Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 1:24 AM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

"That is the life. but eat that and you will likely die. I mean I may not be an expert on plants but brightly colored museums usually end in hallucinations and death." She said before answering the question. Actually, she had to think about the question for a few minutes. 200 years of roaming around to think about. "My greatest discovery was about a year ago. I met a man that needed an escort across the desert and decided to go to horse Island. There I found the tomb of an ancient dragon in in it a golden egg with its memories." She said now a lot more relaxed and getting over her dream. 

The dust like show of the dragons memory now played in her head. a daze almost for a few steps. "That was a grand yet seriously dangerous adventure. I wonder what that guy is up to nowadays?  Your young but I'm sure you have a favorite adventure and discuvery." 

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 9:40 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

"I'm an explorer, too," said Ernest. "I want to see everywhere in the world and discover everything there is to know. I might be crazy, but who really cares?" Ernest wasn't always this optimistic, but the topic made her happy. "I want to be known as the person who would go anywhere, no matter how dangerous, in her quest for knowledge." The expression on her face was almost dreamy.

She shrugged. "I'm probably going to die out in the wilderness, but I personally think it's worth it. The wilderness is way more amazing than anything else." She paused, and walked in silence for a minute, pausing to pull a mushroom off one of the trees. 

"So, what is the most amazing thing you've discovered in your travels?" she asked.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Thu Sep 7, 2017 1:21 AM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

"That is a good question. Most of my time was spent racking havoc on the pirates as I freed many a slave. The rest of the time I explore the world. usually looking for something that had decided to call out to me. Things from beautiful jewels to the hexed neckless. each with their own dangers and most are worth it. some, on the other hand, is not," she said. She was more on edge than usual but it seemed that the dream had raddled her more than a dream should have. kinda like a friend sticking a sword clean through ya and you wake up and they're there.

"What do you do for a living."

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Wed Sep 6, 2017 9:41 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

"It's not a big deal," said Ernest, shrugging. She waited a second as Vinsue climbed down the tree, then followed, landing lightly behind her. 

They set off again, Ernest slightly uncomfortable with the darkness that seemed to be all around them. She listened carefully to the woods as they walked, but she heard nothing out of the ordinary. That comforted her slightly.

The sun began to rise over the mountains, lighting up the forest and easing Ernest's worries. At last she turned to her travel companion. "So, I never asked, what exactly do you do? You know, most of the time."

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Sun Sep 3, 2017 3:11 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

She looked at Ernest half way wanting to tell but did not say much. "I am ok. Just bad dreams, Sorry it woke you"  she said As She looked away. it was one thing to have nightmares it was a different thing to wake others up. She was not going to get any sleep and she doubted that the woman would after that. she took her stuff and put it all back on before scanning the area.

she slowly climbed down the tree and waited. she just hoped that there was to be no more trouble tell she got to town.  

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Sun Sep 3, 2017 2:05 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Ernest awoke with a start upon hearing Vinsue scream. She flattened herself out on the branch instinctively and peered down through the branches to where Vinsue was. Nothing seemed to be urgently wrong - Vinsue was still there, and nothing seemed to be attacking, so Ernest sat up and swung off the branch, landing on one closer to Vinsue. 

She looked around again for anything that might be a threat, but she still saw nothing. "Are you alright?" she asked Vinsue. "What happened?"

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:35 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

To say Vinsue had nice dreams would be a lie. She had night mares. Ones like she had not had in years. Ones she will never tail and fully hoped to forget. She awoke with a scream half an hour before the sun rises. In a split second, she almost fell out of the tree trying to get away from her dream before reality struck that she was safely away from harm. She sat there shaking for a few seconds as the dream fully faded. 

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:35 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

As the sun set, Ernest watched the forest, listening for animals and birds that didn't come out during the day. She heard only a few new sounds, and was confident nothing would go wrong. She slowly pulled her record orb from her bag and put it where Vinsue couldn't see it. Quietly, she told it about the last two days, what had happened, everything she'd found, and where they were going. Careful to keep the orb hidden, she tucked it back in her bag.

The sun had set fully, so Ernest tucked her head against the trunk of the tree and slowly fell asleep.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 5:57 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Vinsue was quick to follow. she quickly found a place she liked than opened her jar of food. She left her staff on the ground and hanged her bag on the limb near her head. slowly she ate as she watched the forest get darker. She would sleep soon after. 

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:19 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Ernest kneeled down next to the pond and filled her water skin as well. She scanned the area around them. It looked safe enough to stop in, although she didn't like the images her mind created of the beasts Vinsue mentioned.

"Up a tree sounds fine," she said. "Caves tend to have animals living in them, and I'm really not in the mood to fight more wild animals tonight." Ernest seemed to have a way of attracting danger. Things always seemed to happen around her. 

She studied the trees for a minute before finding one that seemed a good size to her. She grabbed the lowest branch and pulled herself up. After she got a few feet into the air, she glanced down at Vinsue. "You coming?" she asked.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 6:27 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Vinsue was not really concerned with what the woman was doing as long as she kept pace. She would have done the same but she knew the place better than the back of her hand. one of the times the girl stopped and plucked some leaves vinsue found a stick that was strong and light.

hours later she stopped beside a pound. "Night will fall soon." she bent down beside the water and submerged her water skin. once full she placed the lid back on it then placed her face to the water and started drinking from the pond. she got up and wiped her face as she looked around. they were close to the mountains but still hours from the next town. "Want to sleep in a cave or in a tree. I would keep going but worse than wolves come out at night. Personally, I would not want to try my luck with a dagger and stick."

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 6:26 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Vinsue's explanation seemed logical enough, although Ernest still thought it was a bit of an odd idea. However, she had more important things to do than debate with Vinsue over the merits of hanging wolves in trees, so she turned and followed Vinsue as she lead the way through the woods. 

Ernest did her best not to get distracted by the woods, but it was very odd to walk somewhere without looking at everything. She supposed that would be rather annoying to her travelling companion, though. Still, she couldn't stop herself from cutting a few leaves from bushes as she walked past. There had been little enough to collect in the part of the forest she'd been in before, and she wasn't about to pass up the opportunity now.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 6:07 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

"Respect says you kill you eat." she managed to shoulder the other and do the same to it. "Also leaving them on the ground will attract unwanted creatures to the area." she jumped down from the tree and picked up her jerky from earlier. "If my problem is more permit than a few days the meat will be useful and the pelt can be worth a few coins. normally I would bring them home but at the moment I have more important things to do"

She shouldered her bags and started to eat her jerky as she took lead through the woods. 

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 5:45 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Ernest shrugged. "I'm fine. It scratched me a few times, but I've dealt with worse than that." She was used to ending up scraped after a while - it was hard to live in the wild unscathed. 

"Why would you put the wolves in the trees?" she asked. It seemed an odd thing to do, to put a carcass where nothing could get at it, and just leave it to decompose. She rarely managed to kill something large enough that it lasted her much longer than a meal, but she would never have hidden it like that. She supposed Vinsue had her reasons. She had said that she would be coming back here.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 7:25 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

"I am fine. Just debating on pulling the wolfs in the trees so i can use them when i get back. Are you ok."

Vinsue looked at the woman for a few seconds than at the trees. Truthfully she had not put a kill in a tree in a really long time but it was a good way of keeping them from being eaten.  It would also previde some food and the pellets that can be sold if the curce was a longer lasting thing. She finaly bent over and put one wolf over her solder than climed a near by tree about four yards and than placed it on a limb. Than climed down.

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:05 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

After a few moments, Ernest decided that either the wolf was either dead or very good at pretending. Judging by what she knew of wolves, she was guessing the former. She kept an eye on it anyway, as she climbed down from the tree, but it still did not move. It was dead, then. A small part of her wished she was sympathetic, but she wasn't, really. It had tried to kill her. It had forced her to kill it.

She dropped down to the ground and found Vinsue looking at the wolves. "You alright?" she asked. She didn't think Vinsue had been hurt, but she wanted to ask anyway. 

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:18 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Hearing branches brake worried her that the woman may have fell. But at the howl of the wolf she knew that she was not the one that fell. 

She desided to climb back down than looked at the dead wolves. Life was a gift that she had stolen to save her own. They needed to eat, she just felt a bit bad that it coust them there lives. Being covered in blood was not a way to go to a city so she resisted the thought of cleaning them. 

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 2:53 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Ernest spared a brief second to glance downward and realized that she could no longer see Vinsue anywhere. She pushed that thought aside, though, having much more important things to concentrate on - like not dying. 

The wolf following her had to be one of the most stubborn creatures in existence, she decided, as it continued to follow her up into the branches. Fortunately, that was to her advantage. Unfortunately, that meant it was really difficult to get out of its reach. It slashed at her again, and caught the backs of her ankles. She winced.

She pulled herself up another branch, beginning to wonder how high she could go without breaking the tree herself, when she heard a crack. The wolf had finally reached a branch that couldn't hold its weight and fell crashing through the branches below. Ernest grinned. Her plan had actually worked. It had just taken her much longer than she had expected.

She resisted the urge to throw her dagger at the wolf to make sure it was dead; it was far enough below her that she could descend a little way. Finding new branches to stand on, she climbed her way down a few feet, keeping a careful eye open.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 12:22 AM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

She looked around to find a stick just to be pounced on by one of the wolve. Being unprepared she only held it off with one arm as she had to reach for her knife. only bearly grabbing it and quickly cutting its throat. It took a while to push its lifeless body off but once she did she was quick to get up and look for the other wolf. She sidestepped as it pounced just barely being missed yet getting a cut on its side. 

Soon she had turned and repeated the sidestep cut prosses untell the creature gave up and ran off. she then looked around and found a stick. She looked around for Ernest and any more of the pack. falling limbs get her attention. looking up she could hardly believe that a wolf was in the trees. she put her gagger up and started to climb the tree with one hand and her feet. 

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Wed Aug 9, 2017 12:53 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Ernest was very confused as to what Vinsue was trying to do, but figured that now was not the time to ask. She stepped a few paces back and pulled out her own dagger, knowing how little that would probably help if she actually had to fight a wolf. 

One of the wolves leapt toward her, and she swung her knife. It drew back for a second, and she took the opportunity to pull herself up into the nearest tree, a few inches out of the wolf's reach. It followed, pulling itself up onto the lowest branch, and Ernest ran along the higher branches. She spared a second to look down, and noticed two wolves going for Vinsue. Apparently they could tell who the better fighter was.

The wolf below her pulled itself up onto her branch and leapt at her, snarling. She slashed at it again, then reached for another branch and pulled herself up. Now that they were up in the trees, she had the advantage. She was much lighter than almost any wolf.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Mon Aug 7, 2017 12:53 AM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

She did not slow as Ernest stated that attention had been gathered. she dug in her bag untell she found the jerky jar and opened it. wolves were always after food as she had learned. she took out a few pieces of jerky out and put the bag back on.  she dropped the jerky and grabbed her dagger. she stopped and turned to look at the sounds of rustling leaves and growl. It was not in her to be lower on the food chain so she lacked fair. she also was filling that the wolves were intruding on her land making her a bit offensive and ready to fight. 

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Sun Aug 6, 2017 10:14 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Ernest shrugged. "Makes sense," she said. Honestly, she could imagine how awful it would be to be unable to do magic. Discovering her magic powers had been the best thing to happen to her in… well, a very long time. 

She followed Vinsue, keeping pace with her relatively easily. She had spent much of her time wandering, recently. It was natural for her.

They hadn't been walking long when they heard a soft growl behind them. Ernest turned around, but she saw nothing at first. Scanning the trees more carefully, she spotted a shadow in off a few feet in the distance. "Wonderful," she said aloud. "I think we've attracted some attention." 

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Tue Jul 4, 2017 10:17 AM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Vinsue was ready to get going and started leading the way as soon as Ernest was out of the cave. normally she kept a slower paste but now she had important gales in mind and walked a bit fast. "I most hoped to find a way to get this thing off and my powers back. but in the least I hope to find its story or its past wearers to get it removed or see if any ever did." she said before letting it drop to its resting place. 

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Mon Jul 3, 2017 4:46 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

The library? Ernest hadn't known there was a library anywhere near here. She wondered how she could have missed it - despite her track record with libraries (mostly getting angry), she was still fascinated by them. After a minute, though, she realized why she probably hadn't noticed it - it was several days away, and Ernest never ended up taking normal routes to places.

"Yeah, I'm coming." She picked up her bag and followed Vinsue out into the sunlight. It was early enough in the morning that the sun cast a glare into her face, and she frowned. It bothered her somewhat to not be able to see everything that was going on. She kept her eyes open as she walked, though, trying to spot everything she could. She had a bad habit of trying to see everything they were passing, but she tried to keep it to a minimum.

"So, what exactly are you hoping to find out at this library?" she asked.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 2:04 AM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

She appeared with her back pack sleighed over her right solder and where a dagger in her boot. "The library. I need answers and no one around these parts would know. the library in the academy would be my best shot for now." she stated that walked into a different tunnel. when she returned she had a 2 wineskins and a couple bags of dried fruit and meat.

"catch." she said than through her one of each. "The gurney is a few days on foot through the forest and past the mountains. best we get started."  She placed that witch remained into her pack and than walked into the sunlight. She took in a deep breath and frowned her sciences where not as strong as they where but she knew where she was going. she looked back with a neutral face. "Coming?"

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2017 7:38 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Ernest had not honestly expected Vinsue to be up, but she nodded. "Sure, I'll come. I don't really have any idea where else to go." Well, she could go back to the forest, but the forest wasn't going to vanish in the next few days. Perhaps she could see what would come of all this.

She didn't really have much to pack up, but she checked through her things anyway. One could never be too careful. She had, unfortunately, learned that the hard way. "So, where are we going?" she asked.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Wed Jun 7, 2017 12:55 AM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

She had been awake but she was thinking of her next moves and found no need in getting up before the question. She rolled over and looked at the entrance. "i'm up. and I know where I need to go. perhaps you will come as well?" she asked as she got up and folded her blankets. She than want into a side cavern. The sounds of medal hitting medal clicked threw the tavern as she looked for her pack and some other things.

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 6:35 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Ernest shrugged. "Sure. Have a nap. It seems to have been a busy day for both of us." She settled her back against the wall, with a vague idea of keeping watch, but realized a few seconds later that she would never be able to stay awake. She thought back to all that had happened that day. Had it really been just that morning that she had realized she was lost? Yes, it had. Not that it mattered now. She felt herself drifting off and didn't bother to resist.

The sun had just risen when she woke up the next morning. It was actually surprisingly normal for her, still half-sitting against the wall with kinks in her back, and she almost forgot anything had happened when she saw Vinsue. "Good morning," she said, yawning. "You awake yet?"

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 12:49 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

"no kidding. but i think ill go in a few days but i have a few things i want to try first." she said than yawned "one thing being sleep." she said than took a couple blankets and spread them out. "Perhaps we can talk more in the morning. i have had a long day and bed is calling me." she said than climbed into her bed.

she would soon be asleep unless the woman kept talking.

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 10:33 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Ernest nodded. "Yeah. The Keeper of Knowledge. Sorry, I'm really bad with titles." She shrugged. Titles had never been particularly relevant to her. "I know what you mean. I hate being in debt to people, too. Not that I can usually help it."

"If I go back there, I can see if he has anything on the subject." She wasn't sure if she was going back - she'd had quite the fiasco with the record orbs last time - but she figured, if she did, it was worth a look. "I swear there is information on everything in that temple." 

The lord of lies? Ernest wondered who that was. She'd never heard of a god of lies. Either he was new, or she was uninformed. Probably both, come to think of it. She focused her mind back on the conversation. "Yeah, from what I've seen, getting on the bad sides of deities doesn't go well. They can be rather… temperamental. Much like the rest of us, I suppose. Just with more power."

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 9:28 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

"the keeper of knowledge right? i met him a long time ago, he helped me master my inherited ability. i must say he is a nice guy but i am already in his debt and do not need further in it." she said. "I usually try to avoid being in others debts but if he had a book on it i would love to read it." 

"I'm sure glad Adrejen is much nicer and has better manners than the lord of lies. that said there still both deities and i would hate to be on the bad side of two of them."
she said. the one thing she was quick to pick up on was that the keeper of knowledge seemed to know everything and may even think that she deserved it. it may be stereotypical but she had learned her lesson.

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 8:54 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Ernest realized she had treaded into a more private subject, but the story sounded fascinating. It explained, for one thing, why Vinsue had so many adventures to talk about - she had had magic to back her up as well. She quietly wondered what "the cradle" was, and what god Vinsue had gotten mixed up with. Not Drae, she was almost certain of that, but she knew little about the others.

A part of her really did want to help Vinsue, but she had almost no experience with matters involving curses and the like. She paused as an idea occurred to her. "You might be able to ask Adraejen. The god of knowledge and such. His temple has a lot of records - there might be something about cursed jewelry there." It wasn't a very good idea, she thought, but it might help somewhat.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 2:41 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

The girl was right she did pick the least liked subject but vinsue did have a part in setting it up that way. "Well before the curse i was a master at fire and galvanizing magic along with healing and others. I went to the cradle to retrieve the necklace as it had called me. he placed it on my throat and with it came a sever pain. once i finally could take no more it took all my magic away as well as my inherited abilities." she said. "If that was not bad enough i awoke being attacked by his pet. I just hope to get rid of the stupid thing soon." she went quiet for a bit as she thought. she hated the thing and has found a new respect for humans and their weak… everything. 

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 1:35 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Vinsue's boldness still seemed odd to Ernest, although she supposed she might act bolder if she thought she had any hope of staying alive. "I don't have skill at all, which is probably why my main strategy is to avoid danger." Even having what magic she had, she was still woefully weak when it came to any sort of fighting.

She noticed Vinsue's quick change of the subject - not that she minded. Loyalties and such had always been awkward for her. So she thought about Vinsue's offer. "Honestly, I probably pick the worst things to ask about, but I'm curious about this curse you mentioned. What happened? I mean, besides you ticking off a god and all. But, like what does it do, besides attaching a necklace to your throat for all eternity?"

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 10:11 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Vinsue looked into the fire half wondering if it could burn her or if she was still flame resistant as to keep from seeing the girl stare. she may be stuck in human form but she did not want to see if it still threatened her for the girl was not an enemy and it made her feel weird. "I must say i will not willingly face a god like that again and the rest of them i have guts because I had will and skill to back me up if anything went wrong." she said knowing that right now she would not attempt any of her past pastimes.

"Again thanks for the help. once i get this stupid thing removed I will pay you back. just call and i will come." than knowing that that was an awkward subject she was quick to change it. "I'm sure you have questions you want to ask or a story you're dieing to hear so do ask and i would be more than glad to explain the story or answer the question." 

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 12:38 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Ernest gaped at Vinsue for a good ten seconds before realizing it was probably rude to stare. "Sorry," she said. "You have a lot more guts than I ever would." She tended to be one of the most awkward people ever around gods and goddesses, mostly because she was terrified of making them angry. "I saw what happens when a goddess gets angry once and that was more than enough for me."

"The pirates deserve it," she said, a slight grin on her face. She'd never like pirates. Or slavers, for that matter. "Again, I wouldn't be nearly brave enough to do anything, but they definitely deserve it."

She shrugged. "I'm not usually the most helpful type, but I'm glad I could aid you. I'm usually the one getting into trouble, actually. It's quite nice getting to be the one getting someone out of if, for a change." 

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 9:23 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

"Well i guess is a mix of things. i guess blatantly telling a god that you came to take a treasure doesn't get you liked. it seemed he was fine with me having it but he was not he wanted to see what type of curse it held and put it on me." she grabbed the thing around her neck still unable to take it off or break it. "As of the pirates, they hate me for freeing their slaves and destroying their ships. they have placed big bounties on my head for they want me dead but they want the fun of seeing me die a slow death. anyone else it depends on moods i have some friends and a lot of enemies" she sat down. 

"I must say a lot of firsts in a long time has happened tonight. help from a stranger, getting cut and getting captured all on the list."
she had had a ruff day. 

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 8:48 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

A curse? This was just getting more interesting as time went on. Still, Ernest knew better than to ask too many questions. She knew that people were rarely willing to share information unless they got some in return, and Ernest wasn't the type to share much. She watched Vinsue vanish deeper into the cave with a torch, then return with a jar of stew and a pair of gloves. She grinned. This girl was getting to know her too well already.

"Thanks," she said with a slight grin. She put the jar of stew on the edge of the fire to heat up and slid the gloves in her bag. She wasn't really worried about the light at this point - after all, she'd started a fire.

After a slight pause, she decided it would be alright to ask a little more. "You seem to have made a few enemies," she said, not really finding it a big deal. "Do you just naturally end up getting on people's bad sides like me? Or are you a rebel or something?" This girl seemed interesting, and Ernest hoped she would have a few stories to tell.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 11:19 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

she watched as her arm was healed but a nasty scar was left behind. She smiled at the statement and thought for a moment. It was funny how the girls hands glowed after a spell but at least she had magic.

Adeluna was a word that struck curiosity she did not want an answer to. they now had people outside the city after her wich was no surprise just this was not the time for her to have truble from places she did not know. the rest was not much of a surprise. 

"I come to the tavern every moon cycle for a drink and some mischief. usually set a few slaves free after a good ale. this time i came for a drink and forgot I just got a stupid curse. he was just trying to get some coin from the lord and had magically tampered with my drink." she said than got up and grabbed a stick and put it in a puddle of her saliva from when she was in her dragon form then put it in the flame. it almost exploded with the flame then she walked off with it. after a bit she returned with a jar of stew and some gloves and offered it to Ernest. than ate some jerky she had stored earlier that month. 

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 1:20 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Ernest focused for a second, and her hands lit up again as Vine's wound sealed. She shook her hands in the air for a second, but the light didn't diminish. "I hope you weren't planning to be inconspicuous," said Ernest. She hated the glow that came with her magic, making her always stick out in a crowd.

She supposed it was only natural for Vinsue to have questions about her. "Honestly, I was in the city because I got lost. I was exploring Virens Forest, and I got very turned around and ran out of supplies. As for how I found you, it wasn't difficult. That man just carried you through the streets. I was walking by. I remember him from… Adeluna, I think. I seem to recall he ran one of the thieving guilds. I got on the bad sides of several of the guilds for refusing to join and one of them tried to hunt me down. I think there's a small part of me that still wants to get revenge." There were, honestly, a lot of people she didn't much care for in Adeluna. She had spent much too long there.

"So, what were you doing in that city?" she asked. "And did you manage to get on his bad side as well?"

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:11 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Vinsue hated being weak. she hated the curse and as annoyed with it. "If you could that would be nice." she said and let go of her arm. she was glad to have someone to help but the fact she needed it annoyed her. she was going to get the curse removed as fast as she can. This was rather annoying.

she was glad for the fire and its warmth. and knew that she would not have been able to make it and without flame she would not have been able to close the wound. "So if I may ask, what were you doing in the city, how did you find me, and why risk your skin for me?" she asked the three questions the first out of curiosity and the other two because no one has ever tried to help her before. 

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 3:09 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

It was good to get out of the darkening night - much as she loved the wilderness, she knew the danger of the darkness. She followed Vinsue through the tunnels, keeping a careful eye on the girl as she did so. She watched curiously as Vinsue did something with her hands, apparently expecting something to happen. Nothing did, except Vinsue's shout of pain.

"Here," she said, figuring out what Vinsue was trying to do and pulling out her tinderbox to start the fire. She could have lit it using magic, but she wanted to save that for more important things. It took a couple of strokes, but she soon got a small fire kindled. It was just soon enough - the glow from her hands was starting to fade. She sat down next to Vinsue. "Do you want me to fix that cut for you?' she asked. "I still have the energy for another spell."

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 9:58 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

the glow was quite helpful for it made it easy to see. man did human shave week eye site in the dark. slowly she missed being curse free. "you are right it needs fixed but I lack the supplies necessary to clean and sill the womb."  she said as they walked she was surprised that no questions had yet been asked she knew that she would have a few if she had saved someone.

as they came to the cave she was glad to be home and walked inside. they walked past a few tunnels to the main room. She laid some sticks in the fire pit and did her knee jerk action of towing her arms towards the pit to lite it on flame. she yelled as the pain spread down her arm and whatever blood had clotted ripped open. and no flame came. she had forgotten the curse as she was now home and wan now frustrated as she held her arm and sat down. a wave of nausea hit. no flame and more pain than she had dealt with in a long time. this was not her day at least her friend's glowing hands lent some light but how long would that last?

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 9:28 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Ernest was much more at ease once they had gotten out of the city. Even though she had become relatively good at hiding it, she was still uncomfortable in crowds. She was just smart enough to know that looking uncomfortable got you hurt. Speaking of hurt… she could tell that Vinsue wasn't doing well, despite the girl's efforts to hide it. She was doing a good job, but Ernest noticed.

As they got further from the lights of the city, Ernest pulled her hands out from her cloak. She gave a half grin - for once, the annoying side effect of her magic was useful. She could see the immediate area around her, at least.

Either Vinsue was very perceptive or she'd heard a few things about Ernest - enough to figure out that Ernest had questions. She always had questions. It was kind of her way. In a way, questions had become the reason for her existence.

"Once we get to this cave," she said, "you should get that cut on your arm fixed up." It was a statement that left little room for argument. Ernest knew what it was like to be hiding pain - she'd been forced to learn. She recognized it in Vinsue now.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 8:59 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

"I meant the men have good reason to hate me the crowd was just glad for some entertainment and blood." She was unimpressed by the fight for her opponents made it easy yet she now will have a scar that will always remind her of the fight. she had hardly realised that her hood was down. it must of fell of as she fought. She quickly put it up and winced as her arm blumed with new pain. this was not good.

She then she turned to follow her rescuer as she turned towards the gate. she would have stayed in the alleys but then again that was what they would expect. once out of the city she keep walking. she had a cave not far from there and knew it was getting darker by the minute. "I'm sure after all that you have questions. come i know a safe place we can rest for the night. and i can answer your questions." the blood had seeped through the cloth and blood was once again running down her arm. She needed help with it but she was not one to ask for help.

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 3:37 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Vinsue's idea that the crowd hated her shocked Ernest. "They didn't hate you. They were amazed! It was only the men who tried to capture you who didn't like you." It was very surprising to her that Vinsue would be disappointed with how that fight had gone. Ernest herself would have loved to be able to do that.

She nodded, agreeing that they needed to leave quickly. "Come on, then," Ernest said. "The crowd is starting to disperse now - we'll probably be able to get through without being too noticeable." That, at least, was one of Ernest's talents. She knew how to avoid attention. "Pull up your hood. It'll make you less visible."

She ran a few steps to catch up with Vinsue. "I think I know how to get out of here," she said, turning toward where she knew the gate to the city to be. She stayed near the edge of the road, avoiding people as subtly as she could. She knew she still stuck out, though, even with her hands in her sleeves to stop them from glowing. Next town she got to, she was buying a pair of gloves. Not here, though. She wanted to get out of here as fast as possible.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 9:11 AM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

"Yea, guess so. Though I can say they don't hate me without cause." she said at the reputation comment. she thought the fight had gone poorly herself but then again she was use to having her abilities to back her up. but this was not the place or time to talk. The fact that she was cut only lessened what she thought of the fight. 

"It hurts but we can't patch it hear. and as you said we need to get going." She said ripping the sleeve off than tying it around her arm at the cut. It looked bad as the blood had already ran down her arm. She would have fixed the womb with a spell but that was still out of the question. They needed to get out of the aria and possibly the city as soon as possible. 

She started walking down the ally towards the entrance of the city. She put on her poker face to keep from showing the pain for she has always feared letting others know how she feels and thought that pain made one look weak. She strives to be strong and had developed ways to keep her from appearing weak. 

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 9:08 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Ernest turned back when she heard the shouting, worried that someone might have caught Vinsue, but, to her surprise, it was the exact opposite. Watching from the rooftop, she was very impressed at Vinsue's fighting skills. She wished she could fight like that.

When the fight ended - not that it took long - Ernest slid down from the roof and slipped through the crowd to join Vinsue. "You appear to have quite a reputation," she said. Although that was understandable, seeing how impressive the girl was in combat. "That was amazing." 

She noticed the cut on Vine's arm. "Are you all right?" she asked. She wanted to help, but she would understand it if Vinsue wanted to handle it on her own. Ernest herself had never been good at taking help, even when she knew she needed it. She could be way too independent at times. Although it often kept her alive, that wasn't by any stretch of the imagination always the case.

The crowd was still shouting, excited, and Ernest had a feeling that word would get out about this fight. "We should probably get out of here soon," she said. "Word will spread, and there will be more men coming."

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:38 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Shiloh had watched the whole scene play out before her from the comfort of her perch in the shadows. If they looked like they were in a bind, she would've lent a hand but it seemed like they were capable enough. As the fight concluded, she felt the name the crowd was chanting to be oddly familiar. The woman had taken damage, in spite of acting like it didn't hurt a bit. A nasty wound, not fatal however. Overall if she were to rate the fight it would be a six. Too theatrical and the opponents were blindly bumbling around waving their weapons. There was no skill, no display of technique. Just plain, boring brute force and near misses. At least no one was dead. 

It would have been much more fun if they had drawn the fight out and if they didn't charge at her one at a time. Why did people even do that in fights anyway? It took Shiloh the whole length of the fight to recall who was being cornered down there. How could she have forgotten? That woman. That woman down there–she was the one who electrocuted a man when she was leading her out of this pirate-infested den. So this was how she acted in a fight…interesting. Still the same cocky attitude and confidence as she had remembered. Now that she knew the woman was here, should she go down and say hello? No, that wouldn't be a good idea. The crowd's attention was focused on her now and she still had a job to do. Slipping away she continued her search for Barnabas Foley.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 5:16 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

She stopped by a chimney and looked at the crowd. why was she running the men that were after them could not know that she was without her magic. It was obvious her rescuer was trapped and Vinsue would be troubled if someone else were to die when it was her head that started the mess. she slid to the edge of the roof and jumped to the ground.

That hurt a bit more than normal but she did not think on it long. She went to an all out sprint towards the men and grabbed her dagger at the last minute before slitting the archers neck. The others quickly turned their attention to her. she could have sworn that there was more than four earlier but the three in front of her and the one on the ground was all she could see. 

She stood there in her fighting stance ready for one of the fools to make a move. The one in the middle drown his sword and came at her first. She side stepped his slice and pushed him over as she than cut the arm of the one on his left. she than stood at the other side of tham with a smile on her face. she then caught the hand of the third that held his sword and dod a twist as she put her dagger to his throat. now having his sword she dropped her dagger and sliced at the one that had fallen but now stood. The clash of metal could be heard as she striked and blocked.

A crowd had quickly gathered and started to cheer her on. she pushed the man over and then tripped the one that still stood. "Silvertail." she said 3 times at a yell as the men regained their footing.  the crowd picked up the chant and she turned to face the men. "Last chance to walk away." she said. Thew men only came at her. she cut the ones leg as she side stepped and got cut on the arm by one of the others. The fight turned almost to a dance as the swords swing. 

Once she was one on one with the last one there swords circled tell she managed to knock it out of his hand. the point of her sword rested on his throat. "Never mess with silvertail" she said as she quickly cut his leg in a swift motion and dropped the sword as he fell to his side with a scream. she turned and picked up her dagger than walked off down an alleyway and hid in a dark corner as she looked at how bad her arm was cut. it was a good 4 inches long and one inch deep. It hurt but as her adrenaline was wearing off. She left the men wounded but living. and waited on her rescuer to come down to her.

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 2:37 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Luckily for Ernest, the guards had no knowledge of how to climb buildings. She was very glad - they would have little chance of catching her now. Still, she broke into a full sprint, jumping between buildings without even slowing down. They could still see her, and they would find a way to get her if they could. 

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Vinsue, running along the roofs on the other side of the street. The girl was still much too close to be safe, and Ernest wanted to yell at her to go the other way, but knew that if she did, they would know Vinsue was there. Instead, she turned sharply away from the street and ran perpendicular to the street. 

Unfortunately, she couldn't get very far, because there was another road much too wide for her to jump running across her path. She turned back the way she had been running before, now conscious of the shouting men in the streets, who clearly were still able to find her. She heard a crossbow twang, and ducked as the quarrel flew over her head. Staying down, she pulled herself along the rooftops until she came to a gap. Then, unfortunately, she was stuck. She couldn't jump the gap without the bowmen shooting her. As for magic, at this point, the idea was laughable. She would be caught in two minutes if she even tried anything powerful enough to cross that gap.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:05 AM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

For a second vinsue was confused as to where they were and what had happened. Seeing the brightness also shocked her but she was quick to realise that they had made it out of the house and into a nearby alleyway. She noticed the boxes and a past out 'drunk' or that what she hoped was laying there as she started running after her freer. she had dropped the 'sword' beforehand as to make it easier to get threw the crowd. 

She heard a yell saying to get them. her thought was how did they know she had escaped so quickly. She knew that one of the best methods to get someone to talk or induce fear was to let one's imagination play out. She knew that the lords knew this and would have waited a bit before actually doing anything to her yet they so quickly knew she was free.She followed Ernest tell the girl told her to go a different way. She had it wrong they were after there escaping prisoner not the other girl and once they split she quickly climbed to the ruff tops. the girl was much faster than their pursuers and was quick to climb the building. she watched as the girl started running across the ruffs and quickly did the same. 

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 10:46 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Ernest closed her eyes for a second and concentrated. There was a sudden flash of light and they were both quite abruptly somewhere else, a darkened alley full of boxes. It seemed safe enough but Ernest had no doubt that they were much too close to the manor for her liking. Her magic wasn't nearly powerful enough to send them far enough away to be safe.

Glancing around, Ernest was surprised to find how bright it was outside, seeing how the sun had nearly set. Unfortunately for her, she never thought that fact might be a little odder than her first impression. She looked around, then ducked out of the alleyway. "Follow me," she said to Vinsue. She had a general idea of where they were, and was pretty sure she knew how to get out.

They made it five steps past the alleyway before Ernest heard a shout. "There they are! Get them!" a voice called. Ernest did the only thing she knew how to do. Pulling Vinsue after her, she ducked into what was left of the crowd, trying to lose their pursuers.

The men were still following her after a few moments, and it suddenly struck her all at once why they were following her. She glanced down long enough to see that, like they usually did when she did magic, her hands were glowing in a bright runic pattern. She had forgotten that this happened and it was going to cost her her life. She should have remembered to buy a pair of gloves.

They were nearing the alley they had first popped out of, and Ernest whispered to Vinsue, "Run. Down there. They won't be able to find you - they're following me. Good luck." She pushed Vinsue in the direction of the alley and swerved the other direction. She ducked through the crowd again. They knew her now. The game was on. Running toward another building, she tried to pull herself up the wall. If she could get to the rooftops, she'd be safe. There was no way to catch her there.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 9:11 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

She really needed to learn how to phrase her advertising better. Shiloh had started offering her services as a courier, for both local and long-distance. But when she said 'long-distance' she didn't mean all the way across the bloody continent. Fortunately for her, she already knew where Vilpamolan was and how to get there thanks to having stumbled her way through the plains and forest months earlier. All she needed to do was drop off the package with a 'Sir Barnabas Foley', a halfling with a prodigious curled mustache even a dwarf would be proud of. Out of respect for the client she didn't peek inside, but she did shake it to hazard a guess at what was within. She had made it abundantly clear that she was not the type to carry stolen or smuggled goods, and anyone who hired her services with such intent would suffer corporal punishment by yours truly. Although she had no qualms with skirting around the law for good reasons, intentional smuggling or embezzlement were high on her pet peeve list. No matter how much money they offered, she wasn't going to do somebody else's dirty work.Back in the sea port she sarcastically referred to as the 'den of scum and villainy', she slipped in and out of the shadows avoiding contact with the people. In places like this, if you wanted to avoid trouble you needed to be invisible. And what better way to hide than to become one with the walls? There were plenty of blind spots and alleyways for her to duck in and out of, and were perfect for keeping bouts of misanthropy at bay. The rooftops weren't as easy to walk along as in Adeluna, but they were closer together. And finding a halfling in a city of people was like searching for a short needle in a pile of long needles. Spending hours stalking the shadows and staring intently at the faces of every person under five feet was not what she would call a satisfying job. Passing by one of the many ramshackle houses, she overhear the ruffians speaking of unsavory things they planned to do to a woman they had kidnapped. Disgusted, she was ready to leave when she heard one of them say something that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. She had built up a good deal of stress from her ordeal in travelling here; now seemed like the perfect opportunity to rain on someone else's parade. And it was perfectly fine as they were terrible people who planned to do horrible things anyway. As one of the thugs came out from the house and turned into the alley she was skulking in, she came from behind and put him in a choke hold, sapping his strength as she pulled him away out of sight. She covered him up with some discarded crates and a barrel, making him look like a neatly arranged pile of boxes. When his friend came to look for him, she did the same thing to him too. The alley was quickly accumulating a collection of unconscious bodies as she watched from overhead. 

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 8:23 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Vinsue shuk the girl's hand and got up. "good idea." she said and looked at the tables and walls. It was likely that they would need to fight out and she was not leaving empty handed. she grabbed a dagger and put it in her boots and then grabbed a really sickening sword looking thing and joined her by the doorway. She would have prefered a staff or rod but that was the best she could manage to find for this room was meant for hored things. "I do not mind magic so feel free to use it and get us out of hear." 

Vinsue would have done a spell but as of now the curse kept her from being able to do any. She could hear the echo of voices down the hall on the other side. She was sure glad to have been saved from what they intended on doing. She just wished she had her fancy clothes on for they had coins hanging on them that made a nice sound to them and was known to cause chealls in those that she was after. she held the 'sword' at the ready and stepped away from the wall.

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 7:21 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Ernest stared in total shock at the girl for a minute. This girl had guts, that was for sure. Fortunately, though, the man was either not allowed or not willing to harm her. Ernest couldn't help a grin. The man had deserved it, that was for sure. It was sort of amusing to watch him be bullied around by the girl, just because it was so backward to what it should have been.

The girl's remarks hinted at an interesting past between the two, but Ernest knew she could worry about that later. As soon as the man had left, she climbed out of her hiding place and pulled out her lock picks again, fiddling with the lock on the cuffs. After a few moments, she undid the wrist cuffs, and took a second to undo the one chaining the girl's foot to the wall. She held out her hand. "Nice to meet you, Vinsue. What say we get out of here?"

She walked over to the door and suddenly realized that, of course, the man had bolted it behind him. "Crap," she muttered. "I hate it when this happens." She turned to Vinsue. "I should have guessed that would happen. You don't have any inhibitions against magic, do you? Because it seems like our options are limited at this point. I know a spell that could get us out of here." That was, if she could do it properly. It had been a while since she'd tried this one.

Voices echoed faintly from the hallway outside, though some distance away. While Ernest couldn't make out the words, she didn't really have any question about what they were saying. The men outside no doubt had something planned, and she definitely didn't want to find out what it was.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 6:00 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

Vinsue looked up as she heard footsteps and doors opening and closing. She slid one leg out and rested her arm on the other as a sign that she had no fear. granit she was terrified. she did not even know which of the lords she was sint to but than again any of them were mad at her and none knew forgiveness, mistake, or mercy. She put on a rather good poker face as the door opened from the far side of the room. Her first thoughts were of question and confusion. She did not remember agreeing this woman so had they sent a girl to torture her. The min she had angered was said to use men to torture yet once the girl stated she was here to help she relaxed as she believed her and could use the help.

Once she hid Vinsue quickly looked back at the door. Threw the door came a man she actually knew and that was not a good thing. He had tried to capture her a few months ago with his buddies and received her mark. he was just a hired henchmen and not even a good one at that but at least she knew who to look forward to meeting later on. The man walked in with a evil chuckle. "O' how the mighty has fallen. Not even the infonis Silvertail could out do fate" he said stopping just out of her reach. He still feared her and she could feel it. She almost laughed back. "Still mad I see, So What did the boss do to you once he learned you failed" she said in a joyed tone. 

The man really needed to learn how to control his expressions she thought as his face first showed his thoughts than he smiled. "Nothing compared to what you're about to go through" he said then turned. She quickly expanded her leg and caught his leg with her foot tripping him. He got up and dusted himself off before looking at her. His face was red though the darkness made it hard to see. she laughed. Qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic, be strong and do not let them know your fears. she thought as he walked to the table and looked over them. Though he did not touch them. She only smiled as she realised he was not to touch her and left the room. 

He had come to confirm that the man brought the right person and though he was mad he was not to touch her though she knew that once the person meant to harm her came there would likely turn it into a show. "Hope the mark still hurts." she yelled and laughed as the man stomped out of hearing range. than she turned her voice to a normal one. "I'm Vinsue Silvertail and I am glad you have came." She put her hands out so the girl could undo the cuffs. 

Author: Silver Star, Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 6:31 PM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

This city made Ernest's skin crawl. She hated every inch of this place, and she couldn't wait to leave. Had she not gotten horribly lost in Virens Forest, she wouldn't have had to be here at all, but here she was. Hopefully, she could just get in, get out, and not have to deal with anyone. She doubted that would happen, though. The city had a reputation, and Ernest tended to be unlucky.

There was a market of sorts up ahead, and Ernest blended into the crowd, trying not to get noticed. She didn't think she would be. She was very inconspicuous when she tried to be. Still, every pair of eyes in the market was one that could notice her or recognize her. 

She was just purchasing the last of her supplies when she happened to notice a man carrying an unconscious young woman through the market. She turned, watching him, wondering what she should do. Her instincts told her something was wrong, but she was unsure what she could do. Well, she knew what she could do, but she was unsure if it was worth the high risk of death that accompanied it.

Her gaze followed the man, and she caught a glimpse of his face. To her shock, she realized she recognized him. He was from one of the thieving crews in Adeluna, she thought. Either way, she did not remember him fondly. Whatever he was planning to do with this girl, it would not be good. She made up her mind in that moment, and followed him as he walked through the marketplace.

He was apparently doing quite well here, because he vanished into one of the less destroyed mansions near the edge of town. Ernest knew it would be suicide to try to get in through the door like he had. Thankfully, she didn't intend to. She ducked below the bottoms of the windows and snuck around the back of the house. One of the catches on a window was broken, and she slid it open and snuck into the house. 

The main floor seemed rather neglected, leading Ernest to believe that he was probably in the basement. Nobody who lived on the main or upper floors of the house would leave it in such disrepair. She scanned the floor, searching for a hatch, when she heard a scraping sound from the floor. She ducked under a table with part of the tablecloth left just in time to see the man emerge from the hatch she had been looking for and leave the room, looking about somewhat suspiciously as he did. That had been close. On the plus side, he had essentially told her where the trapdoor was. She walked over to it. It wasn't even locked, just hidden in a corner with a sturdy latch.

She dropped down the ladder and found herself in a dark stone corridor with wooden doors leading off to the sides. Knowing she had to be quick, she began trying doors, hoping there was nobody in the rooms. No one was - including the girl she was looking for. She cursed. Where had the man hidden her? 

She ran her fingers over the wall at the end of the corridor, finding it quite suspicious, when she felt one of the stones that was a very odd shape. On a hunch, she pushed it upward. It moved, and the hidden door slowly slid open. She gasped at the sight. Instruments, most of whose purpose she didn't want to even guess at, hung on the walls. And, at the very back of the room was the girl she had been looking for.

Ernest walked over to the girl. "I'm Ernest," she said. "I'm here to get you out." She fiddled in her bag for her lock pick, but, as she did so, she heard footsteps coming down the hallway. The man of the house was home. Ernest slid into the shadows,behind one of the racks on the walls, hoping the man wouldn't notice her, but ready if he did.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 8:59 AM, Post Subject: How the tables have turned [open]

If she were smart she would have kept walking to the next town. Course she may have a curse and be stuck in human form without her powers but she had a reputation and was almost certain that no one would dare test her for may held her mark of a backwards S with a tale over there hart or on there hands from past attempts. She had her hood up as she wore the same simple brown robe she wore when she got the curse and preceded to a nearby bar. She ordered a glass of ale and took a seat at a corner table where she could see who came in and out of the bar. It was her usual seat in her favorite bar. She took a sip of the well-made ale and watched a tall man in a dark shirt and pants walk in and drop his hood. He had walked over to the bar and ordered a drink. but once he had it he kept talking to the people. She quickly drew he attention back to her drink knowing that staring caused fights. She had drunken half her drink at the time the man sat his cup at her table and asked if he could join her in conversation. she let him and he sat down. "Funny how big the city is." he said as Vinsue only nodded. She had only been to very few arias but she knew it was large. she sipped her drink as he continued to talk. She was not worried tell he called her SilverTail and said that a friend of his had requested he get her for him. she froze at the way he said it and looked at him. Though she could not win a fight, she was not going to see this "friend" of his with out a fight but her vision blurred as she stood up. The guy had lightly poisoned her drink with his magic but only he knew that as she fell to the ground and lost all conciseness, the man lightly chuckled. "That was two easy,” the man said to himself as he picked her up and left the tavern…She woke up with her arms in relic shackles and her foot chained to a wall. The room it self was full of different torture tools yet as of living people it was void. She sat up and looked around before dropping her gaze to the shackles on her hands and pulled her feat up to where she could rest her arms on her knees. They had finally cult her and there was nothing she could do about it. Her only hope is that they go easy on her yet with all the trouble she had caused she would be lucky to walk away alive.

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