Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Logan, Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 11:45 PM, Post Subject: Auribus Teneo Lupum [P/R]

Her silence was all the answer that Logan needed to her, and he finally allowed the smirk to cross his face.  "As you wish.  I leave you in the charnel house of your own making.  Take your next steps as you will, but take the lesson you've learned here to heart," he said, unable to keep the smirk out of his voice as well.  Now, she knew him for the monster he was.  And she had given him permission.  There was satisfaction in his voice too, it was clear he had enjoyed the gruesome killings.  He offered her a final bow, then turned and left the room.  Logan had already decided he would wait around for a few days, just to see what unfolded between the gangs of the city.

As he walked through the streets, Logan let out a low chuckle.  Tonight had been very fruitful, and he knew more souls would find their way to his Lady.  And all it had taken was the choice of one person.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 2:04 AM, Post Subject: Auribus Teneo Lupum [P/R]

Silence filled the halls as the stench of blood filled in the void. When he asked her the question, she said nothing. Sitting on the floor, staring ahead and through the walls vacantly she only blinked in reply. Of course it wasn't what she wanted. It was obvious now. She'd been lied to, misled. She knew when she'd been had, and it stung. 

'You should've known better.' Yes, she really should have. The whispers of shadows were quiet now. Even they knew the full weight and severity of her actions. Her error–though small, had been so grievous that they weren't even mocking her. Shiloh was sure Logan was smirking in satisfaction, even if she wasn't looking at him. "…You've done what you came here for. Shouldn't you be leaving?" The tone wasn't incensed or accusatory. She wasn't ordering him around, or trying to get her way. None of that mattered.

Just one small mistake, and disaster beyond her expectations had descended like a plague. Regardless of what happened after this, she would have to carry the weight of this night. It always boiled down to being in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Just like back then… The other times didn't count, since she just happened to be around when they happened. But this time, she didn't have an excuse. It was her fault. Even if those people were the scum of the earth, it didn't justify anything. Now they'd never have the chance to change, because they were dead. Nothing had changed. The 'retribution', the 'judgment'–it was all for nothing. 

Author: Logan, Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 11:39 PM, Post Subject: Auribus Teneo Lupum [P/R]

They were trying to be brave, and Logan could almost commend them for it.  But they were cowards and bullies, only seeking targets they were sure they could beat.  Now, faced with someone who had so easily murdered their companions, they had to put on a brave face.  "Well, you can die here, that I promise.  And no.  Though perhaps I'll go after the Blood Wolves next?  Oh, a turf war!  Wouldn't that be delightful," Logan said with a vicious grin.  If one action would cause even more death and chaos, so be it.  And the souls in this town were all so corrupt, for the most part.  A plan was forming in his mind, pushed to the back for a few moments as he faced the last two before him. 

Drawing the dragonbone blade, he held it before him in a relaxed stance with one hand and beckoned with the other.  The pair seemed to know they would not leave without getting past him.  They charged together, one with an axe and the other with with a mace.  They were a bit better than the rest, Logan actually had to put effort into evading their attacks.  The sword wound smarted, but he could move past that pain.  The blade swung once, literally disarming the man with the axe.  The axe with his arm still clutching it fell to the ground, and Logan swung the blade once more to cut the man's throat.  He barely caught the arcing blow that would have come from the mace, and he dropped the longer blade in favor of his dagger.  The dagger found its way between the man's ribs and into his heart. 

Not that he was done with the deaths.  Oh no, he was only beginning.  Taking a cue from the terrified words, he wrote on the walls in the blood of the dead around him.  The Blood Wolves Are Next!  went on one wall, while The Red Crows Had It Coming! went on the opposite wall.  Then he had an idea.  Using his dagger, he cut out the intestines of two of those now dead wrote a final message on the floor.  The Onyx Bears Are Thieves and Cowards was in carefully laid lengths of intestine, and it would hopefully begin a lovely little war.  If only the woman had said no…  There would be so many more deaths now, especially given how proud the Bears were of their reputation for bravery.  Gods only knew who they would blame for the messages, and Logan did not particularly care.  They would turn on each other, and more death would come from one woman's decision to seek vengeance.

Stepping out of the room, he washed his hands in a barrel of water and quickly cleaned his weapons as well.  Then he went to find the young woman.  "My dear, the deed is done.  They died knowing their sins, and they will be a warning to others.  That is what you wanted, is it not?" he asked, his voice smooth as silk but soaked in venom.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 10:55 PM, Post Subject: Auribus Teneo Lupum [P/R]

After they entered the hideout, she had slipped away from Logan to search for her stolen belongings. She had no idea where they had been thrown, hopefully they weren't auctioned off or taken as personal trophies. Tracking them down wasn't difficult as she had to trace her own aura. Sneaking past people and breaking into one of the locked rooms she found her knapsack. A quick count made her sigh in relief. Everything was accounted for. Even the silver, surprisingly but she could care less about the money. Sneaking back out she was searching for the way out when she heard a terrible scream. It was the same screams that the guards who had dragged her into the wagon made, that same pitch of shrieking terror. Then there were other sounds. Sounds of a struggle that was futile, like a slow suffocation.

The worst part of it all, was Logan's words. With her senses, she could hear every syllable with perfect clarity. There was the sound of something begin stabbed, but no mention of pain. Seconds later there was the tell-tale grunt of a weapon finding its way into its victim and the ragged gasps before death. To Logan and anyone else nearby they would only hear what was being said, but Shiloh heard more than that. Voices, whispers–all panicked and frenzied swirled around her head as the dying criminals writhed in their last moments. 

'No! No!! Stay back! Get away from me you monster!!' 'Please oh gods no! Spare me I'm begging you–I swear let me go this time!' 'I don't want to die! No, not now! I'm not ready to go!' 'I beg you have mercy!' 'I can't die here! Help–somebody!' 'What?! How?! No, no this can't be happening! This isn't an attack from the Blood-Wolves' assassins!'

The memory of her last moments before being buried alive resurfaced. Why was she remembering this now? She wasn't supposed to feel sorry or pity them. Just hours ago they planned to sell her off to the highest bidder to either an assassin's guild or a gladiator ring. They were repaid for their actions…weren't they? The strong stench of blood was in the air, and the whisperings of shadows grew louder. Shutting her eyes she covered her ears as tightly as she could in hopes of stifling out the sounds. 

If he had tortured them, traumatized them, or even beat them within an inch of their lives she wouldn't have been bothered. Anything so they would learn their lesson and ensure that they never forgot. But now, she was coming to the cruel realization that she had inadvertently ordered a hit on an entire cell of cultists. She was starting to feel severely ill, and everything began to spin. This wasn't what she had wanted. 

Author: Logan, Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 4:20 PM, Post Subject: Auribus Teneo Lupum [P/R]

It was not difficult to see that she did not believe his words about his Lady.  Not that it really mattered.  That was not the important part of what was about to happen.  It was her permission to go about his work that Logan needed to hear, and once he got that permission, a grim smile crossed his face and the vampire bowed to her.  "As you wish, mi'lady," he said, the serious tone remaining in his voice so that she would know he was not mocking her in any way.   The weight of his words and actions would be on her shoulders, and Logan turned away before she could see the cruel glint in his eyes.  He was going to enjoy this.

The entryway was unguarded, and Logan stalked through, eyes and ears open for the first sign of trouble.  The first was a guard dozing at the top of the stairs leading into a meeting room, and Logan shoved his hand over the guard's mouth.  He stared into the man's eyes, then shoved him past the girl and towards the stairs.  "He has no part in the murders and kidnappings.  It is not in his eyes," he explained quickly and quietly.  The lad fled down the stairs, and for a fleeting moment, Logan hoped he would find a new path in life.  He had yet to take a life, and there was still time for him.  But his thoughts turned to the voices beyond the door, hearing them plan for the next batch of people to come through, who would be taken to the slave pens, and who would be killed.  People being categorized like cattle…  It reminded Logan of the Order, deciding who would be killed or saved based on simple characteristics. 

There were a half dozen of them left, the rest having gone with Lady Blackwell on her ill fated trip.  Logan quickly surveyed the situation, eying each person in turn.  The three drawing weapons decided his first action.  In the blink of an eye, three daggers flew from his belt, pinning a piece of clothing to the walls behind the trio.  The three that were pushing each other in a panicked attempt to flee were his next target.  A woman and two men, he could tell they were the brains of the operations.  "Well now, you're the lovely people who have been terrorizing this part of the city?  Well, no more of that.  I won't even ask how many innocents you've killed and sold.  I can hear it in your words.  Enough that your fellow man means nothing to you but coin.  A real pity.  Death has come for you, I may even visit you in the Circles you end up in," Logan said, the cruel grin spreading across his face.  One man was gutted, and left to die slowly on the floor.  The second man had his throat slit, spurting blood all over the walls and the woman who was now screaming.  And it was she who became his next meal.  "You, my dear, are still quite… appetizing despite your many sins.  But that will not save you," he growled before drinking deeply from her neck.  The terror in her eyes told Logan that she knew she was being punished, and that this was no random killing.  It had a purpose.

She was dropped to the ground twitching after a short sword bit in to his arm, and Logan only turned and grinned.  "I'm already dead, you know.  I would think the blood drinking would give that way," he said with a laugh as he jerked the sword out of the woman's hand.  She was clearly one of the enforcers, not a screamer like the woman who was still twitching on the floor.  Gods only knew how many people she had killed.  She reached for a metal studded club, but Logan was faster, especially flush with fresh blood.  The short sword was jammed into her gut and twisted, and Logan spoke again.  "Perhaps your own blood on your hands will lend weight to all the blood you've spilled.  Think about that as you die," he said coldly, then stepped away from her.  There were two left, both men, and both stepping towards him with weapons drawn.  It was time to make them confess their sins as well.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Wed Sep 6, 2017 11:10 PM, Post Subject: Auribus Teneo Lupum [P/R]

"Your master must be very pleased with your dedication." It was just idle chatter, really. Whether or not he was telling the truth or thinking highly of himself wasn't important. Again, he was too eager to help. She never liked those who were too willing to lend a hand. The hands and feet that rushed first always had something else hidden in their sleeves. "…Alright then. Let's get on with it." Already the desire for vengeance was waning as she saw the other's desire to begin. Whispers of reservations, doubts chattered away in her mind. Was she having second thoughts? Wait and see; that was what she would do. Yes, just like always.

She never said more than that as they went towards the place, but she wasn't blind enough to think she would be doing the world a service. 'Saving lives' by taking them…what an oxymoron. First, she needed to reclaim that which was hers, then take what she was after. When this was all over, it would just be a bad dream.

The hideout came in view, the banner with the crow's skull clear in the moonlight. It was quiet as dusk had fallen and silence wrapped like a cover over their steps. It was the same as she had last seen when the wagon drove away. There were no guards to greet their arrival, as the cult probably didn't mind any wayward visitors from entering at their own risk. Shiloh was a step behind Logan, seeing how he was the one who wanted to start with the retribution. Once they went in there would be no turning back. Mentally she wasn't prepared. She had nothing else to defend herself with but her own mind, but would that be enough? Grimly she mused that technically she wouldn't need to worry about combat…the man had that covered. 

When this was over it would just be a bad dream. A bad dream which would wash itself away in the shadows and moonlight.

Author: Logan, Posted: Wed Sep 6, 2017 10:25 PM, Post Subject: Auribus Teneo Lupum [P/R]

There was resistance to his offer, and he was not surprised.  Most mortals were quite squeamish about death.  A slight smile crossed his face, she was slowly starting to give in.  It seemed to happen every time, that offer of blood and vengeance.  And he wouldn't even ask a price from her.  Just her permission.  "Perhaps I should introduce myself more properly.  My name is Logan Blackwood, and I serve Lady Death Herself.  I bring the wrath of retribution to those who deserve it, especially to those who have escaped justice for far too long.  Like the so called Lady Blackwell and her ilk.  They will know they are wrong, I swear it," he said, offering a semi-theatrical bow as a token of his sincerity.  The tone of his voice left no question that the girl's wishes would be fulfilled. 

But what Logan did not say was that he would enjoy the slaughter, as well as the dark stain it would add to the girl's soul.  He could simply kill them and be done with it, but her intentions would shape his actions.  And he would allow it.  "All it takes in the intent of one person.  The thirst for vengeance.  But think, it is not only for yourself, but gods only know how many other people they've taken.  How many lives have been stolen?  And you can save lives, my dear.  All I need is for you to tell me yes," he said, pouring natural charisma into his words.  Logan knew how to bend people, but the practice never bored him.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Mon Sep 4, 2017 1:12 AM, Post Subject: Auribus Teneo Lupum [P/R]

All it would take would be the sacrifice of a few heartless souls. It was so simple, so obvious. That was why she couldn't bring herself to believe it. Nothing was simple. Nothing could be solved with just a simple act. The world did not work that way. Everything meshed together in complex, hidden ways–like threads in a cloth. A tug here would leave a cinch somewhere else down the line, and the loss of one would lead to the seam falling apart. He was accusing her for being passive, and she would've said the same thing too two or three years ago. But the world had tossed her and threw whatever it could at her, bent on crushing her into the ground. And it had almost succeeded.

"So if you kill them, their crimes will cease. Of course it will. But then someone else will do it, and when they fall another will too. Just killing them isn't the answer." Shiloh's voice lowered, as for once in a long time her thoughts and words were one. "Death is not enough." Simply giving them a quick death would be the easy way out for the likes of them. They would have to pay the price and give due penance by the drop. Slowly, surely–that was how it should be taken. "Before they give their last breath, they must know without a doubt that they were wrong." She was no naive child. People were cruel.

In her heart a cold and smoldering fire burned and crept through her being. 'Do you want vengeance? Do you wish retribution?' The words repeated in her mind again. And her heart answered yes. If you want to destroy a weed, you don't simply cut off the stem. You pull it from the roots, out from the earth. And to uproot this weed, she would have to start from the very beginning of all corruption–desire. 

Author: Logan, Posted: Sun Sep 3, 2017 1:54 PM, Post Subject: Auribus Teneo Lupum [P/R]

Her answer surprised him for a moment, but Logan was quiet as he listened.  So she thought herself above all the blood and slaughter?  Already, a retort was forming in his head, but he allowed her to finish what she was going to say first.  "Odd you should say that death is their judge.  She does judge everyone, just sooner than others.  And you would leave them to continue their ways when you could put a stop to it all?  Right here, right now.  Just say the word, and none of them will harm another living soul again," Logan said, a musing tone of reverence in his voice. She was Death and Judgement all in one, the Lady he had sold his heart and soul to serve.  But it was worth it to him.  She had given him purpose.  And this girl would not stand in his way.

"And they will harm others again.  It is their way.  They will steal other lives from the streets, like you, and sell them like cattle.  And you could put a stop to their ways.  Death will catch up with them, but after how long?  One year, five, twenty?  How many lives will be wasted in their hands?  Just say the word, and no one else will be harmed by their deeds again," he spoke, his voice soothing and calm.   But there was a hint of anger to his words.  There would be blood on the walls tonight, one way or the other.  It only remained to be determined whose words began the blood bath.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sat Sep 2, 2017 10:50 PM, Post Subject: Auribus Teneo Lupum [P/R]

[It's alright! Everyone has that time of the year where things get busy. Take your time with your replies, I'm in no rush.]

Her blood was pounding through her ears. After taking the man's hand, a sinking feeling coalesced in her stomach. It stirred something, an old half-forgotten memory jumbled and distorted through the passage of time and dimension. That action of taking another's hand in pledge was unnervingly familiar. The fingers on her left hand twitched as the image of a scene of a woman taking the hand of a figure standing above framed in shadow flickered across her mind. Fear and anxiety made a headier concoction that stiffened the limbs more than any sedative could.

His words, like oil came forth. Like the feeling of something cold and unearthly brushing against the back of one's neck leaving behind a phantom sensation, there was a chill. She heard: 'Do you want vengeance? Do you wish retribution?' Those weren't the exact words he used, but she heard them. He said he wanted to help her. That wasn't entirely true. The shadows lingering in her mind fell back beneath the surface, as she was given time to consider his offer. As the seconds passed, her senses were returning. 

If you let them be, then they will simply elect a new leader and others just like you will be taken the same way you were. How many others were captured and sold before you? How many more will be sold after today? Do you remember the others in those cages when you were brought out of that cell for inspection? The men who were taken away screamed, fighting vainly for a chance to stay alive. They knew what not making the cut meant. You could have easily been put in their place.

The image of Lady Blackwell's face reappeared in her mind. That cold look, that sneer, that air of haughty elitism. That heartless woman. But that heartless woman, was dead.

Are you just going to let them go like that? To allow them to continue their devilry unopposed, with no fear of justice? 

The words whispered in the corners of her thoughts, and she slowly clenched her right hand. No. She could overlook theft, insults, and condescension. But not this–she wasn't going to let this slide. They targeted her when she had nothing to do with them. Now that they threw the first stone, she would send it right back…with interest. Lifting her head to the pale man, she gave her answer.

" 'Do they deserve to live?' I say, let death be their judge. For from death, there is no escape." An undeserved curse does not come to rest; should they be innocent then retribution would not fall upon them. If the man chose to avenge her, then so be it. She herself wanted nothing to do with them, only that they came to the complete realization of how deeply in the wrong they were in everything.

Author: Logan, Posted: Sat Sep 2, 2017 9:19 PM, Post Subject: Auribus Teneo Lupum [P/R]

[My deepest apologies for how long it took to reply, GenCon wore me out more than I anticipated, and work had gotten stressful again.  Please forgive me!]

She was moving quicker, that was a good sign for her vitals.  Whatever poison she had been given was not fatal.  "It seems whatever they gave you was not meant to kill you.  At least in the dose you were given.  I think I saw that banner," he added, sounding cool and calm.  But it was difficult to keep all of the ice from his voice, and his ears told him that the woman's heart rate was beginning to race.  He had a pretty good idea as to how much she had heard, but Logan was calm. He was still in control of the situation.  And he absolutely intended for it to remain that way.

"Now, my dear.  I would like to help you.  Would you like to get some vengeance for what those people were going to do for you?  Do they deserve to live?  I doubt it.  Would you allow me to be their judgement?" he asked, voice as smooth as honey.  But of course his voice hid something.  There was a poison to his offer, one that she would not know until later.  And either way, the people who had followed the woman in black would die.  But the reason for their deaths would be different depending on what she decided.  He waited, still as a statue, waiting for an answer.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 11:32 PM, Post Subject: Auribus Teneo Lupum [P/R]

Blood, screams, and silence. That was what she could smell and hear from where she laid on the ground out of sight. When he came back the scent of fresh blood was coming off of him. Lady Blackwell was dead. When he offered a hand she wasn't sure if she should take it. Moving her hand she began to get up, slowly and unsteadily until she was half-sitting. Her legs were starting to respond again, and she after staring at that cold, pale hand of his–took it. Breathing more easily now, she spoke haltingly as her senses were regaining balance. 

"I don't know where they are…but I know the sound." When she was inside the wagon, she could only hear. The clatter of the wheels, a bump in the road. The groan of the axles as they made a turn. The shift of the cage when it was fast or slow. "It's several paces away from here. I remember a black banner with a crow's skull in crimson." That was what she last saw before the tarp went over the cage. Her senses were flooding back to fill the previous void, and it was all becoming overwhelming. Having them cut off for so long had this detriment, even if it offered temporary solace from the noise. Looking behind she saw a pool of red with…offal sitting in it. There was one of the hateful woman's black shoes lying on the cobblestones by itself. That comment of hers about him being a bloodsucker didn't go unnoticed. It was clear to her that the person whose hand she was holding could bleed her dry at a moment's notice. 

A small seed of terror planted itself inside. It dug deeper than that feeling when she had been dragged out of that cell in the depths of the hideout. She was vulnerable and in the presence of a monster.

Author: Logan, Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 11:12 PM, Post Subject: Auribus Teneo Lupum [P/R]

The words flowing from the woman's mouth made him chuckle quietly.  This was as good of a time as any to reveal his presence.  "Well now, those are not very lady-like words, are they?  But then, I doubt you are much of a lady," Logan said, calmly strolling out from around the corner.  His rich voice carried the Adelunan accent, as well as nothing but contempt for the woman who had been yelling.  Her head snapped around to see who this new interruption was, and the remaining guards shrank away.  They knew what he was capable of.  But the 'lady' before him only turned her foul words towards him, accusing him of taking advantage of unwary guards.  She obviously did not take the reactions of the men around her seriously enough.

“The one from your cart, she is gone.  Never much liked the notion of trading human lives,” he said, shaking his head.  That much was true, Logan detested the idea of slavery.  There were much better things to do with people.  He grinned at the woman, who hissed something about his being a 'bloodsucking bastard', drew her blade, and charged at Logan.  The remaining guards looked at each other and fled.  They knew what was about to happen.  He drew his scythe, and waited.  She was fast, Logan had to give her that much.  At least for a human.  But he was not, and Logan waited for her to get close enough.  He even allowed her a sporting chance of a couple slashes at his torso, before he lifted the scythe and struck once.  Gore and bile spattered across the stones, and Logan turned away.  “Only one part of your comment is right, and it is not the bastard part,” he said over his shoulder.  Flicking the blood from his scythe, Logan put the crimson steel weapon away.  He had other plans for the woman in the alleyway, and they did not involve his blades.

Crouching before the woman, he offered her a hand up with a friendly smile on his face.  “The so-called Lady Blackwell will trouble you, and no one else, no longer.  Do you know of somewhere safe we might talk?  I would like to be sure her little group is fully eliminated.  And I would like to remain at your side until the drugs are out of your system.  It would be unbecoming of me to allow you to be alone until you've recovered from what they did,” Logan said.  That much was true, he did take a certain joy in the elimination of slavery rings.  But he had other words in mind for the woman before him.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sun Aug 6, 2017 10:39 PM, Post Subject: Auribus Teneo Lupum [P/R]

As her senses were starting to clear up she heard the sound of someone hitting the ground. She heard the sound of a swing, something whizzing through the air followed by a loud crack against either the ground or the walls. Did a fight break out? No, it was to quiet for a street brawl. An unfamiliar face showed itself, and a smile that didn't sit right with her. When he asked for the keys, her eyes moved towards where the guards would have been. The sedative still hadn't fully worn off, so she couldn't speak. The bindings on her were removed and she was lifted up, then set down on the ground. She knew it was the ground as the stink of stagnant water wasn't far off. The dark-haired man pressed a finger to her mouth signaling her to be quiet, which she obliged involuntarily. What was he trying to pull? The chances of someone being a good Samaritan and saving her were slim. Her best guess was that a rival organization wanted to take her for themselves without paying up. She still couldn't sit up properly, let alone run. Being completely helpless, unable to do anything upset her the most. She hated it.

The clacking sound of heels on the street told her 'Lady Blackwell' had arrived. The explosive tirade and violent language went on to confirm her guess. Shiloh held her breath, hoping they wouldn't look over to where she was. They'd notice she was gone immediately and then… To put it lightly, being put back in the cage would be the best case scenario. She didn't think they tolerated runaways. She had to get up, she had to get away. Shiloh urged her body to move, to get the drug out of her system faster. Slowly but surely it was, as she managed to move her fingers. Just a little longer, then maybe her arms and legs would be working. When she was able, the most she could do would be to run. Everything she had was still down in the depths of the building she had been shipped from.

Author: Logan, Posted: Sun Aug 6, 2017 8:55 PM, Post Subject: Auribus Teneo Lupum [P/R]

There were days when following his whims paid off more than sticking routine, and Logan felt this would be one of them.  He had noted a woman trying almost too hard to not be obvious, and almost passed her without thinking.  But the sound of a scuffle reached his ears.  Nothing terribly unusual for Vilpamolan.  But he turned, and saw it was the woman he had observed earlier.  Had she angered someone?  Or had she just looked to be a convenient target?  Either way, perhaps he could have a bit of entertainment out of her.  Carefully, he followed where she was carried.  There was some kind of cult meeting in the building, the typical cliched mask wearing type.  Logan had to suppress a chuckle, there were so many these days it seemed like.  He climbed a wall, seeking a good place to watch the comings and goings.  He was bored, and the woman might make a good plaything. 

His sense of smell was somewhat a disadvantage here, but the smell of drying blood wafting from a cart was enough for him to focus.  He crept closer from his perch on the wall, and he could tell it was the woman from earlier.  Following the cart was no difficult task, though it was into an area of Vilpamolan he had yet to venture into very far.  But he had been to similar places, markets with a special clientele, and a specific set of goods.  And evidently the woman had fit some manner of criteria to be taken here.  He took a moment to take stock of his appearance, and found nothing out of place.  Dark blue tunic, dark leather breeches, boots, and a cloak that made him look not too sinister.  At least if you ignored the odd drips of blood that came from the cloak.

The cart had been left in an alley, perhaps for some negotiations of what was to happen.  He slipped up, noting the two guards, and the absence of the hard woman in armor who had the arrogance to lead the group.  so there was time.  Dropping onto the lip of the cart, he kicked one guard in the head before turning his attention to the other.  He was faster than his unconscious companion, and Logan found himself ducking to avoid the blade of a sword.  But he was a vampire, and that was a mere human.  He sprang at the man, driving him hard into the wall, and bashing his skull against it.  Logan had learned that in this town unconscious was more fun than leaving dead bodies.

He turned to the cart and worked quickly, not knowing when the woman would return.  And it was the woman he had indeed seen earlier.  Putting on a warm smile, he said "Quiet my dear, and I'll get you out of here.  Any idea where the keys are?" he asked, trying to sound charming.  Boot heels were approaching, and Logan decided there wasn't time to wait.  Pulling out a thin sliver of metal, he made a show of picking the lock.  In truth, he just used his strength to bend it apart.  Once that was done, he quickly cleared the woman of the chains and scooped her up, noting the slow reactions.  She was probably drugged.  Ducking around the corner, he set her on the ground, and pressed a finger to her lips to keep her quiet.  The armored woman had returned and was screaming at the guards.  He would let her vent her outrage, then simply stroll in to have his fun.  Hopefully the woman on the ground behind him wouldn't go anyway.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 11:09 PM, Post Subject: Auribus Teneo Lupum [P/R]

It was the beginning of the end. There was a reason why she tried to avoid Vilpamolan, aside from the obvious. It wasn't just the risk of being robbed, harassed, or assaulted. She had done everything right–keeping her head down, blending in with the crowd, living as a simple person should. But fate was cruel. It was after she had finished a job, and she was making her way out of the port city as fast as she could. Going around the bend of a blind turn, in the next few moments she was hit over the head and her hands cuffed. The last thing she remembered was the blur of her vision and the color of black leather boots against the street. She woke up somewhere dark and cramped, unable to stand. As far as she could tell, she was alone. She tried to speak, but her mouth felt as if it were as dry as cotton, and her tongue was heavy like lead. They must have given her a sedative while she was unconscious.

Hours passed in silence. Then, a crack of light made her squint as a group of hooded figures entered the chamber. It was then that she saw she was in a holding cell, with both hands and feet tied. Her knapsack was gone. Whether it was pawned off or still sat in one of the other rooms in this place she didn't know. Her entire body was sluggish, and they approached with full-face concealing masks. "Is this the one?" A tall figure spoke with the sound of their voice being distorted through the mask. "Yes, height and build both meet the specifications. The mistress will be pleased. Compatible candidates are getting rarer these days. Prepare to move them to the second wing for inspection. Lady Blackwell will be looking over them personally." Another of the hooded individuals replied. Silence followed as she was roughly taken out of the chamber down winding halls built from dark slate, and was forced into a set of shackles hanging from the ceiling of a tall metal cage. There were four other similar cages there, each one with a different occupant. The closest one to her had pointed ears and a scar that ran down the edge of her jowl, and the others were a bald man with ear piercings and a haggard man with a gaunt visage.

After they were all locked in, everyone eyed each other without saying a word. They either were still drugged like she was, or couldn't speak. The waiting was tense, like a tightly pulled bowstring. Eventually footsteps came from an opened door. A woman, clad in leather armor mixed with metal strode in. An air of authority and coldness surrounded her and the sycophants trailing behind. The two men had their cages opened first, as 'Lady Blackwell' scanned their features. "Take them away." A dismissive wave was all that was needed for the other shrouded figures to haul them off as they struggled and screamed in protest. Beads of sweat were forming on the back of Shiloh's neck as it was the elven woman's turn, and she was taken back to the cells. Lady Blackwell stopped before her, and drew a narrow blade. Drawing close, she then pressed the flat side of the metal against Shiloh's neck. Seconds felt like millennia, until the woman finally broke her gaze. "This one looks promising. Bring her to the upper levels." 

When the black bag that had been thrown over her head was taken off, she found herself chained to the back of a covered cart. Its destination–a bidding block in the darker underbelly of the city's black market. Unlike those of slavers, this was a private auction limited to representatives of well-established assassin and mercenary guilds looking for new blood. It was covert and out of the way, just like how the participants conducted their business. Left in the back of a shadowed alley, the stench of damp dirt and sulfur became clearer as the drug's effects were wearing off. 

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