Roleplay Forums > Temples > Elysia, Gardens of Devotion > Seeker [GO]

Character Info
Name: Zaya
Age: Unknown
Alignment: TG
Race: Guardian Beast (Cat)
Gender: Female
Class: Spirit Guardian
Silver: 0
Where had they gone to? One moment they had been traversing the rugged mountains from the Virens Forest and the next they found themselves in an entirely different place. Zaya had detected it first through the change in the air. The crisp mountain mist became a balmy scent with sea spray. She shook her body as the warm ambient temperature chased out all the cold trapped in her fur, causing her to stretch and relax her muscles. Laying down on the sand she groomed herself while her human found himself facing the sea. Naram was confused. This must be the work of magic, there was no other explanation. They weren't so close that they could see the shore from where they had walked–back in the rocky slopes. The nomad pinched himself and the wince of pain told him this was no dream. Or perhaps, it was a very powerful one. Zaya did not seem worried, so the man assumed they were in a safe place. Truth be told, this realm was an entirely new one to the spirit guardian. But her senses were still sharp and there was nothing to fear here. 

The hunter let out a cry that startled the cat, and she saw her human staring at the lapping waves which washed up a robin's egg and a myriad of other small creatures onto the sand. Leaving paw prints in the wet sand, Zaya came to see what he was so alarmed about. Her green eyes blinked and her ears twitched, yet there was only the the gentle waves from the sea. Raising a paw she batted the robin's egg only for it to crack and a baby bird peck its way out from inside. Stepping back, she watched as Naram scooped the hatchling up and shaded it from the sun. He was at a loss for words, but when he finally found them again he turned to her and said: "Let's find a place to leave it. Maybe we can find a nest nearby." Zaya chattered back, following so she wouldn't be left behind. Together they ventured into the jungle, both astounded by this realm's natural beauty.

Finding a nest proved to be easier than they expected. This land was rich and abundant with life and the chorus of birdcalls within the dense canopy told them that much. Leaving the hatchling in a nest with a few unhatched eggs, the man muttered a few words of blessing onto the little newborn before it was time to go on their way. This place was still a complete mystery, but he hoped he could find someone who could tell them where they were soon. Trudging through the humid foliage led them to a paved road, circling a large array of vibrant tropical flowers. It was clear that these had been planted here, this was too orderly for plants that grew wild. Zaya began to smell the ground, nose and whiskers twitching. Her tail was raised and her bushy tail swayed slowly. Then, she looked up and stared straight ahead. Zaya bolted, running at a full sprint down the path towards places unknown. 

Naram chased after her, worried and confused at what would cause the normally placid cat to act this way. Had she discovered something? Why did she feel the need to run? "Wait, Zaya!" He shouted, pushing himself to ensure she stayed in sight. His feline companion brought them before a grand residence that left the nomad in awe. Had they passed into Sambhalak–that mythical land in the skies hidden away from the mortal realm? Zaya was pawing at the doors, meowing loudly enough to wake an entire camp.

Healing the world, one mlem at a time.
Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
Two beings had stumbled into her realm this time and Angela seemed mighty amused. They were attempting to help the baby bird that had hatched on her shores. She had Wisteria on her lap as she was reading a big picture book to her. The babe was hitting the pages when she recognized the words her mother said. “That’s right Wisteria… That’s the tree from Mommy’s story.” The child was in tune with things of nature and Angela was curious as to where she would go in her life.

Then the meows started and Angela sighed as she got up and placed Wisteria into her crib. “Stay right here… don’t cause a fuss.” She leaned over and booped the child on the nose.

“Kitty!” Wisteria squealed as she stood up. Angela paused for a moment and rubbed the girl’s curly red hair.

“…That is a kitty you are right.” How curious. She had never heard a cat before that moment and yet Wisteria knew what it was almost immediately. “Stay put for Mommy.” Angela left her in her room and swiftly made her way towards the pawing and yelling. She opened the door and picked Zaya up by her armpits. The cat elongated from how Ang was holding her.

Red and green eyes stared into the cat’s as Angela smirked just a bit. “Here we use our indoor voices Zaya.” She had heard enough from Naram to know the cat’s name. “Your love for your guarded is certainly amusing young one.” Angela made her way down the steps to Naram and held out Zaya to him. “This is yours?” There was a bit of amusement in her tone and on her face as she handed the cat over.

“Welcome to Elysia one of the eight homes of the Gods in Revaliir. I do thank you for getting the bird to a nest safely. You both are protectors of life indeed.”

Angela watched them both but seemed stunned as a voice rung out behind her. “Kitty!” Wisteria stood in the doorway and attempted to make her way down the steps.

“No… NO NO NO NO.” Angela ran for it as Wisteria took a tumble on the slick steps. The goddess reacted so fast she didn’t think to use her magic as she did a tuck and roll grabbing Wisteria. She laid on the ground by Naram holding Wisteria up who was looking down at her. No harm done to her… Thank the Voice. “Now, I do recall saying something like… Stay put for Mommy. Are we just going to ignore everything I say?”

The child laughed and Angela took a sigh. Defiance seemed like a blood trait at this point.

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.

Character Info
Name: Zaya
Age: Unknown
Alignment: TG
Race: Guardian Beast (Cat)
Gender: Female
Class: Spirit Guardian
Silver: 0
 While Naram was trying to get her to quiet down, the door opened and a woman with bright red hair was there to greet them. This woman was someone powerful, but with one look Zaya felt that she could trust her. As the lady stretched her out the cat stopped meowing and stared back with pale green eyes. No ordinary individual would know that she was no mere common house cat and what her true purpose was. The dark-haired nomad gave a nod in reverence as what he believed to be a celestial being approached him. "Yes, honorable lady. I am sorry for the noise she caused. She is normally more quiet." The most he had ever heard from Zaya were a few meows or chattering. Something about this place made her so excited. His belief that they were in the Celestial Realm was not unfounded after all when the woman welcomed them to Elysia, a home of one of the gods of the world. And the nomad's eyes widened when she acknowledged their act of kindness to the hatchling when it seemed impossible for her to have known. 

The atmosphere was broken when a small tottering child with a striking resemblance to the lady suddenly appeared from behind, and the little girl had her sights set on Zaya. The woman's composure instantly changed to panic as her daughter was starting to fall, and the mother quickly grabbed her child close as she took the brunt of rolling down the stairs. Naram was horrified for many reasons, while Zaya's jade-green eyes had dilated pupils. They both were at the lady's side with worry on their faces. Both child and mother were unharmed as Zaya could see, but her human only focused on the child. "Are you alright?!" Naram anxiously asked, hesitation and concern intermingling. The long-haired cat trotted up to the red-haired lady and began to brush her tongue against the woman's hand, casting mild healing magic. Even if the goddess didn't need it, it was Zaya's nature. 

Seeing the calm attitude of his cat despite the woman taking a tumble, perhaps she wasn't too hurt after all–he thought. When the mother gently reminded her mischievous child about staying put, even the nomad couldn't help but smile. It was a familiar feeling, seeing this. Come to think of it, it reminded Naram of the days when he would be scolded by his sister for shirking chores or playing pranks on her. Those were happier times, even if it was just his older sister and him. The whole tribe was their family even if they had no parents. 

Healing the world, one mlem at a time.

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