Roleplay Forums > Canelux > Throat of the Moon > Apoy Island > The Ache (P.R)

Character Info
Name: Alairia
Age: 18
Alignment: TG
Race: Human/Elf
Gender: Female
Class: Healer
Silver: 2727
There was a deep ache that had made its ways into the young woman’s bones. She had not dared speak about it to her family or her love. They would have fused to another level that would have driven her more mad then the pain. Alairia clenched tightly onto the lead leash that was attached to the halter wrapped around the body of her guide dog, Ky. The black shepherd was a loyal animal that had brought his master to the island of Apoy. Ria was getting better at sneaking out of the Mamlak City home that belonged to many of her family. It was getting a little quieter with more of the inhabitants taking up new residence in the guild hall. She was sad for the noise to decrease, as well as was happy about it considering it gave her less to compete with when figuring out her surroundings.

Ky pulled her towards their destination. She could feel the humidity difference as well as the heat in the air to give notice that they were close. Even with that change in the air, Ria felt a sense of relief. Her teeth clenched tightly as she attempted to push away the pain that was still lingering from her time bound to a chair and tortured. There were still flash backs to when Xy had taken Raith and herself prisoners to do as she wished. Such things that had Ria mentally wrought. Such things that kept Ria from sharing what she had always wished to with her love. He was patient with her; never pushing her to do something that Ria was afraid of. The pain was deeper than the flesh. She felt saddened constantly that she was still working passed what had happened. Though, Ria was able to smile the way she had used to in order to help her family.

The dog stopped at the edge of one of heated ponds. Steam bloomed up in the air that heated the vary air she breezed around her. Ria smiled lightly as she took off Ky’s halter to let him lay free. Sending her senses out, there was no one near for her to worry about. Carefully, she pulled on the string that held her linen dress closed to allow it to fall to the ground. Tentative toe dipped into the heated water to test it. She did not pull back quickly from the heat. Instead, a shiver of pleasure rippled down her back. Ria took the circlet that covered her blinded eyes from view to set it on the ground next to her dress.

It took little time for the elf to slip into the water and allow the heat of the water surround her bare skin. A small sigh of relief began to well up in her as the heated water began to help release the pain that was holding deep to her muscle and bone. She knew that her family, that Raith would have been quite upset if they ever learned of the almost constant pain. Wet hand lifted to touch the scars that covered over her eyes. Venom had eaten away at her face from Xy that ended up blinding her to the outside world. Headaches were a problem, but thankfully they were mild now compared to before.

Ria turned around to rest her pale arms upon the edge of the pond to the panting of Ky. He was laying at the edge watching her carefully. ”I’m feeling much better now, my dear boy. Thank you for bringing me. You don’t need to wait in the heat. I will call when I need help.” The shepherd let out a slight grunt as he shifted into the ministrations she had begun of scratching his one ear. Ria smiled lovingly at the dog.


Character Info
Name: Raith
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Part Minadrias-Part Diowolf
Gender: Male
Silver: 3483

Now there was something he had never expected to be… Since growing up, and understanding how he was different from his family, Raith had harboured loathing and anger like old friends, he had plotted and planned his revenge on his mother from the moment he was old enough to understand his lot in life. Not once in his two centuries had he expected to fall in love, even less so with someone who walked in the light as Alairia did. She accepted him as he was, more fool her… had she hated him, had she loathed what he was then she would have been spared this suffering… but he did not blame her, he loved her all the more for the fact that she accepted him, but he had failed her - he had got her hurt and he could not forgive himself for that. 

And now he was paranoid. 

Whenever she was out of his 'sight' he panicked, it was a feeling that he was unfamiliar with and not comfortable experiencing. He was conflicted; he wanted to keep Ria by his side at all times to ensure she was never hurt again - but he knew that he would only push her away if he did that - and part of him wanted to keep his distance lest she get hurt again because of him… but he also knew how much his distance from her would hurt her, and he couldn't intentionally cause her more pain than she was already suffering. 

The man ran his fingers through his now, blissfully, short hair. He had cut it off himself, the feel of it against his skin had physically repulsed him, reminding him of the way Xyaban had entwined her claws within it. Goodness only knew what Ria would think of it… but he could not live with the length of it any longer. Silence nipped at his hand, silently chiding his Master for dwelling on it again, the creature had caught his Master's habit of touching his hair and taken it upon himself to try and stop it - Xyaban had not won, she had intended on killing them all and had failed, now they just had to recover, grow stronger and end her… the little Dragon had not taken kindly to being shoved in a cage and used to harm his Master… he would ensure she regretted that decision… 

Through the Dragon's eyes, Raith could see the look of pain on Alairia's face and he winced. How blind had he been? Even for him this was unacceptable. Ordinarily he would have caught the subtle nuances of someone who was in pain, and yet he was so focused on other aspects of Ria's recovery that he had missed them - now that he looked back on it her could feel her flinches, the tensing of her muscles, the shivering as she forced herself to hide the ache. As she spoke his heart all but melted, every time she spoke he wanted to gather her into his arms and shade her from the world… 
"It's alright Ky. I will take care of your Mistress, why don't you find somewhere more comfortable to lie?" He spoke softly to the canine, shrugging his shoulder to dismiss Silence from him - if Ria could not see, then neither would he… though he was far more used to that than she was. 

He pulled off his clothes and settled at the edge of the hot springs, close to his lover but giving her enough space so as not to crowd her. "I'm sorry… I realised you had gone and I was worried," he admitted quietly. "Why didn't you tell me? About the pain?" He asked, turning his head in her direction, sightless eyes looking through her rather than at her. "And don't think of denying it Ria, I saw it on your face through Silence's eyes." 

Raith; God of Wrath and the Heavens, Wrath Incarnate, Commander of the Celestial Fires, The Blind God and The Endless Rage

Raith's God Abilities:
1. As his rage increases, so too does his physical strength and the strength of his magic.
2. Able to call upon ‘Celestials’, physical beings from the Stars who will come to his aid, can call up to 10 at a time depending on the size and power they possess
3. Can wield Celestial Fire, essentially the fiery essence of a star, in a raging inferno

Character Info
Name: Alairia
Age: 18
Alignment: TG
Race: Human/Elf
Gender: Female
Class: Healer
Silver: 2727
Ria sat there for a moment ‘staring’ down at the water. The newly blinded half-elf was becoming accustomed to the world view that she now had. There had been a time when Raith had showed her what it was like to ‘see’ the world the way he did. It had been a little experiment that had been a slight flirtation. Who had known that things would have developed the way that they had? Ria smiled lightly at the reflection she knew would have been there. Things had gone so perversely wrong for the couple, and yet she was happy being with her shadowed love. He was the darkness while she was the light. Nothing in her ever wanted to change that, but there was pain when you stayed in the dark for too long.

Wet hand reached up again to trace the scare line across her eyes and nose bridge. Mother had done a wonderful job in making sure that the scars were not too pronounced. Even so, Alairia was more inclined to wear the silver circlet that covered her eyes. There was a slim potential that one day her eyesight could be recovered. Though it was slim, there was still a sense of hope that lingered in her chest. It led her to wonder if Raith’s eyesight could ever be brought back…or be gained in any sense besides that of Silence’s aid.

Muscles continued to ease as the heat felt as if it were sinking further into her body. A little sigh of relief escaped her. The sound of light feet on the ground made her ears perk. There was no sudden shift from her as the footsteps were familiar. Her smile grew on her face as she turned again to know that Raith was there. His voice was soft and low in timber that always sounded like a purr to her ear. Despite the heat around her a shiver still went down her spine at his voice. Ria could hear the scuff of Ky’s claws as he left the area upon Raith’s word. The dog was just a dog, but at times she wondered if he was something more.

A heated blush was covered up by the steam as she heard the clothes of the male fall to the ground before his feet entered the water. They had not been intimate yet, and she was grateful for his patience. Just because they hadn’t didn’t mean she didn’t want to. The damage that Xy had done had been physical as well as mental. Head turned up to ‘look’ back at her love when he mentioned the pain. Mouth was about to open to deny just as he thought she would. She closed her mouth which turned into a slight defeated pout. ”Fine,” she merely responded. Ria knew when she was defeated, and could hear it in his voice as well.

”I didn’t want to worry you more than you already were. I did not want to worry any of you anymore than you were. You don’t sleep well when I have my nightmares. This is little compared to the other stuff. Besides, it’s not like I was the only one in that room.” Her hand reached out lightly to rest on his bare thigh. A spark went down her arm to her chest from that light contact. ”I don’t want to keep you from healing as well. You were put through just as much, if not more than me. I’m fine.” Alairia moved closer to him to eventually rest her head on his lap. She was very aware of that neither of them were clothed, but she needed to get over her anxiety. This was Raith. He was absolutely consumed with her health and happiness. Though she couldn’t see his face full of love, she could feel it. ”The pain will go away. The aches are easing with time and more healing treatments with mother.”

Alairia swallowed hard. ”I am sorry that we haven’t…you know. I know that it’s something that we both want, but you have been so amazing about this. About my mentality of it all.” The elf bit her bottom lip. It made her hate Xy all the more for taking her first time, for taking the time the couple could have spent happily intertwined. As time went on she felt the lingering touches and gropes of Xy less all with the calm and loving words from Raith. She wanted to erase the time in the shack from her memory though it wasn’t really possible. Her head lifted to look at him with her closed and scared eyes. ”What about you? How are you doing, my heart? You have not told me how you were doing. I want to know what is going through your mind. I told you my truth. Your turn.”


Character Info
Name: Raith
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Part Minadrias-Part Diowolf
Gender: Male
Silver: 3483
He heard her tone and almost smiled; there was a little defiance behind her defeat, and he realised that his beloved was not lost to him - she was merely mislaid a little, while she adjusted to a situation that she should never have been forced to be in. He snorted as her words, and would have jolted at her touch had he not heard the waters shift as she moved to him. The place where her skin connected with his felt as though it were on fire and it took every ounce of his discipline to keep his calm. "The wounds she gave me are nothing, she could have torn me limb from limb and it would not have hurt me, my greatest wound comes in what she did to you Ria, you must know that." Xyaban had… it was exactly why the Dragoness had turned her attention from him to Ria in the first place… her torture of him had not been working, he had not given her what she wanted… until she had touched his beloved. 

His fingers traced her neck and shoulder, sighing softly as he brushed her hair away from her face, keeping his hand away from her scar as he knew she was self-conscious of it. Her next words took her by surprise and his sightless eyes blinked in confusion for a moment, he had not expected them, to say the least. His fingers entwined with her's and he slipped into the water, careful to keep his naked frame away from her own - as much as he wanted to embrace her he could not get the vision of Xyaban out of his mind, which meant that neither would Ria. "Alairia, I'm not with you for that, yes I want to be with you in every sense of the word… but that is not the be all and end all for me. I've been with women before, I've always been open with you about that, but none of them have given me half of what you can with a mere touch of your hand to my damned leg. The fact that you can touch me at all I am grateful for, if it takes a millennia then I will be glad to wait," he whispered, bringing her fingers to his lips. 
"Physically I'm healing well, the injuries she gave me I can get rid of quickly enough. Mentally? I knew Hacesh must have a mate out there, and I was ready for whatever would come my way, so I do not fear that… my concern is, and always will be, you my love. I walk a thin line of wanting to shade you from the entire world and wanting to keep you at arms length so that you do not run the risk of being harmed again. Whatever I choose I fear you will be hurt because of who and what I am. That is truth I live with currently." 

Raith; God of Wrath and the Heavens, Wrath Incarnate, Commander of the Celestial Fires, The Blind God and The Endless Rage

Raith's God Abilities:
1. As his rage increases, so too does his physical strength and the strength of his magic.
2. Able to call upon ‘Celestials’, physical beings from the Stars who will come to his aid, can call up to 10 at a time depending on the size and power they possess
3. Can wield Celestial Fire, essentially the fiery essence of a star, in a raging inferno

Character Info
Name: Alairia
Age: 18
Alignment: TG
Race: Human/Elf
Gender: Female
Class: Healer
Silver: 2727
She couldn’t be sure if he could hear her heart thudding in her chest from the sheer contact between them. This was the first time that they had been together like this. This was the first time in ages that they had been alone; not surrounded by the large family that had gathered in the shop. Ria was young still. The elf would always be young in comparison to Raith. Naïve as well, though she did not wish to think of herself that way as she was learning more. Much had she been exposed to at a young age. Constantly working to survive all that fate would throw at the family. She rested her head against him lightly as he traced her neck and shoulder. A like coo escaped her at the touch while the hair was brushed away from her face. Such an affectionate action that was natural to him when it came to her. She felt blessed to have him. He was her’s. She had paid the price and would have been inclined to do it again if it meant to be with him. It was a rather sadistic thought process, but it was the truth.

”I did not like any of what she did to you. I would not have survived seeing you being torn limb from limb. It would have been worse than what she did…to me.” Alairia felt herself swallowing a little harder as the phantom clawed hands grazed along her inner thigh. Nightmares had haunted her sleeping hours that had woken her in a jar where she had to vomit quickly. Raith had always been there to help with it. Now that time had passed, the sleeping had eased and the taunting from the dragoness was less. Not gone, but more manageable. Admitting her concerns with love was not easy though necessary to say.

Their fingers intertwined as he slipped into the water. The distance between them was noted. Ria knew it was for her own sake. That action made her hate herself even more for the damage it was doing to their relationship. Her chin dipped slightly as he spoke. He was understanding, as always. Even with his words it did not lessen her agitation at her stupid emotional self. Alairia knew he had a past. It didn’t bother her, but she wanted to share in it. Over and over her mother had told her that she was still pure for the true one she wanted to be with. Teu had a similar history with her first time being taken by force, which ended up with the life of her brother, Dae. Dasor had helped Teu through it, and now Raith was helping Ria. The Balatro women seemed cursed in a way.

Alairia rested her head upon his shoulder with a light smile gracing her lips. ”I don’t think I can wait a millennia. And as long as I can beat out those other bitches, then I am happy.” Her grin grew into something more mischievous as she spoke those words. She kissed his fingers as they grazed her lips. Arm reached out to wrap around his arm to hold it against her. She felt the hard muscles of his side as well as his arm as she pulled herself closer to him. This was going to be the best therapy for them both.

Face nuzzled into his sculpted arm that always made her knees weak. ”Try not to over think it. We are together. We are safe. We are free.” A mantra she had taken to repeating to herself to keep a hand on reality. ”You are you. Not only did you select me, but I selected you. I knew and I know who you are. I’m not about to change you. For gods’ sake, Dae is an assassin…as much as he tries to hide it from me. You are the one I want, and I take the dangers with it willingly. Just like you take on the duties of helping work in the shop. I am sure that was not what you had envisioned for yourself.” The woman chuckled lightly at the image of him wrapping bandages around a child’s skinned knee. Great warrior indeed, and yet he fixed boo-boos.

”The balance has been handled beautifully. I appreciate all that you are doing and have done for me. I couldn’t ask for more.”


Character Info
Name: Raith
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Part Minadrias-Part Diowolf
Gender: Male
Silver: 3483
Stroking her hair as he was, Raith was reminded how lucky he was that she loved him at all. Dae had been right to be cautious of the half-Minadrian man, for he walked within the shadows, a place that Alairia should never have been exposed to. Yet her brother was not unlike himself, it was why they got on so well - that mutual understanding that while they alone could not be better, their association to her made them so. The light needed the darkness, and Raith needed Ria. 
Much to the chagrin of her mother he was sure, he could hear it whenever Teu spoke to him, though he would have expected nothing less from a doting mother. 

"It was the price I paid for my actions," Raith replied offhandedly, he cared little for the consequences of his own body, he did care what happened to her however. He heard the hesitation and immediately felt the rage building within himself. He had been unable to protect her from his world, he had always promised her that who and what he was would not affect her… and he had failed in that. Xyaban would pay, dearly, for what she had done to Ria and he was going to make damn sure of that. Already he had plans to reach out to one of the Gods, and his mind had turned to speaking with his own mother in fact… loathe Kythe though he did she had her uses, and he had grown up listening to stories of her prowess. Who better to aid him in his revenge that she?

Raith laughed at her words, the sound pure and genuine. He had not expected such venom from his beloved when speaking of the women before her! He let her lead him, let her decide how and where she wished to be against him (especially given their nakedness), though he could not hide his own enjoyment at her touch. The feeling of her skin against his own sent a pleasurable shiver down his spine and the man exhaled slowly, trying to calm his racing heart. She was not exactly making it easy on him. "My love, I felt nothing for those women, therefore felt nothing in the actions taken with them. To love someone is to give your entirety to them, as I love you, there aren't any women in existence who can raise a fire within me as you can just by being so close to me," he chuckled, leaning over to kiss her forehead lovingly. 

He snorted, no that was true enough. He had never envisioned himself working alongside healers, after all he was a Necromancer by nature, he excelled in allowing the living to die so that he could twist them and use them to his own advances… this was not the kind of work he was doing alongside Alairia and her family… though maybe he should speak to Dae about acquiring the bodies of his targets once he was finished with them… he could do with a store of corpses lest the store come under attack at the very least. 

"Ask, if ever more is required," he chuckled, sighing softly as he held her close. "I love you." 

Raith; God of Wrath and the Heavens, Wrath Incarnate, Commander of the Celestial Fires, The Blind God and The Endless Rage

Raith's God Abilities:
1. As his rage increases, so too does his physical strength and the strength of his magic.
2. Able to call upon ‘Celestials’, physical beings from the Stars who will come to his aid, can call up to 10 at a time depending on the size and power they possess
3. Can wield Celestial Fire, essentially the fiery essence of a star, in a raging inferno

Character Info
Name: Alairia
Age: 18
Alignment: TG
Race: Human/Elf
Gender: Female
Class: Healer
Silver: 2727
The entire family was always concerned about the ‘light’ that she was full of. The light that filled her soul in comparison with the rest of them. All had been touched with darkness that led them to where they were in their lives. Alairia was always the most protected out of them all save for the children. It made her feel loved, while at other times she felt a sense of condescension. Knowing that she potentially blind forever did not help her own case that she was strong enough to not need that added protection. Her body nestled in against his to lean in to the ministrations he gave to her hair. She knew that Raith felt that he needed her. As if her ‘goodness’ would help him out of his dark place. Just like Dae had always felt he was darker and felt his sister’s light would help protect his soul in a way.

Fingers dug into his muscled arm a little tighter to hold him against her bare skin. Speaking as he was as if the pain he experienced was nothing. It had broken Alairia more than anything else that day. Even if she could feel Xy’s touch upon her body, it had pained her to the core to see what had happened to the man who held her heart. There had been nothing that Xy had done to her that had been worse than watching Raith being tortured. Face nuzzled into Raith’s arm to keep the tears from streaming down her face again. Despite the scars damaging her eyes, she still had the ability to cry even if she couldn’t open them easily. More treatments were needed; many more treatments were needed.

Ria felt a possessiveness over her love that she wanted no others to ever touch or taste. The fact that there were others before had always grated her the wrong way as her feelings became more intense. It was a fact that she knew would never change and was never Raith’s fault. He was after all much older than her. The man next to her had always been open with his past. Always open about who he was. She felt that shiver from his body in reaction to her form up against his while they rested in that heavenly water. A mischievous grin twitched on her lips as they brushed against his shoulder. Each time he said those three words towards her there was a clench in her chest. It was a good clench that took hold in her lower abdomen that was never felt before meeting Raith.

This man at her side was everything she could have ever hoped to have. Actually, Ria realized she had never truly hoped to have a partner in life. The half elf planned to be a healer to dedicate completely to that life style. Now that she had Raith there was that much more she could hope for herself. Head tilted back to ‘look’ up at his beautiful face. She knew what was there even if she couldn’t see him any longer. There was a determination in the back of her mind to get her sight back in order to see his face again.

”You have nothing else to give me, though I love you for the fact that you think you could possibly do more.” Hand reached up to lightly trace his jaw line. A tightening in her abdomen caught her off guard again. With a bite of her lower lip, Ria shifted to sit on his lap. Arms were wrapped around his neck before resting her forehead against his. She dearly wished the ability of sight was hers again to see her golden skinned god. Ria was fairly certain it was an intervention of a deity to sculpt his perfection. Gods was she lucky. With a light sigh was released as she rested her cheek on his shoulder in order to snuggle up against his neck. She was pushing the limits to an extreme that she thought not even possible for herself. ”I love you, Raith. My heart and my love.”

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