Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Throat of the Moon > Apoy Island > [p/r?]What does the fox say?
Hatsumomo Akane

Character Info
Name: Hatsumomo Akane
Age: ?
Alignment: TN
Race: Kitsune
Gender: Female
Class: Mage
Silver: 261
One would assume that if they had lost their home to a fire, that a person would be against using fire or at least have a healthy respect for it. But as the sun sank Hatsumomo sat cross-legged on the banks of the hot springs, a small grill sizzling away with a variety of meats, all well seasoned, while a large cast-iron pot sat in the coals bellow, simmering and bubbling away quietly. This, this was relaxation.

Hatsumomo had lost her home in a forest fire almost a year prior, the ancient forest all but destroyed by the careless actions of a passerby that had not put out their cooking fire. The rest, as they say, is history. She swept her long hair up into a bun, looking as if a snowball had been placed atop her head, as she cooked. There was no sense in being careless, especially after several drinks- Hatsumomo was not so careless, she had carefully wrapped her robe tightly to her form, tucking in all the hems as she cooked, sleeves tucked up and tied carefully. Honestly, fools shouldn’t be allowed to cook in wooded areas.

Hatsumomo cast her eyes up, the volcanic activity had brought strange and vibrant plantlike here, and there was nothing like it to create the perfect ambience, lush green light filtering through the canopy and steam from the springs…heaven. She sighed, flipping her meat and pulling the pot from the coals. Rice was done, and the meat was now aromatic. Pulling the shrimp off first, spiced heavily with Chile peppers and soy sauce, Hatsumomo added it to a small bowl of steaming rice, moaning as she took the first bite.

“Oh my gods…”

Character Info
Name: Aerisith Shagal
Age: 328
Alignment: CN
Race: Succubus
Gender: Female
Class: Monk
Silver: 625
A long stretch was let out as one of Apoy's many guests hiked up the mountain road, though for many, it was hard to really tell that she was nothing more than a simple human decorated with a fine tan, dusty blonde, curly hair, and vivid blue eyes. "Ugh, that was a good work out," she muttered to herself as she slacked herself, "Now to relax in the local springs, wash off the sweat, and enjoy the stars in my…" She paused her steps for a moment before patting herself down real quick… she forgot her bag which had her swimwear… Well, at least she could see about getting a bit more of a private pond for herself if anyone complains about a nude bath.

The glow of the sun was striking the mountain's side as it seeped down into the ocean, wishing the land's guests a final farewell as the moons took over his patrol. The tropical air made Aerisith's typical work out feel a lot more refreshing, but to end it off with the warm, mineral waters to soak in. The only way it could have been better was if it was topped off with some kabo–

That's when it struck her nose. Fresh meat seasoned with a strong kick. The smell of local shrimp was strong… was there any beef or chicken to go with it as well? She could feel herself drooling a bit just wanting to try. Wiping her mouth, a toothy grin plastered her face as she heaved her way faster up the hillside, though following her nose more than the road.

This led her up to one of the more secluded ponds in the region, where the water glowed a bright teal, only to be appreciated by another who rested at the edge of the waters. Next to her was what attracted her nose: a small, open air griddle heated by coals below which not only cooked the meat, but also the pot below which the meat's juices dripped into. Looked like she only got started as what she had set before her was still quite a bit.

"Yo," she called out, alerting the white-haired woman to her presence as she approached, taking in the smell of everything at a much closer spot. A brief look around didn't seem to show any kind of stall where she could get her own set up. "Um… mind if I join you? I can pay for my share," she smiled, pulling out her bag of coins to prove so as her stomach grumbled, taunted by the food below.
Hatsumomo Akane

Character Info
Name: Hatsumomo Akane
Age: ?
Alignment: TN
Race: Kitsune
Gender: Female
Class: Mage
Silver: 261
There were many things that had been expected of this day, a hot swim in mineral water, a lovely hike, a picnic with an exorbitant amount of food. Hatsumomo had not expected to see anyone stumble upon her secluded refuge tucked away beneath the shade of the trees and off the beaten path, let alone invite themselves to share in her meal. She swallowed the bite that had so ungracefully puffed out her cheeks, almond-shaped eyes round in surprise, narrowing shortly thereafter.

“Do you often make it a habit to encounter strangers and offer to buy their dinner?” The tone was sharp, cautious of a stranger. Her stance seemed to change to be more defensive, but then the money purse came out, she paused- giving a thought. Money, money was something that was oft-needed and seldom found without debasing herself to be fawned at and pawed over by the masses.

“Alright,” she said biting her lips “You may join me, but the shrimp is my favourite, and I’ll take exception to oversharing that.” She reached into her bag, pulling from it another bowl and set of chopsticks. She moved carefully to the other side of the grill, tucking her robe once more beneath her legs.

“My name is Hatsumomo Akane,” the tone was light as she moved more steak and chicken onto the grill with a sharp hiss of the heat taking the liquid from the meat, searing it quickly. “May I ask why you have ventured into the wild without proper supplies or preparation?.” The sun finally slipped beneath the mountains, casting the world into twilight as the moons gracefully slid into their shift, lighting the world in muted shades, fireflies adding their delicate beauty to the evening. Surely to bystanders, innocent passersby, they looked like two lovers enjoying the night and basking in the ambiance.

Character Info
Name: Aerisith Shagal
Age: 328
Alignment: CN
Race: Succubus
Gender: Female
Class: Monk
Silver: 625
The first question made her pause, gazing her eyes upwards as her cloaked tail swayed back and forth. "Not a habit per se, but its certainly not been the first time." Hence why she was sure to make the offer to pay for her portion immediately, as the memory of the first time did make the girl grin and chuckle lightly to herself. "But hey, when my nose catches something that smells amazing, my stomach often takes control of my feet." Still, it was of no shock that she was certainly more on edge with her arrival, as the path she took was not only unbeaten, but with a collection of squeezes through the trees.

Still, while she was accepting of the offer, she was still limiting her actions: shrimp was hers. "Fair enough," as she walked over to the other side of the griddle, toes mere moments from the water's edge before falling backwards. Whether it shocked the other was of little concern as her fall was certainly not as impactful with her body curving up, legs floating in the air before kicking forward and into a sitting position. "Thank you," she said, taking the chop sticks in hand before setting the bag between them, letting her settle with how much later.

"You can call me Aerith," was her way of introducing, spinning the sticks in her fingers as she looked at the raw morsels before her before locking in her grip and taking a slab of steak and tossing it on as well. "I wouldn't say I was completely unprepared," she stated as she let her nose hover over the grill, "I am used to working and moving light. Helped some of the villagers get stuff from point A to B, get in a bit of training, suplexed a bandit along the way here to wash up… You know, typical day."
Hatsumomo Akane

Character Info
Name: Hatsumomo Akane
Age: ?
Alignment: TN
Race: Kitsune
Gender: Female
Class: Mage
Silver: 261
There was something that was off about this….this…creature, yes that was the word that was right. She was not a mortal, and while Hatsumomo did not know what she was, she was certain that there was something more to her. Hatsumomo quietly cooked her own dish as the other, Aerisith, rattled off her day and defences of being irresponsible. Then, out of seemingly nowhere, a large steak was thrown onto the grill, pushing the last shrimp through the wires and not the flame. Hatsumomo grit her teeth and sighed, “Your contribution is most welcome, as it is clear you have been busy this day.” Hatsumomo had never seen a steak this large, but rather than criticize it, she simply sat back and let it cook. Aerisith brought it, she could cook it. Taking her bowl back in hand, Hatsumomo wrapped a leafy green around a piece of slim cooked steak and popped it into her mouth.

“And pray, what would have you done if you had not chanced upon me and my fire?” She was formal, dubious of this beast before her as she cocked her head to the side, unusually inquisitive eyes taking measure of the unique person before her. Hatsumomo’s eyes were a rich brown with golden flecks that reflected the moonlight with each turn of her eyes, firelight dancing in them as she ate and thought.

“If that is what you call a typical day, then your days are far too busied with the actions of others,” there was a limit to her voice, eyes twinkling with amusement. This was typical, what time of woman sat before her so readily exposed to crime and hedonistic beliefs? Hatsumomo thought she caught a glimmer of…something, off to the wide, no, behind, the woman. She reclined, a mossy tree at her back as she attempted to subtly get a better look at the woman. “Su-plexing does not sound like something a woman with honour would do, I dare say that you should take into consideration how your actions are impacting others. Bandits or not. As your karma will be sincerely impacted by these choices.”

Character Info
Name: Aerisith Shagal
Age: 328
Alignment: CN
Race: Succubus
Gender: Female
Class: Monk
Silver: 625
A quick blink came from Aerisith as she stared at the meat that was dropped on the grill, using up a piece of shrimp as a sacrifice. "… Whoops," she muttered before handling her crop sticks to separate the "lump of steak" into much smaller bits, as if the sauce that glazed each piece acted like a glue to each other. Still, more of the seasoning hitting the grill meant the air was filled more with the spice that tingled the tip of her nose, wagging her tail a bit more in excitement. Still, it was not like Hatsumomo here was not curious to her intruder. "If I didn't catch it, then I would have kept to the trail. Some people even set up shops near these waters, so it wasn't like I was going to starve." Then again, if she could not have found herself a more private pool, she would have probably headed back to her inn. … Sure, she could have eater a certain other way, but not with such a crowd and it felt too unnecessary.

After a bit, the succubus began flipping the steak pieces over while stating, "You say I'm unhonorable, I say give and take. It wasn't like he was going to ask for a proper duel with me with a knife at the ready. And besides, I know what sort of impact it was." One where the foe's head crashed into the earth below! "So then what's a typical day for you?"

She kept her ears open as she lifted the steak from the grill, popping it into her mouth before letting out a light squeal of delight. The richness of the sauce, the juiciness of the steak, and the punch to her tastebuds from the spice. Sure, it was very much basic compared to the spicy dishes from Momey, but it would be rude to even dare compare her cooking to that of an orc's. She popped another piece in, letting the flavor fill her up before finding herself coughing. "Oh wow, didn't expect that second hit," she forced out her throat through her tight throat, coughing a little to catch air as she tried to signal to Hatsumomo for something to help flush it down.
Hatsumomo Akane

Character Info
Name: Hatsumomo Akane
Age: ?
Alignment: TN
Race: Kitsune
Gender: Female
Class: Mage
Silver: 261
There was something to be said about the cool of the night when the sun sank beneath the horizon, bringing the world to an unearthly calm. The air started to hum with nocturnal critters, creatures that Hatsumomo knew well enough to name them by their calls by now. Her eyes slipped shut as Aerith spoke of her day, quirking an eyebrow and lazily flipping some exceptionally rare beef over. “I wander the forests, the spas and pools, pubs and taverns reading fortunes and dancing. Killing the odd poacher that takes the life of an ill-gotten prey.” She said the last part so delicately as she dropped a piece of meat into her mouth that it could have been a long-forgotten sonnet. Poachers, they were the worst, the slayers of mothers and kings of the herds, damaging the world beyond recognition. She leaned back, full, looking up a the stars, weighing a thought before pursing her lips to speak. 

“Something keeps twitching beside you,” she said softly, “I suspect you are not what you seem, the disruption is small, but you are hiding something significant.” Again, the casual tone as she opened one eye to take the measure of her acquaintance. “Then again, I suppose one is never what the seem on first meeting.” She gave a long stretch, elating completely back before stretching her legs out and siting up again and pouring a drink for her guest. First, exposing her wrist from the long sleeve of the kimono, then pouring delicately from a slim, wide-mouthed decanter before offering it to her.  

“I will not be in this area long, I began life anew, and am not privy to staying still long before needing to move onward. It is always possible to find those that desire to know what the fates hold for them, even if it is not the message they truly desire.” No, that was almost always the case. Idiots fool asking for what they already knew they could not, would not have. Money, love, peace, there were better things to ponder, but that is never what people brought to the cards. 

Character Info
Name: Aerisith Shagal
Age: 328
Alignment: CN
Race: Succubus
Gender: Female
Class: Monk
Silver: 625
"Pretty sure killing someone would be considered 'less honorable' than a simple suplex," She quirked out, taking another strip off the grill and popping into her mouth, shewing through the words, "At least people can recover from a suplex." Still, it was clear that she had respect to the balance of the land, and could understand that. While she would take one out if her life was at threat, she would not seek them out on her own for game or profit. The fine balance of survival and murder, as the paladins of the land would put it.

Still, hearing the comment about the oddity behind her cause a bit of a grin to slightly sneak on her cheek. It was always amusing to see how much of a plane some people could truly see "her." From the sound of it, her tail was ghostly, yet no talk of the wings that hugged her back nor the horns that hailed the sky. Easily "weak" in terms of it all, but still enough to actually get a feeling out.

"Aren't we all hiding something?" Aerisith chuckled as she accepted the offered glass from her companion. The cup really was quite tiny, holding enough of a drink to down in a single gulp. Was it meant for a slow push or a quick go? "After all, you never learn what a person is like after a small meet. YOu don't see their quirks, their good side, their bad, romantic, silly, furious. All you see is 'them.' " At those words she rested the glass to her lips before letting it slide down her throat, eyes widening a bit at the mistake she jsut make. Oh, this is certainly alcohol, she noted to herself as she rested the cup next to the grill.

What seemed to have been out of the blue, her fingers worked to the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over, revealing her bare chest amongst the fire and water, though was it the light and more exposed skin, or did it seem her tan suddenly get a shade darker? "Ya know, its hard to enjoy a hot spring without actually being in the spring, right?" she stated as she stood up, working the straps to her shorts before working them and the underwear beneath off before slipping herself into the glowing waters. "Ah, now this is nice. Best way to relax from a work out.

Turning to look at at Hatsumomo, her (what now seem to be?) galactic purple eyes stared into hers, she asked, "So you said you do fortune tellings, yes? Think you can spare a moment to tell me mine?" Hmm, but people typically have at the ready what they want to have read at the ready, at yet, this was simply more of a whim thing. Hmm… Money? No, she didn't care too much about that. Love… No, her identity alone told her many times how hard it was for a succubus to find a proper mate, and it would probably only reveal what she was anyways.

… To Infernos with it! She already asked for a reading, so she may as well roll with whatever is given!
Hatsumomo Akane

Character Info
Name: Hatsumomo Akane
Age: ?
Alignment: TN
Race: Kitsune
Gender: Female
Class: Mage
Silver: 261
As Hatsumomo turned the meat over on the grill, lazily, her stomach filling with the previous course, she saw the question forming in the other's mind, one she'd gotten a hundred times over again and would surely get a thousand more times in the future. Murder. "Nature, the woods, in particular, serves as a delicate balance to the rest of the lands. When one removed the predators, one is left with an overpopulation of the lesser animals, which will then lead to a more significant imbalance. Man is not the only predator, and far outnumbers those that they hunt."

Her tone was so matter-of-fact that it could be perceived as cold, detached to those around her. "I suppose it is true that one does not discover much about their companions instantly, rather discovers the layers are time wears on. Though most do not attempt to befriend a clairvoyant and keep their secrets."

Clairvoyant was a misdirection, Hatsumomo was much much more than that, she was part of the magic that flowed through the land, ancient and powerful with each beat of her heart reaffirming the connection. A dangerous smirk played over her lips as the other asked to have her tarot read. "Are you certain you wish to know what the cards hold for you, for it seems you do not know what you desire to know." She refilled the sake cup, a gentle twist of the wrist and delicate pour of the dangerous liquid.

With the same flick of her wrist, a deck of cards appeared in her hand, eyes closed in concentration as she felt for a change in the world. Quickly, she drew ten cards, placing them out before the mysterious woman. The Lover, Judgment, The Fool, The Moon and The Lovers. She smiled, "You use discretion in how you understand things. You have learned from your past mistakes, and now you are looking at the future more intuitively. You are blessed with inspiration. Culturally, these qualities allow you to be heard and understood by the people you associate out with. The cards also show that in the coming days, a person close to you could abuse your trust and try to harm you. It is a malicious person who is going through a difficult situation and has a really irritating tendency to constantly compare themselves to you. Fortunately, the cards are protecting you from this negative influence, and this will enable you to anticipate and avoid problems in your personal life."

She moved to the next set, The High Priestess, Justice and The Hermit, at this, Hatsumomo paused, looking up at the woman to see a flick of a tail to the right. She was much more than she seemed, and by the shape, demonic. Interesting. "You are going through a period of stress linked to several types of difficulties. You tend to be too critical of yourself; you can't always have the right answers, and sometimes you're wrong. But overall, your draw shows that you are a sensible person, and very sensitive. This temperament means that the people around you appreciate you every day. They see you as a confidante, understanding, trustworthy. Deep inside, you still doubt yourself and question the choices you make and the life you are committed to. You have a promising future, and your temperament should allow you to move in the right direction."

The final set revealed much, causing her to smile a knowing smiled "The Emperor, Judgement and The Star. an existing relationship with a man has become too stressful for you, it must now be changed or ended. This man was born under the sign of the bull, and you met him in your business dealings. You will have to make a decision about this relationship. Even if you prefer not to think about this day, you know inside yourself that it cannot. Something will have to happen, and according to the cards, it will be brutal and sudden. The first card shows that the event will take place quickly, and the second shows that it will change the vision that one of you has of the other. It could as well be a disappointment as a pleasure." She looked up, meeting the woman's eyes.

"Suiting, for a succubus." The embers in the fire put flared to life as the keeper of the woods laid them to rest, waiting for the reaction of the other.

Character Info
Name: Aerisith Shagal
Age: 328
Alignment: CN
Race: Succubus
Gender: Female
Class: Monk
Silver: 625
Aerisith adjusted herself in the waters when the deck of cards were summoned, eyes locked forward as they were laid out and overturned. Sure, she did not know the cards that well, but that was with most anything she dedicated herself to, as well as others.It was always a case of showcasing what things of showcasing what one has learned over their years of lives… though that numbered seemed to have varied quite a bit. Still, she donked the side of her head, as if to tell hr brain to shut up and enjoy the reading.

Still, as she listened, she kept an eye on her as much as the cards. Catching the glimpse of her eye shift meant she could at least tell something was certainly hidden and the third, it seemed as if a truth was discovered, which she was not shy about addressing. The air was still for a moment before Aerisith took the second glass and downed it much quicker than the other, knowing full well her body would hate her later, and allow things to shift to normal. Her skin shifted from a tan to a light brown, hair flowed down and shifted into a snapping pink, and from her head, ash black spires came out from the top. Looking more downwards, her bust adjusted shape, though the size difference was not too much different. However, behind them were a suddenly a pair of small wings that hugged her back, yet now were finally able to stretch out. Finally, the surface of the water broke as her spade-tipped tail broke the surface, shifting the water as it moved.

A sigh left her lips before she locked eyes upon the teller, now easily a sharp red as she said, "You know how hard it is for my kind to find a mate? How many men i have been with who wish to 'bear my children' only to find out that they feel much weaker come the next few days? Once they find out, they berate me, saying I seduced them for my own pleasure and 'feast' upon them? Its not something I can turn off ya know!" Her cheeks were beet red, despite how little she had in-taken as she let her body fall backwards, floating bare in the glowing waters. "I mean, mending a sword wound through the stomach is child's play compared to mending a soul… I just don't want to wake up one day to someone I actually want to be with and see them practically a doll or a puppet…"

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