It was dark. The world started to spin for a moment, but Lewis focused hard. Blindfold. Instinct told him to groan as his senses slowly came back, but his training fought it back. Don’t let them know you’re conscious. Stay still. His breathing remained shallow. Sounds were next to come back, and he could hear an argument in what he assumed was the next room. What are they saying? He tried to focus on the words, but to no avail. Everything was still swimming, and the most he could muster was to stay conscious.
I can’t feel Simone. Magic shackles? Was there anyone else in the room? He couldn’t tell. If he moved now, they would know he was awake. This was the moment he had to figure out as much as he could. Once more, he tried to focus on the voices in the other room.
“…because of father…”
“How the hell was I…..”
“…..kill him now.”
I don’t understand. It could be assumed they were talking about killing him, but for some reason they couldn’t. There was shuffling, and the two who were arguing walked in. The sounds of a third individual came in.
“Do it, as planned.” There was a sudden massive burst of magic, and Lewis felt the world around him sway. What the fu…. A magical sleep overcame him, leading Lewis into a dark abyss….
Wed Jan 20, 2021 6:20 PM Post Subject: Cruel Illusions [p/r]
When Lewis woke up he found a younger Simone looking over him with a pout, “You can’t stay in bed all day LEWIS.” She said his name with sarcasm that was much like that of the young Simone when Lewis would yell at her for saying his name so casually.
They were back in his room in Raith’s tower. “I want to go to the library… You promised. I did everything you asked me to… and you haven’t even got me any more handicrafts.” Her gray-blue eyes were bored and she moved over and defiantly picked something up and organized it.
“I’m beginning to think I should just let you cut off my leg… It might be better,” there was another pout as she left the room and slouched in her own room looking out the window. She had that look like she did when she was daydreaming.
Once he tried to get her attention she snapped too, “What am I not allowed to daydream anymore? Does his highness not like it?” She was agitated because she was bored. It had been three days since she ran out of activities.
Wed Jan 20, 2021 6:29 PM Post Subject: Cruel Illusions [p/r]
Lewis opened his eyes, and bolted up, looking around. He had heard Simone calling his name. “Simone?” He looked at her, confused. Where am I? And why is Simone… His eyes widened. They were back in Raith’s temple, in his old tower. He looked at the younger Simone, who was complaining about the lack of things to do. What’s happening here? The world swayed for a moment, and he held his head.
Simone seemed annoyed at his lack of attention, and went over to the window. This gave Lewis some much needed time to think about the situation. I don’t understand what’s happening. How did I get here? He closed his eyes. What is the last thing I remember? He grimaced. I can’t….
He growled, getting annoyed. “Simone…what’s happening?” Lewis looked over to the girl. “Simone? Hello? Simone!” He snapped his fingers, which got her attention as she went off on the assassin.
“I need you to focus,” he snapped back. “What’s the last thing you and I did together?” Lewis was having issues grasping at memories. He was forgetting something important. Faces. Names. Locations…[.i] There was only one thing that he had a clear memory of. Simone.
Wed Jan 20, 2021 6:33 PM Post Subject: Cruel Illusions [p/r]
Simone gave him a look like he mad. “The last thing we did? What do you mean? It’s been a week since you brought me here. We took a bath and you talked about finding solutions with someone.” She was curled up on the chair looking at him. “You got dresses made for me and made the dress man disappear.”
Her eyelashes batted at him. “Are you not feeling good? Maybe you should find a healer. I don’t want to die in here from starvation if you suddenly keel over.” She wasn’t normally so agitated but she got so whenever she had been bored.
She pulled her legs closer and looked back out the window. “Maybe you should take another job. Maybe that might make you feel better. You are even talking weird to me.”
Wed Jan 20, 2021 6:41 PM Post Subject: Cruel Illusions [p/r]
Lewis crossed his arms. “You’re acting rather bratty today, all I did was ask a question. Maybe I should just sew your mouth shut,” he said as his eyes narrowed. “So I suggest you watch your tone with me.” But why…? Would you normally speak to her like this? He sighed. “I must not be feeling well…I-I’m sorry for saying such a thing…” He closed his eyes. Was I really like this? How could I treat her like this? Whatever was happening right now was trying to push him back to his old ways, but there was a higher mind at work fighting against it.
“Let’s…get you to the library,” he said finally. Lewis needed more answers. Something was terribly wrong, but he couldn’t quite figure out what. He was starting to wonder if everything had been some sort of elaborate dream, and that when he awoke, he merely forgot it as one did.
But her smile. Did I dream it…? That was the most curious part. Somehow, he knew that this Simone was not quite the one that he knew in his heart. But…was the one he knew the true Simone? To the library… Perhaps he would meet someone along the way, and he could gather more answers that way.
Lewis reached out to take her hand, and pulled her off the window. “Let’s go.”
Wed Jan 20, 2021 6:45 PM Post Subject: Cruel Illusions [p/r]
Simone made a pout face at him and crossed her arms tightly before looking out the window. “Why are you apologizing? That isn’t like you… Maybe you really are sick.” She sounded concerned for a second before switching it off. Why should she be concerned for someone who literally always threatened her? Why did he care about her now? She didn’t even know why he had her to begin with.
She perked up once he said he was taking her to the library. “Really? We can go?!” She got all excited but she hesitated when he offered her his hand. He had never done that before. He had just ordered her around. Simone was distant for a moment but she felt compelled to put her hand in his.
“Is the library here big?” She liked books. “I like to read. I like to read poetry.”
Wed Jan 20, 2021 6:56 PM Post Subject: Cruel Illusions [p/r]
As they walked down the spiral staircase, Lewis answered her question. “The library is pretty big here. Bigger than most…” He paused as they hit the door, and smiled. “I know…you’ve always liked poetry and all of that sappy stuff…” It’s one of the more charming features you have. He couldn’t bring himself to say it. Something was telling him that she wouldn’t believe it at the moment.
It didn’t take them long to get to the library, and to Lewis’ slight surprise, they didn’t seem to run into anyone that he could question during the transit. It didn’t change the end goal, though, and when they entered the library, Lewis noted that there wasn’t a soul in the room either. He frowned. Odd. He let out a sigh, and closed the door behind him. “Take your time. You’re free to explore to your heart’s content. Just…be careful. There are books here that can devour your life if you speak its name. Just…stick to what you can read in common, please…”
He walked over to one of the lounge chairs that faced the exit, and sat down. No one here. I don’t understand. Normally there’s at least a few people here…I think… His memories seemed transient at times. There were points where he could remember everything with perfect clarity, yet there were a lot of things that weren’t making sense.
Lewis groaned, ruffling his own hair. “This is so stupid…”
Wed Jan 20, 2021 7:02 PM Post Subject: Cruel Illusions [p/r]
Simone tilted her head at him confused. “How did you know that?” Was it just a good guess? Was he trying to just get in her head?
Once more he surprised her as he gave her a word of caution, “You are caring today. It’s weird.” She spoke in a soft voice as she moved away from him.
Going to a small section of books she started to thumb through it and she tilted her head as she came across a red book. It was bright red and it reminded her a lot of something… Blood?
“Fair Daffodils, we weep to see You haste away so soon; As yet the early-rising sun Has not attain'd his noon. Stay, stay, Until the hasting day Has run But to the even-song; And, having pray'd together, we Will go with you along.
We have short time to stay, as you, We have as short a spring; As quick a growth to meet decay, As you, or anything. We die As your hours do, and dry Away, Like to the summer's rain; Or as the pearls of morning's dew, Ne'er to be found again.”
Simone’s voice carried as she walked around with the book. She spun around on her heel going from page to page as she read. She peeked up from the book. “I’m not too loud am I?” What if he took her books away from her?
She best not annoy him too much.
Wed Jan 20, 2021 7:16 PM Post Subject: Cruel Illusions [p/r]
Although lost in thought, he heard Simone start to read off poetry, and immediately his mind and focus was drawn to her. He closed his eyes, enjoying the sound of her voice. I missed this. He opened his eyes, looking confused. What is there to miss, though? We’ve never done this… When she stopped, though, he looked to her.
“No…not too loud at all,” he said as he stood up. “I didn’t mind it…” Lewis crossed his arms. “You can do whatever you want…”
Simone seemed hesitant at first, and then reopened the book, and started to read. Her voice sang out once more, and Lewis smiled.
“Ae fond kiss, and then we sever; Ae fareweel, and then forever! Deep in heart-wrung tears I'll pledge thee, Warring sighs and groans I'll wage thee. Who shall say that Fortune grieves him….”
Lewis took a breath, matching her tone and cadence, and started finishing the remaining poem with her, his voice in resonance with hers. It was a rather long poem, and the words seemed to have a deeper meaning than first conveyed, but Lewis had memorized it. It had been something he loved doing…listening to her read. But when…?
“….Ae fond kiss, and then we sever; Ae fareweel, alas, forever! Deep in heart-wrung tears I'll pledge thee, Warring sighs and groans I'll wage thee!”
As they finished, Lewis looked to Simone. “I remember this one…” You read it to me while I was away…so very far away…you were sad I was gone, but we were still connected…
Wed Jan 20, 2021 7:29 PM Post Subject: Cruel Illusions [p/r]
He was surprising her slowly. Maybe he had a fever. Before even a little noise had him agitated at her but now… She began to read again and he started to read with her. Her face flushed as she put her face closer to the book so she could continue to read it. He had the entire thing memorized like he had heard it a thousand times. It was impressive. She didn’t think a man like him would like poetry like this.
“You remember it?” She lowered the book and it showed her face in full flush and awe. “It’s like you’ve heard it a thousand times. You even-paced it with me…” She nervously pushed some of her hair behind her ear. “Are you messing with me, Lewis? I didn’t take you for a sappy poetry guy at all…”
Simone blushed a bit more and turned the page in the book,
“Stay, I said to the cut flowers. They bowed their heads lower.
Stay, I said to the spider, who fled…”
She continued to read the poem aloud and finally, she ended it and looked up at Lewis. “Did you… find what you were looking for? Do you think I can take this one with me? I like this one…” She turned it around after she closed it and rubbed her fingers against the cover.
It was the same book that she had purchased with Lucas. One that she had read to Lewis on several occasions. It had become her favorite.