Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Vilpamolan Coast > Pirate Haven of Vilpamolan > Dark Mistake [R][OPEN]

Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180
The pirate haven of Vilpamolan never ceased to amuse Dalanesca.  Even when she had been mortal, she had been rather successful in finding work there.  Assassination was a booming business in such a lawless place - and that was why she found it drew her still to this day.  Her divinity, while removing the aspect of finding coin necessary to survive, had placed her as essentially the patron god of assassins.  Although her true identity was shielded to mortals unless she wanted them to know who she truly was, the belief that they held for her was nearly palpable to her.  Their belief strengthened her, and this made the location a good place for a bit of a pick-me-up when she was feeling down. 

She found her way into one of the many taverns that peppered the port town, finding that its patrons consisted of more women than men on this particular evening.  She found it rather odd, seeing as the patronage normally consisted of all males.  It made no difference to her - their was always some sort of entertainment to be had, regardless of the gender of those causing it.  

She slid into a seat at the bar top, ordering a whiskey from the barkeep.  It would do nothing for her - the only thing potent enough to get her even slightly buzzed needed to come from another deity - which reminded her, she needed to get that recipe from Angela.  She kept meaning to, but other things tended to sidetrack her.  The drink was more for appearances, than anything, and she missed the taste of a good whiskey.  The barkeep poured it for her and set it in front of her, and she tossed a few coins down before picking the glass up to take a long pull from the liquid.  Savoring the taste, she set it back down with a clunk and turned her attention to a small blonde woman towards the back of the tavern.

The woman was currently being harassed by two very large men.  It looked to be going south, so to speak, and Dalanesca just didn't want to deal with it at that current moment in time.  Silently, she picked up her glass of whiskey once more and walked towards the trio, sauntering effortlessly.  When she reached a fair distance from them, she cleared her throat.  The two men turned to look at her, at which point her eyes flashed red in a very dangerous manner.  They glanced back at the blonde woman, who was no taller than Dalanesca, and turned, taking off quickly through the door without another word.

"How did you…?" the woman asked, shaking with confusion.  Dalanesca gave her a coy smile and took a few steps towards her.  The woman started to back up towards the wall behind her, slowly but cautiously.  

"It is of no matter to you," said Dalanesca, advancing on the girl until she had her back flat against the wall.  Soon, the goddess had her own body pressed against the girl, holding her firmly back against the wall.  She brought her hand, the one that did not hold the cup of whiskey, to caress the side of the girl's face.  "What you should worry about is how you're going to repay me for the service I've done you," she said with a soft, sultry tone.  The girl shivered slightly, and Dalanesca brought her face close to the girl's, her lips closing towards her ear.  "I charge a very, very high fee," she said, her lips brushing the flesh of the girl's ear lobe.

"No, I'm not worried," the girl said, the tone of her voice having completely changed.  

"What are you talking abo- gah!" Dalanesca's voice cut off with a guttural sound as the girl plunged a small dagger into her side.  Her eyes immediately flashed red, and a dark , shadowy smoke began to snake its way beneath the tables in the pub.

"Wrong decision," Dalanesca said, her eyes gleaming a mixture of red and shiny black.  Gone were the beautiful icy blue pupils.  The girl's eyes widened as she realized her mistake, having thought she could get a quick buck off of Dalanesca - but she was about to find out how very wrong she was.

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!

Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
It was another muggy day in the rat-infested den of Vilpamolan, and not with the actual rats mind you. Shiloh was spending a rare day off from the usual rush of intercontinental deliveries and other small requests that normally filled her schedule. Today she had been planning to assess the local population's moral standing and contemplate the correlation between belief systems and environment when she was stopped by a group of ne'er-do-wells smelling worse than the rats on the docks. "Pard'n me lad, but it seems ye don't know how things go 'round these parts. Port's been dry for a spell since ol' Bellamy and his crew got rowdy with the Cortegas, so we'll be havin' a look-see to make sure yer not one of them 'hired hands' tryin' to sneak in. Now don't get your britches in a bunch, nothin' personal. But if yer willin' to pay an advance on the inspection fee…the boys and I'll look the other way." 

It was a shakedown, no matter what their excuse was. Shiloh wasn't bothered by the fact they had thought she was a man, but that they thought she had any money on her person to begin with. She had made it a habit to not bring any coin whenever she knew she would be passing through the southeastern port, and today was a good example why. In response she bluntly stated: "I don't have any money." The man blinked and stared for a moment before laughing. Then the other men laughed, before turning serious. "Search his pockets." Two of the men grabbed a hold of an arm as the leader checked, stopping when he pulled out a small pouch. He held it in front of her face and shook it as he gave her a glare. "Ye say ye don't have any coin on ye eh? Well then that's this?"

"They're rocks." She shot back. "Hah! We'll see about that." Opening the pouch he dumped out the contents, producing a pile of pebbles. There was a long silence as all of them stared at the stones sitting in the man's hand. "…Well whaddya know. There really were rocks." Scowling, the leader growled at his lackey, "Shut yer trap! Who in 'er right mind carries a bag of rocks fer?!" Aggravated, he hurled the pebbles at the ground and threw the pouch angrily in the dirt, before storming off. The other two men shrugged and went after him, leaving Shiloh by herself. Once they were out of sight, she knelt down and retrieved a few of the pebbles, leaving the pouch in the dirt. "Small-time swindlers…" she retorted. Fortunately they were the easiest to deal with.

As she quickened her pace, she was stopped this time by a group of young men with less than honest intent in their eyes. They looked more well-off than the scoundrels who had attempted to extort money from her earlier, but they had better eyesight and managed to recognize her gender in spite of her layers of clothing. "Move." One of the taller men in the group, with black hair and green eyes instead turned to further obstruct her path. "And if I don't?" Giving each and every one of the men a look, she continued. "Then I will move you myself." She threw a punch which was easily blocked by the man grabbing her arm, with a smug look on his face. His smirk quickly vanished into a bloodcurdling shriek of pain as he let go and crumpled to the ground in an agonizing heap, as he failed to notice her knee making a beeline for his nether regions. Turning to the rest, she asked raising her voice. "Alright…now who's next?"

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

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