Raine was still sniffling over the loss of her phoenix buddy. It was hitting her hard that phoenixes could die and in that effort… She realized she could die too. It made her hold Maliik’s hand a bit tighter during the preparations.
Angela approached Roma who was holding one of the newborn twins of Simone and Lewis. “I’m so sorry Roma…” The goddess looked sad as she ran her finger along the jawline of the baby to calm him down. The children were all crying for Lewis and Simone now as they followed Fiori’s lead.
“They died protecting their kids… I’m just sorry it was my son,” Roma looked drained as he bounced Damond trying to calm him down. There was no help. The child missed the warmth of his mother still. The same was said for Remy who screamed even louder.
“I wish to extend my gift of life to you. These kids are going to need you. The last thing they need is your age taking you… If you want it. Please, watch over them.” Angela kissed his forehead and Roma nodded.
“I will never leave them,” Roma looked down at Damond. “It’s what Leto would want too.”
The goddess followed the path to Xeik and kissed his forehead. “I will always protect their kids. It’s what Simone intended and I intend to honor that wish of hers.”
Llywellyn and his family had come too and he was looking grief-stricken. He hadn’t been sleeping and even Jehanne had puffy eyes. She had come to like Simone just like Llywellyn had said she would. It broke her heart to see the newborns screaming for their parents.
Angela approached and from Lewis’s finger, she pulled his ring. “Keep this with Simone’s… When the children are old enough… We should give them to them.” She put it in Xeik’s hand. “Their rings should stay together just like their hearts.”
Approaching the stage Angela turned to the ground, “If you would all sit… We will begin.”
The Terrowin kids each came up and placed purple peonies with their mother and father. They went to their seats and looked up at who was their grandmother. She was struggling today. “When I met Lewis and Simone… They were just a boy and girl wrapped up in a crazy curse. Lewis wanted answers and I provided him with those answers. I came to love Simone. Lewis risked the wrath of his god when Simone got sick to bring her to me. Whether he knew it or not… his heart called to me to heal her. Her story broke my heart in many ways but I watched as his heart mended hers and vice versa. Soulmates in every aspect. Together they collected children from across Revaliir. Sixteen, in fact, and never once did it ever matter if they were their’s or not. Simone and Lewis are survived by sixteen children. Lucas, Ezili, Everett, Alshaya, Mira, Fiori, Corrine, Jules, Rez, Janus, Lila, Rex, Llynette, Glynn, and their two newest Damond and Remy. They also have five grandchildren… Sybil, Wynter, Ella, Reiki, and Vivian.”
Angela stopped speaking and she looked at Llywellyn, “I feel like out of everyone you should speak first after myself.”
The elf king hesitated but he rose and came forward. “She told me it wasn’t my fault. It’s taken me a long time to realize that even then she knew what was going to happen. That Lewis and herself knew. They must have discussed it on some level. That’s Simone for you… She is thorough and she always has been ever since we were kids. We’ve known each other since we were toddlers. I’m two years older than Simone. Our mothers were best friends. I’m told that I said I loved her right away. I got to hold her mere hours after she was born. When her mother passed my mother swooped in to give her love where she could. Mother almost abducted her to Sulwal right then and there but Jurien wanted his daughter with him.” He laughed a bit as he remembered the tales from his mother.
“We got into a lot of trouble er… I got into a lot of trouble and Simone bailed us out. She would put her hands on her hips even then and tell the guards who she was. They would laugh and let us get away with whatever it was I had done. Have a five-year-old tell you she is the next queen and she will pardon you for the audacity, her word not mine, of accusing her of a crime. I always knew she would be a great mother. I took her to a nursery in Sulwal when we were young and she took to the babies in there like they were hers. I should have known she would take any child right then and there. She loved with her whole heart and even with all the things she dealt with that never once changed. She was a bit guarded and crabby but never once did she ever stop loving with that heart of hers.”
There was a bit of a sigh before Llywellyn started to cry, “When she was on bed rest with the twins she wrote to tell me she had never forgotten that my mother asked her to mold me into a good prince. She had Dala throw a vase by my head to make sure I shaped up or shipped out. She kept her promises. She was a good woman, wife, and mother.” He found his seat and Jehanne hugged him closely.
“Xeik, would you speak for Lewis please?” Angela stood up only to ask the Divine Mender to say a few words. “After, we’ll light the pyre.”

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is
The Weaver of Life and Love.Angela's 3 God Rules1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.