Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Throat of the Moon > Highlands > Pain[P,R,PPT]

Character Info
Name: Tourmaline
Age: 225-230
Alignment: TN
Race: Dragonblooded Angel
Gender: Female
Class: Lazy
Silver: 0
[OOC: To any admin reading this, or anyone I share the link and password with, this shit gets daaaaaark. Like, darker than I have done before, I think, maybe, anyway, be fucking prepared is all I’m saying. K? K!]

The half angel had done a lot of thinking in the last week, since meeting with her father again, finding out that he was dead, and then finding out that that was the least of what had happened to him. Well, to say the least, the half dragon wasn’t too pleased with things as they were, and even though her father had asked her to leave and go back home, she was still here and she wasn’t going to leave until the one that started all of this pain was dead! She had planned this all out since leaving the Second Circle and, using what her father had told her about the psychotic dragoness she was about talk to her again.

But as Tourmaline came to land at the entrance to the hidden cave that was Xyaban’s home, but had belonged to Hacesh, Tourmaline’s father, she knew that she would have to take her time on this. Xyaban was insane, that much was clear, and paranoid, and despite her small size she would be stronger than Tourmaline was, and with what Hacesh had said Xyaban also healed at a rapid rate making most wounds superficial. Not to mention that Xyaban felt pain as pleasure and killing her would not be easy. But Tourmaline had a plan, but she just hoped that would be able to follow through with it before she lost her own mind.

Taking a deep breath Tourmaline opened the hidden entrance to the cave, Xyaban had shown her how to do so. Xyaban had come to trust Tourmaline the moment she had learned that Tour was Hacesh’s daughter, because Xyaban thought that she had Hacesh were mates and welcomed Tourmaline like family. Which was why Tour had fallen for Xyaban’s stories at first, but now that she had learned the truth she would be more careful. ”Hello, Xyaban, are you home? It’s Tourmaline!” Tour called out in a friendly voice, as her eyes adjusted to the darkness in the initial part of the cave entrance.

She got a reply back from Xyaban who called her to come in further so Tourmaline did. There, she found Xyaban lazily laying on a pile of gold, for this cave was piled with treasure. Hacesh wasn’t exactly an old dragon, but he had been young either and had amassed a huge horde in his time, and when Xyaban had moved in she had added her own horde making it that much larger. ~Fuck, she’s naked, why is she always naked?! I mean, she’s not ugly, but, for fuck’s sake!~ Tourmaline thought, barely keeping up her act of being friendly, smiling she said. ”So, I talked to dad, Serafina let me see him. We had a good talk, thank you, Xyaban, for helping me find him again. He also sends his love and that he misses you.” Tour lied hoping that Xyaban wouldn’t pick up on that as lies.

Character Info
Name: Xyaban
Age: Dead
Alignment: CE
Race: Venom Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: Insanity
Silver: 0
Xyaban had done almost nothing since she had first met and spoke to Tourmaline. A bit of hunting because she needed to eat, a quick murder to pass some time, a bit of self love, just random fun things that she liked to do. So when she sensed someone close by and then heard her name being called by the familiar voice the dragoness smiled and sat up a little. ”Please come in, Tourmaline!” Xyaban called back.

As Tourmaline walked in Xyaban smiled pleasantly at her, she liked Tourmaline. Xyaban considered herself Tour’s step-mom pretty much since their first meeting, because with Hacesh as Xy’s mate and him being Tour’s father it only made sense. Xyaban was naked of course, she was in her own home after all, so why not? She liked being named anyway, the only reason she wore a cloak when she went out was to help hide her beauty and not to cause more of a scene than she might want to.

”Please, sit, how are you?” Xyaban asked as Tour started to say that she had met her father and thanked Xyaban for her help. The dragoness smiled brightly. ”You’re welcome, Tourmaline, I’m glad you got to see him again and say a proper goodbye.” She replied, a tear rolled down her cheek at Tour’s words that Hacesh sent his love and that he missed her.

”What are you plans now? Do you plan on going back home?” Xyaban asked, sliding down from her pile of gold to land on her feet and smile up at Tourmaline.

Character Info
Name: Tourmaline
Age: 225-230
Alignment: TN
Race: Dragonblooded Angel
Gender: Female
Class: Lazy
Silver: 0
~At least it doesn’t stink in here, for all her psychosis at least she’s clean.~ Tour thought as she found a place to sit telling Xyaban of her meeting with her father and what he had ‘said’ to tell Xyaban. Xyaban seemed to buy it though, anything to keep that warped sense of reality intact in her own mind it seemed. At Xyaban’s question Tourmaline shook her head. ”Not yet, I think I wanna stay in these lands a while longer and explore some more and get to know them before I head home.” Tour explained.

As she had hoped Xyaban offered to give her a place to stay in the cave while she was in the area. So she so did trust Tour then, good, it wasn’t often a dragon would let another stay in their cave unless they were mates. Xyaban stepped up closer to her and Tour watched her carefully, she wasn’t expecting the next words to come out of Xy’s mouth. She out right offered to be Tour’s step-mom while she was in the lands! It was all Tour could do to not throw up, but she held it back and managed a smile instead, this might work into her plan. ”I’d like that, Xy, thank you.”

So it was that over the course of the next month that Tourmaline would continue exploring the lands, setting up her final plan the whole time. Through that month Tourmaline gained Xyaban’s full trust, though Tourmaline had to allow herself to be nice to Xy, she even called her mom once and nearly cried. But that alone made Xyaban even more happy with Tour, so Tour had to play along, keep that trust so that Xyaban thought that Tourmaline actually loved her. Tour was playing a long game, it was dangerous, she saw what Xyaban was capable of.

One day the dragoness had dragged some pour random sap off the road and to the cave and Tourmaline just so happened to be around that day. She had to watch as Xyaban tortured the poor man, physically and mentally, for two days before he died of shock as his heart gave out. Xyaban had then casually taken the corpse outside away from the entrance and burned it. She came back like nothing had happened, but Tourmaline knew that she had to finish this sooner than she had planned. There was a cave a few miles away that was what Tour had been secretly using to set up a surprise for Xyaban.


Today was the day.

Tourmaline came to Xy’s cave later that evening having put the final touches on her surprise, now she steeled her nerves for what was to come. ”Mom, I, uh, I have a surprise for you.” Tourmaline started with a smile getting Xyaban’s attention. ”It’s in a cave not far from here, I can fly you over there if you like, it’s nothing too special, but it’s a thank you from me to you for everything.” Tour explained and Xyaban happily nodded and accepted the ride.

They stepped outside together and Tourmaline picked up Xyaban, who was naked as always, but at least she was light, being careful of the quills on her body. Tour’s strong wings made the flight quick and easy over to the small cave. Setting Xyaban down Tour smiled. ”Please, go in.” Tour smiled and, trusting Tourmaline, Xyaban walked in and Tour followed. ”I hope you like it, mom.” Tour smiled, her heart was racing in her chest.

Character Info
Name: Xyaban
Age: Dead
Alignment: CE
Race: Venom Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: Insanity
Silver: 0
Xyaban was thrilled to have Tourmaline around more and more, and when she got called mom her heart swelled with love in her chest for her step daughter. When Xyaban had dragged the poor soul to her cave and tortured and killed him in front of Tourmaline she was happy, since even though Tour didn’t participate in it she seemed to enjoy watching all the same. Xy had disposed of the body in her usual way, which was good, cause at times Xyaban had no problem eating human flesh which would have probably broken Tourmaline too witness.

The day that Tourmaline came in and said that she had a surprise for Xyaban the dragoness was curious and excited to see what her step daughter had got her. It was a thank you gift for everything, and it was in a cave not to far away that Tour could fly them to. Xyaban happily accepted the offer of the flight, naked as normal she got up in the much taller Tour’s arms and it was a quick few minutes flight over to the cave.

Xyaban looked to Tourmaline who smiled back and said to go in and, having nothing but trust and love for Tourmaline now, Xyaban walked inside. The entrance was a bit longer than she had expected and the cave had a bend in it and as they came around that bend Xy took in the sight before her. It was a long table like structure but it had straps on it for where someone’s ankles and wrists would go, and a large wheel at one side. Xyaban had no idea what it was, but she knew what everything else was, there were a few knives arrange neatly on a cloth on a small table next to the larger table, along with some nails and other pointy things. The room wasn’t lit very well, only one brazier burned hanging from the ceiling right over top of the larger table with the straps.

Xyaban walked around the table and eyed the blades and looked to Tourmaline and her eyes widened. ”Tourmaline, what are you doing?! What is all this?!” She exclaimed, shocked at the sight as Tourmaline removed her armour and the clothing she had been wearing to now stand naked in the cave with Xyaban.

Character Info
Name: Tourmaline
Age: 225-230
Alignment: TN
Race: Dragonblooded Angel
Gender: Female
Class: Lazy
Silver: 0
Tourmaline allowed Xyaban to walk in a few steps ahead of her, and as they rounded the corner Tour stopped as Xy did. Tour said nothing as Xyaban took in the sight before her, though it seemed to confuse her instead of excite her. While Xyaban looked around for a moment Tourmaline unclipped her armour hooks and settled it on the ground before removing the light clothing she had been wearing under it leaving her standing naked in the cave with Xayban. Tourmaline was well built, and the piercings she had in her ears, nose, lip, eyebrows and tongue continued as she had both nipples pierced and her clit was pierced to. From a time when she had been more rebellious against her mother, but that time had since past, but Tour had decided to keep her piercing as they did come in handy from time to time.

Such actions had taken Xyaban by surprise and Tourmaline only smiled and stepped over to her step mom and leaned down to kiss her. ”This is my surprise. Dad told me that you liked pain, is that right?” Tour asked with a wicked little grin, still leaning down to look Xyaban right in the eyes, and the dragoness nodded slightly. ”Excellent, and pain is my present for you, Xyaban. This isn’t a normal table, it’s called a rack, once you lay down on it and I strap you down nice and tight to it I can start to turn that wheel. When I turn it the bottom and top parts of the table start to move away from the middle, it will start to pull your arms and legs.” The change in Xy’s eyes seemed to indicate that she caught on to what Tourmaline was planning now. ”It’s used for torture, but, since you know your limits I can apply a little pressure at the start and slowly increase it to keep the pain fresh, but never so much as to dislocate your arms your legs.” Tour explain as she watched excitement fill Xy’s eyes. ”Between each increase in pressure I’ll use those knives and nails to poke and prod and cut at you, I know you heal fast so nothing will last too long and I can keep going until you have had enough.”

As she spoke an ember from the buring brazer hanging above the rack dropped down and sizzled for a moment and Tour grinned. ”And once in a while you’ll get a surprise from that to, and I can use my ice magic to if you like, as some added fun.” Tourmalile smiled and kissed Xyaban again on the lips for a moment before pulling back. ”What do you say, mom? Do you like my present?”

Tour was doing everything in her power to not be sick, she was acting at her fullest and it seemed to be working. As Xyaban beamed with happiness and jumped into her arms as they kissed again. Tour returned the kiss and used her height advantage to place Xy on the rack but her quills made it difficult to lay her flat. ”Hm, why don’t we start this by getting rid of those quills for a while so you lay properly?”

Character Info
Name: Xyaban
Age: Dead
Alignment: CE
Race: Venom Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: Insanity
Silver: 0
When Tour leaned down and kissed her Xyaban was stunned into silence, what was she planning?! Xyaban could only stand there, taking in the beauty of Tour’s now naked form and the piercings didn’t go unnoticed either, as the half dragon started to explain what the plan was should Xyaban agree to it. The more that Tourmaline explained the more excited Xyaban became; this was an amazing gift in Xy’s mind. The pleasure of pain, applied by someone she loved in a private and intimate setting, this was more than Xyaban could hope.

Which was what Tourmaline had been planning the whole time. She was playing Xy’s psychosis against her, over the last month gaining Xy’s trust and love and it had worked. Xy fully trusted Tourmaline because Tour had played her part well to make sure she did not do anything that would upset Xy’s delicate mental balance.

Xy was thrilled and jumped into Tour’s arms kissing her deeply as her acceptance of the gift she was to receive. Tour got her on her back on the rack, but Xy’s quills got in the way of her laying flat. When Tour broke the kiss and commented on the quills Xyaban nodded and they up together. Xy turned her back to Tour as she spoke. ”If you have a saw handy you can hack them off, if not, you should more than strong enough to snap at skin level, they’ll bleed a bit, but I think you’re prepared for that anyway.” Xyaban smiled and looked over her shoulder at Tour, poison green eyes bright. [B”Thank you, Tourmaline.”

A moment later she felt Tour’s left hand on the back of her head while her right hand took hold of her longest quill on the back of her skull. Tour proved her strength as she snapped the quill right at the quick, blood trickled out as Xyaban moaned in a bit of pleasure, this was only start to! Another quill out and clattered to the floor, then another, and after a few minutes Tourmaline had removed all of Xy’s quills. Blood trickled down Xy’s back but it wasn’t a lot and the dragoness was quivering with pleasure at this point. At one point Tour had thought to snap off one of the smaller quills while tightly pinching and pulling on one of Xy’s nipples making the dragoness gasp.

With the quills done Xy turned back around on the rack, her legs dangling over the edge as Tour stood there, right up close. ”Oh, please, these too?!” Xyaban exclaimed and raised her hands and her long bone and scale blade snapped out from her right wrist while her smaller thinner needle blade popped out from her left wrist.

Character Info
Name: Tourmaline
Age: 225-230
Alignment: TN
Race: Dragonblooded Angel
Gender: Female
Class: Lazy
Silver: 0
When Xyaban turned her back to Tour the half angel couldn’t help but shudder at what she was about to do. But it had to happen, if Xy became violent or figured out what was going on she could use her quills against Tour so needed them gone. Tour, sadly, had not thought to bring saw, so she had to instead use her own strength to break off each quill in turn. However, to sell the whole things more she used one opportunity with a smaller quill to pinch and pull on one of Xy’s nipples at the same time she snapped a quill. And damned if she couldn’t tell that Xyaban was getting very aroused from all of this, sick was it was. But Tour needed to do this slowly one step at a time, Xy could overpower her, and she had also learned that Xy was a very capable caster.

With the quills finished Xy turned back around to face Tour as Tour stood at the edge of the rack. It was then that Xy asked for Tour to make sure that she also removed the two blades that she had hidden with her arms. The long blade was very impressive in its size considering the size of Xyaban, and the needle one just looked scary since Tour knew what Xy was capable of doing with it. But this also perfect and part of the plan, as these needed to be removed from Xyaban as well if Tour had any shot at getting revenge for her father. At this point this wasn’t justice anymore, not the way that Tour was doing about it, no, this was pure revenge and she had accepted that and what she had to do.

Tour smiled and leaned in to kiss Xy again. ”Let’s get you comfortable first.” She gently pushed on Xy with her body and the dragoness complied and laid back on the rack under the taller Tour. Glancing up Tour maintained the kiss as best she could while fastening the straps around Xy’s wrists in turn. With that done Tour broke the kiss and slipped down Xy’s body kissing her neck, then each breast, a line down her belly, a quick kiss and taste between her legs as she slipped off the rack to stand at the foot of it and start to strap Xy’s legs down. ~Fuck me, but she does actually taste good, fuck, I’ll have to get that taste out of my mouth somehow.~ Tour thought as she tightened the straps as much as they could go.

Xyaban was positively vibrating at this point with how excited and aroused she was. But she did make one request of Tour who nodded. ”No ice magic, I understand.” That was interesting, so, was that Xy’s weakness then? The cold? With Xyaban strapped down Tourmaline walked around to Xy’s right side as Xy unsheathed her blade again. Using the rack for leverage since this was like snapping a thick bone, Tour cracked off the blade right near the blade. Xy moaned and arched her back as blood flowed from the now open wound as Tour dropped the blade to floor and moved to Xy’s left side. The needle blade was much easier to break off, and she was inwardly deeply relieved when that was done.

”Now then, I know you’re strong, mom, so, I’m going to add a little something to your bindings.” Tour smiled and from the small table of ‘toys’ she had placed a handful of 4 inch spikes and placed the cold metal on Xy’s chest along with the hammer. Xy looked to her with pleading eyes as a positive to do it and Tour nodded. Just as she got into position for the first spike a coal dropped off the brazier and onto Xy’s belly and the dragoness moaned a little as the hot coal burned her skin, which healed as fast as it burned. Steeling her resolve, Tour hammed one nail at a time into Xy’s wrists and feet to help keep her bound. ”And I have three left over for your tail.” Tour smiled as she climbed back up onto the rack again between Xy’s legs.

Xy guided Tour to where she wanted at least one of the spikes since it was a particularly sensitive spot on her tail. Tour complied and drove the three spikes in down the length of Xyaban’s tail before tossing the hammer aside for now as she stood next to Xy and smiled own to her. ”Are you ready?” Xyaban nodded, she was practically begging for it now, as Tour ran a gentle finger down Xy’s cheek.

Tour took two steps to the wheel as Xy craned her neck to look back at Tour as Tour started to turn the wheel. It had been a huge pain in the ass for Tourmaline to the fucking rack in here, let alone all of the other tools, but at least now it was paying off. Tour kept turning the wheel until she could see that tension was building and Xy’s arms and legs started to move. Tour turned the wheel a few more rotations and Xyaban moaned as she started to feel the pressure on her joints.

Tour’s over all plan? Wear down Xy’s healing ability over the next few hours, it wasn’t limitless, she needed to eat to maintain that kind of healing. But Xyaban didn’t eat every day since she didn’t burn a lot of energy and she seemed to have a set time when she did eat. Tour had figured that out to over the last month, knowing that tonight would have been the time that Xy would have gone hunting so she’d be at her weakest.

”There we are, and that’s just the start, once you grow used to that I’ll up the pressure. Now then.” Tour smiled and grabbed a knife from the table as she turned back to Xy who was giddy with anticipation.

Character Info
Name: Xyaban
Age: Dead
Alignment: CE
Race: Venom Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: Insanity
Silver: 0
Xyaban followed Tour’s motions and laid back as Tour used her body to push the smaller dragon back onto the rack. The anticipation was rising as Tour strapped Xy’s wrists in place before she made her way down Xy’s body. Shuddering in pleasure as Tour’s tongue touched her before the straps on her ankles were tightened down. ”Please, no ice magic.” Xyaban spoke after it clicked that Tour had said she could use it during this time. Xyaban didn’t do well in the cold, her body would start to shut down and it make it harder for her to move and use her magic, it was just a bad time for her overall.

Tour agreed to that as she then went and took hold of Xy’s long blade and using the rack snapped it off cleanly and Xy moaned. The needle blade snapped much easier so the pleasure wasn’t as nice, but it was just more and that was always a plus. The spikes were placed on her belly and Xy looked pleadingly to Tour, yes, do it! Xyaban had never been treated in such a way before as Tour was doing but she was loving every moment of it so far and it only just begun.

Xyaban twitched in a bit of surprise when a coal dropped onto her belly and it started to burn her skin, oh, that was pleasant! As Tour placed the nail on her wrist near the bindings Xyaban craned her neck to look as Tour hammered down the first time. Fire ran down Xy’s arm in pure bliss for the dragoness and it grew in intensity with each strike of the hammer on each of the nails until Tour had three left for Xy’s tail. She had thought of everything. ”Just below where my tail starts, there’s a really sensitive area, please put one there.” Xy requested and Tour trailed a finger down Xy’s tail until she nodded when Tour had reached the right spot. When that spike was driven in Xy’s back arched as she peeked, it had been a very long time she had came from just having pain done to her and nothing else. Two more spikes later and Tour was done with that, standing over Xy admiring her handywork.

The gentle finger Xy turned her head into as she nodded when asked if she was ready, she had never been more ready in her life. While what Tour was doing would be agony and torture to most to Xy it was bliss, it was pleasure, it was ecstasy, if the wetness between her legs was any indication how much she was enjoying getting off on this. When the wheel turned Xy sucked in a breath and she felt the pressure on her joints build as they were pulled away from her torse. ”Tour, this is amazing.” Xyaban breathed as Tour stopped the wheel for now and when Xy saw her next as she was holding a knife.

Xyaban waited for Tour to maybe something else, but instead the winged woman started to draw the knife across Xy’s soft belly. She didn’t push down with the blade too hard just enough to break the skin and blood welled up immediately as the knife passed. But the cuts were closing almost as fast as Tour was creating them as she danced the knife around Xy’s midsection and around her breasts. The whole time Xy had her eyes closed as she just enjoyed the pain, too enthralled that Tourmaline would do such a thing for her to see the reality of the situation.

Or sense the magical sphere hidden under the rack.

Character Info
Name: Tourmaline
Age: 225-230
Alignment: TN
Race: Dragonblooded Angel
Gender: Female
Class: Lazy
Silver: 0
Tourmaline smiled when Xyaban said that it was amazing what was happening to her as Tour stopped the wheel for the moment. Tour then used the knife to dance around Xy’s belly and torso, around her cute little breasts as Xy laid there enjoying it all. Tour did see that all of the cuts she had made were closing almost before she had made a new one. Damn it but did Xy ever heal fast! Tourmaline thought her father healed fast, but this was another level of healing that Xyaban had. But everything had its limits.

After playing with the knife for a few minutes Tour set it down and reached for a few smaller items. Clean metal nails, three of them about two inches long. ”I noticed you looking at my piercings, so I thought I’d get some for you.” Tour smiled as Xy smiled approvingly at her, liking this idea. Just to add to it Tour reached up with one nail and placed the tip of it in the fire, using her own magic to protect herself from the heat. With the tip of the nail red hot Tour reached out and pinched Xy’s nipple before driving the nail through making the dragoness quiver, repeating the process again for the other nipple. ”I guess you know where the third nail is going, hm?” Tour grinned and Xy nodded as Tour heated it up to and this time got Xy to cry out in pleasure as her clit was pierced by the nail and Tour saw just how much Xy had been flooding since they had started. ~She’s sick in the head and world will be better off without her.~ Tour thought to herself as she went back to the wheel again and turned it a few times making Xy moan.

”Do you know what these are?” Tour asked setting what looked like a thicker than normal belts on Xy’s belly, but it had small spikes on it. Xy eyed them and shook her head. ”Some use them as punishment some even use them as a meditative aid. Sometimes they are strapped to the upper arm, or the thigh.” Tour grinned as she took one of them and wrapped it around Xy’s upper though, spikes inward. ”What do you think?” Xy nodded vigorously so Tourmaile looped the strap through the buckle and started to tighten it and Tour hauled on it. Blood oozed up as Xy laid there shaking in pleasure and Tour saw that she had came again from it as Tour locked the strap in place before doing the same to Xy’s other thigh.

While she was in this area Tour teased Xy’s new piercing for a moment. The spiked belts that Tour had placed did not just serve to further Xy’s pain and pleasure, they also acted as kind of distraction for what Tour would do next. Tour had already placed what she needed in a spot under the rack at this end, now she just needed to pull Xy’s attention to something else for a moment. That Tour had planned for to. While Tour could be extremely lazy when she put her mind to something that was important it could be scary just how focused she could be on that task until it was done.

”Now then, what’s next, oh, I know.” Tour reached up to the brazier again and from it removed a red hot iron plate about six inches on either edge with a set of tongs. Xyaban’s eyes widened as she saw it. ”Want me to set this here?” She covered the plater over Xy’s chest and the psychotic nodded and begged for it. Tour set the blazing hot iron between Xy’s breasts and right away her skin started to burn, and heal, and Tour had to do her best to ignore the smell. While that was burning away and Xy’s attention was focused purely on the burning pain with her eyes closed Tour acted.

From under the table she removed two needles and bent metal tubes. Using what healing training she had Tourmaline found the major arty on Xy’s inner left thigh right near the spiked belt. She jabbed the needle in and was rewarded with a flow of cool blood from the artery. At the end of the needle she attached one of the metal tubes so control where the blood flowed so that Xy wouldn’t feel it running down her leg. She did the same thing to other leg, the spiked belts, she hoped, would hide the fact that Xy now had two needles stuck in her that was slowly draining her of blood.

With that done quickly, Tour used the tongs to removed the iron plate from Xy’s chest and place it back in the fire. The nasty burns from it healed over in a matter of only a minute or so, enough time for Tour to turn the wheel on the rack again. ”Are you making out ok?” Tour asked and leaned down to kiss Xyaban who was looking like she was in hysterics with how aroused she was. Tour had had a good view when Xy’s had came twice more from the pain the iron plate had caused.

”Now, take a breath, that’s all the fixed items I have for you. Now, once in a while I turn the wheel until you can’t take it anymore, and I’ll dance the knife around you.” Tour explained as she twisted each nail in turn on Xy’s nipples making her moan.

Character Info
Name: Xyaban
Age: Dead
Alignment: CE
Race: Venom Dragon
Gender: Female
Class: Insanity
Silver: 0
When Tour took out the three smaller nails Xy eyed the curiously until Tour mentioned her own piercings and she smiled. Xy had of course noticed that her step daughter had a good number of piercings on her body, not the least of which were the nipple and clits piercings. Xy was excited for Tour to do it, but when Tour heated the tip of the first nail up the dragoness squirmed, oh Tour was ever so naughty! Each nipple was pierced and Xy just let the pleasure wash over her as Tour then pierced her clit and Xy cried out as the most sensitive of places were punctured and burned at the same time. Xy came and she was just coming down from that high when Tour turned the wheel once more and Xy felt her shoulder and hip joints pulled on more, the pressure increasing.

As the spiked belts were placed on her belly Xyaban eyed them, just where did Tour get all of this stuff from anyway?! When Xy felt the spiked belt wrapped around her upper thigh she went still as she used her eyes to beg Tourmaline to do it. Tour complied and hauled on the strap and Xy cried out again as the spikes sunk into her skin, Tour had placed it so that none of Xy’s scales would get in the way. Xyaban shuddered as another orgasm thunder through her body, never had she came like this before let alone so often! Tour did the other leg and Xy came again and just laid there, breathing heavy, uncaring that she was bleeding and just wanting more.

When Tour produced the iron plate from the fire Xy’s eyes widened as she saw it being hovered over her chest. ”Yes, please, give it to me.” Xyaban begged shivering with anticipation as the piping hot iron was placed between her breasts and started to sear her tender skin. Xyaban moaned and twitched as much as she was able to as the plate burned her skin even while it was trying to heal.

She never noticed what Tour had done between her legs with the needles and tubes.

After a minute or two of this Xy felt the plate being removed, but Tour did place it back in the fire for later use. Xy caught her breath for a moment and moaned again when Tour turned the wheel, Xy’s poison green eyes were wild looking from the pure bliss she was in. She was asked if she was ok as Tour kissed her and Xy nodded. ”Y, yes. Tour, I’ve never felt this way before, no, no one has ever done anything like this for me before. I never knew I wanted to be treated like this before until now. Thank you so much for this wonderful gift.”

Tour accepted the thanks and said that that was all the fixed items she had, which to Xy meant that nothing more would be added to her body like the nails or belts. Sad, but maybe that would leave more new stuff for next time?! Tour also twisted each nail in Xy’s nipples getting a sharp inhale of breath from the dragoness and a naughty smile. ”Choke me to please?” Xy asked and Tour grinned and nodded.

Some time passed and in that time, Tour used her knife to cut and slash at Xy’s soft skin, she even pried off a few scales. She would also reach down and grab Xy by the throat and squeeze while shoving the point of the knife into a soft spot and twisting the blade. Even Xy had to admit that Tour was getting into this a lot more than she thought she would have and that Tour was stronger than she looked to. The choking was just that added perfect extra and at one point Tour had placed the metal plate on Xy’s chest again and while it burned she had clamped down hard on Xy’s throat. She only allowed Xy just enough breath to keep her from passing out and Xy came again and again as the time passed.

When it came time for Xy to remove the iron plate and reheat it again and turn the wheel Xy knew it was only a few more turns away from dislocating her shoulders, and maybe her hips. She was breathing heavily and she did feel weakness sinking in, but figured it was because of how much damage Tour had been causing and all of it healing. She never clued into the fact that she was still bleeding out from her thighs, the belts doing their jobs to mask the needles, even if they did slow the rate of bleeding with how tight they were.

Tour kissed her again and toyed with the piercings and Xy took that momentary break to talk through heaved breaths. ”Tour, this has been amazing, thank you again so much. I’ve never came that many times before in that amount of time, let alone so hard, you’re amazing. I promise to find a way to repay you in kind in ways that like to be pleasured.” She smiled and leaned back. ”I think though we’re found my limit with the rack, anymore and it feels like it’ll dislocate my shoulders. But this was such a lovely idea! I’ll have to find some pretty rings and studs for my new piercings to. You have your tongue done to, right? Think you can do that for me to?” She laughed lightly and leaned back. ”Oh, I wish your father was here for this, I think he’d have fun helping you do this.” Xy closed her eyes and pictured Hacesh in her mind.

A moment she opened them again and looked around to see Tourmaline, something seemed wrong. ”Tour, are you ok? I’m getting cold…”
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