Roleplay Forums > Temples > Elysia, Gardens of Devotion > Funeral Pyre [P/R]

Character Info
Name: Xeik Eraphim
Age: 25, appears 21
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Unspecified
Class: Divine Mender
Silver: 1379
Xeik had done this countless times. There were times he almost enjoyed the task, as he had learned that sometimes the release of life was something to be celebrated. This time, though, preparing the funeral was devastating.

It was hard to accept, but by the time he had finished preparing the funeral pyre, he had come to fully realize what had happened. There was barely any rest since their death, and Xeik was running with little to no sleep. It had been decided to burn their bodies on the beach. Simone had always loved the ocean, so it seemed the most fitting.

Xeik had put Raine in charge of making sure everyone had shown up. The poor rainbow phoenix collapsed when she heard that her phoenix buddy had perished trying to protect her children. In the end, though, she managed to gather everyone important.

The whole group was there. Many of them owed Lewis and Simone for a variety of reasons, and all of them showed up without much of a fuss. Even the ever-busy Raile was there, with Kalina and Leilah. Rhenakos was there as well, bottle in hand. It was hard for him to accept that a friend such as Lewis had fallen.

The kids, though, were at the front. The pyre had not yet been lit, but the corpses of Lewis and Simone could be seen laying on top of the pedestals, ready to be burned to the ashes and spread across Elysia.

Xeik walked up behind the kids, the locket and ring that Simone had given him in hand. “I…made a promise,” he said to them. “To keep you all safe. And I will…” He looked to Angela. “Though…I might need help…”


Character Info
Name: Dala
Age: 18
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Student
Silver: 11882
When Dala was told about Simone she was furious. She shouted at Xeix for a long while, angry that he failed to protect them. She knew it wasn't his fault, not really. For the next couple of days she spent locked up in her room, refusing to see anybody. It wasn't until the funeral that she actually stepped out of the room. Heavy bags were under her red puffy eyes as she wore black for the funeral. Her normally bright and reckless behavior had turned into a quiet silence, refusing to speak to anybody and keeping her distance from everybody else, except for the children. She stayed close to them and watched everywhere like some threat would come and attack them. When one of Simone's children approached, she would give them whatever they want and respond in a short yes or no. But anybody else, she kept a huge distance from. At the funeral on the beach she stayed close to the kids but just stared at the sand, letting her hair fall in front of her face. 

When Fiori found out, at first she was confused. She knew all about death of course but her father and mother were too strong for death. The twelve year old demanded for Angela to fix it, to bring them back but to no avail. They were dead and nothing could change that. Seeing the corpses on their pedestals made everything see more real. This couldn't happen! No not to her parents! Anybody else but not hers! Everything on the beach felt like some terrible nightmare. A nightmare. That's what it had to be. Fiori couldn't bear this any longer. She ran up to her parents corpses and felt their cold lifeless bodies. Tears fell from her eyes as she stared at them. 

"Wake up. Please. Mommy! Daddy!" Fiori shouted, "Wake up!!!"

Sobs formed in Fiori's voice as she broke down into tears, clinging to the both of them until somebody had to pull her off. Suddenly Xeix walked up behind them and told them of the promise he had made. She could barely see him through her tears. 

"Why? Why did it have to be them?!" Fiori asked him with a shaky voice. 

Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
Raine was still sniffling over the loss of her phoenix buddy. It was hitting her hard that phoenixes could die and in that effort… She realized she could die too. It made her hold Maliik’s hand a bit tighter during the preparations.

Angela approached Roma who was holding one of the newborn twins of Simone and Lewis. “I’m so sorry Roma…” The goddess looked sad as she ran her finger along the jawline of the baby to calm him down. The children were all crying for Lewis and Simone now as they followed Fiori’s lead.

“They died protecting their kids… I’m just sorry it was my son,” Roma looked drained as he bounced Damond trying to calm him down. There was no help. The child missed the warmth of his mother still. The same was said for Remy who screamed even louder.

“I wish to extend my gift of life to you. These kids are going to need you. The last thing they need is your age taking you… If you want it. Please, watch over them.” Angela kissed his forehead and Roma nodded.

“I will never leave them,” Roma looked down at Damond. “It’s what Leto would want too.”

The goddess followed the path to Xeik and kissed his forehead. “I will always protect their kids. It’s what Simone intended and I intend to honor that wish of hers.”

Llywellyn and his family had come too and he was looking grief-stricken. He hadn’t been sleeping and even Jehanne had puffy eyes. She had come to like Simone just like Llywellyn had said she would. It broke her heart to see the newborns screaming for their parents.

Angela approached and from Lewis’s finger, she pulled his ring. “Keep this with Simone’s… When the children are old enough… We should give them to them.” She put it in Xeik’s hand. “Their rings should stay together just like their hearts.”

Approaching the stage Angela turned to the ground, “If you would all sit… We will begin.”

The Terrowin kids each came up and placed purple peonies with their mother and father. They went to their seats and looked up at who was their grandmother. She was struggling today. “When I met Lewis and Simone… They were just a boy and girl wrapped up in a crazy curse. Lewis wanted answers and I provided him with those answers. I came to love Simone. Lewis risked the wrath of his god when Simone got sick to bring her to me. Whether he knew it or not… his heart called to me to heal her. Her story broke my heart in many ways but I watched as his heart mended hers and vice versa. Soulmates in every aspect. Together they collected children from across Revaliir. Sixteen, in fact, and never once did it ever matter if they were their’s or not. Simone and Lewis are survived by sixteen children. Lucas, Ezili, Everett, Alshaya, Mira, Fiori, Corrine, Jules, Rez, Janus, Lila, Rex, Llynette, Glynn, and their two newest Damond and Remy. They also have five grandchildren… Sybil, Wynter, Ella, Reiki, and Vivian.”

Angela stopped speaking and she looked at Llywellyn, “I feel like out of everyone you should speak first after myself.”

The elf king hesitated but he rose and came forward. “She told me it wasn’t my fault. It’s taken me a long time to realize that even then she knew what was going to happen. That Lewis and herself knew. They must have discussed it on some level. That’s Simone for you… She is thorough and she always has been ever since we were kids. We’ve known each other since we were toddlers. I’m two years older than Simone. Our mothers were best friends. I’m told that I said I loved her right away. I got to hold her mere hours after she was born. When her mother passed my mother swooped in to give her love where she could. Mother almost abducted her to Sulwal right then and there but Jurien wanted his daughter with him.” He laughed a bit as he remembered the tales from his mother.

“We got into a lot of trouble er… I got into a lot of trouble and Simone bailed us out. She would put her hands on her hips even then and tell the guards who she was. They would laugh and let us get away with whatever it was I had done. Have a five-year-old tell you she is the next queen and she will pardon you for the audacity, her word not mine, of accusing her of a crime. I always knew she would be a great mother. I took her to a nursery in Sulwal when we were young and she took to the babies in there like they were hers. I should have known she would take any child right then and there. She loved with her whole heart and even with all the things she dealt with that never once changed. She was a bit guarded and crabby but never once did she ever stop loving with that heart of hers.”

There was a bit of a sigh before Llywellyn started to cry, “When she was on bed rest with the twins she wrote to tell me she had never forgotten that my mother asked her to mold me into a good prince. She had Dala throw a vase by my head to make sure I shaped up or shipped out. She kept her promises. She was a good woman, wife, and mother.” He found his seat and Jehanne hugged him closely.

“Xeik, would you speak for Lewis please?” Angela stood up only to ask the Divine Mender to say a few words. “After, we’ll light the pyre.”

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.

Character Info
Name: Mira
Age: Child
Alignment: TG
Race: Possessed Object
Gender: Female
Class: Tsukumogami
Silver: 0
"Mama and papa's gone…" For the younger kids, even for her older siblings, death was something very different to Mira. As she learned more about herself, she came to realize that there might be a day where she would wake up and they would be gone. Her body wasn't the same as theirs. She had fallen asleep for centuries only to wake up by herself. But that time she was young, so it didn't hurt. Now that she knew people who cared about her, it wouldn't be the same. While Fiori was crying, she stood quietly with tears running down her face. Wiping them with her hands, she carefully approached her parents and told herself to be strong. It hurt to see them like this. They were so quiet, so still. 

Mama always loved children, no matter if they were hers or not. She and Papa wouldn't be able to see Rex and Hazel's grandkids, or watch the littlest ones grow up. As it started to hurt more, Mira stopped thinking about it and tried to do her best. She remembered when she snuck onto the ship carrying the plants and Simone teaching her how to write and speak common. Even when she made a mess of the castle with bringing home new friends, her mama always loved her. It would be hard for everybody who was old enough to remember. Hopefully the littlest twins would be ok… As they lit the pyre, she went over to give Fiori a hug. It was the best she could do, especially since she didn't know what to do anymore. 

Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
Out of everybody here, she felt like she was the one out of place. Shiloh had heard snippets from Angela here and there about a family she had been helping. With how connected the Rose family was, it was hard not to know. It had been a while, but she learned that Dala–the girl who once came to ask her about how to start a kingdom–was a close family friend of the dearly departed. People were crying, giving eulogies, recalling bittersweet memories. She could tell that much. Listening to what was being said among the family members, she gathered that this was a true and complete death. In a world where magic could work miracles, a permanent loss like this was hard to come by. It was a terrible, terrible thing for those who were used to rebirth and reincarnation. The idea wasn't anything new to her, unfortunately. 

The entire funeral service felt surreal; she was just a person who happened to be related to the invited parties. The air was thick with strong emotions like anger, regrets, grief. Familiar feelings she used to look for to relieve the pain of people's hearts. Her 'help' wouldn't be necessary today. They weren't so weak as to need someone to remove their suffering. No matter how many times she attended funerals, it never became any easier. Each time she was made aware of the disconnect she had between others and herself. What could an outsider like herself do for a group of mutual strangers?

'For what you two have gone through, you'll finally have peace at last.' The deity thought to herself as she looked over the bodies to be burned. No more pain, no more reliving past suffering. Foolish as it was, she made a wish that they would find themselves in a better, kinder world–a place where they could start over fresh with no strings attached. She made a few motions she recalled from the world she called home back before she came to this one. Now all that was left was to see them off one last time. 

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

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Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

Character Info
Name: Xeik Eraphim
Age: 25, appears 21
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Unspecified
Class: Divine Mender
Silver: 1379
The Divine Mender approached the stand and stood before the small crowd of people. He looked at each of their faces, and realized that, despite his cold exterior and rocky past, Lewis had become someone that could be relied upon. It was hard to stand in front of these people and make a statement about his best friend…it was almost impossible for them to comprehend everything that had led him to this point; a simple eulogy wasn’t what he deserved.

“He didn’t deserve any of this,” Xeik started. “This grand funeral…he didn’t deserve it. After everything he went through, he deserved to live in peace.” The healer paused. “Lewis was not a good man. He was a killer at heart, and for that I hated him. But…Lewis was a great father. An amazing husband. An incredible friend. He had his flaws…we all do. But none of us deserve to lose someone like this.”

It was complicated. The feelings that Xeik had for Lewis throughout the years had been impossible to decipher. Friends. Opponents. Enemies. Brothers. The territories of these crossed over, and over into a mixed amalgamation that resulted in the relationship between the two. They were all of those things and more.

“A long time ago, when we lived on the streets… I was abducted by a guild of assassins. There was always a plan in place for those kinds of situations. Lewis was to take over for me. No questions asked. Fighting against an assassin’s guild was suicidal for children. Yet…without hesitating, he charged in and saved me.” Xeik closed his eyes. “Time and time again, he’s recklessly charged ahead without thinking of the consequences. The consequences that led here…”

“You’re a fucking idiot, Lewis. But I love you… and I’ll always miss you…” Xeik couldn’t hold back the tears for much longer. “May you rest in peace…” His voice cracked at the end.

Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
Angela got up from her seat and went over to Xeik holding him for a few moments. Her face was more readable than normal. They were both hurting. They had come to love Simone and Lewis. It was Angela who made the two get along again and form their friendship once more.

“Come on Xeik… Let’s light the pyre and put this to rest…” It had been a long agonizing week. Xeik and Angela went to the opposite ends of the pyre where two torches were lit. They brought them out and up before tossing them into the pyre.

It was simple and elegant. The flames caught quickly to the dry wood. It engulfed Lewis and Simone’s bodies just as quickly. The children were full-blown screaming for their parents now.

“Mama,” Lila screamed.

“Daddy,” Janus screamed with his sister. The others chimed in to. They loved them so very much. It was too much for Xeik to take and Angela grabbed the Divine Mender hugging him closely. She had done this too many times for too many friends but it never got easier.

The pyre burned for minutes as everyone waited for the ashes to blow across the ocean but the fire as it turned out… Refused to go out. Instead it gained a unique color. It started from the floor and shot sky-high. From black to blue.

The blast from the fire blew a gust of wind through the funeral procession.

“Ang! What’s happening?!” Xeik was holding onto his goddess now trying to stand close to the pyre.

“I’m not sure myself,” the goddess answered with weariness.

The sky above began to form a magic seal. One that Angela knew quite well. She should have known it well as she was the one who wrote it. It began to grow and her eyes got large. “You have got to be fucking shitting me.” She took Xeik’s head and turned it up to the magic circle.

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.

Character Info
Name: Lewis Terrowin
Age: 25
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ex-Assassin
Silver: 5996
As Xeik gazed up at the forming magic circle, he started to mouth words that could no longer be heard. The wind whipped around them, the flames erupting into the sky. They could no longer see the pyre that had been built for Lewis and Simone, but that didn’t stop Xeik from rushing towards the now towering pillar of flames.

Try as he might, though, Xeik could not get any closer to the pyre. He was forced to wait, just as everyone else, as the flames slowly started to die down. At the center were two distinct human shapes, both of them with a massive set of wings. As the smoke and flames started to clear, Xeik could only stare in awe at the magnificent sight before him.

Simone and Lewis were alive, against all odds. Simone was sitting atop the still burning pyre, her naked form covered elegantly by her folded wings. Beneath her was a sleeping Lewis, leaning against the base of the pyre. He had sprouted his own set of black and blue wings, which were gently folded across his body.

“My sweet Lewis,” Simone said softly as she ruffled his hair. “Wake up. If you’re not careful, they might think you’re still dead…” She smirked at her little joke as she gazed out at the small crowd.

Lewis stirred slightly, his eyes fluttering open as he yawned at stretched. “Five more minutes?” he asked as he looked up to Simone. Before a response could be made, two very excited children appeared above them and tackled the two.

Simone was laughing as she slid down next to Lewis, Lila and Janus both snuggling up to their parents. “My sweet babies…I missed you both so much…”


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
Angela’s mouth was agape as was everyone else in the crowd. “But… How?” She had checked she couldn’t form their life energy… “Unless.” She looked at Xeik. “Their life energy has changed with Lewis.”

Simone was holding her twins with Lewis and the twins were now crying. “We thought you were gone forever!” They yelled at them.

“We did too,” Simone said softly. “However, that just wasn’t in the cards my babies.” She kissed the tops of both their heads. “We crossed briefly and we got lost. Which is probably why Angela couldn’t find us. We were visiting someone… People. It took a bit to find our way home.”

“Why on earth did you wander so far from your bodies?!” Angela was upset now as she went into mother mode.

“How were we supposed to know the resonance would be completed upon Lewis’s death,” Simone made an unimpressed face.

“What?” Angela seemed shocked for a moment. She might have started the magic but she had no idea how it would end.

“As far as we can tell the resonance magic completed upon Lewis’s death. It’s why we couldn’t get the tattoos to fill in anymore. We only figured it out on our way back through the afterlife when we realized we were very much still alive. Just displaced.”

“It was a pain in the ass… Mone was all: LOOK AT THAT SPIRIT WATERFALL! I want to see that! After she got done crying,” Lewis answered.

“Oh hush, you were crying too,” Simone poked his face.

“Do not ruin my reputation,” Lewis smirked a bit at her. “Any more than you already have with those fucking books of yours.”

Angela took a moment and held up her hands, “Before we get all hugging. For the love of the Voice please put some clothes on.”

Llywellyn was already up out of his seat and swooping Mone up in his arms crying. “I’m so sorry Mone. It’s all my fault.”

Mone was patting his head. He had managed to swoop Janus up with her. “It’s alright Llywellyn… Jerome was just a tool. It would have happened with or without him. We’re back and that’s all that matters.”


Character Info
Name: Dala
Age: 18
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Student
Silver: 11882
The second Fiori saw her parents, she ran out and grabbed onto their arms, and held them tightly. Tears were forming in her eyes again but these were tears of relief and joy. Her parents were back! They weren't dead and had survived! That's all the little girl needed at the end of the day. She felt herself shaking from the lingering fear of losing them and hugged even tighter on their arms just in case this was all some sort of dream. Fiori eventually freed them once Llywellyn moved to pick up Mone in his arms, she tried to make sure Janus wouldn't fall but he was safe too. Then Fiori turned to Lewis with a big pout on her face.

"Daddy and mommy have to give us all sweets for waiting!" Fiori swiftly declared the little trickster already trying to get something out of it, "They made us cry!"

It didn't take long for the rest of her siblings to join in on this demand. She didn't actually blame her parents but she wanted some compensation for the stress and the tears.

Meanwhile, Dala had an outfit for Simone and Lewis in her hands. It was a gift she had brought that she had been planning for their anniversary whenever it came up. Her intention was to throw it in leftover embers as a goodbye but then they went and came back to life! There was relief on her face but also a look of anger. She threw clothes at both their faces with a huff.

"Fucking don't ever do that again!" She said, "Neither of you are gonna leave the house till we get this shit sorted out. NO EXCUSES!"

Dala was not going to let either of them die again. No way in hell were they going to go through that again. She almost lost them and now she knew that Jerome was just a tool, since nobody would actually tell her the true story, she had full intentions to figure out who the bastard behind all of this was. But for now she would just enjoy the fact that they were back and fully alive.

"I missed you both, you wonderful jerks." Dala said with a sigh, "Honestly, I was about to spend the next 20 years helping Xeix with the kids. So thanks for coming back."

It was her way of dealing with the process.

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