Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Throat of the Moon > Apoy Island > Love Problems [P][R?]

Character Info
Name: Dala
Age: 18
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Student
Silver: 11882
The child had been working on one of her many assignments involving political relations and their effects when she finally decided to take a break from the endless studying. Slamming the book shut, she left her room and began travelling over to the tower where Simone would be held up. Spending the rest of the day with Simone sounded much more fun and relaxing than spending the rest of the day with books. The child knocked on the door of the tower, only so that Simone would answer it. Ever since she noticed how Lewis and Simone had been acting towards each other, she started knocking. The last thing Dala wanted was to open the door and find them kissing, or worse. So she learned to knock. 

"Simone! I wanna hang out!" The girl demanded. 

After waiting a few more seconds, Dala opened the door and walked in. Her patience had died and she didn't want to wait anymore. If Lewis and Simone were in there, doing weird stuff, then the child figured she had given them enough time to stop whatever they were doing. Luckily, it seemed like it was just Simone in the room. That meant they could chat and hang out as much as she wanted. 

"Watcha doing?" She asked. 


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
Simone hadn’t heard Dala because she was literally pulling at her hair in distress. She jumped at the sound of Dala’s voice. “I NEED HELP,” the sixteen-year-old ran over to Dala and flopped on the floor in front of her.

“HELP ME!” There were clothes strung all about the common room. “I have to clean this before Lewis gets home but… I don’t have anything to wear.” She was pulling at her hair. “I DON’T HAVE A SINGLE THING TO WEAR TO THE BEACH!”

She heaved a breath. “LEWIS ASKED ME ON A DATE!” She yelled in Dala’s direction. It was obvious she was panicking. “I don’t have anything to wear. Which makes sense… I mean Lewis is the one who gets me all my clothes. I wouldn’t have anything unnecessary. PLEASE HELP ME!”

After a few moments of more panic she flopped on the couch on her stomach with her face in the cushion. “I’m a mess. He makes my head a mess… It was out of the blue. He almost shouted it at me. I shouted yes at him.” She explained. “Help me please…”


Character Info
Name: Dala
Age: 18
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Student
Silver: 11882
Dala's jaw dropped at the sight of both Simone and the room. The sixteen year old ran over to Dala and flopped on the floor in despair. Simone was in a full panic mode, freaking out about not having anything to wear to the beach. With heavy breath she shouted about how Lewis asked her on a date and began pleading for help. Then she finally gave out details on how Lewis asked her out, which involved a lot of shouting. Somehow that was the least surprising part about the entire incident. Finally moving, Dala shook her head and gave Simone a smile. 

"It's about time he asked you." She said. 

Then she hopped onto a chair with a newfound confidence and looked over to Simone. 

"Here's the plan!" She exclaimed, "I'm going to go fetch the swimwear. I need to know you're size and what you want. Meanwhile you need to clean up this stuff since Lewis doesn't like you leaving the tower. If you need to, shove stuff under the bed. That's the plan!" 

She hopped off the chair and walked over to Simone, placing her hand on her friend's shoulder. 

"You can do this. Remember! He already likes you since he asked you on a date." Dala said, "You both love each other. You're already beautiful and talented so don't bother about those things. And most importantly, don't eat beans while on the date. It'll give you gas. So what's you're swimsuit size?" 


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
“Dala!” Simone was ever so thankful to have a friend like Dala. “Thank goodness I have you!” She thought about her size. “Wait! I have my sizes from when Lewis hired the tailor the first time. Lewis had him write them down so he could just order dresses.” Simone got up and ran over to a little stand. It had papers in it but Simone had organized them. Once she found it she made a copy of what was on it and handed it to Dala. “Here… For what… Whatever you think would look good. I’ve never been to the beach before. I’ve never had a date before. I don’t know what to wear.”

She was panicked but she calmed down and got what small amount of silver that Lewis had given her for an allowance when he took her out. She had been saving almost all of it. So that small amount was a decent amount. “Go all out. I want to look perfect.” She was excited as she handed it all to him. “My favorite color… is lavender. Lewis really seems to like my orange blossom perfume too. I’m almost out.”

She immediately went about trying to clean up. “If he sees this he’ll know I was panicking!” She was always such a clean person.


Character Info
Name: Dala
Age: 18
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Student
Silver: 11882
Dala usually didn't see her friend in such a panic. Simone was a little shy at times and could even freak out a little if you surprised her but overall she had an elegant and calm composure. The child took the copy of Simone's sizes and looked them over, not understanding a word of it. But with enough cash spent, one of the tailors could make a swimsuit that would fit her. The child knew very little about fashion but what she did know was that she needed to find something that would be both functional and sexy. She had a tailor in mind who would be able to offer beachwear for nobles at good prices. 

"Well I guess I am pretty cool." Dala responded, "Okay so I'll get you perfume too. And there's other stuff you'll need. Beach towels, sunscreen, a beach umbrella, a bag. But don't worry, I've got it all figured out." 

Simone then began cleaning up the room. Seeing the dismay that the room was in, Dala opened the door and whistled into the hallway. Soon her baby golden dragon arrived and landed on her shoulder. The child had trained her dragon very well, especially in the art of cleaning. It wasn't because there was any benefit to the dragon cleaning, despite what the girl claimed, she was just lazy and didn't want to clean up herself. 

"Okay Charise will help you clean up." Dala declared, "And if there's any broken glass or anything else, just give it to Charise. She'll eat it. I'll get the swimsuit! If I'm not back by the time Lewis gets there, then stall for time." 

Dala then dashed out the door and went off to get her friend the swimsuit and other beach materials. 


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
“Dala, you are simply the best!” Simone welcomed the baby dragon in to help her and soon the place was spotless. “Thank goodness for you, my little friend.” She smiled down at Charise.

Soon Simone was waiting for Dala and she was sitting on the couch reading. It was all picked up and put away. “Thank you for lending me Charise! I managed to put it all away without having to hide it!” She looked over all the things that Dala brought home and excitement grew on her face.

“I’m so excited! Our date is tomorrow!” She pulled on Dala. “Come on let's put it away.” They got up to her room…

Simone had forgotten the damages to her room. “Um… Lewis kicked in my door…” Her blanket and nightgown were on the floor still and she blushed. “We were… fighting? I think.” She wasn’t sure but she rushed in and picked up the nightgown to put it away. “I’m staying in his room until the door is fixed.” She admitted. Now that Simone had her shawl off there were hickies on her neck and shoulders. Lewis had gotten excited this last time… Though that was nothing compared to what she had done to him.

Simone appeared to have forgotten about them in her rush to get the gown before Dala could see the sexy number. “I slammed the door in his face without saying anything so he kicked it in… He told me he actually wanted to talk to me and I didn’t know what to do so I slammed it to get dressed.”

Could Dala guess what happened based on the state of her room? Simone blushed.


Character Info
Name: Dala
Age: 18
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Student
Silver: 11882
Dala's shopping trip went surprisingly well. She was able to pick up the perfume and find lavender colored towels along with other supplies. She searched for a lavender swim suit but she wasn't able to find anything worthy of Simone. Eventually she found a cute blue bikini and a white laced cover-up. The seamstress told her it was strong in design and no amount of water or swimming would damage it. After getting the supplies, Dala ran back to Simone's room, shocked to find it spotless. She knew her dragon was good at cleaning but not this good! Dala dumped the bag of beach supplies on the floor, tired from running around. 

"I know. I'm awesome." She said with a slightly worn out tone. 

But she was able to get to her feet and picked up the beach towel to help put it away. Then they got to her room. The blankets were on the floor and the rest of the room was slightly damaged. Then the girl saw the hickies on her neck and shoulders. Dala had seen enough stuff on the streets to understand what had occurred. Meanwhile Simone's face was pink and she was treating the room like it was a crime scene and she was the criminal. 

"I don't know why you were so worried." Dala commented and pointed to the hickies, "He literally marked you with love. And judging by the evidence of the room, that fight had more to do with tongues than words. I'm sure this date will go well." 

Part of Dala was just teasing Simone, since she knew how flustered the girl would get. 


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
Dala’s words had her shocked as she yelled, “Oh my god Dala! I AM NOT SO SHAMELESS!” She covered her face and didn’t know what to do. “Okay, okay… So I am. Quite a bit.” She looked away with more of a flushed face. “I have to move some stuff into Lewis’s room…”

She had a basket of nightgowns and dresses. “I don’t feel like streaking through this tower…” Streaking was an odd term and she paused. “…I said too much again.”

When they got into his room she noticed there was a second pillow on the bed securing her spot next to him. “When did he…” She was a little taken back. She had asked him if she could stay she never actually expected him to get her anything. “He got me a pillow.”

She felt her throat was a little dry. He must have magicked himself home when she was on a rampage downstairs. How embarrassing. She covered her face a bit. “Dala, how am I going to survive this date? I can’t even survive him asking me out on one.”

Compared to how messy his room was the last time Dala had seen it. It was now as spotless as Simone’s room normally was. Which meant that Simone had gone apeshit in there and cleaned it from top to bottom.


Character Info
Name: Dala
Age: 18
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Student
Silver: 11882
Dala had to cover her mouth to hide her snickering when Simone's face went red. The girl couldn't help but tease her friend when these were the reactions. But the girl decided to lighten up on the teasing or else her friend would be too embarrassed to go anywhere. 

"It's alright Simone. There's nothing to be ashamed about." Dala said, "There's nothing wrong with intercourse. Its completely natural." 

At this rate Dala was going end up giving Simone the talk about the birds and the bees so she decided to focus on helping her move stuff into Lewis' room. Then Simone mentioned streaking and suddenly grew embarrassed once more. How on earth did this girl manage to get enough courage to actually do it with him?! Dala shook her head and gave out a little sigh. Then she saw the pillow, which was strangely adorable. Dala had a hard time imagining Lewis going through the trouble of getting a pillow for Simone, but then again the version she saw was a grumpy overworked assassin. Then Simone began worrying again. Dala could almost see the worries going through Simone's head. 

"Simone. Lets go over here." Dala said, pulling Simone over to the living room area. 

The girl had Simone sit down on one of the chairs, pulled up a brush, and began braiding Simone's hair. Dala had little ability in hair but with Simone's help, she had learned how to braid and even learned to weave flowers into the hair. 

"You need to remember that you aren't just anybody. You're Simone!" Dala said as she braided her hair, "You are a strong woman and he is lucky to have you around. He enjoys your company, date or no date. He enjoys spending time with you. Whatever happens will happen, and at times it'll be weird or awkward. But remember, he's there for you. Nothing else. Got it?" 

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