Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Salene Coletta, Posted: Fri Dec 7, 2018 12:56 AM, Post Subject: Hunting Beasts [O][R]

Warm glittering sand spread across her toes as she sat on the beach. The hot sun blazed high in the sky, reflecting across the ocean water. A ten year old girl watched a bright red crab scuttle across the beach and into the water. Warm winds gently blew her ebony black hair as she relaxed. Salene stretched out both her arms as she let out a yawn. She stood up, walking over to the water. The water felt warm and cool. Like a cold tea or a glass left out too long during the winter. She wasn't alone on the beach. Nobles from Adeluna and many other places flocked to the island as a warm escape from their cold environments.

The only reason why Salene was here was because she had managed to sneak aboard the boat. However, she had snuck onto the wrong boat. Instead of going to Endapano, she was on Apoy. It wasn't too much of an issue for her. She had learned a portal magic that would allow her to go to any part of Revaliir. The spell was called Gate Travel. Learning the spell in the Library Temple was a little difficult but she took good notes. After some practice, she had been able to perform the spell.

A small fish swam about her legs. She had traveled further into the water. The child attempted to grasp onto the fish but missed. It was a small slippery fish. Something sparkled beneath the water and sand. Salene walked over to the area and worked to unbury the sparkly object. Pulling it out of the water, she inspected it to find that it was seaglass. She'd read about it in a book. Although she didn't know if it would be useful to her. Perhaps there were more. Maybe one of them would bring her some extra cash. The child looked around a bit more for any others. There was one more piece of seaglass. She didn't find anything else.

After getting back to the beach, she went over to her backpack and dried the seaglass off with some water. Inspecting it for any scratches or marks was easy. Mostly because there weren't any. Salene put in her back then put on her backpack. Looking to the ground, expecting to see a white cat following her, until she remembered that the cat absolutely refused to go on boats and opted to stay at a friend's house instead. Did cats have seasickness? The girl missed the cat somewhat. Or maybe a lot. But she would never admit it. There was a job that she needed to get done. Putting on her boots, she headed towards the jungle.

Her supplies were ready. She had her trusty dagger at her side and plenty of mana in case something attacked. The girl took out a compass and map. Her targets was a slightly large cobra and a giant bat. On her map was a drawing of a giant bat next to a cave. That was apparently where it slept at night. There was a handsome reward for anybody who brought it back dead. Killing it would be one thing. But Salene would also have to try to figure out how to get it back to the nobility who were requesting it. As for the cobra, as long as she trapped it instead of trying to fight it, there wouldn't be a problem. The first target she would go after would be the cobra. It would require magic to defeat but it wasn't as large or as dangerous as the giant bat. 

She could hear the chirping of birds and the steady hum of some sort of jungle species. A bird let out a screech in the far distance while some animal made a gurgling sound. Where on the beach there was a gentle breeze, in here there was nothing but humidity. Salene was relieaved that she had chosen to leave her leaf cloak inside her bag. Even if it did add protection, the heat of the jungle would have made it unbearable. On her left hand was a silver ring with three blue stones. A ring of sanctuary. It would allow her to hide in a pocket dimension while danger passed. Or at least that is what a merchant claimed when she requested him to explain to her what it did. 

Lush evergreen trees had roots spread all over the ground. The little girl tripped over one branch but quickly pulled herself up before anybody could see. Not that there was anybody with her at the moment. That she knew of. Her cautious eyes scanned the jungle for any sign of danger. She needed to be prepared for anything. Just because there was more life here than compared to Tyr Island, did not mean this place was any safer. In fact, it might be far more dangerous. Salene was prepared to kill the two animals and return them for money. 

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