Rex tried to bolt forward, but was quickly pulled back by a much smarter Hazel. Before Astreus could react, Hazel threw a substance at the demon, which reacted almost immediately, burning his flesh. As he screamed in pain, Hazel dropped her torch and stamped out the light. As the last of the flames flickered out, Astreus recovered, looking around.
At first, Rex didn’t understand what was happening. Things were moving quickly, but Izzy was already reacting, drawing a short sword. Without a word, and without provocation, she was ready. Hazel and Izzy both had experience, which was something that Rex sorely lacked.
His eyes took a moment to adjust, but when they did he realized that he could almost see better than in the light. But now wasn’t the time to think about that. Rhenakos’ body was flying at him, and with a surprising reaction time, he managed to catch it.
“It’s light?” he said aloud, almost confused.
“Shut up and run!” Izzy yelled. At the same time, Hazel yelled for them to go.
“But Hazel!” Rex tried to yell, but she shot back her answer, determined.
“RUN YOU IDIOT!” Izzy yelled as she grabbed his arm and dragged him along. Rex turned away, barely catching a glimpse of the dark horrors that sprouted from the shadows as he left.
As the woman yelled to have the lights turned back, Astreus tried his best to ignite the flames.
“Yo USELESS imbecile,” she yelled, raising her hand as Hazel retreated. A powerful burst of mana shot forth, illuminating the cave, but the group had already made their escape.
“No matter…we can hunt them down,” she said. “Astreus…bring me the body.” She snapped her fingers. “With or without Rhenakos, our Lord shall be returned to us.”
Rex dropped Rhenakos’ body as they made it to the edge of the massive cave. He spun around, fully ready to go back for Hazel, but she already in sight before he could do anything.
“Great, Hazel!” Izzy said with a smile. “You did amazing!” She glanced at her brother. “You did…nothing useful.”
“I carried the body,” Rex retorted.
“After almost getting yourself killed.”
At this, Rex glanced away. “Everything was happening too quickly…”
Izzy scoffed, “No. It was happening in real time. Just because you’re a big, scary dog now, doesn’t mean everything magically changes. You’re still useless in a fight…”
“I’m not…” Rex clenched his teeth.