Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Vilpamolan Coast > Nyella Ocean > A step in the right direction... (open, r)

Character Info
Name: Kapitan, Kat Kheylana
Age: Unknown, appears 22
Alignment: LE
Race: Crossbred elf
Gender: Female
Class: Pirate captain/Sniper/Mercenary/Dancer
Silver: 0
Kat's legacy was forgotten by many. The legacy she left so many years ago as the most feared pirate captain of all times has been forgotten by many when she was chained to the mast of the Drosden dread before her traitor right hand blew the ship up and left her to perish… A pact with Davy Jones himself though is what has given her a second chance in the mortal realm… Some people even refused her on the ship because she was a woman, but the pirates that recognized her rapier and comically large crossbow even let her take over their ship when she held the captain at gunpoint. She now had a suitable replacement for her drosden dread. She sailed a mediocre brig out into the ocean and immediatly she began plundering trade ships. She had her flag from the drosden dread ascend as this ship would have to do for now… It was a black flag with crossblades, a skill with a bandana and small bullet like bolts sticking through the bottom of the skull with the jaw disconnected. This flag caused so much panic years ago…

Less then an hour later Kat has found her first victim: A large trade ship littlered with cannons and a large amount of sails on it. Normally, a brig would never even consider attacking a large ship like that… Meanwhile on the other ship, the crew seemingly recognized the flag. The man in the crowsnest began yelling… "Captain! Black flag incoming! Oh, may angela save us! It's Kheylana's FLAG!"  Upon hearing the identity of the supposed captain, the crew was sent into a panic. Even if they knew the drosden dread was vanquished along with it's captain they were still scared… The ship began sailing away from Kat's new brig named the seagull. The seagull was much faster than the massive warship though and with Kat at the helm, the pirate crew had little to worry about. The trade ship desperately tried to make it to a nearby military fleet in an attempt to get to safety. However there was mist on the seas and the seagull was much closer than they anticipated… Soon shots broke out as the cannons began tearing through the wood of the trade ship. The large trade ship returned fire but the seagull wasnt easy to hit with stationary side cannons as it circled around them. A mage on the trade ship sent a flare upwards to signal the nearby military fleet for help. But when they would arrive, the boarding would already be taking place if not over yet. But Kat didnt want to send this big, fat ship to the abyss… She wanted to repair it and take it for her own, but first though, she would need to damage it enough to board it…

Character Info
Name: Nui Scorsone
Age: 22
Alignment: CN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Street gang trooper
Silver: 89

Having been stationed at one of The Silver Serpant Company's ships was a pain. Nui did not like the unpredictability of the open sea. And the heat wave striking Canelux. Though his position within the Serpant Company usually required him to stay home, there had been a shortage of manpower due to a violent turf war with another pirate gang. It ended in a draw, but way too many goons were lost. Therefore he had been stuck at sea on some mediocre brig for the last several days. The had terrible luck aswell, not able to locate any ship with valuable cargo. On the third day some lady singlehandedly took their vessel, defeating him, his men and killing the captain. The crew quickly changed sides out of fear or excitement over some mythical tale related to the woman. Though Nui cared little for loyalty, he knew the consequences of mutiny were much more dire, should he return home, then whatever this woman would do to him. He therefore chose to stay within the cells of the ship together with a handful loyal men and women. Their stubborness would not last however. The prisoners would all ask to be let out after a very short amount of time, including Nui. The reason for this was the word that the brig was about to engage a more sizeable trading ship with fighting capabilities of its own. Uni refused to sink with the brig, in case of failure. He wanted to die on his own terms. So he chose to fight alongside this incredible and supposedly infamous pirate instead.While the crew fired away at the ship, tearing through it with cannonballs, Nui took potshots at the crew of the other vessel. He hit one or two men, but lot of arrows were wasted.  Unfortunately his aim was not good enough to take out the barely visible wizard, who fired up a magical flare, in order to call for reinforcements. Not sure how the battle would turn out, Nui paid close attention to the lifeboats. This was likely the cause of his questionable aim during the beginning of the battle. Not proficient with cannons, he had to stick with arrows for now. He continued firing at the opponent crew, waiting for the order to board the trading ship. 

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