Roleplay Forums > Temples > Hall of Indulgence > Just Another Job?[P,R]

Character Info
Name: Kawabata Yoichi
Age: Mid 30s
Alignment: TN
Race: Weretiger
Gender: Female
Class: Ronin
Silver: 480
Another night, another job, another night to make a few bucks acting as some rich prick’s bodyguard. It wasn’t glamorous work but it usually proved easy enough for a couple of days pay in the end, rarely did anything happen. Tonight Kawabata’s current client was meeting a new potential business partner at the Second Circle, a tavern and brothel located in the pirate city of Vilpamolan. Her client was no fighter, a simple human who just so happened to be good at numbers and business, he did well for himself. Kawabata knew he normally had his own permanently hired guards but he wanted an unaffiliated guard for this meeting, someone who had no intertest in what was going on beyond making sure he wasn’t harmed. That plus Kawabata knew the city better than his own guards having travelled from Adeluna he only came this far when he had to.

Kawabata was fully decked out as per her client’s request. She was wearing her usual jacket, shirt and pants combo, and she had her long black hair tied up in a tight bun at the back. Her wakizashi was sheathed on her lower back so she could draw it with either hand from behind her jacket. She wore twin katanas, one on each hip, her lightning katanas to be exact, and the sheaths they were in partially glowed because of the blades’ within giving off light. Half gloves allowed her full range of motion with her hands while giving her a firm grip on her blades should she need to draw them. She was also wearing her oni mask, grey and black with polished brass teeth, the mouth was open enough to just barely see her mouth, she disliked the closed versions as they tented to muffle her voice.

Her client had insisted on being at the Second Circle a little earlier than planned so that Kawabata could find them a place to have a little privacy and give her the best view if case there was a threat. Just before she entered she scanned around the outside and, seeing nothing of concern, she opened the door slipped in and held it for her client. He slipped in and looked around, with a nod he made his way further into the stunningly beautiful tavern. Her eyes scanned the room, a few glances in their direction but that was expected when the door opened, so nothing to worry about.

Her client picked a spot to sit and wait. ”You want me to get you a drink?” Kawabata asked, she might have been a bodyguard but it was always worth putting in a little extra touch to some clients. He agreed and said she could get something for herself to which Kawa nodded and walked over to the bar. Standing behind the shining black bar was a barkeep that Kawabata had to eye up because, upon seeing the red headed beauty, Kawa was a bit smitten. Placing her hands on the bar Kawabata nodded to the lovely red head. ”A rye and a whiskey please, love, and, what’s your rules on fighting? Hopefully nothing will happen with this little meeting, but it doesn’t hurt to ask, don’t want to be banned from coming here again, hm?”

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