Roleplay Forums > Temples > Conclave of the Ancients > Fragile [open to my fellow deities]

Character Info
Name: Moliira
Age: Old
Alignment: CN
Race: Drow/Lycan
Gender: Female
Class: Huntress
Silver: 1905
There were questions in her mind, and most of them would not ever get answers.  But Moliira knew a place where she could at least stay for a time and think, without the distractions that usually plagued her.  Laying in the grass with her hands behind her head, the drow stared up at the grand Tree of Conclave.  Her toes were dug into the dirt, with her boots off to the side.  The half light of the perpetually setting sun was something she found calming, along with being able to shut out the cries and pleas that seemed to always come to her.

"It's strange how strong you make us.  And yet how fragile at the same time.  People look up to us, worship us.  And yet they forget there is a person behind the god.  Plus you can take away that power at the drop of a leaf.  I think some have forgotten that," she said, addressing the Tree itself.  Her thoughts drifted to the fallen Knights, it was a pity in a way.  But that seemed to be the way of things, and Moliira could never find a reason for a fall.  She knew there would eventually be a day when she too would fall, but Moliira planned to make the most of that time. 

Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
Angela was not foriegn to those entering the Conclave. She loved to tend the area and make the flowers bloom in a way no mortal could ever understand. Today though she entered the sacred lands and ran her hand over the crumbling chairs of the Knight clan. "People always forget but maybe it's because they need us to seem invicible," the goddess's voice was soft as she came over to her dear friend and sat down.

"We have spent our time here in the conclave of Revaliir set in stone. Given the name Triune for surviving what most could not." She reached up and put a highly colorful flower into Moliira's hair. It shined off the white of the drow's strands with brilliance. "They look for answers and sometimes we don't have them. However we are leaders in that sense. They forget that bigger fish swim in our tiny pond." She gestured towards the tree.

"Gods will always come and go and the Tower in Abed will always rise. The tree? It will stand still with time until our world is destroyed. Even then I don't think it will be gone just drifting into another existence. Until the day it falls like Parvpora… It will stand like stone." 

Her green eyes drifted back to her pantheon sister, "How do you feel? I know that woes have been plaguing you but only whispers and rumors… Toya's shouting." The goddess chuckled a bit as she thought of her youngest sister.

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.

Character Info
Name: Moliira
Age: Old
Alignment: CN
Race: Drow/Lycan
Gender: Female
Class: Huntress
Silver: 1905
She was aware of Angela's presence, but made no move to greet her Sister.  They had been friends for quite awhile, though the particular amount of time was… difficult to pin down.  Not that it mattered, the two valued each others' company and advice.  "I think it's because they want to think that some things will never change.  Perhaps it makes them feel a bit more secure?  Even if we do not have all the answers, we do a good job at making them up," the drow asked Angela.  It was mostly an idle thought, but there were times that Moliira could only reason things out when speaking. 

The spicy-sweet scent of the flower distracted her for a moment, and she held her silence while Angela continued her own thoughts.  At least until she was asked of what had happened.  "Well, my merging was… certainly more forced than yours.  And I am sure that Toya was less than thrilled when my doppelganger tried to clip her mate's wings.  But that is done and past now.  And only I remain," Moliira said, a slightly cruel smile crossing her face.  It was the look of the Huntress well satisfied with the outcome of her hunt.  Her mate had been recovered, and that was the most important thing to the drow. 

"I think you're correct about the Tree as well.  Something like this… it would not just fade.  The Tree on Parvpora is the same, it might not have the same influence, yet it still lingers.  Gods still rise there, every now and again.  That makes me wonder though, do you think there is a way that it could be brought back?" she asked, musing aloud again.  It was certainly an interesting consideration, and it would shake up the very composition of the world.  But that seemed to always happen, in some manner or another.


Character Info
Name: Mendean
Age: 18
Alignment: None
Race: Divine entity
Gender: Male
Class: Lord of Chaos!
Silver: 2061
“If either of you tried to restore Tree of Parvpora, they would have me to deal with.”

Mendean squatted atop a root that was thicker than a tavern. From his vantage point he looked down at the other two triunes with narrowed eyes. The faintest hint of a smile on his youthful features. He did not move from his position, only shifted slightly, so that one hand now rested on the smooth bark, while the other hung loosely behind his back.

The language spoken by the dream lord was an old one, and he did not speak it fluently. But it was a dialect he was fairly certain at least one of those present would know. An ancient grey tongue, spoken by the dusky ancestors of the dark elves, who had been driven by curiosity into the bowels of the world. Most knew the story, how they had found a world of demons and had become enthralled by the dark powers. So much so that these elves became permanent residents of the underdark in order to remain closer to their gods.

He also spoke the tongue as a reminder of the folly of those who would seek to invoke greater powers than themselves, but that was a much subtler message. More an act of symbolism. Being a lord of dreams, he was all about the symbolic.

“So, other two Triunes. We meet, finally. Perhaps you think we have met in past, but we have not. This is fitting place. Neutral.”

He stood for a moment, then toppled from the root, falling slowly, as though moving through water. Hair and clothing flowed around his body as he landed lightly upon the ground. Mendean appeared slightly out of focus, as though he truly were underwater. And then he stepped forward, coming into sharper focus, briefly making eye contact with Angela, and then Moliira. He nodded by way of a greeting.

“Old tree is dead. If it could be restored, Canelux tree would have.” Mendean glanced up at the immense branches spreading overhead. A criss-cross pattern of black that stretched across the sky. “Why are we here?” He demanded of the two deities.

God Abilities:

Can warp reality around him, so that the environment will begin to resemble his dream-like realm.

May enter and manipulate the dreams of others.

You cannot know Mendean for who or what he is unless he allows it. Even your memories will be altered to disguise his identity, unless he does not wish it. Even his aura is too widely spread for you to see.
Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
The young one's voice made Angela shake her head. "Dear all idle thoughts I promise you. We all know that the Parvpora Tree was tainted. I think what Moliira was wondering was if someone else could bring it back. I don't think even we gods have that power." She looked up to see his smile and returned it. "It is always good to see you Young Mendean. Have you stirred up much trouble lately? I should say something interesting instead of trouble though." There was a hint of play.

She stretched as she looked over at Moliira and gave the woman a smile. "All of your fears and troubles will be answered my dear. That is what I tell my children. I just can't tell you when."  What the young one said made Angela give but a smile and she nodded. "Of course, it is always a pleasure to meet one of our own Triune or otherwise."

Angela reached over and braided a part of Moliira's hair. "Oh we're here for no reason today. I think Moliira was just having a bit of a thought. I came here to tend to the gardens as I always do and found our dear sibling here." She gracefully let the braid go as she stood up. "This is a good place for thoughts when you want minimum distractions." The mother offered him a smile as she looked back up to the World Tree. "I must send more wine and tea to you both. Made from my very own recipes. It might relax you Moliira but don't let your precious mate have a drink of it." She winked. "Last mortal who went against that order came right up out of his skin literally."

"As for the World Tree, parts of it still exist. If there is a dead body so to speak there might be a way but that is neither here nor there. I ferried the dead for a long time back and forth past the boundary like our dear Bryn but I retired the name and took up Earth and Fertility. I can't say whether it can happen or if the curse it laid on the land extinguished any kind of hope it might have had. It's just a good thing it is gone. The curse it had is gone and our responsibilities towards Revaliir remain." She shrugged softly. 

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.

Character Info
Name: Moliira
Age: Old
Alignment: CN
Race: Drow/Lycan
Gender: Female
Class: Huntress
Silver: 1905
She only tilted her head towards Mendean, taking in the language for a moment.  It was one she knew of course, but not one she had heard in quite a long time.  It was still used by her people, but only in rituals.  "That we meet now is for the best, I think.  I think it would be safe to say this is a good time and place to… re-introduce ourselves to each other," Moliira said with a chuckle.  She remembered both of them from one iteration of her past, but those were not the beings present.  And truth be told, neither was she.

Nodding towards Angela, she added to her previous thoughts.  "The Mother is correct, an idle thought about the dead Tree.  Nothing more than that.  Those can certainly lead to interesting places," Moliira said.  She only shrugged at the why.  She had simply needed a few moments of relative peace.  An eyebrow went up about the mention of the tea and wine and their effects, that must be something quite interesting.

More idle thoughts crowded her mind, now that she had some peace from the whispers of the faithful.  "The rifts from those other places have been sealed and our world is at peace… for now.  Why are we here?  Perhaps to prevent such things from happening again.  Or to keep the mortals safe.  Or for our own selfish ends.  It could be any one of those," the drow said with a sly grin.  Moliira's motives were simple on the surface, but nothing about her had ever been simple.


Character Info
Name: Mendean
Age: 18
Alignment: None
Race: Divine entity
Gender: Male
Class: Lord of Chaos!
Silver: 2061
“Power? Power is in action and deed. It is not thing of strength, nor level of puissance or magical prowess. If I found someone you love, turned them against you through dreams, that is application of power. Affecting dreams is small thing, after all. But effects can be world-changing.”

He was walking along the wall formed by the grey-brown root. It resembled a half-melted wall of stone, where tiny cracks had formed along its length. It was along one of these cracks that Mendean ran a finger as he walked. His lips were pursed in thought. Finally, he stopped. “Trouble is matter of perspective. I do not create. I facilitate.”

He came to a bush that sprouted from the seemingly dead wall of wood. Dark, succulent leaves, pale blue flowers with a texture that reminded him of tissue paper. He had no idea what kind of plant it was. Being of the Tree, there was every chance that this plant occurred nowhere else in the universe. Holding a thin leaf between finger and thumb, he found that it was waxy.

“Your clock has readjusted world, Angela. But I can tell you, Moliira, those rifts have not closed flawlessly. There are still soft places in world, where things slip through. There was something else.” With a deft movement, he plucked the leaf and popped it in his mouth, holding it there for a moment before chewing. His face contorted as he sensed the poison, but such a thing was not deadly enough to hurt a being like him. He swallowed it, savouring an aroma in the mouth that was reminiscent of eucalyptus.

“Mm. Yes. I encountered one Aralli. This one was fallen goddess, from other world. But she offered useful insights. I encountered many versions of myself, her and others, but all were dead. It seems many worlds were drawn into crisis. Something or someone was powerful enough to slay many versions of me. I would be very concerned if I were you. Even if it was many enemies, I found none of them on hill of death. Only me, Aralli and two other mortals.” He paused, looking away for a moment. The Triune seemed almost nonchalant. “Oh yes, and there was another. He might have been the killer, but I do not know who he was. Only that I met him in future as well as present.”

Mendean waited several seconds to let things sink in. It was a lot to take in. Threats not over, the presence of a former goddess who controlled time, many slain iterations of people they all knew, and of course his trip into the future. For a moment he wondered if it had been a good idea to mention it, but was comforted with the certainty that more chaos would come of it. Besides, it was better to get everything out in the open right now. They were Triunes and deserved to know. What they would do with such knowledge, however, remained to be seen.

God Abilities:

Can warp reality around him, so that the environment will begin to resemble his dream-like realm.

May enter and manipulate the dreams of others.

You cannot know Mendean for who or what he is unless he allows it. Even your memories will be altered to disguise his identity, unless he does not wish it. Even his aura is too widely spread for you to see.

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