Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Vilpamolan Coast > Perditi Cemetery > Ramifications [P/R]

Character Info
Name: Damien
Age: Ageless
Alignment: TE
Race: Lust Demon
Gender: Unspecified
Class: Cult Leader
Silver: 199
It took little effort to hunt Lewis Terrowin down. In fact, for such a renowned assassin to have fallen so far as to have a predictable routine was downright insulting to the trade. But, for Damien, that mattered very little. Damien was not a trained assassin, nor was he a trained mercenary. He cared very little for the intricacies of subtlety.

Lewis had dropped the kids off at school in Benin, and was out and about shopping. Alone. It was normal for him. There were very few things in the world that he couldn’t handle. The person following him? A mere boy who still had a crush on his daughter Ezili. Sure, he could be eliminated easily, but that was frowned upon in society. Besides…he had little doubt in his children and their capabilities of handling themselves if a situation ever occured that called for it. Especially Lucas and Ezili. Out of all of the kids, they were the two that seemed to have it most together.

What the ex-assassin did not expect, though, was a direct assault.

Damien approached Lewis from the front, his stride indicating nothing except hostile intent. At once, Lewis reacted and threw a dagger, but it was merely thrown to the side with a powerful blast of magic. Before Lewis could react again, the demon rushed forward, his presence towering over Lewis as he grabbed his face, and slammed him into the ground. Hard.

“Sleep.” A myriad of spells washed over Lewis’ mind, and the ex-assassin went limp immediately. “Is that all?” The demon scoffed as the crowds around him started to panic. Guards rushed at him but swung at the air as illusions of his form populated the streets. He hefted Lewis over his shoulder with ease and merely marched forward.

His destination was Auclair. He might even be a little earlier than he had planned. This Lewis had barely put up a fight. Perhaps those who had hunted him were merely inept when it came to dealing with his kind. Assassins were, by nature, quite weak.

“Just wait, Ashlynn…you’ll be in my possession soon enough…”


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
Mone was home on the island. She was putting the boys down for their naps. They have your eyes Lewis… For some reason that excited her.

She could feel the eye roll at her. “Hey…” She tucked them into their cribs and made a face. “It’s a compliment.” She closed the door to the nursery so they could get peaceful rest. She checked in on Glynn who was curled up asleep in his own bed. It hurt her heart to see her babies growing up. Even the newest twins were slowly growing now and it hadn’t been that long. It was good for them to put on weight and boy were they long too.

“I would just kill him in the alleyway but that’s frowned upon,” Simone commented but Lewis chuckled and agreed with her. Once the man started to assault Lewis she was in a panic. “Silva! WATCH THE BABIES!” She couldn’t even get changed as she grabbed her long skirts and ran to the house portal. She opened it up and tears were in her eyes as she darted through Elysia.

“XEIK,” she was screaming through her tears as she found the healer. Her voice was barely stable as she grabbed him and shook him. “Xeik,” she was sobbing as she held onto him and fell softly from her legs giving out from the stress. “They took him. Someone took him Xeik! I don’t know where they took him! They just came out of nowhere in Benin and took him like it was nothing!”


Character Info
Name: Xeik Eraphim
Age: 25, appears 21
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Unspecified
Class: Divine Mender
Silver: 1379
Xeik ran over the notes that he had taken during the examination. It was one of Dala’s check up days, and despite the dangers of what they had done for Simone, it had someone all turned out for the best. But, there was that one problem…

“It’s as Angela said. The life energies of your womb are…well,” he sighed. “It’s hard to put it into layman's terms, but you can’t have children. You likely never will be able to.” There was a slight pause at the end of that statement. “Of course, we thought the same for Simone, but…as you can see, the cost was great. There is always that slight chance, but I would never hold out hope.” It was better to be brutally honest. Angela could work miracles at times, but even she had her limits.

Before anything else could happen, though, Simone burst into the room in a panic. It took Xeik a moment to translate what she had said, and he immediately looked to Dala. “Dala…can you-” He looked down at Simone. If they were strong enough to bring Lewis down like it was nothing, then…

“Dala, I need you to go to Koskaan and watch the kids.” Xeik was taking charge of the situation. Dala would try to fight back, insisting she go, but he couldn’t put her life in danger. Whoever took Lewis was dangerous, and Dala and Simone both were still recovering. At least Dala would listen to reason.

Xeik knelt down and looked into Simone’s eyes. “Where did they take him. Your resonance is strong enough, even if he’s unconscious, you should be able to track him. I’ll send for Rhenakos and Drake, and we can meet them there.”


Character Info
Name: Dala
Age: 18
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Student
Silver: 11882
The young woman was sitting impatiently as Xeix finished the checkup. The time of rest had been unbearable! Every moment she tried to go do something or fight somebody, the Terrowins would insist she needed rest and other bullshit. She couldn't stand being unable to work. They wouldn't even let her go searching in underground caverns for ancient documents covering ancient laws! Suddenly, Xeix had a serious look on his face as he told her the situation. Angela and Xeix had mentioned that was a risk before the operation. She was never an optimist and had assumed she would never have kids again. Although it hurt a little to hear it out loud, she had been preparing herself for such news. Her face was calm and she simply nodded. 

"It was worth it in the end." She stated. 

Suddenly Simone burst into the room and Dala's eyes widened. Simone was rarely in genuine panic, even with the kids. Something must have been seriously wrong. Then she mentioned someone took Xeix and Dala was already on her feet with some daggers in her hand that she had smuggled past the clerics. Dala looked like she was ready to fight whoever had the audacity to touch the Terrowin family. Then Xeix asked her to watch the kids. At one point, she didn't want to let Simone and Xeix go alone. But the children needed her too. 

"Fucking hell. Fine I'll watch the kids but if anything happens to either Simone or Lewis, I'm gonna wring your neck Xeix." She said before running off with her daggers towards the exit, forgetting to even switch out of her hospital clothes. 

Dala left towards the mansion with a bundle of weapons and potions and her eagle eyes to make sure nobody came near the house. 


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
Simone’s mind was a mess as her grays looked up at XEik. Her mind was registering the question. “Okay,” Mone tried to calm herself down enough to follow the thread that was their resonance. Once she realized where it ended she panicked even more. “Auclair. He’s in Auclair Castle.” She was already on the move as she opened a gate to Sulwal.

There was panic as she pushed advisors, generals, and anyone else over. Llywellyn was in the middle of a meeting between his top officials and himself. She didn’t even let the doorstop her as she ran up to him. The look on her face was enough for him to stop the guards.

“Mone? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” He got it out fast enough as he watched his childhood friend hyperventilate.

“Where is Jerome?” She demanded it. “You are sure he is in the dungeon?” There was anger in her voice.

“Yes, he was there this morning… Why?” Simone let the explanation escape her lips quickly as Llywellyn kept her stabilized. “Go to the dungeon and check for magic,” he demanded one of his men. It happened quickly as they confirmed their worst fears. “Mone, stay here. Do not leave. That’s what he wants.”

For a moment, Mone nodded but then something flashed in her mind and the color escaped her face. “He has my babies.”

“Who? Who has your babies?”

“The one who took Lewis!”

“Mone, that’s a trap!” Llywellyn was shaking her.

“WHAT IF IT ISN’T?!” Lewis was awake now and they were communicating. He didn’t know if the kids were there or not. It wasn’t like Lila and Janus with the resonance. “I have to go get my babies.” She turned and started to leave opening up a portal of her own. “It isn’t your fault.” She yelled at Llywellyn before running through it.

Llywellyn didn’t process what she meant as he organized a group to go to Auclair. Simone was so far ahead of everyone that only Xeik could catch up to her. She was running through the marshlands that were once her home trying to get to the castle where she knew Lewis was.


Character Info
Name: Lewis Terrowin
Age: 25
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ex-Assassin
Silver: 5996
When Lewis came to, it was dark. It took him a moment to fully remember the events that had lead him here His head was spinning, but it was important that he try to focus.

Simone? Her panicked voice and emotion flooded his brain, and he almost blacked out again. Whatever he had been his with was potent. There was a pinch in his arm, and Lewis winced, looking over to see the tall man who had so easily taken him hostage.

“Who the….who the fuck are…” Lewis groaned and retched.

Damien walked into full view of Lewis with a small vial of blood in his hand. “It hardly matters,” the demon said as he turned. A second person entered the room, and Damien turned. “He’s yours. I expect you will report to Marcov that we’re finished here?”

A very familiar voice started to speak, and a harsh slap came across Lewis’ face.

“Don’t you fucking dare take a steo out of Auclair, demon. This is only half the prize,” Jerome spat.

Damien scowled, “That was not part of my agreement.”

“Your agreement means nothing to me. You either stay until I have Simone on her knees before me, or I tell Marcov the deal is off.”

The demon paused for a moment. There was a very real chance that Jerome was bluffing and that he held little to no sway in Marcov’s court, but… for Ashlynn…

“FIne,” the demon said with a finality. “If you dare alter the deal further, I will not hesitate to kill you.”

Jerome smiled and turned his attention back to Lewis, “My partner here hit you with some nasty spells. I doubt you’ll ever stand again at the rate this is going. As soon as that bitch is in my grasps…” He rap his thumb across his neck, symbolizing he planned to kill them both.

Lewis smirked, “I’d like to see you try… Auclair will burn again tonight…”

“I don’t think so. She wouldn’t dare risk killing her own children.”

Lewis’ eyes widened. “What did you say!?” He pulled against his restraints. “I will rip you to fucking pieces right here right now if you dare-”

Jerome slammed his fist into Lewis’ gut. “Do what!? This is it. This is my time for revenge.”

Lewis closed his eyes, focusing on his breathing. He had to warn Simone. That demon that was in league with Jerome was far more powerful than anything they had ever faced. It was possible that he was even stronger than the fae lord.



Xeik was barely able to catch up with Simone, but when he did they were at the ruined gates of Auclair. He pulled Simone back and into one of the guard stations.

“Mone…you can’t just go charging in there. We can’t-”

Simone slapped Xeik and pushed him back. “Xeik, he has my children. Jerome has my children. I can’t just-”

“SIMONE,” Xeik yelled. “Calm down and think!”


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
“We are thinking!” She yelled. “The demon that knocked Lewis out is working for Marcov of all people. Think about that Xeik! This won’t stop here. They will never be safe. Even if our children aren’t here, I have to go.” She had managed to calm down just a bit.

She took a deep breath and took off her locket and her ring. Taking Xeik’s hand she put them into it and closed his fist. “Take care of them. All sixteen of them. We’re trusting you. Lewis says…” She had tears in the corner of her eyes and she wiped them so she could say what she had to as calmly as she could. “Lewis says… To make sure you give Myrri hell for him. Also to make sure that Alshaya doesn’t try fucking the entirety of the world. Llonan is a good boy… And…”

She took a deep breath. “Lewis says thank you.” She leaned in close and whispered something into Xeik’s ears. The look of shock on his face.

“Mone… You can’t.”

“Shh,” Mone put her finger to his lips before she took some magic and locked him in the guardhouse. It would take him a few moments to get free. That should have been long enough.

Simone opened the doors to the throne room and she was looking around. There were tears in her eyes but she locked eyes with Lewis. There was an odd resolve in both their eyes. “The kids aren’t here.” There was relief for both of them.

“Yet you fell for it,” Jerome seemed pleased with himself.

Simone took the few steps down and she was marching up to Jerome and the fallen princess laid a backhand so hard against him that it knocked Jerome off his feet. “I fell for nothing. I would not be a parent if I did not rush in here making sure my children weren’t here. This isn’t something Llywellyn or anyone can do for Lewis and myself. Once again you’ve lost. As long as my children are safe… You lose.”

Jerome got back up and hit Simone back, “Then I’ll kill them–”

“No, you won’t. You should have done that first. If you had a fucking brain you would have started with them. You’ll never be able to get your hands on them. Never. Even if we die here… You’ll never even be able to see what my children look like. They will be protected by divine powers and not even your demonic bitch can help you.” Her eyes went to Damien but she brought her hand up and cleared the blood. “Face it, you’ll always be second place to Llywellyn.” Jerome hit her again but she used a little magic to end up by Lewis.

She grabbed onto Lewis and looked at him, “He’s not happy with us Lew.”

“I could fucking tell…” They were whispering to each other.

“What the fuck are you two planning?! It won’t work,” Jerome looked at Damien. Simone was ignoring him though as she kept talking with Lewis. This was inevitable, both of them realized it. The husband and wife gently kissed each other and Simone felt something sharp through her. A gasp left her lips as she looked down at the sword going through her heart and into Lewis’s upper body.


Character Info
Name: Lewis Terrowin
Age: 25
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ex-Assassin
Silver: 5996
It was hard to deal with what Lewis knew was coming. The children weren’t here, though, and that made it all the easier. Marcov had found them…Xeik had been right. He had agitated the sleeping lion, and now they were paying the price for it.

Simone had embraced him With Damien watching like a hawk, they had no recourse. The two could feel the magical power flowing from the demon, and they knew that escape wasn’t an option anymore. So, with that final embrace, Lewis merely smiled.

“Love you, ‘Mone…”

Jerome’s blade pierced through each of them. It was simple. Clean. Almost elegant. But Lewis was still smiling. Jerome tried to pull away, but for some reason, the blade wouldn’t budge. The smell of acrid smoke started to fill the air around them.

Jerome stumbled back, leaving the blade embedded in them. “What the fuck did you do!?”

Simone and Lewis started to laugh as the life drained from them. Blue and black flames started to spread across the dungeon.

Auclair would burn again…

Xeik broke free, and rushed to the dungeon, Smoke was already filling the air, and he could barely see. Jerome was making his escape, but the healer knew that he could be tracked down. No, the way that Simone had talked to him…it was almost as if…

“Simone!? Lewis!?” Xeik yelled, trying to find them. As if answering his call, a path seemed to appear in the flames. He rushed through the flames, only to see what he had feared most.

Lewis and Simone were skewered through by a blade, embracing each other.

“Damn it!” The Divine Mender ripped the blade out of them, and freed Lewis from his chains. The hellfire was starting to get out of control. Xeik only had one option, and created a gate to the outside of Auclair. The three tumbled out of the gate, landing hard, but Xeik was immediately up, his hands going to Lewis and Simone’s wound. Life energy flooded through his body and into theirs, trying desperately to heal their wounds.

But it wasn’t working.

“Damn it, damn it, DAMN IT!” Xeik said as he started to panic. His magic wasn’t strong enough. “ANGELA FUCKING HELP ME!”

Lucas was reading to the kids to try and keep them calm. Dala had come instead of Simone, and that meant something was going wrong. The kids were hardly worried though. Things like this happened every so often, but to be sure, Lucas wanted to make sure that they each got the attention they deserved. As he turned the page to continue the story, though, Janus and Lila both stood up suddenly.

“Momma?” Janus said, his eyes tearing up.

“Daddy?” Lila sniffed.

Lucas looked at the two with concern. “Janus? Lila? What’s wrong?”

Lila was struggling to hold back tears, and Janus was already starting to bawl. “We can’t feel them..they’re missing.”

Lucas walked over to them and hugged both of them, “I’m sure they’re just running late. They’ll be home soon.”

Janus shook his head, “No…they’re not missing…” It was impossible for them to explain. They barely understood it themselves. All the twins knew was that Lewis and Simone were missing from their hearts…

Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
“Love you too, Lew.”

Llywellyn came into Auclair like a storm. His eyes were large as he saw Auclair Castle on fire once more. Jerome was running for his life as he looked back at the fire. “WHAT DID YOU DO?!” He roared. He grabbed Jerome by his neck and dragged him towards where he heard the scream.

He dragged the panicked Jerome by force where he found Simone and Lewis’s corpses. “Mone?” Llywellyn felt his legs shake but his strong grip still did not give on Jerome. “You… Stupid motherfucker!” He yelled at Jerome.

“Are you mad? Cause I took her from you?” Jerome was laughing.

“ENOUGH,” the voice boomed as Angela appeared and went over to Xeik. She was looking them over and she held a look on her face. “It’s like I told Lewis… If Simone dies there’s no way I can help either of them.” She spoke lowly. “I’m sorry Xeik.”

Angela removed the sword from the two of them and laid Simone next to Lewis. “Why would you take my child from me?” Angela looked over at Jerome.

“Your child?” Jerome looked confused.

“I made her. I forged her. I binded them both together! She was my child!” Angela screamed and she looked at Xeik and Llywellyn. “I don’t care who does it just fucking end this man.” She sat down by Simone and finally she was crying. “Just get him out of my sight. I don’t care how.”

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.

Character Info
Name: Xeik Eraphim
Age: 25, appears 21
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Unspecified
Class: Divine Mender
Silver: 1379
Xeik stared at Angela as she said there was no chance to bring Simone back. That the two were dead, that all of this had ended for them. “No…that can’t…” He watched as she lashed out at Jerome. What she was feeling was…the same as Xeik.


Xeik stood up, staring at Angela. “I’ll give my life for hers. You can do that, righ!? Take my life energy and give it to them? I don’t-” He paused. No, he couldn't do that anymore. He knew that it was wrong. He couldn’t even finish the sentence.

Give Myrri hell for me…

“Lewis…” Xeik fought back his tears. “You idiot…” He picked up the sword that had been discarded, and turned to aim it at Jerome.

“I’ll fucking end you right here,” he said, hatred filling his senses. He pressed the edge against Jerome’s throat. It stayed there for a time, and then Xeik closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. Tears finally started to flow, and he tossed the weapon aside. “Damn it…even now I can’t do it…”

He was right…I am weak.

Xeik knelt down and cradled Lewis’ body. “Lewis…you idiot…”

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