Inside the vast cave system of the mountains lie the gear driven city of Baltil. It is the largest Dwarven city on all of Parvpora and serves as the Dwarven Capital of Revaliir. The youth that live here travel into the Dragon's Hoard for trials of adulthood. The vast treasure brings in many to the hoard but not all make it out alive. There are also many mines to explore with their entrances all around the city.
An island that houses massive creatures seen no where else on the realm and danger behind every corner.
Ruled by the mysterious Archon, the city that walks is an immense, multi-limbed golem upon whose back sits a unique city that goes where it will. It avoids areas with void storms in it.
The land of the pure found in the cradle of virgin snow atop the highest peak of Zujiuchu. These half angel ancestors of some of the most ancient races among all of Revaliir alongside the Elves of Itjivut.
The go-to place for relaxation, gambling, and finding that perfect item that you've been missing. However, avoid the underbelly of Jayou unless, of course, your stomach can handle it. The River City is a haven for artisans and merchants alike!
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