Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Lokir, Posted: Sat Nov 3, 2018 1:47 PM, Post Subject: Clean up crew[P,R,Event]

At Thorin's offer of fixing up Peacemaker once that opportunity was allowed Lokir thought a moment and then nodded. ”I do have access to smiths already. But, that said, if you are interested in joining my people at Scarwood Fort when all of this is done, you can work on Peacemaker if you like, call it a test of skill if you want. But, that is for later, for now, we have a fight to get to.”

Lokir, with Thorin close behind, arrived to find that the battle was already underway, fifteen insects against Lokir's smaller force. However, the people with Lokir had been fighting since the start and were learning how to combat the physical advantages of the insects compared to themselves. Lokir's protection was also with them, which helped of course, but it wasn't a lot since Lokir was no true mage.

Taking a survey of the battle for a moment it didn't take long for Lokir to spot the big beetle and grin. It was easily ten feet tall even hunched over, walked on for heavy legs with two large arms ending in three fingers and a thumb. On its head was a large horn that looked like a hammer on its side, Lokir had seen this kind before, they squished well.

Glancing around to make sure his people were doing alright, which they were, Lokir started toward the big beetle who spotted him and turned to face Lokir. Lokir started to sprint and the beetle picked up speed in return and when they came together the beetle thrust out its heavy arm to punch Lokir. In reply Lokir threw his own punch putting his Strength behind it and when both punches hit home, there was a sickening crunch as the beetle's arm shattered under Lokir's fist.

It hissed and squealed in pain and Lokir pressed his advantage. He got in close and kicked out, breaking one of the beetle's legs with one swift booting, and then broke the other front leg. This dropped the beetle's front end to the ground as its legs gave out. With it stunned for a moment in pain Lokir reached up and grabbed its horn and pulled down, forcing its face into the ground. He then forced the beetle's head to the side and stomped down on where its horn met it face, with a crunch the chitin and bone shattered and Lokir was left holding the horn.

He was going to jam it into the owner's face but instead turned and threw it at a wasp that was about to attack one of his people from behind. The heavy horn embedded itself into the elite's wasps torso and the force of the throw sent it sailing into a tree where the horn jammed into the trunk. Lokir grunted when the beetle tried to use its good arm to stab him with the claws at the end. The bear God only chuckled at the damage done and casually snapped the beetle's other arm off at the first joint, blood spurted and it hissed in pain again.

Clocking it in the head to stun it for a moment Lokir moved so that he was straddling its neck and reached down and grabbed hold of either side of its head. With an echoing roar that proved that he wasn't human Lokir pulled. ”Enough! Surrender and you may be spared!” Lokir yelled out as he held the beetle's head up over his own head and looked to the last of the insects.

The fighting slowed as some of the insects turned to see him standing on top of the beetle with the head in his hand. Anyone strong enough to tear a beetle's head off wasn't one to be messed with. Some of the insects stopped fighting and went to lay down their arms, but full of rage and wanting revenge some of Lokir's people killed them anyway. Lokir didn't react to this as he tossed the head aside and jumped down from the beetle and surveyed the battle again. Of the fifteen insects that were here he only saw give left standing and they had surrendered, for now they were alive. ”Anyone seriously hurt?” Lokir asked and started to check his own people for any wounded, spying Thorin he asked. ”How are you?”

Author: Dread, Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 12:48 PM, Post Subject: Clean up crew[P,R,Event]

Being in the presence of a God was one thing, but having him, Lokir, use his powers to prove a point to him, now that was something one did not see everyday. It was strange, watching this display of powerful magic, as the weapons created were of great quality. Thorin wondered whether or not his services as a weaponsmith would even be of use to this God.

When hearing about the God’s bastard sword, Peacemake, and of its worn condition, Thorin immediately piped up with “Yer sword Peacemake, ye said it was in poor condition from use, well I could fix it up for ye, strengthen the metal and sharpen the blade, yes I can. Well, at least after all of this is over with.” 

After Lokir had turned and went to his men, Thorin, having been given permission to follow along and help out, quickly scampered after the God, almost losing his footing twice at the speed that he was going. Lokir had gotten a head start, and Thorin Fireforge hurries to catch up. And catch up he did. 

When they together reached Lokirs squad of men, Thorin did not manage to truly catch up however, the men were occupied with the current battle. Insects were pouring over and there was one even bigger than any he had seen before. Thorin saw all of this a few feet behind Lokir, and this only excited him more…

Author: Lokir, Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 8:46 PM, Post Subject: Clean up crew[P,R,Event]

Lokir waited and not too long after a short human looking man came out of the bushes, standing just a couple inches under five feet, if Lokir was any judge of height. His hair was flame red and his eyes, well, to Lokir they looked like small fireballs. Interesting, he had to wonder what this being was before him, obviously a being of fire, but what kind Lokir had no idea.

The scowl the man put on made Lokir raise a brow in question as to what that might have meant, he was also wondering why the man was hiding in the bushes to start with. Lokir hadn't seen him before, not even on the battlefields either, and a man like this would be memorable. The man spoke his name and Lokir suppressed a grin at it, a little on the nose, but what was Lokir to judge?

He continued, asking Lokir's name and asking why Lokir had no weapons on him, to which the God grinned slightly. In answer to the latter question Lokir held out both hands and in them formed two large scythes of grey magic. Despite their magical construct when Lokir grabbed a blade across the ground it had a psychical presence to it and was exceedingly sharp. ”Oh, I'm always armed, and I can create just about weapon out of my magic that I can think of, and it will last until I release my grip.” He left go of both hilts and both scythes poofed into grey magic dust that disappeared it hit the ground. ”In truth I normally would be carrying a bastard sword but Peacemaker has seen better days with all the fighting lately, sadly it's rather beaten up and needs some work. When I get time that is to have it done.” He explained.

”To answer your first question, however, I am Lokir, though you may know me better by my title of God of Strength and War.” Lokir was getting in a rush wanting to catch up to his squad before they started the attack. ”No need for formalities with me, Thorin, calling me Lokir is just fine, I'm one to stand on ceremony. But, I need to catch up to my people before they get into a fight, I do trust that they can handle themselves. But there is a big beetle in the area that I would like to rip the head off of when I see it. If you wish to join us that would be great, the insect are starting to retreat and surrender as well.” Lokir gave the man enough time to think on it before Lokir turned and started to job in the direction his people had gone, following the scout back to the group of insects. He knew his people wouldn't attack until Lokir was there most likely, but if they got scented or spotted than the fight would be on instantly. That is unless the insect surrendered, which wasn't a guarantee that they would be spared at this point either.

Author: Dread, Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 8:46 AM, Post Subject: Clean up crew[P,R,Event]

So as Thorin sat quietly in the thick brush, he was not able to see out and he perceived that no one could see through it. What he did not expect was for him to be, smelled out? He had heard the sniffing of the air, as if a predetorial animal was about to launch itself after its prey’s scent. 

Having been called out into the open, also by someone posing as a friendly human—not insect, posing because Thorin could not see them, yet. He stepped out of the brush slowly and cautiously, as he did not wish to appear eager to see others. He was eager, as the loneliness had been killing him, and chasing the insects had given him something to do. Out he stepped, and quickly gave the man-thing a good look over, all being done very discreetly. 

Now Thorin Fireforge was an Azerblood, and so he is only a bit taller than the average dwarf, beating said species by only a few inches (normally 3-5). His hair having caught the suns ray after leaving the dark brush, showed a vibrant shade of red. Flaming red. His eyes were like little balls of fire, such was the intensity with which he looked at the man-things possessions, seeing none he scowled lightly. This was a weaponsmith, and seeing none disgruntled him. 

“I’em happy that you ain’t insectish, but the anyways, names Thorin. Thorin Fireforge.” Thorin said proudly. He clutched his sword in his hand, blade down, and had a second, larger blade strapped onto his back. “Whats yer name sir? And why do ye have no weapon? Ye need one, cause I can give you one, but on one condition…” he asked politely.

Author: Lokir, Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 9:56 PM, Post Subject: Clean up crew[P,R,Event]

As his group travelled Lokir reached out with his senses, trying to locate any insects. As he did a scout came back to the group and to Lokir. ”Sir, I have located a small group of insects just to the North of here. About fifteen in total, mix of all of them but one giant beetle unit.” He informed Lokir as he puffed for breath.

The War God nodded. ”Good work, get some water. Alright, people, we're heading North to squash those bugs! Do what you will but stay alive, and I'll handle the big beetle.” Lokir ordered as his company readied up and started to move North.

Lokir went to follow and then stopped and sniffed the air and turned around, eyes narrowed. ”You, in the bush, come out, now.” Lokir ordered motioning for his people to head on without him for the moment, he would catch up. ”We're human, well, some of us, we're not insects if that is what you're afraid of. Come out, you won't be harmed, but hiding in the bush isn't going to help you either.” Lokir informed and waited for whoever it was in the bush to come out if it was an insect then they had another prisoner. Otherwise he hoped that it was someone friendly.

Author: Dread, Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 8:13 PM, Post Subject: Clean up crew[P,R,Event]

Thorin Fireforge was trudging through the jungle, annoyed and angry, at the insectoids of course. They had recently ambushed him, having perceived him to be a threat. They were right of course, as as soon as the attacked him he became an enemy. Now he was tracking the last of them, for there had been some type of recall or something, as it seemed as if they would never stop fighting, not until victorious or dead… His eyes burned with miniature flames, yet he stayed quiet and annoyed. And so he trudged. And trekked. These insectoids looked like wasps, but humanoid, so he would be able to easily recognize them if seen. 

He was getting close to edge of the jungle, as shown by the gradual thinning of trees. In the distance he could hear the clanks of what sounded like armor on twigs and branches. Intrigued, Thorin decided to creep closer, closer to those in armor. He was in the brush to their right, and he could not see anyone yet. And he hoped that they did not see him. It sounded like soldiers, not insectoid, but human – like.

Author: Lokir, Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:52 PM, Post Subject: Clean up crew[P,R,Event]

For what was left of the jungle there was still a lot of ground to cover to search out and destroy any remaining insect invaders. Pockets of them had started to surrender, but they were few and far between and from Lokir's experience most of them were Beetle and Mantis, the Ants and Wasps tended to fight the death more often than not. That was fine, Lokir wasn't really wanting to take prisoners anyway, but if they surrendered without a fight then he would consider taking them as prisoners, making sure that they were well restrained and any magic users kept under close watch. Last thing they needed was one of them to get an idea during a fight and attack from behind.

Lokir wasn't out here alone either, he had brought a small company of soldiers with him to assist him. Yes, with his immortality and full divine powers back he could have taken the whole forest on his own, this was true. However, Lokir also knew that anyone that wanted to come with him, for it was a voluntary position these fights were in, he gave no command to come with him, these people wanted closer. They wanted that one lost kill, that one last moment to take back something from the insects, to kill just a few more to make themselves feel like they had done something in all of this cluster of a war.

Lokir offered that to them, it would help with moral once all of this was over he hoped, but there would be an immense amount of work to be done after this was all over, to put it mildly. Lokir had lost his mother and sister in the fighting, they hadn't managed to escape the insects in time, and it was a loss that Lokir had been holding back for some time. Only Dalanesca and his girlfriend, Basse knew at the moment, plus the messenger, and it was how Lokir was going to keep things until after the dust had settled.

At this moment in time, however, things were quiet, Lokir and his people were trekking through the thick jungle, again what was left of it after all the fighting. They had some Mantis and Beetle prisoners with them, being guarded near the middle of the group, bound and gagged to keep them restrained for now. Once they were out of the jungle they'd find a way to deal with them, but they were as safe as they could be, aside from dead.

Lokir was at the frontline as always, he wore no armour, just the boots from his set that was it. He was still filthy from all the fighting, but he could clean up later. He carried no weapons at the moment either, his normal bastard sword, Peacemaker, was in rough shape, it would need some attention later on. For now he was relying on his ability to create weapons from his own natural magic, one that he had had before becoming a God.

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