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Author: Vika, Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 6:23 PM, Post Subject: [Pre-Event/Open] Hunter for Hire

Curiosity was a curious thing—a blessing or curse dependent upon its outcome. For this particular instance, Vika had still been in the process of discerning just which definition to bestow upon her own.

It's certainly…. eye-catching.

Unmistakably—but, what exactly was it?

Ever so tantalizing did the rosy substance pour from the vase of the majestic fountain statue, neighboring bottles of impressive design beckoning each visitor to partake in its offer. Vika's instinct, however, naturally deterred her from drinking unidentifiable liquids from unknown sources—like mother had cautioned her against being too friendly towards strangers. Such basics of life kept curiosity from killing the cat.
The ambient flow overpainted an atmosphere of tranquility upon its wildflower-adorned surroundings. To her surprise, Vika had not been the only venturer within the surreal valley following the questionable paving of river rocks and crystals—one far too convenient for her taste. Drawing nearer towards the marvel, the woman's uninhibited gaze cast upon the unfamiliar pair of visitors partaking in the liquid nonchalantly as water; First upon the slightly taller female, then the male—both of which she couldn't help but notice as possessing tresses only shades distinct from her own.
Straight-faced, a natural touch of hostility unconsciously darkening her features, her eyes offered the only window to her emotions. Neither amiable nor averse, intimate nor impersonal, they revealed a subtle glimmer, as when one desires to speak. Such prolonged, wordless study, however, might have aroused minor discomfort or questioning.
Ideas swam through the intangible realm of possibility, the pros and cons of each thoughtfully weighed, as Vika's brain considered how to present herself against such unfamiliarity.

Would they even share tongues…?

After a length, her decision would finally arrive into practice.
"Good day." A subtle nod followed, then a pause. The interval bore suggestions of one waiting to garner the necessary attention afore continuation—or simply social ineptitude. At a point, one might have begun to ponder whether she'd even held anything further to say, for only her enduring gaze implied otherwise.
"What might this be…?" she'd eventually continue with undecorated, simple speech, her inquiry's end colored with a prominent rise in intonation.

Author: Andrea, Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 1:21 PM, Post Subject: [Pre-Event/Open] Hunter for Hire

To put it mildly, Andrea was livid. She was seething from inside the very core of her soul to the point where literal steam was forming from her hands. Flames danced along the delicate digits as she stood with hip pop out to the side. Her staff were keeping a decent distance from their boss while attempting to figure out what the next move to be made. Andrea was clenching her teeth tightly while looking off into the distance. The city that had been her home for years was not suitable for anyone to stay within. It had been completely evacuated for the protection of the citizens. This meant that Andrea had to abandon everything that had been strived for in her life.

At the thought more flames began to curl around her fingers as she glared off into the distance. The earth was eating all that her life had gone into building. Despite being with Harker, Andrea couldn’t manage to enjoy the day. She leaned against the fountain that had been erected for this particular problem that had taken out her entire life’s savings.

From the corner of her eye, the woman glanced up at the statue depiction of the Mother. Andrea tried to not let a sense of jealousy hit her heart as she thought about how Harker had gotten help from the goddess. The Goddess of Love and Life….for crying out loud. Andrea let out a heavy sigh while taking up a small portion of the water in a bottle. It was rolled between her fingers as she looked down upon it. What was she to do now? The inn was most likely a complete loss. Her staff looked for leadership while Andrea just wanted revenge.

Head tilted back to look up at the sky. At this point she was avoiding looking at the cursed druid while he prepared to take on the next step for fixing the eldritch problem. ”Great, she muttered.

Author: Harker, Posted: Sun Feb 9, 2020 9:36 AM, Post Subject: [Pre-Event/Open] Hunter for Hire

It had been Andrea who had told the Druid Hunter of the troubles in Revaliir. Given that the man spent most of his time alone, avoiding the contact of others and completing the various missions and requests he garnered from Andrea, it was no wonder that he hadn't really noticed the change in those around him - he didn't know anyone well enough to feel the effect of the change in the world… except when it came to the plants and the creatures in Revaliir themselves. 
Despite the curses put on him by his former lover, he could still feel the changes in the world he lived in, the world he wanted to protect. Something was not right. As he went about, completing the tasks he had been given, he came across a variety of flora and fauna, all of which were acting unusually, as though they had given up on the world. It wasn't until an earthquake and the appearance of the orbs that Harker truly understood what was happening. 

He had returned to Andrea for news, and naturally she had it, as he had expected. He was to travel to Vada, as they all were, where the Goddess Angela had asked those unaffected by the illness (for now at least) to head so that she could give them aid and keep them safe. Harker had offered to escort Andrea to Vada, best to keep the person giving him work and paying him alive and well… the last thing he needed was to start from scratch and have to find someone else to work with. 

Harker had retrieved the potion and drank it, not that he was overly worried about himself, but he might as well follow instructions before he head off to Mo'Mey… there was work to be done. 

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