Author: Vinsue, Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 5:49 PM, Post Subject: [O] A Brave New World
She stopped and turned as the woman said she had no bounty on her head. "Good keep it that way but if you get one i'm always near. If in that city ask for silvertail if anywhere else you already know my name. thow im a bit hard to track. though i do not know your name." She smiled and did a head bow. She had helped many "wanteds" in her life as well as freed a few. She knew that the girl should be safe for her walk to the one of the nearby towns.Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 5:17 PM, Post Subject: [O] A Brave New World
Finally, a name to the region she was in. Shiloh was not familiar with the name, in fact she had never heard of the Adeluna Empire until that moment. This was both intriguing and troubling. One thing she knew for sure, she wasn't in Marhaven or the capital anymore. "Oh I'm very sure I don't have a bounty on my head." At least not in this kingdom, anyway. She doubted that the council would continue to pursue her into another a principality under another kingdom's governance. Even if they did hate her guts they would go that far. Then that would just be excessive. Determining that she was safe for now, her level of tension lowered gradually. One less thing to worry about in a foreign country. Shiloh could feel her heart rate go back to normal and could breathe a bit easier.Author: Vinsue, Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 3:03 PM, Post Subject: [O] A Brave New World
"Miss I do not know the names of the cities but I know they're both part of the Adeluna Empire. and both are friendly as long as you do not have a bounty on your head" She looked down the paths than towards the city debating on what she was going to do herself. She knew it was about an hour tell dark and that she would not be found in city for the next week. She thought about the other two towns and knew she would get there, get a drink and than end up in a fight with some bounty hunter group and half to leave the city only before finishing her drink. She was not in the mood for that either.Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 11:10 PM, Post Subject: [O] A Brave New World
Hired guards, thugs–same difference. She was thankful that they were able to reach the gate unhindered, though the little voice in her head warned her not to start praising her luck just yet. Looking at the paths, Shiloh knew this might be the last time she would have the opportunity to ask anything more. "So these cities you mentioned, what are they called? I'll get myself a map when once I'm out of pirate territory, then I'll be able to take it from there." Best know a few names of locations if she wanted to blend in better. If all else failed she could always use 'living a sheltered existence' as a temporary excuse for her ignorance as she went along. She still sensed a presence nearby, but until she was done gathering information from Vinsue she didn't need to investigate.Author: Vinsue, Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 9:24 PM, Post Subject: [O] A Brave New World
"They were not thugs but guards as i had said and they will be after me in a few weeks yes but you will not be around when they are by what i understand. We just crossed into Kadeum's claimed territory and they were to keep us out or bring us to him. them feeling their job will not be tolerated and they would most likely let it slip before being punished for feeling at there job. Either way they will not mess with us for a while." She said at her question knowing she could fight off numbers and knowing how the gangs worked. She also thought it was funny that she was running from sorcerers but she just keep walking. Soon they were out of the town and out of sight of anyone who watched from the gate.Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 9:00 PM, Post Subject: [O] A Brave New World
"If told you, then I'd be putting myself in danger. And possibly you by association. All you need to know is they're sorcerers. Human ones. With long beards and condescending gazes." Not the best description, but to be fair to Shiloh it was very accurate. Saying a group of old wizards were out for your blood didn't make it any less vague. "Once I leave here I plan to figure out a couple of places where they won't expect me to hide in. Preferably ones with a working legal system, unlike a jury-rigged one." She stopped as she heard the footsteps which had been following them for a while get closer, then Vinsue confronted them head on. Shiloh wouldn't have had a problem bringing one or two of them to their knees using the sure-fire method, but it looked like Vinsue had things under control. So she could use lightning magic. That would be useful to know. But now Shiloh felt less than pleased with the fact they had run into some thugs. She wouldn't put it past them to call in reinforcements to avenge their wounded pride.Author: Wildheart, Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 8:57 PM, Post Subject: [O] A Brave New World
What on earth was with all that screaming? Inka had managed to find what she was looking for in this shady towns market and was on her way out when she heard a large amount of screaming. Curiosity was a dangerous beast and it was a beast that always tended to control this strange woman's actions. Towards the screams she went; she must know what was going on. Inka was cautious however, keeping herself tucked away within the walls shadows. If it was some tragic scene of total violence she wanted none of it - Inka was a spiritual cleanser not a warrior so fighting was something she really tried to avoid at all costs. Yet if she must she could hold her own long enough to escape.Author: Vinsue, Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 8:19 PM, Post Subject: [O] A Brave New World
Vinsue thought it was funny how she used the mortal spectrum as a way to rate this town. To her it was lower than the "Mortal spectrum" could have it rated. "you never told me who was after you and by the way you look around i would say they had an army of spies or something. Anyways what do you plan on doing outside the city." She stopped just before a corner and crossed her arms. She had spotted someone hide and knew how to handle them. after a few seconds some men stepped out behind them and three men stepped out in front of them. "You two must have a death wish coming through here." The tallest man in the front said definitely the group's leader. "You're in my way which is not a good thing for you so i'll give you two choices step aside or find out why I do not carry a weapon." She said in a serious and stern voice.Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 6:43 PM, Post Subject: [O] A Brave New World
Reading Vinsue's facial expressions and body language, Shiloh determined that she was not lying…for now. She wasn't one to let personal pride get in the way when there was help available, and the source seemed reliable to a certain degree. Still, once she had a better grasp on her current situation she'd reevaluate the benefits and risks. "Very well then. I don't have a reason to stay in a place overpopulated with humans on the baser end of the moral spectrum." She followed a couple paces behind, always checking to see if they were being followed or if this was just another layer of a trap. The alleys were much kinder on her ears than the street had been. Less noise meant less things competing for her attention, allowing her to focus more accurately. Once she was out of pirate territory, she planned to gather information on the local government. She had to check how safe she was relative to her position and what were her options if she was pursued again.Author: Vinsue, Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 6:26 PM, Post Subject: [O] A Brave New World
Vinsue stopped and turned at the statement of herself being a pirate. She almost laughed. "Me a pirate. not if my life depended on it. I can't stand those rats and the way they treat others." She shook the thought. "In a city ran by pirates and known to be a safe haven for anyone from assassins to thieves i can see why why question me." she looked back towards the street and then at the woman's face. "you have no reason to come with me but i can guarantee a young girl like you will not survive this city alone. so i'm leaving you can take my offer or get lost i could care less." With that she turned and again started walking.Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 6:12 PM, Post Subject: [O] A Brave New World
Shiloh sized up the person who had beckoned her into the alley. Based on her hair color she wasn't human–or at least half human. If she was a fae then things would get ugly if this act of goodwill was a front for something darker. Shiloh blinked when the woman asked her a question. "…Pirate lord? What pirate lord?" So apparently not only was she in a seaport, but a seaport run by pirates. Wonderful. Shiloh wasn't going to mention anything more about who really put her in that coffin, after all they likely had spies all over the place.Author: Vinsue, Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 3:31 PM, Post Subject: [O] A Brave New World
Seeing the human came she smiled. "So before i get into more trouble and help you what piret lord is after you?" She was not going to hurt the woman but she asked for the simple fact that she wanted to know who she was dealing with. She looked towards the street to see some poor drunk run into someone. She almost wanted to join the soon to be fight but now had a mission. "i am Vinsue, And if i were to have wanted to mug you I would have done it in the street so that my stats would be higher." She pushed herself off the wall and started walking deeper into the ally away from the street. "Come, before someone else does."Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 3:10 PM, Post Subject: [O] A Brave New World
In the midst of the noise, Shiloh picked up the whispers directed at her. She looked out of the corner of her eye in the voice's direction, and hesitated to follow. She wasn't going to just go along with somebody she had never met. She wouldn't go along even if it had been somebody she had met. This clearly was a trap, or the most boldfaced attempt at an alleyway robbery she had ever seen. You don't just tell people to follow you and expect it to happen. How would you give them the peace of mind that you're not going to have a gang of hooligans waiting on the other side ready to strip them bare like vultures or shiv them in the gut? However, if she didn't tail them there was a possibility that they could reveal her location to the council. Both possibilities were undesirable, and she had no way to determine which of them this was. She hated when that happened.Author: Vinsue, Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 2:33 PM, Post Subject: [O] A Brave New World
Vinsue watched as the woman got out of the box and started looking around. she could synce her panic and felt bad she herself knew the feeling of being new to a world of people. but yet she also noticed that everyone kept going as if nothing happened as they always did. They did not want to mess with the coffin person incase of it being someone from a rival gang or thinking that if they got involved a pirate lord would be after them.Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 2:29 AM, Post Subject: [O] A Brave New World
Shiloh's eyes and ears were in overdrive, bringing in more information than she could process properly. The first thing she noticed, was people. People everywhere. She had never felt comfortable around humans and being in an area absolutely full of them was not improving her state of mind. No, no–she couldn't let the paranoia go to her head. She had to keep calm, stay collected. From what she had observed since making her great escape, the people here didn't seem to notice that someone had burst out of a coffin in plain view. That could mean several things: they didn't care, they were watching her to see what she would do, or they thought she was crazy.Author: Vinsue, Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 3:40 PM, Post Subject: [O] A Brave New World
Walking down the streets in of the town known for gangs in human form was not her favorite thing to do but it always had something interesting going on, and she always tended to be in the center of it. That morning She had got into 3 fight's and was starting to make a name for herself. As victor she was higher up on the ranking list now, that also meant more people would attack for a bit but she was ok with it for the moment.Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:20 AM, Post Subject: [O] A Brave New World
The sharp crack of the pine boards splintering upon hitting the ground followed by the rattle of the metal chain sounded in her ears. As the smell of salty air creeped through the loosened planks of wood, Shiloh knew freedom was within reach. Taking advantage of this opportunity, she strained her eyes in the cramped darkness and ran her fingers along the surface of the coffin lid until she detected a break in the planks. Using all her might, she kicked and punched until the wood gave. From the outside the large crack in the lid began to widen, until finally a hand broke through. The coffin shook violently as the person trapped within continued their struggle when the lid itself split open sending chunks of frayed plywood all over the ground like a more explosive version a moth emerging from a cocoon. With the cover decimated, the now useless chain fell limp as Shiloh scrambled out of what should have been her final resting place.