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Author: Goggle, Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2023 3:06 PM, Post Subject: Crew for Hire

Hello one and all!

Have you been looking for a crew? What kind of crew, you may ask, but all you need to know is this is the crew for you. They can do a little of everything, and are willing, no, desperate, to be the ones to help you! Need some good transported? They can do it! Need them transported discreetly? Even better! Need goods being transported discreetly by someone else to be liberated? They can do it! The world is your oyster with these fine people at your back!

Here is a taste of what will be available to you, if you make the right choice and hire this crew!

The finest airship captain in all the world, complete with his very own sailing vessel for transportation and travel, and his flame spirit familiar.
A very fine butler to care to all your needs.
A dwarven lawyer of the finest caliber!
A stone construct with water and air magic, and her cat!
A fire mage and general of great renown, and also one of the finest chefs in the world.
The greatest kobold fighter of his generation!
A dryad whose skill with a bow knows no equal.
A human surgeon with knowledge of many races.
A fine priestess of the somewhat darker gods and her ghostly elephant companion.
A full compliment of twenty other crewmembers.
A carriage! An honest to goodness horse drawn carriage!

A steal at any price! Contact the captain, Ed Ward today to arrange your contract!

We cannot be held responsible for any loss of life or personal items.

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