“……Giant rabbits? What the heck is up with this place?” Kiba asked to no one with a laugh. Odd rumors had spread rather quickly about magic going astray. Upon arrival to Revaliir the diowolf had noticed the difference in magical ley lines than he was accustomed to. It still was rather distressing to not manipulate magic as he had once done. With the rumors of a giant magical rabbit terrorizing the land, well Kiba was not about to miss that in the least. His sword was sheathed on his back ready to take on an onslaught that was about to come to its new master. The bi-colored eyed man was unsure if his sword skills would actually have any effect on a giant magic rabbit, but it was worth a try especially if he got to see such a thing in the flesh. From his understanding was that this rabbit was on some sort of journey to a proper location. Wherever that location was, well Kiba was not sure of that. Instead, he was mostly following the rumors of amusement and continued reason to travel.
“So Til, why do you think a giant magic rabbit would come to a cemetery? Do you think that it is a killer giant magic rabbit?” Kiba laughed and pet the top of his new companions head as he perch on his shoulder. He handed over another peanut while walking on the outskirts of Perditi Cemetery. The squirrel took the nut graciously and began to nibble on it. Once he felt a good distance, the diowolf stopped and squared his shoulders towards the cemetery. With all joking aside he knew that magic was nothing to laugh about no matter what the manifestation was. There was no telling what it was capable of. Closing his ordinary eye, he focused his Reztreal on the land before him in an effort to find this magic cluster.
As if on cue, a large magic flared a short distance away that made Kiba lift his arm to cover his eyes. “Well, that is definitely something to be cautious of.” The magic was more concentrated than he had originally thought it would be, but he was prepared for it. “Til. I want you to find a tree to be safe and come back once this is handled.” The squirrel flicked his tail before jumping to the ground and took off for cover until called upon. Kiba chuckled for a second before drawing the sword. The use of the sword was not one hundred percent certain, but he was not about to let his guard down.
Keeping the sword at his side, the diowolf moved towards the rabbit as he sniffed around the ground. From time to time it would hop over a larger grave marker before checking out something else that caught its attention. “How do I get this thing to move along?” It was transparent and Kiba could not only see the power radiating, but feel it even in his core. “I am kind of doubting that saying ‘shoo’ will work.”
"Get back here Mr. Bunny~ I want fur samples!" The cackle of childish laughter pierced the air as a small flying being zipped through the air, lobbing spells left and right with wild abandon. Sometimes the spells flew, sometimes they didn't, and sometimes they ended up as an explosion. Either way, it was all fun and games for the impish arcanist. Lise told her about a giant bunny that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, as if it were magic! And if there was one thing she liked as much as snacks, it was magic. She'd never seen such a big fur-ball of magical energy, and she knew she wanted to have it. Unfortunately she couldn't stuff it inside a cage, so she decided to opt for some hair instead. So many cool things were happening everywhere, it was amazing! There were little weird flappy things flying around her in rainbow colors with silly grins on their faces. Myouga had never seen them before, and they just showed up one day. She bet her hat that they had something to do with the magical bunny too.
"Hmm, it doesn't look like it's solid! Maybe it's made of pure magic!" She mused to herself as she chased the enormous long-eared rodent through the dreary bog. Shouting after it, she called out: "Hey Mr. Bunny! Lemme hug you! I bet it's fluffy–and it's like a big blob of stardust!" Down on the ground there was a yapping snarl as an ugly, over-sized corgi splashed through the swamp water with its tongue hanging out of it's toothy mouth. A thick smoke trail was left behind in its wake, and it was hell-bent on taking a bite out of that sparkly magical construct of a rabbit. Eventually it got tired of running and started to fly, leaving mud dripping from its paws.
As the small oni flew, her levitation suddenly shorted out and she began plummeting towards the ground. "Wha–hey! Why's it stopping? Come on, fly! Hrghhh–" A spot of white began spiraling downwards making loops as it fell. "Mayday, mayday! Mage down! I'm falling and my wings are out!" The arcanist's voice panicked as her flying armor began malfunctioning. She began casting anything she could in desperate hopes of having something work to break her fall. From below, anyone nearby would hear the sound of screaming quickly grow louder until they could hear: "My teleport is broken–AHHHHHH!!!"
The rabbit began to be more erratically as time went on. Kiba threw his hands up in the air not able to figure out what he was supposed to do in order to get the thing to move on. It seemed rather fascinated with something over in the swamp area of the cemetery. The diowolf placed his sword back into its sheathe since he felt that it was not truly necessary. The magical creature did not appear to be of the violent nature. "So…essentially I am just a shepherd of bunnies. How my life has down turned…or it didn't. I can't really say since I don't remember a thing." His head dropped while he shook it from side to side. It was always depressing when he would admit the loss of his past. With a heavy sigh, he went from a brisk walk to a jog. This was a job that he did not want to stay working at for long. How would he describe to future employers this particular task? Bunny herder? "Maybe I will leave this one off I guess."
Kiba stopped quickly with a skid in the mud as he saw flares of magic through the air. The magic rabbit did not appear to appreciate the onslaught, but the swordsman could not pinpoint exactly where the magic was coming from. His Reztreal flared over and over again as the explosions continued to crackle in the sky. Laughter rippled as if from a little girl, though it had a tinge of maturity to it. Kiba closed his eyes for a moment as he attempted to allow his Reztreal to reset. There was too much magic in the area for it to process everything well enough for him to properly discern. Ears twitched slightly as he heard the feminine voice call out with childish enthusiasm for the Mister Bunny. Fluffy fur was a topic of discussion. When Kiba finally opened up his eyes, he saw an odd creature yapping away at the ethereal creature. "What is going on right now?" He couldn't help but rub his left temple in an effort to stave off the headache that was beginning to form.
Attention shot up to look at a body that was falling from the sky high above. "What the he…." Kiba listened carefully to see where the voice was coming from and positioned himself beneath. He crouched low and as the slight form came closer he pushed off the ground with a powerful kick. "Just stay still!" he instructed. The diowolf held out his arms and caught the girl to pull her close to his chest before landing in a crouch in the mud. The air crackled around them as the rabbit had come closer to them with its running about. Still holding her tightly, he put some distance away from the giant beast to ensure they weren't run over somehow. "Are you all right? What were you doing all the way up there?"
As she was caught by a stranger, Myouga continued screaming. She didn't realize that she hadn't hit the ground yet. "AAAAHHHhhhhhh….I'm not falling?" Looking up in confusion, she saw a man looking down at her. The little arcanist gave her surroundings a quick once-over and found she was safe and sound. No longer in peril, the small oni grinned at the concerned face from above. "Helloo~ Thank you for catching me Mister! I thought I was a goner back there! I was flying perfectly fine until it just stopped all of a sudden." She then patted her head, realizing something was missing. "Hey, where's my hat?" For somebody who had been falling to certain doom a few minutes earlier, she got over it pretty quickly. And in no time at all, the little arcanist was all smiles again. Her train of thought was interrupted by the man–who was still holding her–asking why she was in the air.
"Flying! Look, see!" She pointed to a pair of wings sticking out from under her clothes. "They're supposed to work all the time, but they just quit right when I was ready to dive onto him! Which is weird, 'cause that never happens. And that shop I bought it from doesn't sell duds! Hmm, actually there's been a lotta weird stuff happening now I think about it. Like my spells not working. There's no way I'd suddenly forget!" The odd flying sprites hovered around them and Myouga pointed to them next. "Oh and these little guys! They're not familiars, I swear! They just…happened! They're kinda cute though, so it's ok!" Sticking out her hand, she gave another goofy grin. "I'm Myouga! What's you're name?" Resembling a small child with short, cropped black hair and dressed in a white smock, it was easy to believe this carefree little mage was younger than she really was. Whatever her age was, she certainly didn't act like it.
She then snapped her head to the side as she caught sight of the enormous magical rabbit bound off in another direction. "Quick! Let's go after it! I wanna see what it's made of! If we don't hurry it'll run away!" Pointing and jabbing her finger towards the moving mass of living magic, she gestured excitedly. She might have had a minor accident, but that wasn't going to stop her from getting her hands on a piece of Mister Bunny! Out from the soggy reeds a snuffling noise followed by a growling yelp revealed that odd overgrown corgi Kiba had seen earlier. It was flying with billowing smoke trailing behind, and it had a rather…ugly face. Even by dog's standards, it looked pretty awful. And that mouth full of pointy teeth wasn't making it any less horrible. But as soon as the thing emerged from the swampy mire, the arcanist's face lit up with joy.
"Kuroguro you came back! You missed me didn't you? Didn't you?" In its mouth was something else, a crinkled mass of white cloth similar to the material that made her dress. "Oh hey! You found my hat! Hand it over and I'll give you some beef jerky!" Apparently this hideous thing was her pet.
Kiba couldn’t help but laugh as the childish girl went from screaming to the epiphany that she wasn’t falling. He allowed himself a split moment to glance down at her and smile before concentrating again on his footing. With the rabbit getting a little more rambunctious there was a chance they could get caught under foot. Kiba was not about to get squished by a large magical rabbit. “I am glad you are uninjured, little one,” he said with another small laugh. She was sure full of energy and it helped brighten up his mood. “Your hat? I didn’t see one as you were falling…though admittedly I wasn’t looking for one.” The diowolf smiled and carefully put her back on the ground once he felt that they were a safe enough distance away.
His brow arched while examining the wings and listened to her rather quick wording. It took everything in him not to shake his head as if whiplashed from her story. There was quite a bit of information given over in a short period of time. “I am sure that hare probably has something to do with that. The ley lines are already odd here, but even more so with that thing around. It’s sucking up most of the magic in the area it feels like. Be careful with your dependence on your talents around it,” he warned as if an older brother to a younger sibling. Kiba glanced at what she was pointing out, and flinched as one skimmed passed his nose. He hadn’t noticed them before, but then again his attention went from a rabbit to a little girl.
Lips twitched at the corner of his mouth into a half grin while returning her hand shake. “Nice to meet you Myouga. My name is Kiba.” There was no denying that he already felt a little protective of the child. Even for her small size she had a large personality that amused him quite to the core. It felt familiar in a way, but it was difficult to tell from where. He was becoming surer that it was due to his unknown past that constantly felt like a taunting ghost just out of sight.
He blinked a few times as she shouted about chasing the magic. The day was becoming odder as the minutes went by. The creature he had seen previously apparently belonged to Myogua and it was one of the ugliest things he had seen. He shook his head with a laugh at her elation at the hat being retrieved. Though the beast was nothing pretty to look at, at least it had a well-developed fetching ability. “Well, all right. We will chase that thing, but if you don’t mind listening to a stranger…don’t fly. I will get you after it with a quick speed. Just let me change quickly enough and you can climb on my back.”
This would have been the first time Kiba had changed into his true form while in Revaliir. He was a little unsettled by the idea, but he knew that he needed to at some point. Taking a step back from his new acquaintance a little flashed and in the place of the tall man was a giant black wolf; at the shoulders he was five foot ten inches tall. Kiba shook out his fur and stretched his legs to renew his familiarity with his muscles. He bent down his head to become level with the girl and gave her a small sniff. Ears flicked as he kept track of the rabbit in the distance. “Hop on my back and I will get you close enough to see it.” Carefully, the diowolf lay on the ground and dropped his shoulder to allow her a way up to his back.
Myouga pulled out a stick of dried jerky from her bag and tossed it at her dog. Immediately it dropped the hat in its mouth as it went for the meat, and the little arcanist snatched the wrinkled cloth mass before it hit the ground. The krampus corgi's teeth snapped up the jerky and it laid down to gnaw at it fiercely, making giddy growling noises as it ate. "He loves snacks! He'll eat almost anything! …Literally." The oni pointed out as her pet made short work of the food. And she really did mean it when she said 'almost anything'. Krampus corgis were known to have a nasty and impish temperament as their original owners did, and they'd chase and try to take a bite out of whatever they thought looked tasty. Their tastes were abnormally broad, so they'd run down a zombie just as eagerly as they'd go after a deer. Keeping him on a leash wasn't possible, since he'd chew that too. He loved to eat. Luckily he wasn't picky so that made feeding him super easy. He did have a preference for meat and bones, though.
When her new friend said he'd help her chase Mr. Bunny down, she clapped in glee. What was he planning to do? Myouga watched with full-focus as the man changed shape, turning into a huge black wolf that was a whole head and a half taller than she was! Instead of shock or surprise, the silly grin on the little mage's face grew even wider. "Whoaaaaa! That's so cooool Kiba!" Stretching out her arms as if to compare height, she had switched to calling him directly by his name dropping all the formalities. There was a twinkle of mischief in her eye as she saw something new for the first time. He was a dog! A big, big dog! She bet that he could carry three of her on his back at once! "Hop on my back and I will get you close enough to see it." His voice spoke. "Ok! Let's-a-go!" She cheered, quickly grabbing onto his fur and clambering up onto him like a marmoset.
Now sitting comfortably on Kiba, she took out her wand, a length of string, and another piece of jerky. Tying it to the string, she attached the dangling piece of food to the magical stick and waved it in the air to get her pet's attention. With one hand grasping tightly to the great wolf, she yanked the jerky away just before the krampus corgi could get a bite. "High-ho Silver, awaaaay! We're coming for you Mr. Bunny! We're gonna get that fluffy, sparkly tail of yours!" The arcanist shouted, stringing the ugly short-legged dog along.