Roleplay Forums > Parvpora > Zujiuchu Mountains > Hoja Mesto > Another Elevated City! [P.R]
Cao Lixue

Character Info
Name: Cao Lixue
Age: Age Of Death 17
Alignment: CG
Race: Jiangshi
Gender: Female
Class: Former Priestess
Silver: 126
Making it through the savanna was far more difficult than she would have thought. Unlike the autumn glades of Jasumin the beasts of the savanna had no quims with attempting to feed off of cold dead flesh. Thankfully her new form kept exhaustion at bay making fleeing form the creatures easier, however, she did have to expend some magic to deal with the more determined beasts. While she had eluded becoming dinner for another her desire, no a need for another's energy clawed at her every being. Fortunately for her and unfortunate for her pressing needs, she has alone along these empty plains. Compared to the last few regions she had been to these plains were oddly flat as if compacted by unknown hands. Perhaps these lands are controlled by giants, hopefully, they don't want to eat or drain any sort of negative emotions from as I'm barely holding myself together. Releasing a half hearted chuckle attempting to lighting the mood.

As if almost on cue the earth shook as it's whines echoed through the air. Feeling every crash along with the earth as the rhythmic pounding came closer and closer. Feeling dread and scorn for whatever gods poor humour placed her in yet another bizarre event she turns to see only a colossal stone stump blocking the sky from her vision. Paralyzed in fear at the thought of being crushed like a bug, all she could do was stare at her what would most likely be her last sight before dying again. Shutting her eyes as the stone stump lowered so hoped for her that it would be quick and painless. With a loud crash, the earth quaked sending her to her knees opening her eyes in shock to see the massive stone stump mere feet away from her. If her heart still worked it would be about to explode with fear and joy at the sheer amount of luck that has graced her. Laughter escaped as she coped with what has just happened. Rolling onto her back as she continued to laugh as she looked to where the stump leads. Trailing her eyes along the massive stone structure to see only more legs ended her jovial laughter as she now had to escape a torrent of legs trailing behind the last. Stumbling and sprinting through the legs she lost count on how many times the feeling stone almost put an end to her journey. Escaping narrowly and far worse for wear, she looked back at the sea of legs to see what lay above such a massive creation. Many legs were not the only thing the construct processed in massive quantities, but upper limbs as well. Numerous arms sprouted out stabilizing plots of land or varying architecture. While she wished to investigate the odd creation she would have to not rely upon on her magics as she doubted that she would be able to control herself if the hunger grew more fierce. Keeping some distance behind studying the object for a more practical means of entry she took note of rope and platforms littered about the colossal construct. With a point of access discovered she hurried to catch up to the moving city.

Spriting after the structure to one of the dangling ropes. With her physical prowess and lack of training climbing a swing rope would no doubt be tricky. Tricky was putting it lightly as after many attempts and many more failures and falls she had made through a few platforms. If I keep going on like this my body will waste more qi on healing than it would ease my travels to one of the city levels. Bargaining with herself she allowed the use of a small magical enhancement to ease her travels, but no more as the magical energy crossing through her body was dwindling fast making her mind flash with more insense thoughts that only made her feel more ashamed of what she may do to others. With her newfound strength climbing the ropes was no longer a challenge, but she would be disarmed towards any further challenges. Colour darkened as time passed with more and more progress was made until she had finally made her way to one of the main levels of the mobile city. While she herself was fine she could not say the same for her clothes. Picking at and looking over the wear and tear that her clothing had received she did not notice the guard that had closed in surrounding her leaving only the edge available to her. Looking to see her new company she almost lost her balance startled by the sheer amount of guard around her. 

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