Author: WolfRaider13, Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 7:23 AM, Post Subject: Here Kitty, Kitty [O/R]
Jasmine sighed to herself before standing. "I thank you for your assistance with the new lead, Steward. I hope I haven't taken up to much of your time." Turning towards the indicated door she petted, Myst's head as they trudged towards it and murmured to her ever faithful companion, "looks like it's still just you and me girl." Myst gave a mournful squawk in reply as they passed through the door, and she replied indignantly, "I have not forgotten how to talk to people and talking to you does not make me look crazy. I'm just lonely. " Just before the door closed a louder squawk came before a murmured reply.Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:29 AM, Post Subject: Here Kitty, Kitty [O/R]
"Oh, those are my staff. They're automatons, like golems but more sophisticated. They help me with work around the Machinarium. Sometimes I feel like putting on a different face, for a change of perspective. After all it's not like I'm expecting visitors every day." Shiloh answered frankly. To the next question she leaned on her elbow. "Boredom is something I've had a distinct lack of ever since I was given my position. It might not look like it, but I have a mountain of work waiting for me–intending to swallow me whole. There are orders waiting, routine maintenance to be made, and probably a mess of things still in a backlog somewhere. I'm sure you've realized I've made my workplace in the middle of Railoch on purpose." Even if Jasmine didn't understand it was fine. She liked her privacy and didn't think much on what others thought.Author: WolfRaider13, Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:49 AM, Post Subject: Here Kitty, Kitty [O/R]
A real lead for, Cheetah. She signed where told and listened while the steward told her of the potential of other cheetah shifters. She felt Cheetah's claws kneed her mind gently an indication she was as well "I thank you for your help, umm, Steward. Another quick question or two if I may?" Screwing her courage to the sticking point, she hoped, she continued, "first what are the things walking around? And that you are trying to imitate? And second if you're bored wanna come with? I can't promise a good time or a grand adventure but don't you get bored staying here waiting to see who makes it through that freaking storm?" Now Cheetah's claws were dug firmly into her mind and she could feel, Vamp staring openmouthed from another corner of her mind. But eff it, either the Steward will come with or she will get thrown back out into the storm or there is always that possibility of that lightening bolt through the heart thing. Either way nobody ever said that she wasn't bold.Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 4:41 AM, Post Subject: Here Kitty, Kitty [O/R]
"Jasmine, age approximately twenty years of age. Vampiric heritage with additional shapeshifting abilities." Tapping the table with the quill Shiloh mulled over the information. "Shapeshifting is not uncommon among vampires, however from what you're telling me it sounds more akin to therianthropy. It's a fancy blanket term for humanoid beings that can shapeshift into into beasts. Quite unusual to have both bloodlines so strong. Then again what do I know? The world is wide, with time you see lots of strange things. Just when you think you've seen it all you meet something new." Taking the quill, she dipped in an inkwell she pulled out from beneath the table. Drawing up a brief contract, she then proceeded to leave a few blank spaces in the text.Author: WolfRaider13, Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 1:30 AM, Post Subject: Here Kitty, Kitty [O/R]
Well shite. Jasmine thought to herself. She'd been had. Making a mental note to herself to revisit that last tavern and sharpen her claws on a few of the patrons she stood and walked over to where the steward sat not feeling comfortable sitting next to the metal thing she sat on a bench close to it. Glancing at the contraption she cleared her throat again, dry in this temple. My name is Jasmine. I think I'm around 20 or so years old. And much to the annoyance of my best friend, Myst, there. Here she nodded towards her eagle companion. I am a shape shifter into a cheetah specifically. I am also a vampire. But I'm pretty sure I've figured out the vampire part. Just not where the cheetah came from. I also have a cool half shift form and not cool half shift form. And I just want to find other cheetahs like me. As far as payment goes… umm I have some jade. And a dagger and a bow. Other than that. Here she shrugged and looked at the steward/ goddess expectantly.Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 12:33 AM, Post Subject: Here Kitty, Kitty [O/R]
"Hold it right there, if you want to talk then let's start by not bowing and scraping. I am the Steward, and no one else. You're here because you want something from me, so let's discuss details." Shiloh took a seat on one of the benches and summoned a folding table she used for convenience. This was going to be quite a session looking at the attitude she was being given right out of the gate. Leaning back she crossed her arms. "So from what you're telling me, you want to find others like you? I can tell you right now I have no idea if there are others of your kind, but if you give me a little information about yourself I might be able to come up with something." Taking out a piece of clean parchment, she rolled it out on the table and set a quill beside it. The automaton attendant left with the used towels, and Shiloh briefly glanced in the direction they left.Author: WolfRaider13, Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 10:23 PM, Post Subject: Here Kitty, Kitty [O/R]
SCREECH!!!!!! Hearing Myst's startled and decidedly unhappy swearing Jasmine looked up to see a human looking thing coming towards them carrying towels. the towels were welcome but what the freaking heck was that thing it definitely didn't smell human. And Myst was not happy either so it wasn't animal. But being as it was in a goddess' temple and bringing her freaking towels she probably shouldn't attack it no matter what Cheetah was yowling for her to do in the back of her mind. Sometimes having three minds about things was hard. At least Vamp was taking a wait and see approach, then again no heat signature from it. Jasmine took the towels from the thing gingerly still keeping an eye on it. As she dried Myst off she saw a second thing approaching this one armored and metal. Wait this one was different, hello heat signature. Guess she found the goddess or the goddess found her either way. She finished drying herself hurriedly then placed the towels neatly to the side and approached the armored thing. Clearing her throat nervously she went to one knee before speaking My, Lady? clearing her throat again she tried again. I have heard you can change the fortunes of people. Change lucky people into unlucky people, change unlucky people into lucky people. I've never been one to believe in luck before but I've searched for so long and I've tried everything else. Now She looked up to meet the things eyes to show the tears shining in her eyes. Please I have been unlucky in finding where I come from. I have never even met another being close to what I am. Can you help me? Pausing she waited to see what the goddess would say if anything. In the back of her mind she felt Cheetah and Vamp holding their collective breaths, for what she couldn't say she just hoped it wasn't a bolt of lightening through her heart.Author: Shiloh Kyrie, Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 9:53 PM, Post Subject: Here Kitty, Kitty [O/R]
Shiloh was not a people person, something that many failed to notice all too often. As in, she really wouldn't mind if nobody visited her temple, ever. Naturally she situated her place in one of the most inaccessible areas possible while throwing as many irritating obstacles to discourage people from coming unless they absolutely wanted to. Also outside was a sign informing visitors that regardless of what happened, by entering they were waiving their right to sue for any damages to their body or psyche by intruding on her privacy. So as soon as somebody came in, she would know immediately. Someone had triggered the button in the entry hall, and this time she was paying attention to notice. Pushing a button on a communication device she spoke. "Could somebody run down and get them some dry towels? I'll be there shortly."Author: WolfRaider13, Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:21 PM, Post Subject: Here Kitty, Kitty [O/R]
[OOC My first try at high fantasy. I'm not really sure what I'm doing here yet but I worked out how I want my char to meet you so there's that…]We have 1763 registered users.
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