Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Vibrato, Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 11:30 PM, Post Subject: The road to hell is paved with good intentions and stupidity (P)

Watching the harpy attempt to dive underwater, Gerard let out an exasperated sigh and cast a spell allowing her to breathe water like air. "…There. You now have five minutes before you resume drowning, so make good use of it." All in all, he was being quite generous seeing as he didn't just make an encapsulated air bubble and give it to her. Also it would prevent him from having to deal with finding the nearest air pocket in that case. The further they entered the ruin, the more overgrown the place became. Kelp, sea moss, and general darkness made visibility poor. And with poor visibility came accidents.

Lorelei was feeling tired and wanted to sit down. Unfortunately her 'chair' had one of the arms as a mechanism which moved when put under pressure. Everyone heard the sound of it click when it was pushed, and Gerard's eyes widened with fear and anger. "Lorelei what did you do?!" The mermaid looked over at him puzzled, but before he could continue the ruins began to rumble. This time it was stronger, like everything was going to collapse. The water began to move, and soon a powerful vortex began to suck them in.

With his curses cut short, the four of them were soon caught up into an underwater whirlpool dragging them to an unknown endpoint. The force of the motion was so strong that even the rocks and debris were being picked up, and the world around them became a spinning blur as a loud sound reminiscent of something being flushed echoed through the ruins. Gerard's famous last words for all of them before they went down the tunnel were: "YOU IDIOOOOT–"

Author: Blessed_healer, Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2017 1:43 PM, Post Subject: The road to hell is paved with good intentions and stupidity (P)

Teh morons flopped further into the ruin, though Velis seemingly waited for Gerard to follow before following the mermoron. Eventually though, as expected as this was a water ruin there was a large pool that would lead to another underwater segment. They all jumped in but seconds later the airhead came up for air again. She was not a bird and couldnt breathe underwater. She just floated at the surface waiting for someone to help her.

Author: Vibrato, Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 6:41 PM, Post Subject: The road to hell is paved with good intentions and stupidity (P)

Having emptied all of his discontent and frustration, Gerard was enveloped in a three-way idiot-cocoon as he wore the face of someone who just didn't care anymore. He sat there, silently staring into space as the three apologized and failed to read the atmosphere. That outburst had worn him out, burning out any potential sarcasm or biting remarks he normally had at all times. The frost surrounding the area eventually began to melt, returning the place back to normal. He really wouldn't mind if the Reaper decided to take him, right now. Preferably quickly. With his ranting over, the three girls were now free to do whatever they wished–to Gerard's chagrin.

Author: Blessed_healer, Posted: Thu Sep 7, 2017 12:14 PM, Post Subject: The road to hell is paved with good intentions and stupidity (P)

Vicyeth and Velis both sat down in front of Gerard while he yelled att them, both making puppy faces. One of the few things Vicyeth was rather adept at and Velis apparently was too. They both had wimpering lips and big eyes. It didnt seem they listened very well though because a minute after Gerard was done yelling at them they came at him and hugged him, trapping him between the wetness of Vicyeth and the feathers of Velis and it was not unrealistic Lorelei would join them soon as well. "We're sorry…."

Author: Vibrato, Posted: Wed Sep 6, 2017 8:15 PM, Post Subject: The road to hell is paved with good intentions and stupidity (P)

Breaking for air, Gerard and Lorelei surfaced when a screeching harpy descended from on high–landing directly on him. Shoving her off, his lower eyelid began to twitch in irritation. Great, now there were three idiots. He had already surpassed his daily quota of stupidity with Vicyeth and Lorelei, and this third one wasn't making it any better. This clearly was the 'Velis' that the mermoron had mentioned earlier. A birdbrain and two finned fools–this was the last straw. Yelling in frustration, the nokken shouted: "FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING THAT IS HOLY, I AM DONE! THAT'S IT! I'VE HAD IT WITH ALL OF YOU! ALL OF YOU!!" 

Finally unbottling his suppressed anger and exasperation the temperature took a steep nosedive as the walls and surface of the water began to ice over. For once Lorelei looked terrified, and she ducked halfway underwater away unsure if she should try to calm him down or stay away. "I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU, AND YOU, AND YOU!!! DRAGGING ME DOWN HERE, INTO SOME GOD-FORSAKEN RUIN WITHOUT MY CONSENT, TRAPPING US IN UNTIL THE CIRCLES OF INFERNOS FREEZES OVER!! DID I SAY I WANTED TO COME IN HERE?! NO! BUT YOU NEVER LISTEN!" He continued to rage, the air becoming colder and colder with each rant. It got to the point where icicles were forming at a rapid pace from the ceiling and there was a nearly-completed ice sheet where the three aquatics had come up for air. His fury spent, he was breathing loudly as everything had gone quiet. His short temper had finally burnt down to the end of the wick, and he had exploded. 

Lorelei was wide-eyed, keeping only the top half of her blonde head above the surface. Even she had never seen him be so angry when she had tried to play with him in Jasumin or tell him the fun things she had seen and heard. She had been yelled at before, but not like this. Now she was scared to even make a sound.

Author: Blessed_healer, Posted: Tue Sep 5, 2017 1:00 PM, Post Subject: The road to hell is paved with good intentions and stupidity (P)

The crab like creatures at first paid little attention to their singing but it soon began to take effect. However with them being underwater it was a little bit suppressed. And on topof thet the hermit crab seemed to be powerfull enough to resist their singing for a while, however when Vicyeth saw that they were singing she giggled out loud and joined them in the singing. Vicyeth was alot closer to the crab so her actually good singing had faster effect, she followed the lead of Gerard rather well though at times she rather spewed out some nonsense than sing actual lyrics. With Vicyeth's singing though the beast went down rather fast and it went through it's legs with a loud thud. When Vicyeth was released from the claw she swam to the head of the crab and poked it. "Hey! Why did our big friend go to sleeep? He was so much fun! It was like Velis doing a dive pitch mid flight when she carries me!"

They headed deeper into the ruin. And deeper in there was some sort of airshaft, no doubt leading to a short land area riddled with traps that wouldnt work underwater. There were a few chimneys that provided fresh air to come in but climbing through them was not an option as they were to narrow. Gerard could fit in the gap of it but not spread his arms to climb, but anyone could fit through if they would hold their arm next to them. Well… That was exactly what a specific bird person did. Her eagle like screaming could be heard as she fell through the chimney and landed on top of Gerard while her feathers filled the room. She sat up and currently all Gerard could do was hope that this harpy was not a moron like his other two companions… His hopes were quickly dashed the moment she opened her mouth. "owowowow…. No injuries? That was my best landing today! YAY… OHHH VICYEEEETH HOW ARE YOUUUU"

Author: Vibrato, Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:56 PM, Post Subject: The road to hell is paved with good intentions and stupidity (P)

Gerard was muttering expletives of all kinds under his breath as a hulking monstrosity of the sea caught Vicyeth like a child grabbing a doll. Her screams did not make him feel any better, despite how much of a thorn in his side she was. Lorelei was swimming about trying to dodge the monster crab's other pincer and attempting to get Vicyeth free. That left him the only one with more than half a brain to get them out of this mess…again. That tough carapace was going to be a serious problem. As they were underwater, that rendered most of his offensive magic ineffective. He had to do something that would affect it indirectly. Seeing they were underwater, lightning was a viable option…if he wanted to send all of them down to the Circles of Infernos. 

He was going to hate himself so much after this was all over. Summoning his sitar from the ether, he called out to Lorelei. "Lorelei! Could you please stop darting about like a betta and get away from that bloody overgrown crustacean?!" The mermaid looked to him with her lip quivering. "But what about Vicyeth? She's stuck and the mean old crab won't let her go!" Trying to not be more condescending than he already was, he reasoned with her. "Yes, but I don't think whatever you're doing is going to convince the crab otherwise, now will it?" Dejected, the blonde mermaid swam over. "Don't look so glum. Didn't you say you wanted to me to perform a duet with you once? Well there's no time like the present, since we're bloody stuffed anyway." As expected, her eyes lit up and she forgot her previous worries. "You remembered! I thought you said you'd never sing with me in a million years!"

"Yes…I did say that." He muttered under his breath. "Well hurry up and start, I'll accompany with the music and join in after." Without further ado, the mermaid began to sing. The sound wasn't dampened by the fact they were underwater. In fact, it was probably worse as it didn't fade out as quickly than on land. Grimacing, he began to play on his enchanted sitar and began to join her in singing. The giant hermit crab's entire focus was on them, which was exactly as he planned. In conjunction with the power of the sitar, he began hypnotizing the colossal crustacean with a siren song–lulling to sleep. Its limbs became heavy, and its grip was loosening on Vicyeth. Its eyes blinked a few times, as the song was taking effect. Then, its eyes closed. The pincer holding Vicyeth let go of her and fell to the ground with a shudder, and Gerard kept singing for a little longer to make sure it was in a deep slumber.

When he saw it was out cold, he stopped playing. "Alright, that's it. We're done." Lorelei whined, "But we didn't even finish the song yet!" Putting the sitar away he got up and refused to heed her pleading. "We're done. It's released the little air-headed fool from its grasp. Now let's go before it wakes up and tries to get all of us."

Author: Blessed_healer, Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 8:04 AM, Post Subject: The road to hell is paved with good intentions and stupidity (P)

It was too late, Vicyeth didnt respond timely and was caught in the pincer of a giant hermit crab that suddenly came out of the darkness. Fortunatly for her she had a very thin waist and the crab had a curve in the pincer so it just couldnt harm her by slicing the mermoron in half with it's pincer. The beast shook her around violently but instead of being terrified for her life, Vicyeth screeched in glee as she was shook around, of course she thought this was fun, it was like a fun circus ride for her… The beast itself was heavily armored with scales and possibly slightly ressistant against elemental attacks such as fire and ice. The crab was not yet interested in consuming Vicyeth it seems, perhaps he wanted to take care of the other preys that were in front of him…

Author: Vibrato, Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 11:51 AM, Post Subject: The road to hell is paved with good intentions and stupidity (P)

After much trial and error, the two fools trapped in the center were liberated. Lorelei kept him informed on how things were going when he went through the tedious process of turning mechanisms, and he was glad to be done with them. Lorelei gave him a florid 'thank you' to which he merely grunted in disapproval. Vicyeth went headfirst into the rest of the ruins, leaving the other two to catch up. "Wait for us Vicyeth! Oh it's bright! You're amazing! Now we can see even if we don't have lanterns!" Gerard grumbled under his breath, "That's because lanterns don't work underwater."

Being the last in the group, he looked around for any potential dangers that the other two would clearly miss. Sure enough he froze when he looked up. "Get back here you two! Get back here this instant!" There was panic in his voice as the eyes reflected the light emitted by Vicyeth. They were in deeper than he had expected below the waves. Normally they–as in Lorelei and him–would never go past the epipelagic zone. They weren't designed for, or prepared for the dangers lurking in the depths. "There's eyes above! Get out of there before you get eaten!"

Author: Blessed_healer, Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 1:44 PM, Post Subject: The road to hell is paved with good intentions and stupidity (P)

She didnt exactly stop sobbing whe Gerard told her to, but she couldnt actually tear up underwater because the tears merged with the water. When the bars raised she was already back into apathetic mode and began swimming into the bars. Lorelei most likely did the communicating with gerard while Vicyeth tried to squeeze herself through the bars. Eventually she got through the bars after swimming her face into it long enough. Soon enough though the bars were raised and she could venture deeper into the ruin. She swam a circle around Gerard first though. If anything, the Piscine lantern swam ahead and lit up the oncoming hallways. Giving Gerard and Lorelei a chance to respond to what was ahead. Quickly though, an unsettling sight was revealed by her luminiscent patches and that was two large eyes reflecting Vicyeth's light…

Author: Vibrato, Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 1:10 AM, Post Subject: The road to hell is paved with good intentions and stupidity (P)

Lorelei happily took the less algae-encrusted idol like a child getting a new toy. Meanwhile, Gerard was looking for a way to free the two morons from their self-induced predicament. He wasn't doing this out of charity mind you, but out of pragmatism. They would test out the traps while he stayed at a safe distance, until they reached the end. "Alright alright, stop whimpering you nitwit. I'm going to figure out how to get those bars off. There's some mechanisms around here, so I'll start with those. This'll all be trial and error so I expect you to help." Swimming up to a rotating dial, he shouted to them. "I'm going to try moving some things. If something happens, tell me!"

He turned the dial to the left, and a rumbling sound was heard. Some of the bars retracted back into the floor and ceiling, but it still wasn't enough for the two finned fools to squeeze through without getting stuck. Gerard was too far away from them to see what had happened. Hopefully they would be accurate in their responses and cooperate.

Author: Blessed_healer, Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 11:48 AM, Post Subject: The road to hell is paved with good intentions and stupidity (P)

Vicyeth took a look in her bag and searched for her other idol and compared them, she decided to keep the one she recently found though because it was covered in algae wich for some reason she liked and gave the other one to Lorelei. "You can have this one! Mine has a coat." She said with a big grin plastered on her face. She then swam forth only to get herself stuck in a cage, it was pretty close or her tail would have gotten impaled in the bar. Once she was in the cage she held her tail in her arms and made a face that could inspire a raging monster to grant her mercy and hug her, her lip was shivering and she looked around with eyes that would make a heartless, mindless executioner give her a hug. She began sobbing quietly and ree-ed but quietly…

Author: Vibrato, Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:22 PM, Post Subject: The road to hell is paved with good intentions and stupidity (P)

"No! I said stop! Let go of me you–Are you listening?!" Gerard went kicking and screaming as he was towed along their marvelous misadventure. The light from Vicyeth made seeing much easier, and Lorelei's streamlined body allowed her to catch up rather quickly. In her carelessness, her piscine tail hit something and the rumbling noise of stone moving meant they were trapped inside. Finally breaking away from the two fools, Gerard tried to turn back only to be greeted with stone-cold despair. "You IDIOT! The door's sealed shut! Now look what you did–we're trapped in here!"

Vicyeth's voice piped up and immediately Lorelei swam over to look, leaving Gerard's chastisement and rancor unheeded. "It's beautiful! Oh if there's another, get me one too!" They both swam right into a trap and engaged a series of metal bars down around them. They were caged in, and Gerard was the only one who wasn't inside thanks to his reluctance to follow them too closely. His hunch had been right; they were going to get themselves stuck. The bars were spaced narrowly enough so that they couldn't squeeze through. The nokken floated outside with his arms crossed looking at them both with disapproval. They'd start begging for his help soon enough. He derived no pleasure from their misfortune, as they had dragged him into it too. "Well look at you. You've really done it this time. Now how do you expect to get out this mess?"

Author: Blessed_healer, Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:49 PM, Post Subject: The road to hell is paved with good intentions and stupidity (P)

Vicyeth quickly heard Lorelei aproached with the fins on the side of her head that she could use to pick up shifts in the water and looked at Lorelei when she was about 5 meters away. She stopped swimming circles around Gerard and waved at Lorelei. "HIII LOrelei look who i found! It's Gerard." She headed inside already, leading the way for lorelei and in the darkness of the cave the light blue/cyan patches lit up in much the same way as the bioluminiscent reaction that angler fish, vampire squids and anomalopidae light up certain areas on their bodies except that Vicyeth's patches were much larger and brighter, effectively lighting up the darkness of the ruin. Of course just like last time it was only a matter of time before one of the kelp-for-brains set off some sort of mechanism wich closed the doors of the first entrance, meaning that like the first time there was only one way out.

It didnt take terribly long for Vicyeth to get her eyes on a small golden idol that she wanted to have. "Look Lorelei! A golden doll!" She screeched before making an underwater dash towards the small golden idol that was of similar design as the one she picked up in the rainforest ruin. "Im going to start a collection of these, they are soooo cute!"

Author: Vibrato, Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 7:44 PM, Post Subject: The road to hell is paved with good intentions and stupidity (P)

Just as a ray of hope shone in the dark waters, that very ray turned into a black hole of despair when he saw who his rescuer was. Protesting he was again dragged back to a ruin, against his will–very much like another time long ago with the exception of the first time being on land. To make it worse, she then said she had a friend with her–a mermaid. He didn't even try to guess who that was. He was wishing he had been swallowed by a whale on accident now. On cue, the tell-tale singsong voice of a particular sea siren came lilting by. "I'm heeeere! Did I make you wait Vicyeth? Ohhh!" An audible gasp was heard as he cringed. "Gerard!! What a wonderful surprise!" 

"…Lorelei, what in the Nine Circles of Infernos are you doing here?" He hissed, his scowl deeper than a stonefish's. "Vicyeth was a dear and said she found a lovely sunken ruin to play in! Oh isn't it so picturesque?" The blonde mermaiden clasped her hands together as he tail fin swished in delight. Gerard responded with an grunt of disapproval. "Since all of us are here, shall we go Vicyeth?" By this point he had finally gotten free of his bindings and was swimming away when Lorelei intercepted him, hanging onto his arm. "Get your hands off of me you absolute buffoon." He glared while she began swimming pulling him backward. He swore that these two seemed to have some kind of magnetism in which they appeared right after he encountered misfortune.

Author: Blessed_healer, Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 1:54 PM, Post Subject: The road to hell is paved with good intentions and stupidity (P)

Vicyeth was all ready to head into the ruin when she heard something that made coral crack. Angrily she swam to whatever broke the pretty seaflowers with possibly the intend to drown it wit her water spells only to find out. "IT'S GERARD. HIIII GERARD" she swam to Gerard and picked him up before he filly he could fully hit the ground and get himself untied she picked him up and brought him to the ruin. "I invited the mermaid friend too! Now you can go on an adventure with both of your water friends and not just one at a time!" She brought the bundle of joy to the entrance of the underwater ruin and placed him down softly before annoyingly swimming circles around him while waiting for Lorelei to arrive.

Author: Vibrato, Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 3:07 PM, Post Subject: The road to hell is paved with good intentions and stupidity (P)

By now Gerard was aware that there were two particular people who were drawn to him like curse. One was a mermaid of little merit and even less common sense, the other was an absolute blithering idiot. Things hadn't gone too well for him today. The currents had carried him a bit too close to Vilpamolan and he ended up in an argument with a sea captain of ill-repute. When things came to a head, the scurvy sea dog threatened to make him walk the plank. He dared the man to do it, while calling into question the sailor's pride and integrity which as expected, made him see red. However instead of being simply kicked off the side of the ship, they bound and tied him to a burlap sack of empty whiskey bottles and threw him overboard.

He was sinking into the depths, without any means to cut himself free. Not that he had to worry about drowning, but he could have handled that situation better. Though whether or not he would have done any different if they didn't try to sink him was indeterminate. The bard attempted to justify it in his mind. The man was a conniving, lying scoundrel who clearly didn't know the basics of hygiene. He didn't have to take offense if he didn't want to. And before all that the man stated he planned to sell Gerard off as foreign stock after they trawled him out of the water on accident. It was obvious who was at fault here. Self-justification aside, not being able to move was frustrating. The most he could do was to freeze the ropes that bound him and hope the fibers became weakened enough for him to break free.

Unbeknownst to him, he would be thrust into a situation he had been in before…again. 

Author: Blessed_healer, Posted: Tue Aug 8, 2017 4:55 AM, Post Subject: The road to hell is paved with good intentions and stupidity (P)

The sea… A place for pirates, fishers, traders and much more. This much more included mermorons and ruins. Two things that usually dont really go together unless it's Vicyeth who has eluded the natural selection with sheer luck. She heard of a ruin lying deep in the ocean and decided she wanted to raid it, fortunatly for her she wasnt limited to fresh water and could breath in salt water just as easy, her racial benefits really did maximize her ability for stupidity. She dived deeper and deeper, not really following directions but randomly swimming around until she found something that would resemble a ruin. Merfolk were not terribly common around Revaliir and Vicyeth was one of the few of her kind that were present in Revaliir (mostly because she managed to cause water damage in her underwater home city and was exiled) and thus being underwater was actually safer for Vicyeth than being on land despite the fact that the sea had more dangerous animals.

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