Roleplay Forums > Temples > Antikythera: The Machinarium > Back to the Beginning [Q][R]

Character Info
Name: Amberlin
Age: 28
Alignment: TG
Race: Angel
Gender: Female
Class: Paladin
Silver: 178
[OoC- sorry i am a bit rusty. Give me a bit of time to warm up, please!]

She was too old to start over, and yet here she was, doing just that. It was particularly difficult to moving forward after everything she had been through recently. Amberlin was trying to do what was good for her family after the tragic misfortune of her eldest brother's demise. However, she was not particularly good at such things. This was the first time in her life that she dealt grief of this caliber; her family was in turmoil and she did the only thing she could think of– she left. Fleeing from Canelux was silly, obviously she did not need to go so far, but after sharing a few drinks in a few seedy taverns, she was on a mission. It had been the end of autumn, late into the night and she had already drowned her sorrows in enough ale to black out, but she remembered the conversation so very acutely. It had sobered her right up the moment the idea left the lips of a man larger than she.

Magic. It all made sense. She needed to learn magic, to protect herself, her loved ones, and her city. It was the only thing missing from her life; she was all brawn, no brains, not a lick of magic within her being. If she knew a single healing spell she could have healed anyone, especially from plague. Her mission had begun that day forth. She had dressed in robes, slacks, and a shirt and began her trip to another continent. She had to hire several guides the moment her ship docked in Parvpora. She had never been here before and she certainly did not know the landscape now that she had set out. The guides were not cheap, but this was the only divine, the newest divine that she knew of. She had to start where she could; she had to make fortune bend in her favor. Luck would know magic, right? The arcane art at the very least—was what Amberlin believed with all her soul.

As she ascended the last stretch of the mountain, two of her guides turned back. She had only paid them enough to come this far, but the last man remained. He had been here once before to pay tribute at the ascension of the fortress. With every crack of thunder, Amberlin recoiled a bit more heavily. She was not a fan of the weather that played upon this mountaintop, but it only cemented what she knew, this was a place of the arcane. Pulling her cloak around her neck a little tighter, she doubled up on pushing against the rain and turned her eyes up to the massive bastion. It was unlike any mortal thing she had ever seen, the spires climbed to the heavens as it sat serene in the stone of the mountain, surrounded by chaos.

Stumbling once, just before the path began to clear; her guide reacted quite expertly in turning in a fluid motion and holding onto her shoulder. When he was certain she would no longer slide around and had her balance about her, they pressed on once more. Stopping just before the massive entrance, Amberlin removed the hood from around her face and watched carefully as her guide placed his hand upon the door of stone and steel. She began to study the white jade door and watched as it began to move. She did not see how her guide was able to open the door, but she was certain she would have never been capable of doing so on her own. She likely would’ve pounded at the door with her fists until someone from inside the castle was capable of hearing her and opening it from the inside. Her money on the guides was already well spent.
Without hesitation, she entered the building with just enough time to notice that her guide was already turning back. She had already paid him before the journey, and he had filled his part of the obligation; how she returned would be completely up to her. Hopefully fortune would smile upon her today and magic would help on her decent back to the nearest village at the base of the mountain. For now, Amberlin moved forward, and unsheathed a sword. It was the only offering she could think to bring in returned for any service someone might provide. Making her way past the massive windows, and down a large hall, Amberlin placed the offering on the stone pedestal. The gift jostled the circular emblem enough that a voice began to green the Paladin. She listened carefully to the introduction and when offered a guided tour, Amberlin eagerly accepted. She was sure that a tour would be perfect after being out in the storm, and since they were offering, she could not think of a reason to decline.

Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
[OOC: No pressure! I'm eager to see how things will play out! :D]

People didn't usually visit the Machinarium. Even with the teleportation obelisks, the place hadn't seen a willing visitor since the first lucky person came in. Most people paid their respects mentally, by making sure they didn't cheat or swindle customers or merchants out of their dues. "Attention Lord Steward, you have a visitor in the Entry Hall awaiting an attendant." The voice of a staff member crackled through a communication device sitting propped on a stack of books. Pushing the button to return a message, Shiloh replied back: "Roger that–thanks Galatea. Send whoever's available right away." Getting up from her desk, she untied her hair and brushed off crumbs of chalk and charcoal from her lap and made herself presentable. Tapping into one of the many windows around the citadel, she saw her fresh-faced visitor. There also was something holding down the button in the Entry Hall, but it was far too small to see from this angle. Leaving the pocket of space she used as a studio, she reemerged in the Marble Corridor.

Where the armored woman was, what looked like a metal statue in the form of a bearded man approached. He gave a bow and smiled, his voice projecting from within that metal-construct of a body he had. "Welcome to Antikythera, the Machinarium. I see you've taken the path from below. Not the easiest of ways to come to the entrance, but it shows your resolve. My name is Archytas, and I will be your guide for your visit here. Where would you like to begin?" The metal man then produced a dry towel and offered it to her. Exposure to the elements often made beings of flesh and blood more prone to illness, and the Steward wanted all visitors to be well-cared for. Usually one of the newer automatons would come and assist, but Galatea was busy handling business in the workshops today. Construction was still going on in one of the spires as the staff was experimenting with the creation and development of a lift system powered by lightning channeled from the raging storms outside.

"If I may, I would like to suggest a few places of interest. The workshops are currently closed for tours, however the Chapel and recreation halls are open for viewing." Archytas continued. The interior of the fortress was a sharp contrast to the stormy turbulence outside. Here it was tranquil, calm, and quiet. It was more like a still silence, and the brightness inside was the complete opposite of the dark thunderheads and pouring rain. Shiloh herself noted that the visitor was already being attended to, and slipped back to the other wings within the Machinarium. Even if she wasn't physically present, she was able to know what was going on through the automatons throughout Antikythera. 

From what she saw and heard, a warrior had come up from Via Fulminis to the front door. Whoever she was, she had enough mettle to take the hard way in–a path which was not for the faint of heart. Typically if someone comes to pay a visit, it's usually more than a courtesy call. In time Shiloh would figure out why she was here; she wanted to see what kind of person had braved the driving rain and lightning out of the blue. With a mutter of a spell, she changed her appearance to emulate one of the hybrid units in charge of maintenance and cleaning. Even if they had come to see her, most people didn't feel comfortable knowing that they were being watched. Observation was best done as discreetly and tacitly as possible.

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

Character Info
Name: Amberlin
Age: 28
Alignment: TG
Race: Angel
Gender: Female
Class: Paladin
Silver: 178
The interior of the massive structure was indeed calm compared to some of the better places of Canelux, it put Amberlin at ease more than she expected. Usually when she was faced with people above her station, even more-so now that she was in the home of a divine , she felt a major sense of intimidation. She had never been face to face with someone so immortal and important, so she was unsure of what to expect—especially given the fact that she did nothing to learn about the God she was visiting. It would have been particularly smart to know anything about someone she was going to ask a large favor from, but she lacked the basic social skills of foresight.

As she stood near the podium waiting for the tour, Amberlin began to look at the towering stone statues holding various weapons. She had been too quick to present her offering, now that she was lingering she could see the craftsmanship in the design of the room, the serenity of the scenes in the windows. The sound of an approaching metal man made Amberlin turn to greet him in a customary fashion; he appeared friendly enough, though the Paladin knew nothing at this point, he could have been completely hostile and yet she would have been none the wiser—it was a smart position to be in. His comment about the path that brought her here made the brows on her face rise with curiosity. “I had no idea there was another path, perhaps it would be smart to take another when I take my leave.” She used a half joking tone, though she was unsure if there was another exit that would be easier without a guide later. She was willing to accept any information that would aide her. The next question stopped her short though, where would she like to begin? “My name is Amberlin…” It was an attempt to introduce herself, though she was a woman of few words.

Slowly, she reached out to take the offered cloth and began to towel herself off. Dripping all over the main entrance was hardly becoming of a first impression, but at this point Amberlin assumed they were used to such things. Eventually the construct could sense her impending hesitation and began to make suggestions about the citadel. “Oh.” She said as the ideas swam fresh within her mind, “um.” She paused, carefully taking her time to choose. “The Chapel sounds lovely as a starting point.” Her voice was firm, powerful, but calm and low in tone. It was the voice of a soldier constantly yelling commands but quiet when outside of battle. She was clearly uncertain about her journey here, though there was little to do about that now that she was standing within the divine domain.

The hairs on the back of her neck rose as they began to tour, she was unsure why, it was something that rarely happened, but knowing the magic of this area she chalked such things up to that. She had no way of knowing that she was being watched, it was not in her mortal nature to assume the worst. It was just her luck however. If she were even a little more superstitious or clever she would be able to tell, but such things were beyond her.

She followed her guide to the focal point of the fortress. The Chapel was certainly vaster than she could have ever assumed. The vaulted ceilings towered high above the both of them, imposing but artistic in architecture. Pausing just inside of the entryway, Amberlin craned her neck backwards in order to see the large stained glass windows between the stone columns. These windows did not reflect the chaotic storm raging on the other side of the walls. Amberlin continued to dry herself with the towel as they walked, she let her guide talk about the wonderful sights, and internally she was surprised. This place welcomed a stranger without hesitation, which was different than the other places she had visited. This world was not as trusting as this castle, the world was not as inviting. It made her feel uneasy to be so… invited openly. It was either luck or the calm before the storm, she was unsure of whichever the domain would produce so early on. “It is beautiful.” She muttered in awe at the sight, there was little else to say about it.

“Um.” She started a thought before it was fully formed within her mind. “Are,” She paused again in a feeble attempt to gather them. “Are you the God here?” She asked her guide, knowing that it had introduced itself, but to be honest it was possible. “I-I would not know.” She half whispered her explanation. It made sense to her anyways.

Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
Archytas was designed as a non-combat oriented unit, but he had the patience and wisdom of a mortal man his age. Seeing the woman a bit unsure and apprehensive of seeing the inside of the Machinarium was expected, as it wasn't like anywhere else in the world. The Steward herself had admitted she didn't like places that were ostentatious or overbearing, and the interior design of Antikythera reflected that sentiment. A simple and quiet place for people to rest, to have a moment's respite from the troubles and turmoil of the outside world. Beneath the bells and whistles of the grand structure, that was the core of the design of Antikythera. The warrior introduced herself and gave her name, and was surprised that there was another way to arrive before the door at the entrance.

"Not a path, but there are small obelisks bearing the symbol of the Machinarium tucked away in places all over the world. The next time you'd like to pay us a visit, you can simply place your hand on the emblem engraved on those monuments and you will be brought before the main entrance outside."
Archytas explained. He chuckled, "Well now that you've taken the long way here, you won't need to worry about not having experienced all that Antikythera has to offer." Amberlin pondered over the choices she had, and after much thought she decided on visiting the Chapel first. "Ah yes, the Chapel. A prudent choice! I believe it will become one of the more popular sights to see within the Machinarium in the near future."

Shiloh left Amberlin with Archytas as she shifted her point of view to the Chapel to wait for the two. The woman seemed quiet, or maybe that was just because she was inside a deity's domain. Personally she felt Amberlin was overthinking things, but then again she never fully saw herself as a divine being. Being a deity didn't feel much different from anyone else. While Archytas gave her the grand tour, the woman hesitantly asked him: "Are you the God here? I-I would not know." The question came as a surprise, and Archytas blinked while raising his eyebrows. "Hm? Oh, I'm afraid you are mistaken. I am simply one of the attendants who resides in these halls, though I understand your confusion. Would you like to meet the Steward? I am sure your presence has been announced to the Steward upon your arrival. Do you have something you would like to ask about? If you don't mind telling me, that is. Otherwise, I won't pry."

By now, Shiloh had infiltrated the Chapel and was posing as one of the automatons who attended to those who came here to pray. If this woman was already painting her as some omnipresent, omniscient being, then she probably would be better off not knowing she was being observed by said deity since she had set foot in the Entry Hall. What did people think somebody like her could offer them? She couldn't understand the whole thing. This was partially why Antikythera was the way it appeared. Antikythera was made for the people, not for herself. When the time came to reveal herself, she wondered how Amberlin would react. Being a deity really was a hassle in a way. People didn't see you as a person, but some great and exalted thing they put on a pedestal.

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

Character Info
Name: Amberlin
Age: 28
Alignment: TG
Race: Angel
Gender: Female
Class: Paladin
Silver: 178
She obviously felt dumb after the easy description of a path to get to temple using magic, why had she not thought of such things? It was so obvious after the construct mentioned it—why wouldn’t the divine want tributes and visitors, but Amberlin had blindly followed a guide that did not know much about Antikythera. She did not know what to expect, she had gone in blind and now she was feeling the error of such things. Heat rose in her cheeks as she blushed given the new information, and yet here she was, still toweling herself off.

She nodded slowly at the idea that the Chapel had been a good choice; she had just picked it randomly thinking it the wiser of the two choices. Amberlin did often over think things when it came to topics she knew nothing about. She had her own preconceived notions, and the only way to dispel such things was to learn from it, which was precisely what she was doing. Her question was met with surprise, she was not sure what to expect when she did meet a divine—if she met them at all. Perhaps they were too busy; she had no idea what a God did in their day to day life. Perhaps it was boring, perhaps it was busy, and she had no way of telling. Maybe this God greeted guests, maybe they came for the offering but got side tracked… this person did not look like any creature or person she had ever met.

An attendant made sense though, more sense than the god itself coming forth to greet commoners. She nodded slowly in understanding, her blush creeping back into her face. “Oh no. I mean, maybe later. I don’t want to bother them…” She paused, considering her next words, “I need magic. That is to say, I do not know how to use magic and would like to. So going to a place of magic makes sense to me. I think.” Her words were riddled with uncertainty and long pauses as she considered what to say. She was hardly the type to ask for anything, she had been raised with the understanding that maidens were seen and not heard, and making requests was vastly unladylike and made someone seem greedy. But her intentions in this request were pure and selfless, so she felt comfortably inclined to answer the question of her motives.

Amberlin was the type to exalt the divine as well, so if Shiloh was annoyed already, she would be more so when the time came for them to actually meet. Looking around the room, she drew in a long breath before asking more questions about the area. “Does the chapel get a lot of visitors often?” It did not appear that way today, but she was not certain if things changed with festivals or when the people were suffering from bad crops. She imagined that offerings from coastal people and farmers in drought would happen closer to the harvest or monsoon seasons. Right now neither of those seasons was happening, which probably meant a drop in numbers. Plus considering luck was important to certain gambling residents or those needing better fortune for their families, she imagined this was just a fluke in timing. “is this place always so…” she paused, bracing herself and hoping to find a better word, “quiet?” She wondered how often the Steward had prayers; why else would they need a chapel?

Shiloh Kyrie

Character Info
Name: Shiloh Kyrie
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Deity (Fae-touched Human)
Gender: Female
Class: Rogue
Silver: 3221
Archytas chuckled as Amberlin worried over being a bother. "Oh you're not being a bother at all! In fact, your visit is a nice change pace for the Machinarium. Rarely ever do we find a better reason to make the Steward focus on something other than machines and calculations. She certainly made it a challenge to come here, didn't she?" As Shiloh listened, she frowned as the visitor voiced her intentions for coming here. "I need magic. That is to say, I do not know how to use magic and would like to. So going to a place of magic makes sense to me. I think." Somewhere a little voice in her head was telling Shiloh 'I told you so' with the face of a particular white fox. So this was probably what she meant when she mentioned 'therapy sessions'. If people were coming to ask her for help, then this wasn't any different than back when she ran errands to save up for her airship. In other words, a lot of long-winded 'small favors'.

Of all the places the warrior could have visited, this probably was the least suitable place for seeking magic. However, she was determined to at least try to help with this woman's problem and it wasn't that she couldn't make her request a reality. Sending a mental message to one of the automatons that weren't busy at the moment, she asked them to pick up the offering from the Entry Hall so it wouldn't continue triggering the button. At this point there was no reason to keep skulking about, so she waited for the right opportunity to step in. So far Archytas had things under control, and she didn't want to drag this out longer than needed. That would just be rude.

When Amberlin asked if the Chapel was always so quiet, her guide nodded. "Yes, this is how it normally is more or less. It's to be a peaceful place, where people can gather their thoughts and occasionally make a confession. Even the Steward comes here." He motioned to the confession booth. Still in disguise, Shiloh then walked forward towards them. She sent a mental message to Archytas, and to her he gave a polite bow. Through her automaton facade, the deity's voice projected in a mechanically distorted tone. "I heard you wanted to see me? Congratulations, you're the second lucky visitor to come all the way out here." Taking a seat on one of the Chapel's stone benches, she crossed her legs and leaned back against the wall. "About your request… I'm not saying I'm not going to help you, but you understand how these sort of things usually work right? So, why do you want to learn magic?"

From her appearance to her speech, to her attitude–Shiloh was not at all like the general preconceived notion of a deity. Informal, casual, and businesslike all at the same time while not mincing words. The atmosphere around her was of one who was ready to make a deal and was waiting to see what the other party had to offer. This was Luck; plain and simple like the entire citadel around them.

"When all else fails, move on to plan B. And when that plan fails, move on to the next plan."

Looking for alchemy or synth items? I might have what you need: Synth and Alchemy Surplus
Extra event synths here: Event Synth Clearance Sale

Shiloh is the Ruler of Onslaught and the Thundering Tempest, or the Overseer of Luck and Misfortune

Her God Powers are:
I. She can utilize spatial distortion to redirect attacks aimed at her to target something else.
II. She can create a paralyzing stasis field with a diameter of 30 ft on a person or a fixed point within her line of sight.
III. She is able to reverse the polarity of one's misfortune into fortune, or vice versa.

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