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Author: Randal_Wraith, Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 7:19 PM, Post Subject: Cold Night, Warm Hearts [O/Event]

As soon as her sentence ended his grin grew from ear to ear as he started peppering her with kisses "I love you so much Mrs Hex" he whispered into her hair as the smell of trees and the odd aroma of flowers still wafted into him, of course, any normal person would find it messy but due to all the time she spends outside or working with plants Randal was surprised she managed to comb a lot of it out for tonight which normally resulted in broken brushes and alot of swearing, the bad mouth was the mage as he had many brushes thrown at him in small shots of anger from such a tiny woman, the man was so deep in their own little pocket dimension he didnt even realise that the few people that had heard the response was clapping and smiling but Randal simply leaned down resting his forehead against her's with a smile on his face kissing her nose or cheek whenever he saw the chance.

He kept poorly dancing watching the few remaining guests leave, the empty hall with a few people left swaying or simply asleep through too much drinking as he rose a hand to brush back a strand of her hair from her face "You ready to go home, my wonderful wife" he softly kissed her cheek before heading towards the door waving kindly to one of the servers who looked angry at having to tidy up the mass of mints that had not been eaten or taken home before stepping into a carriage, the seats where leather but still hard but nothing mattered as he entwined his fingers with Wen's and beckoned "Home to Adeluna, Please" with a large smile. 

Author: ILoveIcees, Posted: Sat Dec 9, 2017 11:53 AM, Post Subject: Cold Night, Warm Hearts [O/Event]

A bright green blush spread across her face at the compliment, but as she opened her mouth to protest, she found herself caught in a warm kiss. Randal knew full well that she could not resist him when he got like this. Elowen didn't say a word while they reentered the cathedral, merely biting her lip to keep her smile from growing too wide. She laughed at his silly comment about predators; most people did not try to approach her when she was with the mage, probably since they could clearly see that they were partners. "You know I'd never go off with someone else. You can barely survive two minutes in a crowd without my help," teased the Dryad, smirking up at him as she snaked her arms around his torso. When they were so close, she had to practically lean her head all the way back to see his face.

"Of course," she replied, resting her head on his chest. "Randal, I would be honored to become Elowen Hex." Wen grinned into his shirt, bits of twigs and leaves clinging to it as they fell out of her green hair. Gently, she began picking the plants off, allowing them to fall to the floor below. "I love you, dear," she whispered softly. They did not go together too often on adventures any more, but when they did, it was usually a rather big journey such as this. And they usually involved romantic gestures, so she could not say that his proposal was entirely unexpected.

Author: Randal_Wraith, Posted: Fri Dec 8, 2017 7:16 PM, Post Subject: Cold Night, Warm Hearts [O/Event]

He nodded "And in some sort of sick twisted way, it would be my Job to remove them" he looked down at his signet ring with a sigh before looking back at Dryad with a small smile as she scolded him "Even while trying to be serious, you still look beautiful in that dress" fully knowing that his partner was still not well adjusted with sudden compliments and flirts, thinking back its how he's managed to get away with a lot of jobs around the house, tapping his chin with a smirk before he slid off his coat sliding it over her shoulders and pulling her closer to lay a kiss on her whispering "Lets head back inside before you get hyperthermia".

Randal pulled her inside grinning widely before wrapping his arms around her waist "now since I have the obvious best date to this ball, I have to shoo away the predators" he chuckled rubbing the back of his head "I think I may of drunk too much wine after all Wen, but I really glad I came to this thing with you" he then looked to the ceiling where the floating child once was before finishing with a question "You know you were saying something before I was pulled away?"

Author: ILoveIcees, Posted: Fri Dec 8, 2017 11:31 AM, Post Subject: Cold Night, Warm Hearts [O/Event]

Wen crossed her arms with a small sigh, watching him storm off through the crowd. Her heart hurt for him, but she was not going to let him wallow in self-pity the entire night. With a quick apology to those around who had seen the whole thing, Elowen followed Randal outside, where she could now feel the freezing air. Pulling her shawl around her shoulders, she went to stand next to the mage. At his comment about his parents, she frowned. She couldn't relate to his sentiment, having no parents to think of, but she still gave him a look of sympathy and hesitantly placed a hand on his arm. "And what if they are? Does that mean they cannot move on, that they're stuck here?" she asked earnestly. Despite being with him for so long, Wen's understanding of 'ghosts' was not the best.

The Dryad looked out upon sparkling white snow, wondering what he could see that she couldn't. "Your outburst at that man was uncalled for, Randal," she scolded. "But… I can see why his words would make you upset. I'm sorry." Wen pulled her hand back, clutching to the shawl on her shoulders for warmth. Her breath was visible against the night sky, and she really wanted to go back inside to the warmth and light.

Author: Randal_Wraith, Posted: Thu Dec 7, 2017 1:14 PM, Post Subject: Cold Night, Warm Hearts [O/Event]

He pushed her hand off his chest before walking to the table downing the rest of his glass of wine looking back with a glare "My head feels so empty without him, every day I expect him to remind me to get up or not to chew random herbs, heck I even trip over my own feet because he's not there to tell me to watch out for a damn box" his eyes stung with salty tears letting them roll down his cheek "He was ripped from my head Wen, Im glad he's finally with his family but Ive lost a part of me, something that made me who I was inside, and if I get upset at the mention of a Wraith, it is not Edgest because he wasnt a damn wraith. He was my friend and a human!" grabbing the half-empty bottle of wine he turned a walked into the crowd wiping his eyes with his shirt sleeve leaving through the large doors.

The cold wind on his face relaxed him not feeling the stinging of the strong gusts but the comfort almost homely feeling from the temperature change as he lifted the bottle up to take a mouthful of the bitter drink pulling a face before reaching up and pulling the tie looser, it had only been a couple months since Edgest had gotten his wish through unlikely methods having the two of them torn apart by a spirit's power and now he could feel the scar it had left the ebbing flow of his mana filling his own, one last gift from the Wraith that he could never remove, but then the sight he caused made him chuckle loudly as he saw ghostly images of knights and all sorts of villagers wander aimlessly across the mountain tops and down the path, they wouldnt bother anyone unless they knew he could see him, knowing the Dryad would have followed him he spoke loudly "I sometimes wonder if my parents are ghosts out there you know?"

Author: ILoveIcees, Posted: Wed Dec 6, 2017 10:41 PM, Post Subject: Cold Night, Warm Hearts [O/Event]

The Dryad giggled, but was still confused by the question. Perhaps marriage was simply something she had yet to grasp, because Elowen had thought that their relationship had always just implied that they would one day be married. For the sake of entertaining his thoughts, however, she smiled brightly and happily nodded in affirmation. "Of course I–" Her answer was abruptly cut off by Randal being dragged away by a quite obviously drunken nobleman. Sighing heavily, Wen once again shimmied through the now even more densely crowded cathedral, denying multiple offers to dance that she normally would have been eager to accept. "Pardon me. Excuse me. Just looking for someone," she mumbled, finally making it to where Randal was apparently having a rough time.

"Randal!" Wen called with a tone of warning while she shoved herself between him and the nobleman. After pressing her palm to his chest with a steel glare, the Dryad turned to the man with an apologetic smile. "I am so sorry, sir. My partner is not in a good state of mind at the moment." She imitated drinking a glass of wine, and that was enough to send the inebriated man away with a minor huff. Whipping around to face the mage, her expression softened, and she placed one hand on his shoulder. "You miss him, I know," she whispered, keeping her voice low. "But you cannot let the simple mention of him upset you like this."

Author: Randal_Wraith, Posted: Wed Dec 6, 2017 3:14 PM, Post Subject: Cold Night, Warm Hearts [O/Event]

Randal tilted his head just in time to see the sweets being poured over the floor with a smile he turned back "That little kid sure seems to make life interesting for everyone, but you think she realises its easier to find her now right?" he laughed before listeningto her joke with mock shock waving a hand "Pffft maybe I have, you dont know what I do when Im out the house" kissing her cheek and resting his chin ontop of her head "But sadly I wasnt planning, I was asking, Elowen will you make me the happiest mage in the exsistence of Caneulx and be my bride" he smiled sheepishly rubbing his neck before suddenly being whisked away by the same Noble as before as the large brutish man laughed about having an ale with him. 

To say he was miffed was an understatement and now that he was stuck toning out the chubby man's story about boar hunting he tried to stick his head above the crowd to point out his green partner hoping the situation hadn't somehow made her think he ran off, but the next sentence turned his blood cold as the rich man spoke openly "So wheres the Wraith?" The young mage snapped around slamming his palm against the wooden table letting frost seep around the spot of his hand as his eyes glowed faint blue, "He's gone, just like you will be if you ask that question again" his voice taking an echo to it not unlike Edgest's use to be before he left but it still held enough seriousness to inject intimidation to most people. 

Author: ILoveIcees, Posted: Tue Dec 5, 2017 5:01 PM, Post Subject: Cold Night, Warm Hearts [O/Event]

"Oh, I'm sure she is here, somewhere," her eyes scanned the room quickly for a moment, but instead of spotting the goddess, she caught sight of the now floating girls. She laughed into her hands, watching as she sang herself to sleep midair, dropping all of her sweets down to the children below. Wen actually considered running over to join the group and collect more of the candies, but she could not leave Randal alone again. So she just popped one of the mints into her mouth and swayed to the calming music, keeping an eye on the commotion over the mage's shoulder.

An eyebrow quirked upwards. "Why would you marry anyone but me? Were you planning on asking someone else?" she asked, playfully shoving his shoulders. Elowen took in the sight of the cathedral surrounding them and breathed in the air. "But yes, someplace like this would be nice. Preferably outdoors… perhaps not as big," she mused thoughtfully, trying to imagine an ideal place for marriage. "And definitely with this much excitement." She chuckled as she watched the poor girl loosely float around the room. Should she have helped? No, someone else seemed to be searching for her; possibly a guardian. Either way, she would certainly not be hard to miss.

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Tue Dec 5, 2017 4:35 PM, Post Subject: Cold Night, Warm Hearts [O/Event]

"Ahh~ Gingerbread and cider is so goood." Up above, a small figure was drifting along in the air dangerously close to the ceiling. The rainbow wings of her enchanted armor kept her from falling down onto the unsuspecting dancers and alternatively provided her with a nice view. While she flew in circles, a few goldfish mints would leak out of her bag to drop into the crowd. The children were especially happy at this, and they were following wherever the little mage went. After her tenth cup of cider she was feeling so warm and happy. Munching on the lower half of a gingerbread man, she pushed herself away from the wall and spun around like floating kite. Meanwhile a young blonde woman in a pink silk and satin gown was moving through the people frantically searching for something.

"Professor, where are you?! Oh, pardon me but have you seen  a child wearing a red hat and coat about this height? She has short black hair and white boots. No? Oh…Thank you anyway." Somehow that voice sounded really familiar, but as all the alcohol and sugar she had taken in on an empty stomach was starting to take their toll she didn't realize who that was."Wheee~ Silver bells…silver beeeeells…" With the drowsiness finally overtaking her, she went limp as she floated around the hall in orbit. With her grip on the bag finally giving way, a shower of candies began falling–leading to resounding cheers from the eager children below. "It's raining sweets! Look Ma!" "They're fishies!"

There was a small commotion as people began to stop and stare upward, pointing and exclaiming at the absurd sight. There was a small floating person high up, asleep. This gave the dryad and mage a bit more privacy as the crowds moved to get a better look at this new spectacle.

Author: Randal_Wraith, Posted: Tue Dec 5, 2017 3:19 PM, Post Subject: Cold Night, Warm Hearts [O/Event]

The second most eventful thing of the night had just happened when Randal was pelted with a few mints causing him to once against wince and trip over his own feet causing him to back into an angry looking nobleman with a look of fake innocence the young mage was quickly tugged away back into whatever dance this was before he heard the angels voice pierce through the crowd and take over the noblewoman's place causing his smile to grow tenfold "Well I mean I am the last Hex" he said with a chuckle before kissing her nose lightly wrapping his arms round her waist, "Thanks for convincing me to come or I would have missed being pelted by sweets" the young maged said in mock sarcasam, swaying to the music with her.

After a few minutes of just listening to the music he spoke up "Its weird, but when I was little my mother would talk about how she got married in a building like this" he hummed "I kinda see the attraction to it, maybe I look a place like this up for whenever we get married… I mean whenever I get married or something" he coughed awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck before putting a mint into his mouth just to stop him from rambling before asking "Did you see Angela yet, I thought since she had a dish she might have been here for you" entwining his fingers with her with a small smile.

Author: ILoveIcees, Posted: Mon Dec 4, 2017 11:51 PM, Post Subject: Cold Night, Warm Hearts [O/Event]

Seeing Randal struggle helplessly on the dance floor, Elowen could not help but laugh at her partner's social ineptitude. Obviously, he had never been taught how to properly lead, though she assumed the boisterous woman would have been difficult to deal with either way. Upon thinking of his past, her features softened, and she glanced down at where he wore his family crest. Surely it brought up painful memories, but she hoped that it would also bring him some joy. Her smile became more sincere seeing him dressed nicely and allowing himself to be social. Wen took a long sip of her drink, enjoying the taste while the music echoed throughout the room and drifted to her ears. Unconsciously, the Dryad began swaying to the merry tune.

Eventually, the drink in her glass began to dwindle, so Wen decided to go and rescue the poor mage. "Excuse me. Pardon me, ma'am," she said politely as she slipped through the crowd. When she began to near Randal, a small girl crossed her path and shoved some mints at her. Part of her was confused, but she mostly just felt light and happy, the girl's song lifting her spirits for some unknown reason. "Thank you, and have a merry evening!" Smiling brightly, she made her way to Randal, tapping his current partner's shoulder. "May I cut in?" With a nod, the woman heartily shook the mage's hand and went on her way. Wen was quick to fill in her place, gently placing her hands on his shoulders. "Well, now," she started, giggling, "looks like you are quite popular tonight, hm?"

Author: Hanaoni, Posted: Mon Dec 4, 2017 6:44 PM, Post Subject: Cold Night, Warm Hearts [O/Event]

In the midst of the dance floor, a small figure marched through singing rather boisterously. A small sack filled with sweets was in her hands as she sang at the top of her lungs: "Here we come a-wassailing among the leaves so greeeen~ Here we come a wandering, so fair to be seen! Love and joy come to you, and to you your wassail too–and Reverie bless you and send you a happy new year! And Reverie bless you and send you a happy new yeaaaarrr!" Whilst she was caroling she began stuffing handfuls of wrapped candies into people's pockets and hands as she passed by. Sounds of exclamation and puzzlement were heard as she passed through while the little arcanist herself didn't seem to notice one bit on the disturbance she was causing. She was in a bright red fluffy coat, in the loudest and brightest colors she could find in her closet. A crimson velvet hat topped off with white fur sat above her short black hair. And as if that wasn't enough, she was wearing a pair of fake reindeer antlers wrapped in tinsel because she could.

While she made her rounds, people nearby were getting caught up in her spell becoming involuntarily influenced by an overarching sense of holiday cheer. Pausing her singing, she shouted: "Free mints! Here have one! Have ten!" She was super happy today. Myouga finally was able to take as many cups of mulled wine, hard cider, and hot chocolate as she wanted without anyone stopping her. No more insensitive people asking for her age, and no need for getting a friend to sneak some drinks past the bartender. Holidays were the best time of the year! Due to a mix of the drinks and sugar, Myouga failed to read the situation on the dance floor and proceeded to pop up right next to a dancing couple, grinning from ear to ear. "Happy holidays! Here have a mint! It's on the house!" She was already shoving a few goldfish-shaped candies into their hands as her face was plastered with that goofy smile of hers. 

Having imposed upon them, she saluted and proceeded to march away humming carols as she went. As the little mage slowly disappeared into the crowds, one could hear her saying: "You get a mint–and you get a mint! Everybody gets a mint! Here we come a-wassailing, wassailing, wassailing! Here we come a-wassailing all through the morniiiing~" Thanks to her oni heritage, she could handle her alcohol quite well despite her petite size. However that didn't mean she couldn't get completely sloshed if she put enough of the stuff in her.

Author: Randal_Wraith, Posted: Mon Dec 4, 2017 5:52 PM, Post Subject: Cold Night, Warm Hearts [O/Event]

Running his hand across the cold stone feeling the snow run through his fingers, he was slowly gaining a natural resistance against the cold it seemed since Edgest had left his body, but the weather did nothing to stop him from staring at Elowen with a small smile it wasn't very often the mage got to see his partner in a dress but when he did it was always a worthwhile sight. However, the thing Randal didn't like was parties and socialising and from what the Dryad had told him it's very likely that this thing contains both of them, but all that left his mind when seeing the large Cathedral really did take his breath away, of course all the paintings and drawings didn't do the cold stone justice with its design and its intimidating size.

he replied with a smile, "I mean Ill still have to talk to random people" stroking her hand before letting it slide from his grip as she weaved through the crowd leaving the young mage to nervously tug at the tie he had somehow been convinced would be a good idea and make him look posher to everyone around, he had even put his families Signet ring on which had been sitting in a decorated box at home but he would never expect it to attract so much attention even resulting in a rather round man walking up to him happily gorging himself on a plate of food "I know that crest from anywhere, you must be a Hex how is the old couple havent seen them in almost ten years" Randal seemed flustered waving his hands before frowning, "Im afraid Im the only one left si-" he was dragged off to be forcefully danced with by a rather exspensive looking lady as he was pulled across the room with poorly placed dancing and stepping of toes he could really only hope Wen would come and save him from this living hell he had been trapped in.

Author: ILoveIcees, Posted: Sun Dec 3, 2017 9:18 PM, Post Subject: Cold Night, Warm Hearts [O/Event]

Snow was still a relatively foreign concept to Elowen. Not that she had never experienced it before, because she had. Never to the extent at which it fell in the mountains, though. All things considered, the Dryad should have been freezing. The only thing covering her up was her dress and her shawl, neither of which were very thick. However, although she was quite cold, she could barely focus on that fact, distracted by the beauty and colorfulness of Reverie's Cathedral. Of course, she had read about the area in many of their books, but no words could have ever captured the magnificence of it all. Wind blew against her face and threatened to pull her hair out of the twist she had so carefully tied it into earlier, though she didn't seem to notice, merely staring in awe at the festivities before her.

Grinning widely, Wen immediately latched onto Randal's arm when she finally returned to her senses. "Now, aren't you glad we made the trip to Parvpora?" she teased, kissing him quickly on the cheek before abandoning him to go mingle around the room. She exchanged a few greetings with merry people, effortlessly weaving her way through the crowd as she had taught herself to do at social gatherings. Part of her felt bad for leaving the mage to find his own way through, but Wen knew that it would be good for him, since he was naturally inclined to avoid socialization at all costs. Eventually, she made her way over to the buffet table, where she was disinterested in most of the food, only briefly stopping at Angela's dish to admire it. Then, she got to the drinks, some of which she had tried in her few ventures into pubs. Picking up a glass of wine, she stood next to the table for a moment to study the scenery.

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