Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Teu, Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2019 8:18 PM, Post Subject: Moving On (P)

The squeeze of his hand around her’s sent an ache in her chest that arm deep. Teu did not hesitate as she was pulled in tightly against his chest. Her hand released his as she wrapped her arms around his waist. Face nuzzled against his scent as if to surround herself in him. There would be fewer times she would have with the angel. She knew that there would always be a connection, but it was time for him to have a life that belonged solely to himself. Too many had taken advantage of his good nature. Duty was the makeup of his core. Now, he was going to make a decision for his own wants.

A light laugh left her as he kissed the top of her head. She could feel the heat of tears stinging at her eyes. Teu pressed her face harder against his muscled chest in hopes to keep them from spilling over. Her fingers gripped at the back of his shirt as she listened to his words. It still pained her that Kieran did not fully understand the connection that was between the angel and the elf. She knew that a great part of it was the dragon in him. As it was coming to the surface, it was becoming harder for him. Dasor had been different. There had been no lack of confidence in that man. He had been confident, and had shared many a bed of others. Kieran was possessive because he had only selected one…and that had been Teu.

She understood her fiancé, but it was hard to let Michael become further from her as they had finally found each other again. Teu finally lifted her gaze up to look at Michael directly. Her chin rested on his chest. ”I am happy for you, my dear. I knew the moment you came back that something had been different. All those trips to the Clan…something had drawn you there in the first place. It was her,” she said softly. The threatening tears finally spilled over to slowly streak down her cheeks. They were sad tears as well as happy ones. Sad to not have her friend around as much; happy to see him so happy. To have someone love him as deeply as he truly deserved.

”I am not worried about the shop, but thank you for thinking of it. I would be honored to partner with them. Whatever I can do to help the clan would be a great pleasure. Possibly I could see this village someday. But for now, know that you are always welcome in any home that I will ever have.” She released his waist with one hand to lift it to cup his cheek. It was a chiseled jaw just like the rest of his form. Teu had felt dismay for not being able to love him the way he had wanted over the years. The reason why she couldn’t was because he had to find this woman. Uial.

”Try to make sure to keep your happiness in the forefront of your mind. All these years you have put yourself last. That never works in a relationship. You have to love your partner, but also value yourself. Try to be a little more selfish.” Teu smiled a little bit even if it was difficult to bring herself to do. ”What will I do without my handsome guardian angel?” she sighed dramatically.

Before pulling away from him, Teu stepped lightly on his foot in a tease. She grabbed up her spray bottle again to tend to her plants. ”When do you leave?”

Author: Michael, Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 10:14 AM, Post Subject: Moving On (P)

He felt Teu enter the greenhouse; he knew that she had been thinking of him, his bond to her as her Guardian, always sparked at the merest thought of him in her mind, alerting him to when she required him… the problem was that he couldn't always distinguish between idle thought and actual need for him to come to Teu's side… which was part of the reason he had made himself scarce, though thankfully Uial offered a more than welcome distraction. The thought of the woman brought a smile to his face, and he turned to face Teu - immediately spotting the look in her eyes.
She knew, of course she knew, how could she not? Teu knew Michael better than he did. His heart ached at what he knew he had to do, and say, he would always love Teu, in his way, how could he not? He smiled, the sadness now reflected in his eyes, as he squeezed her hand, pulling her against him and hugging her tightly. "I may not always see everything Teu, but you do, and I have no doubt you know exactly what I'm here to say," he sighed, kissing the top of her head. 

"Teu… I will always love you, you know that don't you… but I… I've met someone, her name is Uial, she's the one who has been helping us with some of the rarer plants supplies you've sent me for recently. I've spent a lot of time with her, and I've realised I love her, and she loves me. I want to stay with her, I'm only in the way here, Kieran is not like Dasor, he does not understand how I can love you and not be a threat, not like your former husband did. I don't want to cause any rift between you both, not by being here, and before you protest, I know that I am. You know you only have to think of me and I'll come home, I will always be your Guardian Teu, that hasn't changed and it never will, Uial understands that. I'll live and work in the Jiyu with Uial, but it will strengthen the bonds with the shop too, I can still do my work here, just… less under your feet," he sighed. 

Author: Teu, Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 1:44 PM, Post Subject: Moving On (P)

Fingers lightly played with the tip of her long braid as it rested off her shoulder. Teu had a feeling she knew what Michael wanted to talk about. The way he presented himself lately was a dead giveaway for the recent change in him. When he had first arrived back at the shop not too long ago there was a knowing smile on his lips that was all-too familiar to her. The half elf had to clench her lips tightly closed in order to not celebrate. He was in love. A deep love that was truer than he had ever experienced before, and finally could know what it was like to have it returned. Michael was not as secretive as he thought he was, but Teu wanted him to get the courage to tell her all on his own.

He had been distant from the healer lately. She could accept that considering she wanted him to be happy. There had been a feeling of emptiness when he wasn’t around. It was something she would have to accept as she knew that Michael deserved all the happiness life could bring to him. The woman, Uial, seemed to truly care for the angel. There was a small spark of jealousy that someone else was going to be Michael’s priority. Teu knew she couldn’t have her cake and eat it too. It was time for him to find his own path in life. Something that had never been allowed to him in the past.

There was also the case of Kieran. Her fiancé was fiercely territorial. This only got worse with his dragon half awakening to the world. Teu had to help contain it in an effort to keep all safe. No blame was laid at his feet for what the change was bringing. Either way, there had to be an alteration.

Teu took a light breath as she moved into the greenhouse. As she closed the door behind her, the healer grabbed up a water sprayer to begin watering plants as she moved through the building. Green eyes finally laid upon the angel as he waited patiently for her arrival. A smile graced her lips though it was not as bright as she was sad. Knowing that he would leave in her heart was not going to be easy even if it was for a good reason. ”Hello Michael.” Voice was gentle. Teu placed down her sprayer to stand next to him. A moment passed before she lifted her chin to look up at the rather handsome angel that had proclaimed her protector. How fortunate she had been to have such a man shield her from many dangers. He had been there for her during some trying times. Things that she could never fully express the level of gratitude. The elf placed a hand on his forearm to lightly graze his skin until their fingers interlaced in friendship. ”What did you want to talk about?”

Author: Michael, Posted: Sun Sep 8, 2019 10:01 AM, Post Subject: Moving On (P)

Standing in the greenhouse Michael took in his surroundings, since coming to Revaliir this place had been his home… but now he was looking to move out and move on. He had been distant of late, he knew that, and he knew that they would have noticed his absence around the shop. Teu had asked for some time without him, Kieran had been struggling to deal with Michael's presence in a way that Dasor never had - they had come to an understanding early on and had, in fact, become good friends… but Kieran seemed to be more threatened by Michael than Dasor, and while Teu had made it clear that should never reciprocate his feelings, things had been tense. 
Though he had some good news for Teu's fiance… he was moving out to be with the woman who had stolen his heart unexpectedly. Uial had enchanted him from their very first meeting, when he had accidentally transported himself straight into her throne room. On the subsequent visits he had come to know her more and more… until Sammael had pointed out that his thoughts often shifted to Uial, where before they had always gone to Teu. 

So unused to what love really was, it had taken Michael some time to realise that his brother was right - he loved Uial more than he had believed it possible to love anyone, and while he would always love Teu in his own way it paled in comparison. It was time he bid the shop in Mamlak farewell; he was only ever a thought away, should Teu require his services or his presence for anything he would of course return instantly, he'd already explained to Uial where he stood on that scenario, he had promised to protect Teu and her family - and that was a promise that he had absolutely no intention of breaking. 
A small, soft, sigh left his throat as the Archangel waited for Teu to come to him, he had left her a note asking to meet him here… it was time for him to say his goodbyes. 

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