[OOC My first try at high fantasy. I'm not really sure what I'm doing here yet but I worked out how I want my char to meet you so there's that…]
She had heard from one of the many taverns in her travels there was a new goddess. A goddess that perhaps was not as worn down by time and people begging for answers to questions they didn't really didn't want answered. What the people she had talked to had failed to mention was the goddess' temple was really freaking hard to get to. The long trek to the middle of nowhere was no problem once she figured out which middle of nowhere to go to, always fun, freaking goddess and their freaking privacy. Two months on foot walking from one place to another looking for a stormy mountain to pop up, but she wasn't bitter about that, nope not at all, not her. Nope what had her and her Cheetah furious was all the RAIN. And not just any old rain but a torrential downpour. She even wished she was back on the mountain where she had slipped and almost died a couple times rather than trekking on this goddess forsaken path with its freaking rain. Raising her hand to shield her eyes she could just barely make out, Myst, circling overhead but she clearly heard the unhappy screech from her only friend. I know we're not happy about all the rain either. But if you land on any of these things I have a feeling I'd be having fried eagle for dinner tonight and while, Cheetah, would be momentarily happy in the end we'd all miss you. So quit your bitchin' and suck it up. Her irritated voice made her slight accent clearer. She finally made it to the entrance of the temple marked by a large white door, fancy, but there was no obvious way for her to enter. Taking a second to ponder how to open to door she attempted to wipe the worse of the water off her baggy brown trousers and light blue tunic then pulling her worn green cloak back up to cover her head, not that it did much, she shook it off too trying to look as presentable as possible considering. Looking to the side she finally saw the sign, oh, huh ok. Myst, come on. She waited just long enough for the big baby to land beside her and look at her then together they stepped forward and the door slid soundlessly to the sides, cool. I may like this goddess.
Stepping inside she yowled from the brightness after the gloom of the outside, freaking gods and goddesses and their shows of power do they have to blind a body right when they come in? She heard a barely perceptible click and looking behind her saw the door had closed behind her, well so much for leaving by the front door. After her sensitive eyes had adjusted to the brightness she continued forward, Myst, walking beside her. Stopping in front of a podium at the far end she saw a button just begging to be pressed but she paused as she thought about her attire again giving her cloak a final shake to get more of the water off she pressed the button and almost clawed the damned podium when it started talking. She interrupted its spiel nervously, umm, yes, hello, I was wanting to speak with the goddess? I've heard she can change the fortune of others? So umm yes I was umm wanting to yes that please? Turning from the podium she sat cross-legged to wait for however long it took for the goddess to respond to her plea for help. Myst stood guard beside her as usual resting her heard on her shoulder at the ready to protect, defend or just exist.
Life is a party. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, oftentimes you're just drunk barely holding onto your lunch.
“Vamp dialog”
“Cheetah dialog”
“Myst’s Screech’s”
“Jasmine dialog”
Mental speech.