Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Vilpamolan Coast > Pirate Haven of Vilpamolan > How the tables have turned [open]

Character Info
Name: Vinsue
Age: 264, appears 20
Alignment: LG
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: healer/fighter
Silver: 171
If she were smart she would have kept walking to the next town. Course she may have a curse and be stuck in human form without her powers but she had a reputation and was almost certain that no one would dare test her for may held her mark of a backwards S with a tale over there hart or on there hands from past attempts. She had her hood up as she wore the same simple brown robe she wore when she got the curse and preceded to a nearby bar. She ordered a glass of ale and took a seat at a corner table where she could see who came in and out of the bar. It was her usual seat in her favorite bar. She took a sip of the well-made ale and watched a tall man in a dark shirt and pants walk in and drop his hood. He had walked over to the bar and ordered a drink. but once he had it he kept talking to the people. She quickly drew he attention back to her drink knowing that staring caused fights. She had drunken half her drink at the time the man sat his cup at her table and asked if he could join her in conversation. she let him and he sat down. "Funny how big the city is." he said as Vinsue only nodded. She had only been to very few arias but she knew it was large. she sipped her drink as he continued to talk. She was not worried tell he called her SilverTail and said that a friend of his had requested he get her for him. she froze at the way he said it and looked at him. Though she could not win a fight, she was not going to see this "friend" of his with out a fight but her vision blurred as she stood up. The guy had lightly poisoned her drink with his magic but only he knew that as she fell to the ground and lost all conciseness, the man lightly chuckled. "That was two easy,” the man said to himself as he picked her up and left the tavern…She woke up with her arms in relic shackles and her foot chained to a wall. The room it self was full of different torture tools yet as of living people it was void. She sat up and looked around before dropping her gaze to the shackles on her hands and pulled her feat up to where she could rest her arms on her knees. They had finally cult her and there was nothing she could do about it. Her only hope is that they go easy on her yet with all the trouble she had caused she would be lucky to walk away alive.

qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic.
Silver Star

Character Info
Name: Ernest
Age: 16
Alignment: TN
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Silver: 8982
This city made Ernest's skin crawl. She hated every inch of this place, and she couldn't wait to leave. Had she not gotten horribly lost in Virens Forest, she wouldn't have had to be here at all, but here she was. Hopefully, she could just get in, get out, and not have to deal with anyone. She doubted that would happen, though. The city had a reputation, and Ernest tended to be unlucky.

There was a market of sorts up ahead, and Ernest blended into the crowd, trying not to get noticed. She didn't think she would be. She was very inconspicuous when she tried to be. Still, every pair of eyes in the market was one that could notice her or recognize her. 

She was just purchasing the last of her supplies when she happened to notice a man carrying an unconscious young woman through the market. She turned, watching him, wondering what she should do. Her instincts told her something was wrong, but she was unsure what she could do. Well, she knew what she could do, but she was unsure if it was worth the high risk of death that accompanied it.

Her gaze followed the man, and she caught a glimpse of his face. To her shock, she realized she recognized him. He was from one of the thieving crews in Adeluna, she thought. Either way, she did not remember him fondly. Whatever he was planning to do with this girl, it would not be good. She made up her mind in that moment, and followed him as he walked through the marketplace.

He was apparently doing quite well here, because he vanished into one of the less destroyed mansions near the edge of town. Ernest knew it would be suicide to try to get in through the door like he had. Thankfully, she didn't intend to. She ducked below the bottoms of the windows and snuck around the back of the house. One of the catches on a window was broken, and she slid it open and snuck into the house. 

The main floor seemed rather neglected, leading Ernest to believe that he was probably in the basement. Nobody who lived on the main or upper floors of the house would leave it in such disrepair. She scanned the floor, searching for a hatch, when she heard a scraping sound from the floor. She ducked under a table with part of the tablecloth left just in time to see the man emerge from the hatch she had been looking for and leave the room, looking about somewhat suspiciously as he did. That had been close. On the plus side, he had essentially told her where the trapdoor was. She walked over to it. It wasn't even locked, just hidden in a corner with a sturdy latch.

She dropped down the ladder and found herself in a dark stone corridor with wooden doors leading off to the sides. Knowing she had to be quick, she began trying doors, hoping there was nobody in the rooms. No one was - including the girl she was looking for. She cursed. Where had the man hidden her? 

She ran her fingers over the wall at the end of the corridor, finding it quite suspicious, when she felt one of the stones that was a very odd shape. On a hunch, she pushed it upward. It moved, and the hidden door slowly slid open. She gasped at the sight. Instruments, most of whose purpose she didn't want to even guess at, hung on the walls. And, at the very back of the room was the girl she had been looking for.

Ernest walked over to the girl. "I'm Ernest," she said. "I'm here to get you out." She fiddled in her bag for her lock pick, but, as she did so, she heard footsteps coming down the hallway. The man of the house was home. Ernest slid into the shadows,behind one of the racks on the walls, hoping the man wouldn't notice her, but ready if he did.


Character Info
Name: Vinsue
Age: 264, appears 20
Alignment: LG
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: healer/fighter
Silver: 171
Vinsue looked up as she heard footsteps and doors opening and closing. She slid one leg out and rested her arm on the other as a sign that she had no fear. granit she was terrified. she did not even know which of the lords she was sint to but than again any of them were mad at her and none knew forgiveness, mistake, or mercy. She put on a rather good poker face as the door opened from the far side of the room. Her first thoughts were of question and confusion. She did not remember agreeing this woman so had they sent a girl to torture her. The min she had angered was said to use men to torture yet once the girl stated she was here to help she relaxed as she believed her and could use the help.

Once she hid Vinsue quickly looked back at the door. Threw the door came a man she actually knew and that was not a good thing. He had tried to capture her a few months ago with his buddies and received her mark. he was just a hired henchmen and not even a good one at that but at least she knew who to look forward to meeting later on. The man walked in with a evil chuckle. "O' how the mighty has fallen. Not even the infonis Silvertail could out do fate" he said stopping just out of her reach. He still feared her and she could feel it. She almost laughed back. "Still mad I see, So What did the boss do to you once he learned you failed" she said in a joyed tone. 

The man really needed to learn how to control his expressions she thought as his face first showed his thoughts than he smiled. "Nothing compared to what you're about to go through" he said then turned. She quickly expanded her leg and caught his leg with her foot tripping him. He got up and dusted himself off before looking at her. His face was red though the darkness made it hard to see. she laughed. Qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic, be strong and do not let them know your fears. she thought as he walked to the table and looked over them. Though he did not touch them. She only smiled as she realised he was not to touch her and left the room. 

He had come to confirm that the man brought the right person and though he was mad he was not to touch her though she knew that once the person meant to harm her came there would likely turn it into a show. "Hope the mark still hurts." she yelled and laughed as the man stomped out of hearing range. than she turned her voice to a normal one. "I'm Vinsue Silvertail and I am glad you have came." She put her hands out so the girl could undo the cuffs. 

qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic.
Silver Star

Character Info
Name: Ernest
Age: 16
Alignment: TN
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Silver: 8982
Ernest stared in total shock at the girl for a minute. This girl had guts, that was for sure. Fortunately, though, the man was either not allowed or not willing to harm her. Ernest couldn't help a grin. The man had deserved it, that was for sure. It was sort of amusing to watch him be bullied around by the girl, just because it was so backward to what it should have been.

The girl's remarks hinted at an interesting past between the two, but Ernest knew she could worry about that later. As soon as the man had left, she climbed out of her hiding place and pulled out her lock picks again, fiddling with the lock on the cuffs. After a few moments, she undid the wrist cuffs, and took a second to undo the one chaining the girl's foot to the wall. She held out her hand. "Nice to meet you, Vinsue. What say we get out of here?"

She walked over to the door and suddenly realized that, of course, the man had bolted it behind him. "Crap," she muttered. "I hate it when this happens." She turned to Vinsue. "I should have guessed that would happen. You don't have any inhibitions against magic, do you? Because it seems like our options are limited at this point. I know a spell that could get us out of here." That was, if she could do it properly. It had been a while since she'd tried this one.

Voices echoed faintly from the hallway outside, though some distance away. While Ernest couldn't make out the words, she didn't really have any question about what they were saying. The men outside no doubt had something planned, and she definitely didn't want to find out what it was.


Character Info
Name: Vinsue
Age: 264, appears 20
Alignment: LG
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: healer/fighter
Silver: 171
Vinsue shuk the girl's hand and got up. "good idea." she said and looked at the tables and walls. It was likely that they would need to fight out and she was not leaving empty handed. she grabbed a dagger and put it in her boots and then grabbed a really sickening sword looking thing and joined her by the doorway. She would have prefered a staff or rod but that was the best she could manage to find for this room was meant for hored things. "I do not mind magic so feel free to use it and get us out of hear." 

Vinsue would have done a spell but as of now the curse kept her from being able to do any. She could hear the echo of voices down the hall on the other side. She was sure glad to have been saved from what they intended on doing. She just wished she had her fancy clothes on for they had coins hanging on them that made a nice sound to them and was known to cause chealls in those that she was after. she held the 'sword' at the ready and stepped away from the wall.

qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic.
Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
She really needed to learn how to phrase her advertising better. Shiloh had started offering her services as a courier, for both local and long-distance. But when she said 'long-distance' she didn't mean all the way across the bloody continent. Fortunately for her, she already knew where Vilpamolan was and how to get there thanks to having stumbled her way through the plains and forest months earlier. All she needed to do was drop off the package with a 'Sir Barnabas Foley', a halfling with a prodigious curled mustache even a dwarf would be proud of. Out of respect for the client she didn't peek inside, but she did shake it to hazard a guess at what was within. She had made it abundantly clear that she was not the type to carry stolen or smuggled goods, and anyone who hired her services with such intent would suffer corporal punishment by yours truly. Although she had no qualms with skirting around the law for good reasons, intentional smuggling or embezzlement were high on her pet peeve list. No matter how much money they offered, she wasn't going to do somebody else's dirty work.Back in the sea port she sarcastically referred to as the 'den of scum and villainy', she slipped in and out of the shadows avoiding contact with the people. In places like this, if you wanted to avoid trouble you needed to be invisible. And what better way to hide than to become one with the walls? There were plenty of blind spots and alleyways for her to duck in and out of, and were perfect for keeping bouts of misanthropy at bay. The rooftops weren't as easy to walk along as in Adeluna, but they were closer together. And finding a halfling in a city of people was like searching for a short needle in a pile of long needles. Spending hours stalking the shadows and staring intently at the faces of every person under five feet was not what she would call a satisfying job. Passing by one of the many ramshackle houses, she overhear the ruffians speaking of unsavory things they planned to do to a woman they had kidnapped. Disgusted, she was ready to leave when she heard one of them say something that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. She had built up a good deal of stress from her ordeal in travelling here; now seemed like the perfect opportunity to rain on someone else's parade. And it was perfectly fine as they were terrible people who planned to do horrible things anyway. As one of the thugs came out from the house and turned into the alley she was skulking in, she came from behind and put him in a choke hold, sapping his strength as she pulled him away out of sight. She covered him up with some discarded crates and a barrel, making him look like a neatly arranged pile of boxes. When his friend came to look for him, she did the same thing to him too. The alley was quickly accumulating a collection of unconscious bodies as she watched from overhead. 

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.
Silver Star

Character Info
Name: Ernest
Age: 16
Alignment: TN
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Silver: 8982
Ernest closed her eyes for a second and concentrated. There was a sudden flash of light and they were both quite abruptly somewhere else, a darkened alley full of boxes. It seemed safe enough but Ernest had no doubt that they were much too close to the manor for her liking. Her magic wasn't nearly powerful enough to send them far enough away to be safe.

Glancing around, Ernest was surprised to find how bright it was outside, seeing how the sun had nearly set. Unfortunately for her, she never thought that fact might be a little odder than her first impression. She looked around, then ducked out of the alleyway. "Follow me," she said to Vinsue. She had a general idea of where they were, and was pretty sure she knew how to get out.

They made it five steps past the alleyway before Ernest heard a shout. "There they are! Get them!" a voice called. Ernest did the only thing she knew how to do. Pulling Vinsue after her, she ducked into what was left of the crowd, trying to lose their pursuers.

The men were still following her after a few moments, and it suddenly struck her all at once why they were following her. She glanced down long enough to see that, like they usually did when she did magic, her hands were glowing in a bright runic pattern. She had forgotten that this happened and it was going to cost her her life. She should have remembered to buy a pair of gloves.

They were nearing the alley they had first popped out of, and Ernest whispered to Vinsue, "Run. Down there. They won't be able to find you - they're following me. Good luck." She pushed Vinsue in the direction of the alley and swerved the other direction. She ducked through the crowd again. They knew her now. The game was on. Running toward another building, she tried to pull herself up the wall. If she could get to the rooftops, she'd be safe. There was no way to catch her there.


Character Info
Name: Vinsue
Age: 264, appears 20
Alignment: LG
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: healer/fighter
Silver: 171
For a second vinsue was confused as to where they were and what had happened. Seeing the brightness also shocked her but she was quick to realise that they had made it out of the house and into a nearby alleyway. She noticed the boxes and a past out 'drunk' or that what she hoped was laying there as she started running after her freer. she had dropped the 'sword' beforehand as to make it easier to get threw the crowd. 

She heard a yell saying to get them. her thought was how did they know she had escaped so quickly. She knew that one of the best methods to get someone to talk or induce fear was to let one's imagination play out. She knew that the lords knew this and would have waited a bit before actually doing anything to her yet they so quickly knew she was free.She followed Ernest tell the girl told her to go a different way. She had it wrong they were after there escaping prisoner not the other girl and once they split she quickly climbed to the ruff tops. the girl was much faster than their pursuers and was quick to climb the building. she watched as the girl started running across the ruffs and quickly did the same. 

qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic.
Silver Star

Character Info
Name: Ernest
Age: 16
Alignment: TN
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Silver: 8982
Luckily for Ernest, the guards had no knowledge of how to climb buildings. She was very glad - they would have little chance of catching her now. Still, she broke into a full sprint, jumping between buildings without even slowing down. They could still see her, and they would find a way to get her if they could. 

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Vinsue, running along the roofs on the other side of the street. The girl was still much too close to be safe, and Ernest wanted to yell at her to go the other way, but knew that if she did, they would know Vinsue was there. Instead, she turned sharply away from the street and ran perpendicular to the street. 

Unfortunately, she couldn't get very far, because there was another road much too wide for her to jump running across her path. She turned back the way she had been running before, now conscious of the shouting men in the streets, who clearly were still able to find her. She heard a crossbow twang, and ducked as the quarrel flew over her head. Staying down, she pulled herself along the rooftops until she came to a gap. Then, unfortunately, she was stuck. She couldn't jump the gap without the bowmen shooting her. As for magic, at this point, the idea was laughable. She would be caught in two minutes if she even tried anything powerful enough to cross that gap.


Character Info
Name: Vinsue
Age: 264, appears 20
Alignment: LG
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: healer/fighter
Silver: 171
She stopped by a chimney and looked at the crowd. why was she running the men that were after them could not know that she was without her magic. It was obvious her rescuer was trapped and Vinsue would be troubled if someone else were to die when it was her head that started the mess. she slid to the edge of the roof and jumped to the ground.

That hurt a bit more than normal but she did not think on it long. She went to an all out sprint towards the men and grabbed her dagger at the last minute before slitting the archers neck. The others quickly turned their attention to her. she could have sworn that there was more than four earlier but the three in front of her and the one on the ground was all she could see. 

She stood there in her fighting stance ready for one of the fools to make a move. The one in the middle drown his sword and came at her first. She side stepped his slice and pushed him over as she than cut the arm of the one on his left. she than stood at the other side of tham with a smile on her face. she then caught the hand of the third that held his sword and dod a twist as she put her dagger to his throat. now having his sword she dropped her dagger and sliced at the one that had fallen but now stood. The clash of metal could be heard as she striked and blocked.

A crowd had quickly gathered and started to cheer her on. she pushed the man over and then tripped the one that still stood. "Silvertail." she said 3 times at a yell as the men regained their footing.  the crowd picked up the chant and she turned to face the men. "Last chance to walk away." she said. Thew men only came at her. she cut the ones leg as she side stepped and got cut on the arm by one of the others. The fight turned almost to a dance as the swords swing. 

Once she was one on one with the last one there swords circled tell she managed to knock it out of his hand. the point of her sword rested on his throat. "Never mess with silvertail" she said as she quickly cut his leg in a swift motion and dropped the sword as he fell to his side with a scream. she turned and picked up her dagger than walked off down an alleyway and hid in a dark corner as she looked at how bad her arm was cut. it was a good 4 inches long and one inch deep. It hurt but as her adrenaline was wearing off. She left the men wounded but living. and waited on her rescuer to come down to her.

qe versvesh vur nurti origato astahi vucot dout l'graic.

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