Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Bryce Trivon, Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 5:31 PM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

The fact that she trained the wolf demonstrated her talent with animals. Then there was the strange owl who apparently showed up when some woman named Angela gave birth. It was strange but he couldn't give any explanation for it. Perhaps the owl just appeared for no reason at all? Animals were incredibly unpredictable. He genuinely didn't realize he had been asking so many questions, as he was genuinely curious about her and wanted to know more. Suddenly, she began asking him a whole bunch of questions. It was only fair, as he had barely explained anything about himself.

"I am the youngest son of Baroness Isabelot Thiphania Trivon of Adeluna." He said the mouthful of his mother's name, "I have four siblings but have only ever met my brothers. My oldest brother Clifton is the smartest of my siblings, though that is like being the tallest of dwarfs. My second eldest sibling is Bentley and few things go on inside his head except for jousting and tournaments. The third is Layne and he has charm on his side but doesn't know when to quite. Then there's Mariana…..she disappeared before I was born so I never had the chance to meet her. So that's my family."

Bryce took off his signet ring and handed it over to Raziel so she could feel it. The ring was made of fine silver and had a beautiful design carved into the metal. There was a sparrow perched with a depiction of the sun behind it. This was their family crest and the symbol that indicated who they were for all nobility. This had been their crest for many generations and each member of the house of Trivon had that symbol.

"This is our family crest. The sparrow represents hard work and productivity while the sun represents power and growth."
He explained, "These are the ideals we try to live up to and encourage for our people. Only direct daughters and sons of the baron or baroness receive these. We use them to sign documents and they are difficult to create so we don't have to worry as much about forgeries. I brought mine to sign one of the documents for the trade deal."

He then remembered that she had asked about his trade deal. It was difficult to talk about such a deal, since it was fairly dull. There were thousands of terms and conditions he had to sift through during the setup of the agreement before he even came to the city. Then there was the endless talk and political discussions where he had to be polite and courteous while maintaining a firm stance. To him, it was a delicate dance but to anybody else it would seem completely boring.

"I'm afraid its not as interesting as it may sound."
He said with a slight chuckle, "Basically I had to go through the papers and agreements before I even came. Then upon arrival I was treated as a guest in this merchant's household. There was food, dancing, and some singers to entertain but the heart of the deal was when I sat down with the merchant, he tried to sell me on this deal. Twenty percent off for all products being sold to the Baroness' land in exchange for lower import taxes. He must have thought me an idiot! That percentage is not the equivalent of the taxes. The sale would help short term wealth for our people since they would save more coin but the loss of taxes to be used for public systems such as schools, parks, and food storage would damage them in the long run."

He had gone on a rant, passion filling his eyes as he explained this to Raziel. Bryce had forgotten that not everybody was aware of economics of trade and how to deal with merchants. She was a healer, and though she was very intelligent it was doubtful that she had any experience in economics. But he didn't seem to notice and just rambled on as though she would understand it all.

Author: Raziel, Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 7:01 PM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

While she worked the oils into her skin, Raziel opened her senses up to the breeze as it whispered through the tree above them. The leaves rustled softly as the willow branches swayed gently. Birds twittered in the warm afternoon sun. The distant calls of merchants and people chatting reminded her that people usually had a laundry list of things to accomplish, tasks to complete. Bryce would be no different, yet he was lazily spending his time with her. Would he catch some kind of flak for showing her an act of kindness?

Raziel smirked toward Bryce with a small shake of her head. "Is this some kind of interview?" she joked with a small laugh. "But, to answer your question, it used to be both. Always searching for something but couldn't ever catch more than a whisper of it. Now that the original task is complete, I'm mostly just exploring. The mountains… The mountains may have been my home growing up, but they no longer have hold of my heart as they once did." At the mention of the animals, Mikhail sat up, his tail thumping the earth excitedly.

The wolf stood and approached, laying back down with his head in Raziel's lap, who jumped in response before settling back into a relaxed state. "Mikhail is not the first wolf I've trained, and likely will not be the last. I've always had a wolf by my side to be my eyes, my shield. Mikhail was a gift since Xander was… taken from me. Azula is a mystery, however." Raziel could almost hear Fenriz's voice as he talked about Azula when she suddenly came to them. "One day, around the time Lady Angela was giving birth I believe, Azula appeared and never left. But… I owe her my life. Without her, I wouldn't be here today, and Mikhail would grow up wild." How far had Azula flown when the angel was kidnapped to find the one person they both knew could save her? How had Ensarrian even understand Azula to save her?

With a sigh, Raziel clasped her hands together and plopped them into her lap as she deliberately turned her dead gaze to his direction. "You have heard so much about me, but I know nothing of you! The son of a baroness, was it? Do you have sisters? How many brothers exactly? What are some of the tasks of a baron… But I think my most important question is… What exactly do you do for your family with the trade deals?" She wanted to hear him, his voice while she painted a mental picture of him. But there was another question that burned deeper, brighter. It was more personal, one she did not ask of many people. Ensarrian had been the last and even that had been some time ago. So Raziel tucked it away, trying to ignore it… for now.

Author: Bryce Trivon, Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 12:18 AM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

At first he believed the discussion was too difficult for her to talk about but then she began to explain more. Bryce listened quietly with his attention fully on her. He wasn't even eating at this point as he was too invested in her conversation to care about that. The noble couldn't imagine Raziel behaving with any arrogance or confidence. She always seemed to be meek and mild, with a dash of confidence. Then again, he'd seen how people change and adjust with time. Anything could make people change be it a small word or a huge event. Raziel told of how the children kept getting sick and how both of them ended up dead. She seemed to blame herself for the entire event and has never used magic for healing again. Her breath was sharp and she could only whisper as she pulled out a small bottle of a clear liquid and poured oil onto her seized fingers.

"It's alright. No need to apologize." Bryce said, "That sounds like it was a very difficult experience."

The noble couldn't imagine what that must have felt like but….he would someday. Ruling over an amount of land and people was a difficult job. If he ever began a leader, he would have to deal with the consequences of his actions. All it took was one mistake or one misstep and a person's life would be shattered. Byrce took his job very seriously but he knew he wasn't perfect and one day he would make a selfish decision that would ruin another life.

"So you now travel if I am remembering correctly?"
He mentioned, "Are you traveling to any specific place or just exploring?"

The atmosphere was growing grim and he didn't want to make her feel worse by digging up past trauma. Bryce had listened well but he knew the difficulty of bringing up past emotional experiences. If one wasn't careful, one could overdo it.

"What about your animal friends? How did they come about?"
Bryce inquired.

Author: Raziel, Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 11:23 AM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

As she gave him a demure smile at his comment, Raziel noticed the lack of nervous energy between them. They were creating a relaxing atmosphere. There was no judging or any disturbing signs, nothing that set off senses to retreat. She blinked as something light touched her nose, tickling her slightly. Regardless of not being able to see it, she held her breath as Bryce chuckled. As suddenly as it was there, it was gone. The chance to ask what it was nonexistent as a question kept the topic upon herself.

Raziel shook her head lightly. "You assumed correctly, but it was a rather difficult lesson to lead to that decision." She picked up a strawberry and began to idly pick off the sepals slowly. At first, it was as if she wasn't going to talk about the lesson at all until she began to speak hesitantly. "I had been debating the topic with my mentor heavily when… a set of sickly twin orphans came into our care." Raziel swallowed hard, trying to keep the lump from forming in her throat as it always did when she merely thought of the twins.

"My mentor suggested I heal one with magic while he healed the other with herbology. I was arrogant and confident. The twins thought it was cruel, and perhaps it was… To have one healthy while the other slowly healed. Over time, the twins kept getting sick. We kept to our deal. I began to notice that each time they got sick, the one healed with magic seemed more sick than the last… Until one day… the child… was… before we noticed they were sick again…" With all the sepals picked off, Raziel began to pick at the stem as her dead eyes sadly gazed at absolutely nothing. "The body did not have the chance to build up defenses. It relied too heavily on the magic… Three days later, the other child took their own life, and I swore never again."

Not even for herself did she allow such luxuries of a quick heal. Her body reminded her of this as a hand seized, resulting in a sharp intake of breath. "I'm sorry… give me a moment…" she nearly whispered. Replacing the berry back on the plate, the angel reached into her bag and pulled a small bottle out with an almost clear liquid inside, her thumb carefully running over the surface of the bottle. The angel had to use her teeth to help uncork the bottle. A cautious sniff at the contents double verified it was indeed what she sought. She poured a small amount of the eucalyptus oil onto her hand, carefully corked the bottle back and began rubbing the oil into her seized fingers. It was bad enough to be blind… but someone tried to blind her further and nearly destroyed the angel's occupation in the process.

Author: Bryce Trivon, Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:34 PM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

A part of Bryce doubted that he would ever see that side of Raziel. She was sweet and nice and he wasn't planning to do anything to provoke her. Even then he couldn't imagine her saying any curses or even raising her voice. Then again, everybody had a side that they kept hidden. He continued to eat the rest of his sandwich as he listened to her explanation. Apparently it all started with her mother who told stories about herself and her husband, or at least that is what he assumed given the context clues. She also played an instrument, which increased Bryce's interest. A woman who healed and had talent in the musical arts.

"That's a lovely tale. And it would explain your dedication to your craft."
Bryce commented.

For some reason, talking to her seemed to calm his mind. Bryce didn't have to worry about reading between her words nor about saying the correct things. And she enjoyed talking so he didn't have to worry about dodging uncomfortable questions. Suddenly he spotted a white butterfly fluttering in the air and landing directly on Raziel's nose. Bryce chuckled for a moment before waving the butterfly away. He realized that he had gotten a little close and quickly backed off. Bryce was trying to change the subject so he moved on to something strange he noticed.

"If you don't mind my asking, why did you decide on herbal medicine?"
He asked, "I presume that's the path you've chosen since you haven't mentioned much about your magical abilities. Did I assume too much?"

The noble hadn't noticed any mention of healing magic so he had to assume she didn't know any. However, she had just mentioned learning magic so it was safe to assume it had something to do with healing. Yet she only talked about natural ways of healing.

Author: Raziel, Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 12:00 PM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

The utensils in her hand recalled some memories she had completely forgotten about. Memories of her mother teaching her how to be a proper lady. Raziel remembered wondering how her mother had learned the qualities that set a lady apart from most. ”You’d be surprised what each plant can do. It all can be used from its leaves to its roots.” The edge of her fork found the plate gently and slid until it found the sandwich. It guided the positioning of her knife before she gently pierced the sandwich to keep it all together as she cut.

His words complimented her, causing her to blush profusely as she forced herself to swallow her food. ”You flatter me, but you have yet to see my bedside manners with stubborn and difficult patients.” Ian had been one of the few to push her so far as to see that side of her, regardless of who the patient actually was. Raziel understood his pain in the moment, but his worry for the patient could not sway her decision. Her knife paused in cutting the next bit when he asked about her interest in medicine, something no one has asked her before.

The only way to explain it would have to start at the beginning. Raziel had a ghost of a smile as she thought fondly at the stories for the thousandth time. ”When I was small, my mother started telling me these grand, amazing adventures of an angel and a nymph. They traveled everywhere together. After harrowing battles against forces of evil, she would tend to his wounds, patch him up before the next battle.” A breeze gently whispered through the tree, almost as if her mother’s spirit was there with them.

”Soon, my imagination became greater than my ability to practice an instrument. The angels and my mother both believed it would be good to learn a skill that would better serve me more practically as well as keep me busy. So I chose to pick up healing to be like the nymph healer of my mother's stories.” Raziel sipped cautiously on her cider as she considered the next part. ”They taught me everything. Surgery, herbology… even magic. But even as the lands came to know me by my ability, it didn’t really help as they thought it would.”

Author: Bryce Trivon, Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 12:47 PM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

Raziel mentioned how beautiful the city of Adeluna was and Bryce let her. The truth was, he was talking about the manor since as a noble, he couldn't always go out. Work filled his schedule and when there wasn't work, there were connections to build and many other things to do. She talked about the salt, aroma of spices, and floral scents. All things he didn't have time to indulge in. He was making time now for her but he would have to make it up later. Bryce began to unpack the food. He placed a plate in front of her then began to fill it with the food and fill a teacup with the sweet apple cider. She had a sandwich and some chocolate-dipped strawberries on her plate.

"A weeping willow can do so much? I had no idea." He said as he handed her the utensils.

Once he was done serving up her food, he grabbed a plate for himself. Bryce took the other sandwich and some strawberries along with a teacup of apple cider. Mikhail was cooling in the shade while Raziel began to talk about nobility. She talked about how there were rumors and scorn of the commoners who called nobles arrogant, egotistical, and snake-like. Bryce couldn't disagree with any of that. Even as she was complimenting him, he knew that he was a snake himself. He actively engaged in politics to bring more power to his province and benefits to his people. The only way to do that was to become a snake himself. Slither into the opponents den and strike them where it would destroy them. He knew how to tear someone apart using only a few words and how to earn people's trust.

"That's very kind of you." Bryce said, "You are very charming yourself. I daresay you are sweeter than these strawberries."

Around Raziel, it seemed he didn't need to be a snake. That ruthless part of him didn't need to be called out. He took a fork and knife and cut his sandwich into little bits. Using the fork, he at his sandwich. Holding things with their fingers were against the etiquette of nobility. Perhaps at personal parties they would intake on food with tiny sticks, but otherwise they would use utensils.

"If I may ask, why do you hold such an interest in medicine?"
He inquired, "What is it about that field that draws you so?"

Author: Raziel, Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:02 PM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

He earnestly apologized, but he was also wrong. The memories weren't sour. She just missed her mother. For two years, she searched high and low for her sister and father, unaware of their relationship to her while her mother was in magical suspension. "No, you're fine, Bryce. It's just been a hard time for me since I left home." Raziel used the handkerchief and returned it with expressed gratitude. Then they were on land once again and Raziel turned her attention away from the past. Dwelling on it nearly killed her once, she won't do it again. So she began to make an educated guess as to Bryce's lot in life.

Raziel listened as he spoke. "I think your wrong," she began softly. "About its beauty. Your home has a lovely scent of salt that permeates everything. It has a lovely aroma of spices that are imported and peddled by your merchants. The gardens provide a floral scent and a cool place to sit and relax. Adeluna is a lovely city… When I'm not getting in people's way." Yes, she had been there once. Unfortunately, she was nearly run over by a cart. The stone pathway broke way to soft grass, announcing to her that they reached the park. Azula took flight and disappeared from Raziel's limited interaction with the world. "You have my permission to frolic, Mikhail." But he remained by her side.

Bryce told her they made it to the spot he found for their picnic. Long, leafy stems dragged across her wings, causing her to pause and grasp one. Her delicate fingers felt of the leaves, taking in the details. "It's a weeping willow. Decent for staunching bleeds, also reducing fevers, among other various ailments." Raziel stood patiently as she heard ripples of fabric in the air. She smiled gently in the direction of his voice and held out her hand toward him. After she was seated on the blanket, her legs daintily tucked beside her, Raziel found herself thinking about nobles in general.

Mikhail found a spot nearby in the shade to lay and spread out, his watchful gaze observing everything in the park. "You know… You are not what I expected a noble to be at all. I thought Amen-Ra and Zehrili were exceptions to the rumors and scorn of the commoners where nobles are arrogant, egotistical, rich… snakes." Raziel paused only to find a less offensive term than what she heard. "But you… You're kind, sweet, generous… Considerate. I'd say I was dreaming of an idealistic fantasy of them if I didn't know better." She blushed again.

Author: Bryce Trivon, Posted: Sun Aug 9, 2020 11:52 PM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

Bryce could tell by the shift in her tone that he may have opened up some old wounds. Her description of her home was beautiful but there was a sadness underneath her words. Raziel's hands fidgeted with her necklace, showing her anxiety growing. Then she mentioned how she missed her mother's cooking. Only then did Bryce realize that is probably was a painful memory and now he'd just made the young woman cry! He quickly reached into his pocket and gave her a silk white handkerchief to help her dry her eyes. Mikhail, her timberwolf, seemed to catch right away the mood shift.

"My apologies, I didn't mean to bring up any sour memories." Bryce said earnestly.

He helped her out of the boat once they reached the other side. Her mood seemed to rise quickly and she began to guess more about Bryce. She was quick to figure out his position of being close to nobility. In fact he was a noble, but he was debating whether or not he should tell her. When he revealed his position, people shifted their views on him. They became kinder, nicer, and more likely to try to use him. It was why he normally didn't get this deep into conversation with most.

"You're very sharp. Yes, I'm indeed a noble." He confessed, "One of the many sons of a baroness. Though I must admit, my home is hardly as beautiful has what yours seems to be. To be honest, the best part about the place is the town. When I have time, I sometimes just like to watch the people go about their regular business. It's like seeing another world to me even though its right outside the manor."

They were drawing closer to the park. His eyes quickly scanned the area for a spot that would suit them best. Trying to avoid areas with other people or dogs, he spotted a place right underneath a weeping willow tree. Gently guiding Raziel, he walked towards the area and let her know when they arrived. Placing down the basket, Bryce realized they were missing some sort of blanket to cover the scratchy grass. Using his left hand he summoned a blue and white picnic blanket and gently placed it down on the ground.

"I think we're ready to bring out the food." He said.

Author: Raziel, Posted: Sun Aug 9, 2020 10:56 PM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

The couple made it onto a boat, a sudden sullen mood having descended upon the angel as she robotically accepted his aid onto it. Thinking about the things that made the place her home opened a fresh wound back up… The wound of saying goodbye to her mother for the last time. "Despite the freezing air that attempts to steal your breath away, there was always a cozy atmosphere. The greenhouses were always so warm and earthy, the underground storage smelled of herbs. I'm not sure how many people could tell, but when the skies were clear, and the sun high, I could smell the winterberries and the blue flowers that grew in the impossible conditions. That… That was the most heavenly."

As the boat gently swayed, gliding through the current, Raziel found herself fidgeting with her necklace again. "But I think the best part was coming home after a hard day of studies to my mother's cooking. It's about the only thing I miss." She gave a sad smile before wiping away at her eyes, dashing the tears away before they could grace her cheeks. "I'm sorry. It's hard sometimes, thinking about her." Mikhail put his head on her lap with a whimper, earning him a scratch behind the ears. "Don't worry, Mikhail. I'm fine." But he didn't believe her.

The boat made dock on the other side, allowing them time to depart from the water vessel. For a moment, Raziel closed her eyes and took a deep breath to steady herself. "There's nothing like firm ground underfoot," she said with a giggle before hugging his arm a bit closer. There was something about sharing that little insight into her world that made her appreciate his company even more. "So, Adeluna? Let me think… You sound educated, listening to me prattle on with herbology. So you're not a son of a farmer. Normally, trades deals by merchants are done in town, if the angels taught me properly. I'd say you're either working for a noble, or you are one yourself. Am I close?"

Author: Bryce Trivon, Posted: Sat Aug 8, 2020 11:17 PM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

Deities always worked outside most regular rules so he wasn't surprised when he heard the potion's powers were ineffective against the powers of a deity. He listened as she explained her theory on on the the elixirs and specifically the banshee tear. Her words gave away to the intelligence hidden just beneath the layer of humbleness. And Raziel led him through the conversation in a way that made it easier for him to follow. Other healers and alchemists he'd listened to jumped straight into the technical details while she made sure he knew enough to follow along.

"That makes sense."
He commented, "Well I hope your theory is correct. It would be a massive boost to the healing community's knowledge over medical practices."

Bryce listened to her describe her home as they drew closer to the boats. He could almost see the snowy mountains she described and the stained glass windows lining the street. The temple for Mother Celestial sounded heavenly and beautiful. However, there was something wrong with this description. It was all somebody else's experiences. A beautiful thing told to her by her mother but never taken in by Raziel herself.

"That sounds amazing.
" Bryce said politely, "But what was it like for you?"

He wasn't trying to be rude, he was trying to understand how the place was for her. As demonstrated earlier, Raziel seemed to take in the world in a different way. And there are different memories every person had with their hometown, not to mention every location had its own quirks and local behaviors. The visuals were nice but only one part of the world. Soon they came to the boats and he offered to help her onto one. The boats were large enough to hold up to ten people. There were larger boats down the river but they didn't really need any of those.

Author: Raziel, Posted: Sat Aug 8, 2020 10:21 PM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

Being with Bryce was easy, she decided as he tallied the price and allowed her to pay for half. It was simple, sweet, and pleasant. "Yes. And once you've lost everything… there is usually no return… All diety powers not included." She had heard of them performing their miracles. The goddess of life resurrecting the goddess of death, forging a powerful weapon to kill the eldritch creature and ultimately the goddess of death, making a man impregnatable.

"You know, I've never actually used an elixir myself. All I know is that they were created to give the imbiber a resistance against an element. But if the banshee tear can increase your resistance to ice, can it not be used to help reduce the heat of a fever, or soothe a burn? Numb pain even?" She gave the cafe employees a small bow of the head before allowing her guide to escort her out of the building. Once more, Azula and Mikhail returned to their places. To their benefit, neither made a play at the basket in Bryce's hand.

For once, someone inquired about her home. Her mother had made it a place of love and warmth. "It's cold. High up in the mountains, there is snow all year round. But the angels are so inviting. My mother described it as a city of living art. She said that most of the windows that line the street are stained glass murals of history, always shining to color the snow outside. But the temple… The temple for Mother Celestial is where all the beauty is. It houses Reverie and all her daughters hang above her. Mother said it looks like the night sky."

Author: Bryce Trivon, Posted: Sat Aug 8, 2020 9:01 PM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

He was surprised by her sense of smell. He could barely tell a croissant from a tart and yet she was able to tell every pastry just by one sniff! Bryce let her decide the recipe because he was treating her and because she would know the best things to get. The sandwiches looked appealing and so did the chocolate-dipped strawberries. It would be his first time trying sweet apple cider, but he was up for it.

"Yes, that is an excellent selection." Bryce said, "Lets divide up the price between us."

He did the math quickly and was able to divide the price between them easily. Paying for the entire thing wouldn't have been a problem. However, he didn't want to make her feel bad since he knew many people preferred paying. Splitting it up was usually the best option. After that, he waited with her for the food to be ready. Bryce gave them a little extra if they added packed it all in a picnic basket for them. It would make getting the food to the park significantly easier.

"Interesting. So the effects are usually temporary unless all of it is taken."
He remarked, "So what about those elemental elixirs that you mentioned earlier? What is it exactly that they do?"

The cafe people were quick with getting their orders and had  a picnic basket ready for them. Bryce thanked them and carried the picnic basket on the other arm, the one that Raziel wasn't using. He escorted her out of the shop and watched as the animals went back to her side. The park wasn't too far from them now. All they had to do was take a beautiful boat ride to the other side of the river.

"You mentioned being in Zets'ki's Cradle earlier. I've never had the fortune of visiting there." Bryce said, "What is it like?"

He only just recently noticed how beautiful the day was. The wind was blowing softly and the temperature was heavenly. The trees were green and fresh while birds were soaring high above. Normally he was too busy with work to ever notice them.

Author: Raziel, Posted: Sat Aug 8, 2020 8:21 PM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

Bryce listened without interrupting her as she explained the herbs. More than that, he showed a level of retainment and possible interest as he posed another question of the subject. While Sanyi would sit and listen, she hardly asked questions at all. It was as if the wyvern was merely learning how to use the items in Raziel's bag to save people without an interest in furthering the field. Specifically Raziel so she could do the major healing without bungling things up.

Before she could answer, however, they were at the cafe. Sweet pastries almost covered the scent of the cherry blossoms. "Mikhail, best wait outside this time," she requested as Azula flew into the cherry trees. Inside, many more tantalizing aromas assaulted her nose, which was heavenly. "I can smell the croissants baking in the back. Their choices of meat are sweet and succulent, a perfect match for some of the bread they make here. And the sweets are… delectable. Is that chocolate I smell?" Raziel smiled as she ducked her head, tucking her staff into the crook of her arm to fiddle with the draconic icon on her necklace.

"Um… Those sandwiches, some of that sweet apple cider, and chocolate-dipped strawberries?" She honestly didn't mean to make it out that she was showing him up. "If, that is, okay with you?" Once everything was settled upon, she reached for her pouch to grab payment if Bryce would let her. After that, she returned to the subject before they entered. "You asked about the banshee tears causing amnesia and helping with memories, right? The potion is temporary, so the memories will flood back and be just as painful. It would be best for small doses in emergency situations so that the patient can be moved to a safe location to rehabilitate them, help them learn to deal with the pain. But if one consumes vast amounts… It has been recorded that the potion can permanently erase everything… Including long term memory."

Author: Bryce Trivon, Posted: Sat Aug 8, 2020 7:37 PM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

"That sounds like a perfect plan." Bryce said.

He listened as she began to explain each of the herbs and their uses. In reality, he didn't plan to ever use herbs or become a medic himself. However, he enjoyed it when she talked about it. Just because he didn't understand something, that didn't mean he couldn't listen. There was a passion in Raziel's voice and a confidence that he hadn't seen earlier. She was also talking about creating elemental elixirs and what herbs help with what potion. Right now, she was trying to figure out if banshee tears could be used to advance herbal healing. By the time she had finished her explanation, they had made it to the cafe he'd mentioned.

"I see. So if the banshee tears cause amnesia, can it help erase harming memories from the mind?" He inquired, "Oh and we are here by the way. Welcome to Kalinda's Cafe!"

The cafe was a small building with two cherry blossom trees next to it. In the window was a series of pastries and little desserts along with some mini sandwiches. He helped her up the steps and opened the door for her. Inside a young woman with short hair waved towards her guests from behind the counter. The scents of many delicious foods mixed in the air and in the back of the shop, they were baking more things.

"What sounds delicious to you?" He asked Raziel, "I can read their menu out loud if that would be easiest?"

He'd only just realized that she probably couldn't see all the options available.

Author: Raziel, Posted: Sat Aug 8, 2020 6:53 PM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

To her great pleasure, he agreed to spend the afternoon with her. Bryce even had suggestions for either food or a park. Both sounded appealing. If she was to leave Jayou now, Raziel would simply exit the town and open a portal for the little cottage Ian and Cecil had built for her. She would spend the rest of the afternoon in a quiet, dark house with nothing but a wolf and owl for company until someone came calling for her skills. Spending time with Bryce was a more jovial thought indeed. "Why not both? A little picnic in the park sounds nice, don't you agree?"

As they made for the cafe he had mentioned, Azula having returned to her spot on Raziel's staff, Bryce began to inquire about her purchase. This was a conversation she had extensive knowledge in, one that she could speak with confidence and authority. "I use hibiscus to decrease the pressure of one's blood in their system for various reasons. It can also be used to calm a stomach and cool a fever. Mint as well. But the mint also decreases inflammation which can cause pain or even decrease the ability to breathe. Plus mint tastes good." Raziel began with a kind tutor's voice.

"Eternal leaves have properties that can be utilized in extending one's lifetime beyond normal lengths, like adding sand to an hourglass. I know that it also has earthy elements, and if extracted properly one can use it to increase their defense against earth magic. And banshee tears have frigid elements, commonly found in elixirs to protect against the cold in Zets'Ki's Cradle or ice attacks. There is a recipe I have found that utilizes the tears to create a potion that will grant amnesia." Raziel had a desire to discover the unexplored or undocumented healing properties of virtually everything. Suddenly, she feared if she left it at that, she would make herself appear that she was doing more than just creating elemental elixirs. "Of course, I'm trying to discern if the tears can be used to advance herbal healing. It's what the angels trained me to do… Herbal healing, that is."

Author: Bryce Trivon, Posted: Sat Aug 8, 2020 6:00 PM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

Just as he was about to defend her wolf and convince the woman to let the creature in, Raziel swiftly inconvenienced the woman to let the wolf in. Bryce was somewhat impressed since Raziel's word were positioned in a way that made it almost accusatory without reaching that point. For a moment, he thought he would have to defend her once more but the angel had taken care of it. Bryce stuck around to make sure she got everything that she needed without any trouble. The truth of the matter was that Bryce was curious. He'd never met anybody like Raziel and probably wouldn't for a very long time. Soon they were done with shopping and Raziel turned to him, asking if she could accompany him.

"It would be my pleasure.
" He said genuinely, "I know a little cafe by the river with some of the most delicious of foods if you're hungry. Or we could go to one of the small parks in the area."

His day would have been filled with travel and that didn't seem to appeal to him. Now he had a fascinating stranger to talk to and spend the day with. Visiting a city alone wasn't great but with another person, it would be far more interesting. And as a baroness' son, he was used to escorting people around and entertaining them in some way. That same behavior followed him here, even if the woman in front of him wasn't a noble. He chose to leave out things like gambling since he had a feeling she wouldn't be interested.

"If I may ask, what are those ingredients for?" He inquired, "I know little of herbs but I'm curious to understand them."

Bryce remembered the smell of lavender and tulips that were used in perfumes for women. They wore it constantly along with a thousand other things. Makeup, fancy gowns, and hair styled by one of there servants. In comparison, Raziel was like a breath of fresh air, literally. He didn't have to worry about breathing in perfume around her. But there was a humbleness to her mannerisms that he had to admire.

Author: Raziel, Posted: Sat Aug 8, 2020 5:17 PM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

It was odd how voice patterns tend to change with emotions and expressions. Even with the brief amount of time she had to hear him, Raziel could tell he was smiling at her. Bryce did not question her vision, nor make light of it. He was quick to make sure she was most comfortable in being guided. Yet, being called "Miss Irre" was still fairly new to her, so it sounded odd.

Her guide explained that he was from Adeluna, making deals for trading goods. For once, small talk was quite welcome to her, growing weary of talk of health and serious conversations. "I was raised in Zets'Ki's Cradle with the angels, but I've been a traveler for some time now." It didn't matter why he was being nice to her, it was refreshing to finally have someone outside of her sphere of friends. Soon they had stopped and Bryce announced they had made her destination.

"Please, just call me Raziel," she requested with another blush. The angel entered the shop. "No animals allowed, ma'am," Azula silently took wing and left through the open door, but Mikhail stubbornly stayed by her side. "You would kick out the seeing-eye wolf of the blind?" Raziel inquired. Silence followed as the woman who had spoken pondered the question. "I guess, but it better stay out of trouble. No eating of the stock or I'm charging you extra." She laughed softly as she murmured down to her wolf, "Good thing you hate most everything, huh?"

The half-angel walked up to the counter, Mikhail guiding her around a table on the way. "Welcome to the Dew Drop… How many I assist?" She gave the counter-woman a warm smile. "I need a fresh supply of dried hibiscus, mint, eternal leaves, and…" A sound of small scratching came to her ear, presumably the woman writing down her list. "Oh, and banshee tears if you have any." "Banshee tears, huh? give me a few minutes." Once everything was gathered and the trade was made, Raziel slipped the ingredients in her pouch and turned to Bryce, having felt he had not left her side. "That concludes my errands. While I'm not sure what to do with the remainder of my day, I'd rather not part company so soon. To be quite honest, you're the first stranger who's been nice to me in a very long time. May I be…" And her shyness began to show once more. "So selfish… as to accompany you? For a while at least."

Author: Bryce Trivon, Posted: Sat Aug 8, 2020 4:41 PM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

Raziel Irre. It wasn't a name he was familiar with. That was all he needed to know that she wasn't an Adelunian noble. The nobles were fine but they were always uptight. Never honest. At the very least, he knew the maiden wouldn't be trying to manipulate him in court. He could be a bit more honest with her and less guarded than normal. Raziel pulled them to a stop and her fingers trailed up the side of his arm until she could wrap her hand over his in a lady-like fashion. Bryce couldn't help but notice her blushing face as she explained that it would make reading his movements easier.

"Whatever is easiest for you miss Irre." He said with a smile.

Suddenly the owl gave a light screech that sounded a lot like laughter. The owl was named Azula and the wolf was Mikhail. She apparently raised the wolf to be a servant of hers. An impressive feat since raising wild animals to be tamed is always a challenge. As they walked, Bryce was careful to guide her around potholes in the road or anything that would make her trip.

"I'm visiting from Adeluna for trade deals." He explained, "Where might you be from?"

As they walked, people would avoid getting in their way. They treated them with respect because of the wolf and because a wealthy noble was in the group. It was funny. The more wealth a person clearly had, the more kindness they were given. Soon they had made it to the apothecary supply shop. They weren't that far from it, so it showed the girl was fairly close to getting to it.

"Here we are miss Irre." He said with a smile, "Just as I promised."

Author: Raziel, Posted: Sat Aug 8, 2020 12:31 AM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

The silence between them did not grow for any length of time. No, he was very gentlemanly as he offered to guide her to the apothecary himself. A small smile played on her lips. There did not seem to be any response from the wolf as to whether or not this man was to be trusted. But he was still in training, still learning how to be the judge for her. Usually, wolves and other canines are quick to growl at any untrustworthy character, so maybe that was a good sign? "Yes, I would like that very much, thank you."

He introduced himself and gently took her hand, earning another light involuntary jerk. "Raziel Irre, a pleasure." But she didn't quite like the position holding her hand put her in. She was too far behind him, without any knowledge if she needed to sidestep anything. Mikhail helped with that, but it was a lot easier… "Um, Bryce, may I?" Raziel had pulled them to a stop so she could gently take her hand from his. Her fingers trailed up the side of his arm until she could wrap her hand over his almost lady-like.

"Um…" She began, her cheeks growing ever hotter. Why was she always embarrassed whenever she must point out her disability? "It's easier this way…" Raziel tucked her chin and turned her face away from him. "I can read your movements easier." Azula gave a light screech that sounded much like laughter, which only made Raziel's face feel like it was burning. "The chastising owl is Azula, my familiar. And the wolf is Mikhail. I've raised him to be my eyes, my protector, my guide."

Author: Bryce Trivon, Posted: Thu Aug 6, 2020 3:16 PM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

Bryce listened to her silently. Her voice was soft and quiet and he could see her face blushing at his compliment. The woman was lost and was heading to a place called The Dew Drop. He remembered seeing the apothecary supply shop before leaving. So he decided that he would offer to guide her there. The city was dangerous and if word got back to his family that he was acting nobly while away from home, well it would help his cause.

"I see. If you would like, I could guide you to the apothecary."
He suggested, "I was just in that area, so it wouldn't be much trouble."

The girl's friends were an owl and a timberwolf. The two creatures seemed to be tamed enough that they wouldn't cause a ruckus in the shops. He was confused as to why these animals would be here. Normally owls and wolves of all kind hated big cities. Perhaps that was the skill of this woman's control over them? A control over animals that was stronger than their natural senses. Impressive.

"My name is Bryce Trivon. And who might you be?" He inquired.

Bryce took her gently by the hand and began guiding her out of the alleyway.

Author: Raziel, Posted: Tue Aug 4, 2020 8:06 PM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

Raziel prepared herself to cast a protective spell, something to defend against another jab or worse… an attack. "Get off me, stupid mutt!" She was prepared to attempt a verbal response to them, try to explain that she was sincerely sorry, that she was blind and could not see where she was headed. Just as her lips parted, Raziel realized that there were footsteps approaching, the sharp sound of a weapon being scraped against its sheath.

Had she been followed by Zehrili or Ensarrian? But the smooth voice was not as deep as Ian's nor as husky as Zehrili's voice. It was someone altogether. Stunned shock held her tongue. He spoke as if he knew her, right? Yet his voice was unfamiliar to her, having never heard it before. Nevertheless, her attackers turned tail and ran, Mikhail barking at their retreat before returning to Raziel's ankles to sit obediently while eyeing up the stranger.

Once more, she found herself flinching as something heavy was draped across her shoulders, providing her with a radiating warmth. Did he just wrap her in his cloak? The angel blushed at his second compliment but managed to nod in response. "I believe so… Thanks," she replied softly. "Actually, I am lost." Her steel gaze lifted to where she believed his voice was coming from. "I was headed to The Dew Drop? An apothecary supply shop. But… I could not remember the directions perse… That's when I ran into…" Azula swooped from her perch and returned to Raziel's staff, which she was surprised she did not drop from the sudden shock of her landing.

Author: Bryce Trivon, Posted: Tue Aug 4, 2020 4:17 PM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

Business was a pain. Bryce had spent the entire morning creating a trade deal with an idiotic merchant who insisted on underpaying for a few of the trade deals. After hours of arguments, the noble had finally arranged a fair deal for both sides. The trade would bring more economic opportunities to his province and develop a healthy relationship with Jayou. The noble, with a satisfied smile, began to walk towards a group of people in the city. He heard the shriek of a bird then saw the lovely winged maiden. Her hair was a shade of violet purple and she held herself with a quiet dignity. These ruffians attacking her weren't going to end well. He sprinted towards them and quickly knocked one off his feet before drawing his sword towards the other. He moved himself in front of Raziel and became a physical shield for her.

"I suggest you all head home and leave this wonderful woman alone."
He said, "Unless you'd like to be dealing me."

He showed off his family ring, though it would mean nothing to the ruffians. However, the strangers would remember it and hopefully leave the girl alone from now on. The two men backed off and ran away, believing she wasn't worth the trouble. Bryce sheathed his sword then looked towards the angel. He noticed the owl and the dog looking fairly territorial. Oh well. If he had to die being charming, then so be it. He approached the woman and covered her with a noble cloak for warmth.

"Are you alright, beautiful maiden?"
He asked.

He was being a bit overly prince charming but he didn't really care. It was a way to flirt and it was befitting a noble. And it was fun. A dashing smile was on his face but he was really just enjoying acting out the part of nobility.

"Were you lost? This is a fairly strange place for angels to be." Bryce admitted.

Author: Raziel, Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:21 PM, Post Subject: Forging Deals [p]

Jayou… Of all the places Raziel could find herself in, Jayou was the worst. There were shops on the land, the river was wide and had hundreds of boats. Each boat had its own little setup. Raziel wrinkled her nose at the thought of trying to traverse across the river, or through the boat shops without getting lost. She was truly beginning to regret her decision of not requesting Sanyi's assistance. Azula nestled atop her staff which had a perfect curved "y" tip, who-ing down at Raziel worriedly.

"I don't know, Azula… I don't know." The angel did not understand a single thing the owl said, but it instilled a sense of ease to know she wasn't truly alone. Mikhail was also faithfully at her side. The now fully grown grey and brown timberwolf walked next to her as she took careful, measured steps forward. Eventually, she found someone who was kind enough to give her time of day as well as directions to an apothecary shop.

The lavender haired angel picked her way through the bridged city. "Was that two rights and a left, or three lefts and a right?" she asked, but neither of her animal companions can tell her the answer. Raziel gave a deflated sigh and made a choice. Turning, she stepped on something oddly shaped with an incline. It felt a bit soft too. "Watch where you're going, pipsqueak!" Fingers jabbed into her shoulders as she gasped, arms flailing as she tried to maintain balance. Mikhail growled as he bit at the guy's ankle, dragging on it. Azula gave a shriek as she took wing to find a more stable place to watch.

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