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Author: drbuck, Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 9:29 PM, Post Subject: Been A While

I like the way you think. I'll send you a message!

Author: Cao Lixue, Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 4:02 PM, Post Subject: Been A While

I'll throw my hat in as well as both our character are undead who fight against there nature. It would be a good way for both of them to grow.

Author: Lirin, Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 10:46 PM, Post Subject: Been A While

I ALWAYS want to write with you!

Message me on Discord but here's a run down:
You know Lirin and her current situation. Her twin sister Celeste.
Akira, a little kitsune
Cecil the artist
Melissa, a disabled tiger female from Onnen
Mirannda the phoenix assassin/mercenary
Kieran the noble dragon
Elwin, Kieran's evil twin
Taryn, Elwin's wife who's recently dumped her husband
Ezra the half vampire who's recently allowed permission to leave her master's side
Luna the pixie (rather playful)
You know Raziel, she has a TON to catch up on with Fen
Sanyi, Raz's wyvern familiar/bodyguard/friend
and Miyuki the pregnant retired psionic assassin.

Author: drbuck, Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 10:32 PM, Post Subject: Been A While

As the title says its been some time since I've been an active poster on this website and I'd honestly like to rectify that. I really like this character and miss writing for him, so hopefully you'll help me return to doing so! As a very brief rundown of this character, he's a young, relatively recently turned vampire who's very prone to asking a lot of questions. He's kind of on a quest to locate his still missing parents, as well as coming to terms with his abilities as a vampire. Of course there's even more detail on him in my bio, and if *thats* not enough there's a link to a write up that I did on the character with even more details.

As for me, as a warning my posts tend to be fairly long, tho I don't really require any rp partner's posts to be as long (plus since Ive been gone so long I might not be able to manage my usual right away lol).

But I guess that's it. If anyone is interested feel free to reply/message me here, or contact me on discord!

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