Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Arri, The Desert Rose > Sularia > Festive Trouble [O][Event][R]

Character Info
Name: Ciara
Age: Looks in her 20s
Alignment: CN
Race: Fae
Gender: Female
Class: Noble/Bard
Silver: 1659
After having a rowdy one night stand with a dancer named Vivian, Ciara had learned that Vivian had a performance the next day. Unfortunately, Vivian was far too hungover to be able to stand, let alone dance. It was clear that only one person could save the day. Ciara snatched herself a purple belly dancer costume and informed the bard hosting the performance that she would dance instead. The bard was terribly confused but accepted her help anyway. She was given a small tent to change in and a silk scarf with the constellations sewn into it. After dressing herself, she walked towards the center of the stage. Lanterns hung from above to light up the stage and the curtain was a shade of bright red. The curtain was lowered for now but Ciara knew it would stay that way for long. She held out one arm above her and the other in front of her. Then to finish her pose, she pointed her foot. The curtain hadn't even risen yet she could hear the beat of her heart in her ears. How long would it take? She was itching to begin. 

Suddenly, the red curtain was pulled upwards and she could feel the eyes of curious onlookers. A small mischievous smile spread across her face. The sound of the kanun signaled her to begin and she began to flow her arms to the music. Her hips swayed to each note and stopped right before the drum kicked in. As soon as the drum began, she started shaking her hips to the sound of the beat. Belly dancing required complete control of the torso. Every muscle in her chest, stomach, and hips had to be controlled. But that only added to Ciara's enthusiasm. The knowledge that any wrong move would ruin the entire dance…it excited her. Gave her a thrill that sent shivers through her entire being. Soon the crowd began clapping along, some were even cheering. The song suddenly sped up, and Ciara followed along with it. She began spinning faster and faster. The world was moving and so was she. Finally, the music stopped and Ciara stopped her spinning and ended with a pose. The audience roared with approval. She managed to catch a rose before the curtains was lowered. 

The bard offered her money but she denied it, explaining that the adrenaline rush was more than enough for her. She went back to the changing tent but instead of changing, she stuffed her regular clothes into her bag and kept the purple dress. Technically it was stealing but she didn't care. Ciara sneaked out of the tent and headed straight for the banquet table. She had brought something to make the party extra special. She took the bottles of wine, the bowl of eggnog, and poured out the cranberry juice. In her bag was a massive bottle of Bán Poitín. She dumped out the wine then refilled it with the Poitín. Then she poured some into the eggnog and filled up the bowl with the liquid. Soon the bottle of Poitín was empty and she tossed it into a bin meant for trash. Then she grabbed a small bottle of magic food coloring to color the liquid red, just like what the cranberry juice was. She returned the bowl, eggnog, and wine bottles. Now they could have a REAL party!

(Her dress: )


Character Info
Name: Myouga Ryou
Age: It's a secret~
Alignment: CG
Race: Hanaoni (oni variant)
Gender: Female
Class: Arcanist
Silver: 0
Stepping out of a portal, the little arcanist put her hands on her hips and breathed in deeply. "Ahhhhh~ I love the smell of magic in the morning!" This was it, this was the one time in the year where Myouga could drink as much as she wanted. No Yabashira telling her not to drink, no Lise looking over her shoulder. Just her and her familiar. And the best part? The drinks were extra fancy! And so after a certain someone spiked all the supposedly non-alcoholic beverages, Myouga was the first person to raid the table. Patchouli dipped its jackalope snout into the punch and got tipsy after the first sip, sliding off the table unnoticed. Then, Myouga came to scoop crom the same bowl, only to chug the glass and smack her lips. She looked at it, thought it tasted particularly good, and went for seconds. She glanced to see if anybody was watching before dropping a handful of goldfish mints into the eggnog, stirring it for good measure. Little did she know, the alcohol would dissolve them in no time. Now the eggnog had a minty aftertaste. Skipping away gleefully, Myouga left the scene of the crime before she could be accused.

It would take more than two cups of punch to put her under the table, and despite her size the small oni could hold her liquor. Her curiosity pulled her aside when she saw something more exciting than fireworks and magical snow. "PONY!" And not just any pony! This was the rare Itjivut tundra pony, native to the southern ice island's frozen steppes. They were also illegal to export out of the place, so the only way you'd see one was in Itjivut or in an encyclopedia. They were cute, stocky, and just the right size for her to ride. Ponies were just horses, but smaller so they probably liked carrots and sugar cubes. Pulling out a carrot, she grinned as she tried to bribe the pony into letting her onto its back. The cream-coated hodgepot snorted at her, but took the carrot out of her hand. It would appear she'd need to give it more before it was convinced to take a passenger. 


Character Info
Name: Ciara
Age: Looks in her 20s
Alignment: CN
Race: Fae
Gender: Female
Class: Noble/Bard
Silver: 1659
Ciara spied on the banquet table, waiting with glee for somebody to take a sip from the bowl. It didn't take long before a creature dipped its snout into the punch and slid off the table, drunk. A small smile spread on her lips after seeing it but that was not enough chaos for her to feel satisfied. However a second being came to drink but there was little reaction besides the normal expression. This was unexpected. Most would be tipsy, like the creature who had it first. Yet Ciara wasn't disappointed. It was unexpected. The unexpected was chaotic in its own way. She then saw the stranger drop goldfish mints into the eggnog. It seemed this was a mischievous person as well. Ciara decided to follow Myouga to see what else this person would do. 

It didn't take long before Myouga did something chaotic. She shouted out pony and caused several guests to look at her with confusion. Ciara snickered then used a small spell to make herself invisible. It was time to participate instead of watching from the sidelines. Myouga seemed to want a ride the pony. So a ride she would. Ciara looked around and spotted a man with many shiny apples. An idea formed in her head. The apples were in a small barrel. They were clearly meant to be sold but Ciara wasn't in the mood to pay for them. So she just took one. Then she cast a spell on the apple. A charm spell. The spell would make the apple appear appealing and desirable, even for animals. After stealing the fruit and casting the spell, she discarded the invisibility spell and approached the girl and the pony, careful to keep the fruit out of sight. 

"It seems you could use a little help." She said, "Here. Let me see if I can convince this being to allow you to ride it." 

She held out the apple to the Itjivut tundra pony. Its eyes widened and its mouth began watering for the big red apple that seemed a thousand times more appealing than it should have. Ciara kept the fruit out of the animal's reach and dropped it into a small bag. Then she leaned down towards the pony's ear to whisper to it, softly so that nobody else could hear her words. Speaking to animals wasn't as big of a problem for the fae as it was for humans. They naturally knew how to communicate with nature and it's creatures. No spell was needed for this. 

"I'll let you have this, but only if you will agree to do something for me." She whispered to the horse in a language it could understand, "Let this girl ride you. But the second she gets on your back, run as fast as you can. Knock people over and destroy things if you like. But don't stop until you've caused at least a moderate amount of chaos. Once you are finished, you shall get your reward." 

The horse responded with a neigh, indicating that he agreed with the deal. Ciara stood up with a smile and looked over to Myouga. 

"I'm giving the pony a reward if it takes you for a ride." She explained, "So you can hop on now!"


Character Info
Name: Myouga Ryou
Age: It's a secret~
Alignment: CG
Race: Hanaoni (oni variant)
Gender: Female
Class: Arcanist
Silver: 0
While Myouga was racking her brain thinking of what bribes to offer the little horse, a pretty lady came up and said she'd help convince the pony that it'd let her hop on. "Ooh–really? You'd do that for little ol' me? Thanks!" With wide eager eyes, the small oni watched the woman work her magic–literally and figuratively. It seemed like apples were the ticket to the hodgepot's heart, and Myouga conveniently wasn't able to hear what Ciara was saying to it. There was a neigh, which probably meant it said yes to letting her ride and the arcanist stood on her toes and clapped her hands. When the pretty woman confirmed what she assumed, she jumped up and cheered. "YES!!! Alright little buddy, let's go!" Little did she know how apt those words would be, for when she settled comfortably onto the pony's back–all hell broke loose. Riding a pony with no reins or saddle was bound to end poorly, and the moment Myouga was about to tell the horse to trot it went into a gallop. Charging at breakneck speed, the little horse ran as fast as it could with its passenger barely hanging onto its mane. Fortunately Myouga activated her levitation so she was only being towed along like a kite in the wind. 

With no way to control the horse, the small oni was at the mercy of everybody else's dodging skills screaming at the top of her lungs. But she wasn't discouraged! No, in fact she had experienced this several times thanks to her still untrained krampus corgi Kuroguro. And there was more than one way to stop a wayward steed… Taking in a deep breath, she knew after this she'd need a lot of herbal cough mints for the incoming sore throat. With a booming voice that rattled the dishes on the buffet tables, the little arcanist shouted: "HEEL!!!" The bellow's blast disoriented the hardy little horse immediately, throwing the equilibrium in its ear canals off balance and making its head spin. The pony came to a screeching halt as the small oni flopped to the ground, coughing while rummaging through her bag for a potion or a mint. "Works every time…" Myouga croaked, trying to chuckle despite her throat feeling like she had gotten the seasonal Glaciem sickness in full force. There was plenty of destruction in the pony's wake, even with its rampage cut short. Getting up, the small oni dusted herself off and picked up her fur-lined red hat. Popping in a mint, the soothing chill from the candy made her feel better already. 

"I wonder what got into that pony? It seemed super excited for being so stubborn earlier." She shrugged her shoulders, taking a mug of cider to wash down the candy. The pony was fine, only unconscious. It'd wake up sooner or later. The people nearby were going about their business now that things had calmed down again. Clearly this was a wild pony, as a trained one wouldn't have bolted when somebody was on its back. Yes, that was her explanation for it. After all, she had no way of knowing that she had been pranked.


Character Info
Name: Ciara
Age: Looks in her 20s
Alignment: CN
Race: Fae
Gender: Female
Class: Noble/Bard
Silver: 1659
Ciara didn't have to wait long before all hell broke loose. The second that girl got onto its back, the pony shot off. The creature charged at every person and made more noise than any party person could copy. Instead of doing anything, Ciara merely held her hand over her mouth, hiding her mischievous smile. It took all of her strength just to keep herself from laughing out loud. But the part she enjoyed the most was when the little woman shouted heel, causing the little horse to become confused. It came to a screeching halt, throwing the girl off its back, then it passed out. There were tables destroyed, people knocked over, food on the ground, and a group of people starting to gather around. All of this was caused by one pony and one girl. It always fascinated Ciara how all it took was a strand of a few decisions to cause such mayhem. Ciara walked over to the pony and the girl, holding the delicious apple. She placed it on the ground, right next to the little horse's mouth. 

"What a good boy." Ciara said in quiet voice to the creature. 

Suddenly she heard the shouting of the owner of the horse. He was a tall man holding a whip in his hand. His face was filled with rage, especially when he saw his pony passed out on the ground. Knowing that they would get into trouble, Ciara reached over to Myouga's wrist and attempted to pull her away from the direction of the angry man. He saw the both of them and began screaming as loudly as he could. They needed a distraction. The last thing Ciara wanted was her little friend to get into trouble. Why would she want to have her friend in jail when they could be causing more mischief? That was how Ciara worked. Now this girl was her friend, even though they barely knew each other. Even though Ciara was the one who caused the girl trouble. 

"Lets run." Ciara quickly told Myouga, "I'd rather not have to deal with the angry owner." 

This was how Ciara was. Causing trouble then quickly escaping the consequences, dragging everybody along with her as though it was some sort of party. 


Character Info
Name: Myouga Ryou
Age: It's a secret~
Alignment: CG
Race: Hanaoni (oni variant)
Gender: Female
Class: Arcanist
Silver: 0
Now while most people would think that it was time to run, Myouga on the other hand had other plans. You see, now that she knew that this pony had an owner she saw the perfect opportunity to obtain said rare Itjivut pony–for academic purposes…yes. Sure she knew the man was angry, but he was probably worried that his little horse had been hurt. If you didn't look carefully you might think that it was dead–which it wasn't. And so the small oni wanted to clear up any misunderstandings between her and the pony's owner, so she could have more footing to convince him to let her have it. The moment she laid eyes on the hodgepot, the little arcanist knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. After all, she wasn't going to brave the freezing blizzards of the ice island to illegally import one of her own. "Wait, wait!" She whispered to Ciara loudly. She was grinning from ear to ear, as if she had a plan up her sleeve. "It's ok, I mean he's probably mad that I knocked his pet out. I'm sure if I explain the situation to him everything will be just peachy!" 

Turning to the irate man, Myouga put on her best apologetic face and said to him: "I'm sorry sir for making your pony unconscious! Don't worry, he's not hurt anywhere–he'll wake up soon!" Pushing the tips of her index fingers together, she looked down at her feet as she continued. "You see, I really wanted to ride the pony. He was so cute and I'd never seen one like him before. He said it was ok, so I got on, but then he started running. He wouldn't listen to me no matter what I did, so I yelled reaaaally loud and he fell asleep. I have a healing potion that might fix him! See?" Taking out the potion, she showed it to the man while acting like she was just a little girl. And it usually worked, since she looked the part. Using a potion on a pony was a small price for gaining points with its owner, if it meant getting just a little closer towards achieving her goal–buying the pony off his hands. She wanted that pony, after all it was adorable. She would hug it and feed it and call it Mr. Snuffles. 


Character Info
Name: Ciara
Age: Looks in her 20s
Alignment: CN
Race: Fae
Gender: Female
Class: Noble/Bard
Silver: 1659
Instead of running with her, Myouga stayed. She was curious as to what the girl would do, so she stayed as well. Besides…Ciara knew that the pony owner couldn't do anything to hurt them. She freed Myouga's wrist and watched as this strange person explained her little plan. This made the fae woman even more intrigued as she had never come across another person as strange as herself. Perhaps she met a few people from time to time but they were rare. Ciara watched from behind Myouga as she apologized and used a potion to fix the little horse. The man's face was red with anger, even after she used a potion to help the pony. He was well-dressed and had a whip at his belt. This made Ciara wonder if he used the whip on the animal. It was entirely possible, especially since the pony was strong and seemingly very independent. Training an animal would be difficult. Though using a whip was just a cheap way to cause fear into its heart. 

"You think I'll just forgive you?!" The angry man shouted at Myouga, "After all that ruckus? You better…better…"

He wasn't looking at Myouga anymore but at Ciara. Most fae had two appearances. One was their beautiful appearance which was used most often. They preferred displaying their elegance and grace whenever they went out or did anything. However, in certain situations, they used their other appearance. Ciara's teeth had suddenly become as sharp as razors. She was missing her eyeballs, instead her eyes were filled with a black oozing liquid that was dripping slowly downwards. Her face seemed stretched and thin like somebody had taken her skull and stretched it too far. Ciara's nails were long needles, ready to pierce through the angry man's skin. The man's face grew pale and he could barely speak. 

"She DID apologize." Ciara said with a wide smile full of razor sharp teeth. 

"That she did." The fearful man agreed, "I uh, change my mind. I forgive you. Don't worry about it!"

With that, Ciara's regular beautiful appearance returned. Her eyes were normal again, any ooze had vanished completely. She had a regular face and her nails drew back to their original size. She was a beautiful young woman again, instead of a thin horrible beast. Ciara didn't know exactly what Myouga was up to, but she seemed intent on making things right. The fae woman had decided she liked Myouga, therefore anybody who got into the girl's way would also be getting in Ciara's way. And that was a dangerous decision for any being. 

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