Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 8:41 PM, Post Subject: Powerful Princess [G][O][R]

The food was brought in, one of the few times the kitchen was actually used for something in Antikythera. Most of Shiloh's 'living' staff didn't stay at the Machinarium anymore so it was just her and the automatons. It was Jayou-style stir fry today. Wax peppers and carrot cut into thin strips tossed with bean sprouts and slices of pork on a bed of egg noodles. The sauce was a blend of lime juice, fish sauce, soy sauce, peanut oil, and a sprinkling of white sesame. It was pretty impressive for a chef who couldn't taste or smell what they were seasoning, which was why Shiloh was so proud of her automatons when they chose their own personal hobbies. She didn't mention any of this to Dala however, as it wasn't important. With the food on the table, Shiloh waited until they both had their forks. The girl spoke up, almost as if she was struggling to say something. Eventually Dala decided to say a simple thanks for taking the time to teach her. Having read the girl's body language, Shiloh was sure she knew what she was about to say. "No problem, Dala. You know, I should be thanking you for being my first and probably best student. I'm not exactly a great teacher, but I guess it just takes the right people sitting together to make it all work out. As long as whatever you've learned helps you, then I'm satisfied. Ok enough talking–let's eat!" 

Was it strange that it felt like this was the first time she'd spoken with somebody who was so much like her? Shiloh didn't know, but in a way she saw a lot of herself in Dala. And if she were anything like her, then it meant she had been through some hardships herself. But she'd pull through and survive, just like countless others in the world. And she'd do more than that–she'd make something out of herself for the benefit of others. Eventually the lessons came to an end and the girl was ready to practice what she had picked up. Whether or not Dala knew who she was learning from no longer mattered, only what would happen after she left through the Entrance Hall's door to the outside world. And once the girl was gone, Shiloh wished her the best of luck. After all, a little luck went a long way when you used it well.

Author: Dala, Posted: Sat Feb 8, 2020 6:13 PM, Post Subject: Powerful Princess [G][O][R]

As Shiloh began to reveal the correct answers, Dala began to scribble as fast as she could. Frustration ran through her mind but it was more towards herself for not getting the answer perfect. This was why she was here, to learn and to grow as a leader but the fact she didn't know the answer fully still irked her. Yet Dala still wrote down the correct answer and kept in mind to think better in the future. Shiloh continued on with the lesson and Dala continued writing. The most important lessons she was gathering from these scenarios was that she had to look for ALL options, couldn't jump to conclusions, and sometimes asking for help was alright if the person was alright. Her notes were covered in scribbles but she was able to read them well enough. Although she had been frustrated with her own answers, she found the scenarios made sense and were a useful way to figure things out. These were real choices that real leaders had to make. It was best that she learned them now than learned them later, the hard way. 

"Miss Shiloh do-" Suddenly an automaton reminded them that lunch was ready. 

Dala's stomach growled with hunger. She hadn't eaten much before entering the temple and the studying had made her hungry. The child practically jumped out of her chair and was looking around for the food. 

"Lets bring in the food here. We have a table." Dala said. 

The truth was that she just wanted the food. Where they ate didn't matter. But there was one more thing she wanted to say to Shiloh before they ate. Something was on her mind and had been ever since she entered. 

"Miss Shiloh…. I…" Dala began, unsure of how to say this, "I promise to be the best ever student! I'll learn everything and be the best! And….thanks. For you know…. teaching me and stuff." 

She wanted to say something else but the idea of saying it embarrassed her too much. The child was going to say that she would make Shiloh proud but the words failed her. Instead she just pretended that was all she was going to say. Now was food time. Her eyes looked around the room for the munchies. 

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 8:51 PM, Post Subject: Powerful Princess [G][O][R]

"That's a good start, but remember just because people think cattle losses are caused by werewolves doesn't mean they actually are. Most animals and beast shapeshifters normally don't go around killing cattle unless they're desperate. They have a healthy fear of human interaction, which is a smart move on their part. Make sure you fully investigate the problem before you start jumping to conclusions." Because shapeshifters had a bad reputation in certain places like Adeluna, the idea that all werewolves were rabid monsters was practically accepted as fact. She could have easily fallen into that same assumption if it weren't for her witnessing one almost being lynched for somebody else's murder. For being so young, Dala was already rather well-informed about magical beings like forest nymphs. Her solutions to the hypothetical scenarios were already leagues above what you'd hear from the average child. What Shiloh wanted to teach her in this exercise was to explore all possibilities before choosing a course of action. It was impossible to predict everything, and most of the deity's decisions were made through a combination of observation, experimentation, as well as trial and error. 

She emphasized this point in her response to the girl's answer to scenario two. "Sometimes negotiation shouldn't be the first thing on your mind. In hot and humid environments disease is very common, and what causes disease? Insects, pests, and mold. Mold and spoilage are going to be the prime suspects next to insects when illness strikes. Check if there are places in the settlement buildings that are damp or rotting. Wood and other natural materials will decompose over time if untreated, but even so you need to ensure that everything is kept well-ventilated and dry. If there are pools of standing water, those need to be drained immediately because those are insect breeding grounds. Once you confirm that these factors are not the cause, then I would go ahead with an attempt at negotiating an exchange with the tribes."  Crossing her arms, she leaned her back against a bookshelf. "I know that these situations might seem unfair because there is no perfect answer, but what I want to point out is that nothing is as simple as it seems from the surface. There's always something to look out for, something that might be the key to solving everything. You've already gotten the basics down though, and as long as you do your research before you act, you'll do just fine. Oh and one more thing–sometimes asking for help isn't always a bad thing. It all depends on who's offering." 

That was one lesson she was learning, even now. Being cautious saved her hide many times, but even being prepared couldn't cover the unexpected. And if it weren't for the kindness of total strangers when she needed it most, she wouldn't be standing here. There was still a small silver lining on the edge of that gloomy, thunderous storm of life. When she offered help to people she knew couldn't repay her, Shiloh never expected anything from them. Not everything had to be a transaction, despite how she allowed the world to see her. But there were too many out there who took advantage of kindness, and so this was the front she displayed to protect herself and others who associated with her. The more good people there were in the world, the easier life would be for everybody. All it takes is one bad apple to ruin the bunch, and when trust is broken it is nearly impossible to fix. At the reminder that lunch was ready, Shiloh replied back to the automaton. "I'm fine with wherever. Where we'll be eating will be up to you, Dala." She said to the girl cracking a wry smile. 

Author: Dala, Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 7:59 PM, Post Subject: Powerful Princess [G][O][R]

The first scenario was already a difficult question. She didn't know if the people were in need of food in that scenario. Did they need it or were they just wanting more than what they needed? Expansion was important since she had seen what villages that didn't expand were like. They were small and it was easy to destroy them. Thousands of villages had been abandoned or destroyed after the major war. Only the villages that had enough power and land were able to survive the catastrophe. However, in this case they seemed to be trying to take over some land that could already have creatures inside it. Just because there weren't any humans, didn't mean that there weren't any beings living in there. 

"For the cows, I would suggest keeping them away from the forest and using a barn or some sort of enclosure to keep them safe." She said, "If people are keeping an eye on them or have them in safe areas then there shouldn't be an issue with wolves. The only way a wolf could get into a well built barn is if they are a werewolf or something along that nature. If that's the case, then we need to figure out how to communicate with the werewolves and find a way to get them to agree to stop harming the cows."

She took a pause for breath.

"As for the forest…Resources are important. But we can't take any more than what we need and we would have to talk to the intelligent beings who live in the forest. If there are nymphs or other beings we can talk to, then we can ask them about the best ways to gather from the forest that wouldn't destroy its natural system of things. Sorry I don't know the word for it." Dala said, "System. Life system? Anyway if we can chop down areas where trees are growing too much or hunt the animals that are overpopulating the forest, then we can gather resources without destroying the forest. It would take more effort than just chopping down the forest and we would have to be careful with the resources we do have, but long term-wise we wouldn't be eradicating the forest. Destroying the forest would be essentially the same as stabbing ourselves in the foot."

Saying that leaving the forest alone didn't seem like the wisest action. But treating the forest like it was a valuable resource that needed time to grow and had a specific way of being handled was a better idea. If the villagers didn't like the extra effort, then they could go back to whatever they were doing before they came up with that idea. Wood was important in a plains area. So is food and other things. However, taking whatever they want whenever they wanted it, well that was a shortcut to a disaster. It was better to ask the locals about what needed to be dealt with and taking only what they needed. The second scenario was a lot easier. 

"Well that's easy. The orcish tribes clearly have some technique on how to deal with this illness. Now we might have to negotiate for that information. Creating a trade maybe? Or maybe some sort of agreement?" Dala suggested. 

The one thing she didn't mention was asking for help. That didn't occur to the child. She believed that everything came with a price and few ever helped for free. Especially with a group of people, no matter their race. People were selfish and naturally would want something in return. There was no point in asking for help. Or at least she believed all of this. Her world view was jaded. 

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 2:59 PM, Post Subject: Powerful Princess [G][O][R]

It would be good to start small, then gradually work up towards the more ambiguous situations. "Scenario number one–your settlement is situated in the plains nearby a woodland. This forest has existed for at least fifty years, untouched by development. Your farmers and herders are thinking of expanding their lands to increase food production. A wide variety of game animals including wolves live in those woods, and recently cattle have been found killed or missing. The people of your town propose cutting down the forest and chasing the wild animals out. What do you think is the best course of action?" This particular situation was something that Shiloh had encountered before to be exact, one that didn't end well for the townspeople in question. They weren't dead and she couldn't say for how they were living now, but they had almost killed one of her close associates in cold blood. She had warned them about their folly and even pointed out that they were being led by the nose by a despot who never thought of anyone but himself. But they had been stubborn, trusting people they knew instead of people who had sense. And so, they paid for it.

"Scenario number two, after a very hot summer with heavy rain people in the settlement have started to fall ill. Nearby are orcish tribes who have lived here for generations and they are known for practicing unknown magic. As the ill keep increasing, your subjects suspect that they have been cursed by the tribes following a land dispute last season. Despite the extreme weather, none of the tribes seem to have fallen ill. What would you do?" This was a more straightforward one, and anyone who didn't have a cultural bias could solve half of it without a problem. Almost every Adelunian would fail this portion, thanks to the persistent propaganda the kingdom still maintained after the humiliation of their previous attempts at conquest. Their old pride was strong, concentrated mostly in the older generations and their descendants who had been fully indoctrinated against reason.

Shiloh would then answer any questions the girl had about the two scenarios, and when Dala gave her final answers Shiloh would assess them. This continued for a couple more hours until one of the more human-looking automatons poked her head in the library. "Hello there! I don't mean to interrupt, but lunch is ready! Would you like me to bring it in here or would you prefer to eat elsewhere?"

Author: Dala, Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2019 3:23 PM, Post Subject: Powerful Princess [G][O][R]

The child quickly wrote down as much as possible but was forced to summarize Shiloh's words. Salt water wasn't good. Freshwater was needed. Hunters and fishers will need to be in places with animals. Farmers were better with flat terrain and few large predators. All of this information was like bits of gold to Dala. Every piece of it was essential to know and would help her in the future. Suddenly, her teacher began to talk about how the next advice would be more opinionated but the child didn't care too much.

From her perspective, this was a wise person who knew what she was discussing. As Dala continued writing down Shiloh's advice, she began to wonder how much time she would need to estimate for her goals. Building would take a few years and getting money for her goals would take time. Building kingdoms took money. Everything required money or at least natural resources. Her mind snapped back to Shiloh's words as she realized that weather would be important to know and to make friends with the people who lived in that area. 

"Wasting resources and destroying the land is another way of stabbing yourself in the foot." Dala agreed with Shiloh. 

Suddenly, Shiloh seemed to come up with an idea of how to make this lesson more than a lecture. She would present Dala a scenario and the child would have to solve it. Issues would be pointed out in the way that she handled it. The child thought about this suggestion for a moment then nodded her head. It made sense, as leadership seemed to be more about making decisions in difficult situations and finding ways to help the people than remembering information like a scholar. 

"Will they be scenarios with a clear right or wrong?" Dala asked curiously, "Or will these be more complex situations where there isn't exactly any good options but one is prefer- prefer…" 

The child had momentarily forgotten the word she was looking for. Frustration ran through her mind as she was trying to find the word to explain what she meant. 

"One is better than the other?" She finally finished having found a substitute for that word. 

If this was going to be a test with a correct answer, then she would have to think extra hard about what the right answer was. If this was a test where there weren't really truly correct answers then she would have to decide the less harmful answer. One could make a poor choice but that choice had to be able to be recovered from. Dala had put down her quill and was thinking hard about the type of questions that might be asked, even before Shiloh was asking it. Her small hand was cupped underneath her chin and her legs were crossed. The child's eyes were staring down at the table, her mind within deep thought. 

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2019 11:49 PM, Post Subject: Powerful Princess [G][O][R]

Right away Dala was bringing up important questions. "Ideally, no matter where you set up your settlement there must be a reliable source of fresh water. Not all water can be used for drinking, and saltwater can actually kill you. You need freshwater to grow crops and keep animals alive too. Living by different bodies of water can provide different benefits and drawbacks, and for most of your questions–it all depends on what kind of way of life the people lead. Hunters and fishers will prefer to be in a place with more animals and farmers will prefer open, flat terrain with few large predators." Taking a pause, Shiloh looked thoughtful for a few moments as she moved into answering the last of the girl's questions. "Alright, just a disclaimer: what I'm going to tell you next is based off of my own personal opinion. I might be right or I might be wrong, but at this point I've never found definite proof to prove otherwise. Now that we've got that out of the way, let me give you my own take on town development and the natural world."

"Before you decide to do anything, you need to understand the weather and environment of the place you have chosen. I suggest spending at least a few years there to gain a better understanding of the seasonal changes. Some places have severe dry spells during Ignius, other areas have heavy flooding and storms. And while it might be convenient to build in and close to the rivers, be prepared to be on flood watch all year round. Building in the river also poses other potential problems, especially if you alter its course. If you happen to start a city in an area where others have already started living for a few generations, make friends with them. They'll be your main source of information on the land and what challenges it has. Always remember that it's better to work together than against each other–after all, surviving is hard." 

Maybe it was a bit of her own wishful thinking, but if this kid had the potential that she saw in her earlier, she just might be able to make coexistence between settlers and locals possible. Shiloh's perspective of city-building different from many, as she preferred methods that had as little impact on the land as possible. 'Responsible stewardship of resources' was what she called it, which was another way of saying 'using what's available without burning them out'. "Many tribal and nomadic groups can vouch for me when I say 'respect the land and it will take care of you'. Don't get tempted to use quick and easy ways to progress or get rich. Nothing last forever, and if you want something to stay in good condition that requires an active effort. Since it might take forever for me to explain every little thing, I have an idea on how to make things less boring but more practical. I'm going to write up a set of scenarios where you are presented with a problem. I will ask you how you would solve it and point out anything you might have overlooked. If there's anything you don't understand in the scenarios given, feel free to ask and I'll explain in detail. How does that sound?"

Sometimes the best way to learn was by doing. If Dala wanted to be a leader, she would need to know how to solve problems. And the more people that were involved, the more complex those problems would be.

Author: Dala, Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 1:51 PM, Post Subject: Powerful Princess [G][O][R]

Dala picked up the stack of heavy books and did her best to carry them as she followed Shiloh. She silently cursed her smaller legs as it took her double the effort to keep up with the woman. When the doors to the library were pushed open, Dala couldn't help but gasp in amazement. Although there were far more impressive libraries in the world, Dala had never seen any of them. This was an entire new world to her. A world filled with knowledge! Knowledge of the world and everything that it had to offer. Dala knew how important knowledge was so instead of seeing them as simple books, she saw them as treasures. Dala quietly listened to Shiloh as she explained the library. Her arms were starting to get tired so she walked over to a table and placed the stack of books onto them. 

Suddenly Shiloh began pulling out thick books from the storage box onto the table. The stack was impressive. Dala knew that this would be difficult but she had no idea that much information was needed. However, she wouldn't back down. Instead of complaining about the amount of books, she took out her journal and quill to begin. Her eyes burned with passion as she dipped her quill into the ink. She began to write quickly as Shiloh spoke. The child was trying to copy down every word that was coming out of Shiloh's mouth as it was important to her. There were some words that Dala missed, as Shiloh was talking quicker than what she could write. But the main point about the rivers and its purpose was written down. Dala looked to the map and where Shiloh was pointing. 

"I see." Dala said, "Can it be any water? Or does it have to be rivers? What about oceans? Does it matter how salty the water is? Should the water have lots of animals in it or would it be better to have fewer? How big should the water source be? Is it a good idea to have people build in the rivers or should the rivers be left alone? How close should a city be near the water?" 

Her quill was ready and she was prepared to copy down all the information that Shiloh had to offer. This is what she needed to make a kingdom, the information to be a competent leader was essential to her plan. 

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 5:55 PM, Post Subject: Powerful Princess [G][O][R]

'Dala Asher Nesca'. Now there was a name that sounded all too familiar… Maybe even after death the late goddess still lived on, in another form. Either way, it was time to begin this girl's first lessons on the way the world worked. "Excellent. Consider it done. There's a library in here and a debate hall. Both of them should be empty now, but the library will be better at the moment. Since you'll be staying a while, I'll see if there's any extra rooms that aren't in use." Shiloh was planning to make a new addition to the infinite hallway, unbeknownst to Dala. She led her to the Marble Corridor, and told Dala to follow after her. "The library is this way, it's easy to get lost if you don't know where you want to go." Subtly she used that verbal cue to ensure they would arrive at their intended destination, as she hadn't told Dala about the Corridor's trick. 

Two solid wood doors were pushed open to reveal a decent-sized library. It wasn't anywhere close to those of Iria's Mage Academy or even in the same league as Adraejen Porthyrius' temple, but it did its job and held a collection of books she and her staff had bought over the years. Plain metal shelves secured to the floor were full of tomes, all arranged by topic and title. There were some study tables and chairs for group work or individual projects, and there was a desk with a strange pedestal built into it. It had been a while since she had come here, but Shiloh still knew where most of the things here were.

"Alright, so since we're the only ones present we don't have to worry about the 'no-talking rule'.  There's no head librarian but if you have questions when I'm not around, ask any of the staff who are arranging the shelves. If you want a book on a specific topic, you can check what we have over there at that table. Touch the symbol of the Machinarum and when prompted, say either the name of the book, the author, or 'surprise me' if you want to try something new. The system is designed to help you find what you need as efficiently as possible, so if you run into errors make sure to let us know. Each of these books is registered in the catalog by code and you can see an entire list of every book belonging here as well as its current borrowing status." With that brief introduction over, Shiloh began pulling a bunch of thick books out of her storage box onto the closest study table. Once the stack was at least six volumes high, she stopped.

"Now, if you're going to start a kingdom you'll need to begin from the very basics–geography. Most established world powers started out as a small settlement in a geographically favorable region. Normally these include fertile areas close to rivers, lakes, or some body of water. Without water you can't grow anything and having a reliable fresh water source is key to staying alive. Take Arri for example, it's a country that was founded in a desert but permanent settlements are centered around oases and water sources. There are more reasons why people build towns by the water. If you look at Jayou, rivers act as highways for transporting people and things from one place to another. The same idea applies to trading centers like Iria, Abed, and the duchy of Egjora…" To prove her point, Shiloh rolled out a paper map of the world, weighing down the ends with some of the books. Focusing on the continents of Parvpora and Canelux, she tapped the areas she mentioned earlier. 

Author: Dala, Posted: Sat Nov 9, 2019 10:35 PM, Post Subject: Powerful Princess [G][O][R]

Dala listened to Shiloh and her explanation of the difference between a princess and a queen, which was very small. The woman also mentioned how a crown that shoot beams would be a better alternative. The child was also surprised by the clapping that Shiloh did after her words. The woman was even smiling. Dala pretended that she was used to it but really, she was expecting laughter or something. It's what she would have gotten if she was back on the streets… Then the woman started to go on about how she was going to help her become a princess and mentioned somebody called the Steward of Antikythera? Shiloh pulled out a parchment and wrote down a contract. Dala took the contract and read it, determined to ensure that everything was as it was supposed to be.

The child didn't know that Shiloh was the goddess and was under the assumption that this was a smart woman. For her, it didn't matter where the information came from. As long as this woman knew what she was talking about then Dala wouldn't care a bit about who this person was. After reading the contract, Dala wrote her name on the line and took the dagger to make a small slice across her arm. She decided to not use her hands as she knew that she would be writing with them. The drop of red blood fell onto the parchment next to her name. Then she took out the red whip from her bag and set it on the bench where Shiloh could take it. 

"I have all the time in the world." Dala said, "My name is Dala Asher Nesca by the way. And….should we go to a different room? Doing a lesson here won't be the easiest of places." 

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sat Nov 9, 2019 7:49 PM, Post Subject: Powerful Princess [G][O][R]

"Ah, you make a good point there. Well normally a princess is the daughter of a queen and next in line depending if you're going by a female-dominant or male-dominant society. But there's not a big difference." The eye-beams of doom were actually the most difficult thing to achieve out of the girl's sketch. "I see, though having magic coming out of your eyes can be a bit…difficult to do, and probably not very safe. Eyes are very delicate things after all. Why don't you enchant the crown to shoot the beams instead? People are less likely to expect an attack from accessories compared to something you can hold in your hand." Most people wouldn't even address an alternative, but then again this was Shiloh–creating questionably useful objects was something she did every day. 

Shiloh listened in silence as the girl told her why she wanted to be a princess, taking note of every word. Her initial observations were correct after all. This girl wasn't just doing it for a shallow personal reason, for the money or fancy things. This girl knew what it was like to suffer and fight tooth and nail just to see another day. She could have asked for a comfortable easy life, to never see poverty ever again. But instead she was asking for something that would benefit others for years to come. It was a hard thing to ask and not anybody was able to think that far ahead. There were plenty of adults in this day and age who were content with simply getting by. The word 'legacy' wasn't something you could use casually. The word had weight to it and responsibility. And when her speech was done, Shiloh gave her a round of applause with a rare genuine smile.

"Congratulations, you're the first visitor to ever ask for something beyond yourself. Lots of people like you have come here, all with a wish or request to be granted. I'm sure the Steward of Antikythera would be proud to hear what you've said. And since you've managed to impress me, I'll throw in a special discount for our deal here." Pulling out a folding table and a clean roll of parchment, Shiloh quickly wrote up a set of terms and created the contract. There was a line and X at the bottom for the girl to sign, and she pulled out a small dagger to seal the deal. "These are the terms explaining our exchange of goods and services. I'll take the magic weapon from you as payment. In return, I'll teach you everything you need to know to become a powerful princess. And if there's anything I can't teach you, I'll give you names and places to find the people who can. Whenever you're ready, sign your name on the line and use the dagger here to press a single drop of blood next to your signature. Deal?"

After giving her the brief summary, she then added: "Oh by the way, how much free time do you have?" Reaching into a mysterious storage box, Shiloh began placing several thick covered books into a steadily growing stack next to them on the bench. "–Because this is going to take a while."

Author: Dala, Posted: Sat Nov 9, 2019 6:59 PM, Post Subject: Powerful Princess [G][O][R]

Dala listened to the woman's response and was surprised by her lack of anger or laughter. Most people never took her seriously when she explained that she wanted to be a princess. It seemed that this woman was treating her with respect, which made the child have more respect for her even though they just met. Then the woman began to ask questions that confused Dala a bit. 

"….Isn't queen and princess just the same thing?" Dala asked, "Stories always mention either a queen or a princess with a lot of power and they always seemed to have the same traits. And the light coming from the eyes are obviously meant to represent magic and stuff. Maybe some sort of lightning or powerful rays of light that can obliterate the enemy into pieces!"

Dala realized that the lady wanted to know why she wanted to be a princess or a queen for a different reason. The child disliked admitting the truth to other people but if it was the only way to get what she desired most….

"Princesses…queens…whatever you want to call them have important lives and can change the world around them." Dala said lowering her head, "They have the power to make people's lives better. They are the leaders that people look to for guidance and stability. These women are able to provide homes, stability, and comfort for people who need it. Its not easy but nothing ever is…except for death. But in the end, these are the women who leave legacies behind."

She raised up her head to face the woman, determination ablaze in the child's eyes. 

"That's why I gotta become one!" Dala exclaimed passionately, "I'm going to rise up and when I do, I will be bringing people to a state of living far beyond current expectations!" 

Dala at this point had raised her voice as she was so passionate about her words. Her hands were on her hips and she was behaving as though she was telling an audience rather than just one woman. Her every word was crisp and clear, despite the fact that she was only a child. Dala didn't want just the money and the power of a princess. She needed to build a legacy that everyone would tell for generations. 

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Sat Nov 9, 2019 6:09 PM, Post Subject: Powerful Princess [G][O][R]

The little girl responded by taking out a crudely-drawn picture of a person wearing a dress with a crown, exaggerated arms, small circular objects around it, and….a personal interpretation of light coming from the eyes? The 'rain' looked a lot like coins so it was safe to assume it was a metaphor for great wealth. She then stated bluntly she wanted to find somebody who could help her become an 'all-powerful princess', meaning both in the physical and magical sense. The kid had done her research, explaining her knowledge of the two best deities to help her achieve her goals. But like most kids, the girl preferred to choose the one who was the same sex as her. While some would think the girl was too direct and rude, none of that bothered Shiloh. The girl cut to the chase and came prepared with a payment for the advice; she liked that. And her 'payment' was no slouch either.

Putting the drawing down, Shiloh looked over the weapon. "Huh, interesting. Doesn't seem to have any visible place where the blood gets 'absorbed', but it's magical. Magical things don't always make sense. The payment's totally fine, but I'll need to ask you a few questions first before we can get a deal started." She neither confirmed nor denied that she was the deity of Antikythera, and if the girl was working off the assumption that she was just part of the staff–all the better. Picking up the picture again she squinted her eyes at the details. "So…why do you want to be a princess? If you're interested in a political position of leadership, wouldn't being queen be much better? It's a higher rank anyway. And what exactly are these lines coming from the eyes?" She was no expert on art, so she might as well ask the artist. There was no point wasting this girl's time with guessing.

She had a plan and clearly defined goals for a child her age, another thing the rogue respected. If the girl wanted to know how to become the head of a financially stable, politically acknowledged, and independent city-state, that's what she was going to get. However the most important thing was to know why. Most girls dream of being princesses, but not all of them go past having a pretty crown and fancy dress. There was also no mention of a prince riding on white horse so this was already a very realistic life plan from Shiloh's standpoint.

Author: Dala, Posted: Mon Nov 4, 2019 7:13 PM, Post Subject: Powerful Princess [G][O][R]

The person that she saw was not what she was expecting. The villagers who described her only described armor. Dala had no idea if this person was supposed to be the goddess or not. The woman in front of her seemed to be very intelligent, as she had a book and a quill. Most intelligent people could read so perhaps she could help, even if the lady wasn't a goddess. The child rummaged through her bag and pulled out a paper that had a drawing on it. The image was of a stick figure with a tiara, pink dress, and muscles drawn onto her arms. The drawn princess also had silver coins raining down around her and had lasers coming out of her eyes. 

"I need to find somebody who can help me become and all powerful princess." Dala explained showing her the picture, "I learned that there were two super smart deities. One used to be a god of knowledge but he is a boy and probably has cooties. So I decided to come find this Shiloh goddess. She's probably smarter anyway. Oh and before you say anything, I already got a payment."

She put her drawing away and opened a beautiful purple bag inside her satchel. This was a bag that could hold almost anything and had an infinite amount of space. The child pulled out a bright red whip and showed it off to the woman. The whip was a Sanguine Whip that needed blood to work properly. It had clearly never been used before and the child was desiring to get rid of it. 

"It's basically a vampire whip. It drinks blood and stuff. Which is pretty weird since it has no mouth but whatever." Dala explained, "I never used it since I prefer keeping my bodily fluids but I'm sure a goddess could find a use for it. Maybe she can give it somebody who has a blood kink. I don't know." 

Dala then put the whip back into her purple bag and looked towards the woman, wondering how she would respond. 

Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Mon Nov 4, 2019 4:55 PM, Post Subject: Powerful Princess [G][O][R]

"Attention, Lord Steward. There is a child waiting in the Entrance Hall." Shiloh pressed the button to relay a message back to Galatea. "Roger that. I'll be there in a few minutes." She was laying on the floor in Serenitas, in the middle of blueprints strewn about around her. They were all designs of some sort of small wardrobe, with varying aesthetic designs and diagrams for additional 'functions'. She was having designer's block, and trying to empty her mind wasn't doing anything. Visitors were still rare after the Azhizheth emergency was over, which she greatly appreciated. Smoothing out her tunic, the deity checked for smudges before determining she was presentable. Entering the Marble Corridor, the gateway to Serenitas dropped her off on the way to the workshops instead of her usual shortcut. The war against the Void still had her emotionally spent, so she wasn't interested in acting as deity today. It'd be better to pretend to be an ordinary staff member for now.

Dala didn't have to wait long when the sound of shuffling boots against stone approached. A tall brunette woman in plain clothes that were in a marginally better state than her own passed by before stopping to look at her. There was a book of sorts in her hand and a quill stuck behind her ear. Dark circles were under her eyes, and the expression she had was deadpan. Shiloh looked around before speaking up. "…Looking for somebody?" Yes, she knew most visitors who came here had some sort of request they wanted her to grant, but she wanted to gauge how long she should keep up this ruse. The girl was pretty small, without shoes, and had clothes that didn't really fit. The wear on them told her the kid probably had to get by with secondhand items, and the bruise could've been there for a variety of reasons. It was pointless to jump to conclusions, so Shiloh prioritized getting to know the basic details of her reasons for coming here first.

Author: Dala, Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 4:59 PM, Post Subject: Powerful Princess [G][O][R]

The dark sky thundered in the distance as Dala looked at the beaten road up to the temple. This was a road that was long and hard. Only the ones who wanted to see the goddess of luck the most would take that path. The child had also heard that the pure white obelisks would give a shortcut but many people claimed that it was not the right way. Only a being who wanted to work hard and face many dangers could get to the top, or so many village elders would claim. 

"Fuck that." Dala said to the path as she reached over to touch the white obelisk. 

Before she could blink, she had teleported to steps that led to a giant door. Even with the teleportation, she still had to go up some stairs. But she wouldn't let some stupid old stair get in her way so she began climbing until she got to the top. Dala walked up to the door and was about to try to open it but before she could, the door split into pieces and retracted into the wall. Dala held up her hands up to her eyes to block the sudden light coming from the inside of the temple. She walked through the doorway and looked around the area. White was the main color of the room.

Everything seemed to be made of marble or howlite. Armored statues with different types of weapons all standing on decorated pedestals. The thing that interested the child most was the windows and how they were a stark contrast to the actual weather outside. Instead of the dark sky, it was bright and happy. Dala sat down on one of the benches provided and began to look through her satchel, trying to ensure that all of her stuff was there.

The child was a sight to see. Her grey tunic had multiple stains and holes, some of the stains were the shade of a dull red. The trousers she wore were ripped apart, too big, and were held together by an old belt that was tied around the child's waist. She had no shoes and an old satchel was what she was using for a bag. She was clearly underfed as her arm was too small for a normal child's arm. The most problematic part of her was the fact that she had a large bruise around her eye, as though she had been punched in the face.  Despite all of this, she was relatively clean and her hair was somewhat combed, as though she was still trying to look presentable. Dala looked around and waited for a bit, hoping that somebody would come before she died of boredom. 

"Hello?!" She called out, "Anybody here?!"

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