Roleplay Forums > Parvpora > Zujiuchu Mountains > Jayou, The River City > Mixed Martial Mayham [O, R, L3]

Character Info
Name: Aerisith Shagal
Age: 328
Alignment: CN
Race: Succubus
Gender: Female
Class: Monk
Silver: 625
The glow of the evening sun. The street lights flaring up to shine upon the rivers that became the city's veins. The cheers of the crowd as a swift kick rose up from the ground and straight into the opposing man's chin, small skirt flaring up as  a cream-colored woman strike the bottom jaw of an orc before shifting her stance to a hand stand, using long legs to keep herself balance before she hand-walked a step closer and flowing her body around into a leg sweep, knocking the orc over to his back before bending her legs over backwards and retort herself to a normal position, though a sassy pose at the end.

The count to ten began as she stretched, giving the crowd a small tease of a slow on how her body bent, only keeping half her attention on the fallen foe. "8… 9… 10!" With that, the bell was rung and a victory pose was offered to the crowd before moving herself back the orc that sprawled over to the floor. "THat means I win our bet, right?" SHe grinned, chuckling as she helped him back to his feet and out the arena before the next match was getting set up.

"That was certainly a show," a gentleman in a suit stated, "though could have probably been done without the panty shots…" A fluster he was clearly trying to hide.

"Oh, cmon, boss! Its all apart and the game! And besides, there is no reason to fluster you when you already have a pregnant wife." Yeah, Aerisith saw this only as a business interaction, despite her lineage. Not that they know as to them, the demon aspects were all but a mystery. "So about how much longer?"

"None of your worry," he scoffed at. "because you still have only fifteen minutes to get rested up before your next match. If you can beat your next opponent, you will be considered a major threat AT LEAST in the semis."

This was why she loved martial arts tournaments: Nothing but your bodies doing the talking. No steel to get in the way or try to intervene…. And hey, it always meant some good bets to put on the side like the round of wings she won off the orc!
Archangel Uriel

Character Info
Name: Uriel
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CG
Race: Archangel
Gender: Female
Class: Holy Crusader
Silver: 0
As the bell rang for the latest match to be over, the tall winged woman watched the victory pose the young-looking woman put on. Uriel scoffed, such a disgusting display she had put on, showing off her panties like she had. Oh, part of the crowd had enjoyed it, but to Uriel it was a gross display during a serious fight. If she wanted to show herself off like that then she should work the streets at night instead, as far as Uriel was concerned about that kind of behaviour.

Uriel stood a towering six feet and ten inches in height, and that wasn’t including the two large wings on her back. Why she had entered this tournament was because she wanted the money from it, it wasn’t much but it was something, Uriel had to make a living somehow. It galled her to no end as well, that she, an archangel, had to make money in the boxing ring!

“Are you almost ready? You have ten minutes.” One of the people running this tournament asked her.

”Yes.” Came Uriel’s blunt reply and glowered a the poor fellow who only shrugged and walked away. Uriel had on plain clothing that was loose fitting but covered her body well. She didn’t have boots or shoes on, not to fight in, but she did have thick socks on that acted like thin shoes.

As the tall archangel stretched and gulped some water a figure stepped up beside her and Uriel eyed the armoured being with a glare. ”What do you want?”

Character Info
Name: Sirona
Age: Looks early 30s
Alignment: LG
Race: Angel
Gender: Female
Class: Holy Knight
Silver: 0
When the tall archangel asked what the armoured being wanted said being answered. ”I was just wanting to wish you luck in your coming fight. I watched your last one, you’re talented, but I’d be careful of that one.” Was the reply in a feminine voice.

Under that armour and the mask that covered the face was Sirona, incognito while she was in the city. Why she was even in the city was partially because she hadn’t been here in some time and wanted to see what was going on. So when Sirona had spotted the fighting tournament she had went over to watch for a moment, only spot a very familiar figure among the contestants; Uriel. Her big sister, even if it wasn’t by blood, and Sirona had been curious to actually see Uriel in a fight like this. She hadn’t been disappointed as Uriel had handled herself well, though she had been a bit more ruthless than she needed to, in Sirona’s opinion anyway.

The fight that had just ended with the young looking woman, though from Sirona’s eyes her true nature could not be hidden, when Sirona had decided to prod Uriel a little. She had found Aerisith’s display vulgar, there had been no need to show off her undergarments like she had. But she had won fair and square against the orc she had been put up against. Knowing Uriel well enough, the disguised Sirona wandered over to her big sister, her silver armour and mask making a striking image.

After Sirona said what she wanted the glare that Uriel gave her was expected, and Sirona grinned under her mask. Was Sirona being a bit mean? Perhaps, but it wasn’t like Uriel didn’t have come it coming. Sirona could easily, without her Divine Powers, take on the much taller archangel, and had in the past and she knew that that galled Uriel already. But to poke at Uriel’s pride and undermine her fighting to make her second guess herself was just oh so beautiful. ”I’m not saying you don’t have a chance, dear angel, but at the least you need to respect that ones ability.” Sirona finished.

Uriel scoffed. ”She’s a fucking show off, that orc was over confident up against someone her size. He probably got distracted by her little panty display to, fucking whore. And I’m an archangel.” She added at the end.

At the swears Sirona flinched under her mask, she hated that kind of language. ”I see, I do agree that her display was rather vulgar, but you can’t deny that it worked. Still, she’s a wily one from what I’ve seen.”

”You’ve seen her fight before?”

”Hm? Oh, yes, indeed, that panty display was only one of her tricks. She has more where that comes from, and, before you ask, no, I’m not telling you what they are, that wouldn’t be good sportsmanship. All I will say is just be careful.” Sirona grinned under her helm as she read Uriel’s reaction in her face.

Sirona, Goddess of Light and Strength, Lady Glory and the Stronghold of Peace

Sirona's Divine Powers;
1. Light From - Sirona can take on a form that is made of pure Light, she has no physical form while like this and can move at light speed.

2. Grant Strength - Sirona can pass some extra Strength onto those around her if they need it. The kind of strength they get is up to them, be it magical, physical or spiritual, it is a small lone of her Strength for a short time.

3. Solar Flare - Sirona can call down a beam of pure sunlight from the sun itself! She can focus this beam to a surprising degree, from the ability to target one being in a crowd to wiping out said crowd in a luminous cleansing of Light!

OOC: Shawn

Warehouse – If you need synth and stuff check here, if you want to buy anything please PM me on Sirona or find me is Discord :)

Character Info
Name: Aerisith Shagal
Age: 328
Alignment: CN
Race: Succubus
Gender: Female
Class: Monk
Silver: 625
"So, what's my opponent like for the next round, then?" Aerisith teased, poking the suited human who only groaned as he sorted through his papers.

"By the looks of things, an angelic entity of some kind. Unfortunately for you, she got the bye, so we cannot really confirm her style," he muttered as he pulled up the spread. "However, from what word I hear, she is easily one who outsizes you…"

"Which probably means she would also have more of a power style like the orc," she finished, cupping her chin. Most power types can be toppled if you wear out their balance, like I did to the orc, but they have their wings on display, they would have an extra advantage to counter it. "Uh, just confirming, flight is not allowed, right?"

The man paused as well, before nodding, "An issue came up a couple seasons ago where an aarakocra kept himself mostly out of reach and practically turned it into a one sided competition. He kept his reward, but anything that would hint as a hover for more than a second or any jump that would break their opponent's standing height would disqualify them in terms of ring out. Besides, we are talking about angels here. You would only expect such a dirty tactic from a demon or so." A tsk escaped her lips as she started to walk off. "H-Hey! Where are you going?"

"To say hi to the competition, don't worry about it!" It also gave her a moment to fume off the small frustration that came from his words.

Still, to say that finding the angel would be easy was an understatement, as the towering being stood their, talking to another in brilliant silver plate. "Yo!" she boldly declared. "Guessing you are the only angel here in this match set up, which means we will be facing off next, right?"
Archangel Uriel

Character Info
Name: Uriel
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CG
Race: Archangel
Gender: Female
Class: Holy Crusader
Silver: 0
Uriel listened as the strange woman in armour spoke, glaring the whole time, but that was Uriel’s normal look to start with. When the masked woman said that she wouldn’t share what she knew of Aerisith’s tricks Uriel rolled her eyes. ”I wouldn’t want you to anyway, I like being able to read my opponents and learn how they fight in the first round or two.” Uriel explained.

Just as she was about to tell the armoured woman off when, low and behold, up came Aerisith to speak with them. You could almost hear Uriel’s teeth grinding as Aerisith started to speak. ”Right.” Uriel replied sharply, wanting them both to go away now so she could focus on mentally preparing for the fight ahead.

But the armoured woman spoke up first. ”Ah, what an interesting match this will be! I wish you both luck in the upcoming fight, please, do make it entertaining for the crowd.”

Uriel’s left eye twitched slightly in her growing anger. ”I don’t fight to entertain, I’m not some panty flashing harlot. I fight to make a living, to keep my skills honed and my edge keen. Now, fuck off so I can get ready. You too.” The latter was directed at Aerisith as Uriel then turned her back on the two of them and walked away a few yards to do some stretches.

Character Info
Name: Sirona
Age: Looks early 30s
Alignment: LG
Race: Angel
Gender: Female
Class: Holy Knight
Silver: 0
Sirona grinned under her mask as she could tell that Uriel was slowly getting more and more angry the more Sirona stood there. Sirona could only guess how angry Uriel would really get if she knew that the masked woman before her was, in fact, her little sister. That would certainly send Uriel over the edge, more so than in the past now that Uriel had learned that Sirona was not one to mess with anymore.

Sirona waited for Uriel to say more when Aerisith spoke up, Sirona had felt the ‘young’ lady coming up to them but hadn’t shown it. Instead, Sirona had decided to interject herself once more before Uriel could speak up, knowing that that kind of thing really annoyed the taller archangel.

Uriel’s reply was about as expected as Sirona thought it would be and she watched as Uriel walked away. A small chuckle escape from under the mask as Sirona turned her masked face to look at Aerisith. ”Cranky, isn’t she?” You could hear the grin in Sirona’s voice. ”Now then, what of you? Are you all ready for the fight with her? She’s got you on reach that’s for sure, but I’m willing to bet you’re faster, though I’ve seen her fight and she’s faster than she looks.”

Sirona, Goddess of Light and Strength, Lady Glory and the Stronghold of Peace

Sirona's Divine Powers;
1. Light From - Sirona can take on a form that is made of pure Light, she has no physical form while like this and can move at light speed.

2. Grant Strength - Sirona can pass some extra Strength onto those around her if they need it. The kind of strength they get is up to them, be it magical, physical or spiritual, it is a small lone of her Strength for a short time.

3. Solar Flare - Sirona can call down a beam of pure sunlight from the sun itself! She can focus this beam to a surprising degree, from the ability to target one being in a crowd to wiping out said crowd in a luminous cleansing of Light!

OOC: Shawn

Warehouse – If you need synth and stuff check here, if you want to buy anything please PM me on Sirona or find me is Discord :)

Character Info
Name: Aerisith Shagal
Age: 328
Alignment: CN
Race: Succubus
Gender: Female
Class: Monk
Silver: 625
Aerisith couldn't help but blink at the angel's outburst, calling her out on her "showcasing" way more insulting than her manager before storming off. The woman who donned silver clearly acted as if she was not in the competition herself, and thus took the ruse more casually. For Aerisith, though, her cheeks puffed up as she crossed her leg and arms flung behind her head. "She made it seem like the fate of the realm is at sake just because of some competition.  I mean, its not like most of us are here to see how well we have gotten our arts down," she muttered before a sigh escaped her lips. "Man, so much for a friendly wager…"

Still, her words did catch the words of the other before giving a bit of a smirk. "Yeah, I've seen my fair share of pure power players, and I would guess she found herself a fine balance." Her size was certainly impressive, but her build did not demonstrate muscles like the orc.  "Still, I will be sure to give her and the crowd a good round. After all, if fights were just determined by those two bases, it would be pretty boring, wouldn't you say?" Still, it did not stop her tail swaying from excitement before turning around and heading back to her station, fetching herself a  drink and stretch before the time for the next round was set.

"Alllllllllright, ladies and gents," the announcer declared with a booming voice spell, "We have seen plenty of good matches so far, and it seems like our next competitors are raring to go!" The crowd's cheer flooded the stage as the competitors stepped up on stage. "And now, in our blue corner, she be nimble, she be quick. This little gal holds herself quite the kick! Its Aerith!" A grin plastered her face as she waved to the crowd before slacking down, legs sweeping and dancing in place, the frills of her skirt not daring to interrupt her own movement.

"Annnnnd, over in the red corner…"
Archangel Uriel

Character Info
Name: Uriel
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CG
Race: Archangel
Gender: Female
Class: Holy Crusader
Silver: 0
”Aaaaand over in the red corner, she’s tall and honestly I’m kind of scared of her so I won’t say more cause I don’t want to piss her off. It’s Uriel!” The announcer said and then quickly got out of the ring. The crowd had a mix of boos and cheers for Uriel, some liked her because she was in fact very talented in her fighting, despite her attitude, while others hated her because of her attitude. Uriel didn’t care either way, she was here to fight and earn and money, nothing more, this wasn’t a show for her.

Recognizing that Aerisith would be a quicker opponent that she was used to facing, Uriel cracked her neck before settling into a ready stance that she hadn’t used in this competition. She’d use a mix of martial arts and defensive boxing against Aerisith. The martial arts to keep up with the smaller and faster woman, and the defensive boxing because Uriel was under the impression that Aerisith would try and strike more often over harder single strikes.

She closed and her eyes and took a deep breath blocking out the sounds from the crowd and focused solely on Aerisith. When the bell rang Uriel’s eyes snapped open and she made a dash at Aerisith, going in for a jump kick right away before driving her grounded foot down and pivoting to meet any attack that Aerisith would throw.

The fight was on!

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