This city made Ernest's skin crawl. She hated every inch of this place, and she couldn't wait to leave. Had she not gotten horribly lost in Virens Forest, she wouldn't have had to be here at all, but here she was. Hopefully, she could just get in, get out, and not have to deal with anyone. She doubted that would happen, though. The city had a reputation, and Ernest tended to be unlucky.
There was a market of sorts up ahead, and Ernest blended into the crowd, trying not to get noticed. She didn't think she would be. She was very inconspicuous when she tried to be. Still, every pair of eyes in the market was one that could notice her or recognize her.
She was just purchasing the last of her supplies when she happened to notice a man carrying an unconscious young woman through the market. She turned, watching him, wondering what she should do. Her instincts told her something was wrong, but she was unsure what she could do. Well, she knew what she could do, but she was unsure if it was worth the high risk of death that accompanied it.
Her gaze followed the man, and she caught a glimpse of his face. To her shock, she realized she recognized him. He was from one of the thieving crews in Adeluna, she thought. Either way, she did not remember him fondly. Whatever he was planning to do with this girl, it would not be good. She made up her mind in that moment, and followed him as he walked through the marketplace.
He was apparently doing quite well here, because he vanished into one of the less destroyed mansions near the edge of town. Ernest knew it would be suicide to try to get in through the door like he had. Thankfully, she didn't intend to. She ducked below the bottoms of the windows and snuck around the back of the house. One of the catches on a window was broken, and she slid it open and snuck into the house.
The main floor seemed rather neglected, leading Ernest to believe that he was probably in the basement. Nobody who lived on the main or upper floors of the house would leave it in such disrepair. She scanned the floor, searching for a hatch, when she heard a scraping sound from the floor. She ducked under a table with part of the tablecloth left just in time to see the man emerge from the hatch she had been looking for and leave the room, looking about somewhat suspiciously as he did. That had been close. On the plus side, he had essentially told her where the trapdoor was. She walked over to it. It wasn't even locked, just hidden in a corner with a sturdy latch.
She dropped down the ladder and found herself in a dark stone corridor with wooden doors leading off to the sides. Knowing she had to be quick, she began trying doors, hoping there was nobody in the rooms. No one was - including the girl she was looking for. She cursed. Where had the man hidden her?
She ran her fingers over the wall at the end of the corridor, finding it quite suspicious, when she felt one of the stones that was a very odd shape. On a hunch, she pushed it upward. It moved, and the hidden door slowly slid open. She gasped at the sight. Instruments, most of whose purpose she didn't want to even guess at, hung on the walls. And, at the very back of the room was the girl she had been looking for.
Ernest walked over to the girl. "I'm Ernest," she said. "I'm here to get you out." She fiddled in her bag for her lock pick, but, as she did so, she heard footsteps coming down the hallway. The man of the house was home. Ernest slid into the shadows,behind one of the racks on the walls, hoping the man wouldn't notice her, but ready if he did.