance from Bianca in case they needed space. These angels saw all of them as monsters. Maybe they were…maybe they weren't. But the truth was that didn't matter. Whoever would be the victor would become the hero. Those who lost would become the foolish monsters. Morals and justice was dropped the second a sword was raised. The angels claimed to fight for the light and yet….these angels fought for themselves. Ciara could see it. Angels would be the ones in power in this new world they desired. The heroes of light would gain the upper hand above everybody else and call it justice. Even Sirona, through all her claims and justification, was fighting for more than just the light. If she won, she would be able to control the light and any person she deems as evil. This was a power struggle with the disguise of goodness. 

It was exciting.

The exhilaration pumped through Ciara's body as she dug her long sharp fingers into the back of an angel. The poor angel screamed out in agony as the woman ripped through her skin and muscles. Yanking her claws out of the angel's back, she reached towards the warrior's unprotected neck and plunged them in. The angel's screams stopped and she began holding her neck and gasping in shock. Ciara pulled away and watched as the angel fell to the ground, choking on her own blood. Ciara reached down and picked up the fallen angel's sword. 

"Don't worry sweetie." Ciara said to the dying angel, "I'll come back for your wings later. Can't let such pretty feathers go to waste."

Taking the sword, she began to chase after the next enemy. Ciara was enjoying every minute of it. Not the death and gore. Such things were dull in this world. No, it was the fact that she was doing something. These deaths would remain on her hands. The blood would never dry. These people's friends and family would be devastated. Through her actions, she was affecting so many people's lives. A delightful feeling ran through her spine but she was interrupted. The blade scraped across her skin as she barely managed to escape the blow. She couldn't afford to be distracted. Unlike everybody else, she had no armor to protect herself. Only her speed and agility were on her side. One hit and it was all over. She ducked underneath the man's sword and caught his arm. Before he could defend himself, she began draining him of all his energy and magic, leaving him as a lifeless husk. 

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