Archive Home > Archives > 2016 Archives > The Story Book > The Tale of the Savior and Victim > Luck Is Such A Fickle Thing [P]

Character Info
Name: Jake Arellano
Age: 22
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Bard
Silver: 1156
Confusion, that was probably the closest word to describe what Jake felt. Though it probably didn't do justice to just how confused Jake was. He had been following the sound of what appeared to be someone telling a story. Though it appears that he had ended up on an airship. An airship that was in the middle of a battle, this wasn't looking good. Some man shouted at Jake to get on the guns, which he did for some reason. It can't be said Jake was a natural born powder monkey, especially given the fact that it was pitch black out. Boom! A large explosion erupted from the back of the ship, this didn't bode well. Jake had been relegated to retrieving ammunition's for all of the actual combatants.

As the night wore on the ship took more and more hits, this was not sustainable. Meanwhile Jake was continuing to hear this strange story in the back of his head. Then the penny dropped, he was in the story! After the initial shock subsided more arrived in the realization that this airship was going to explode. Not one to play the coward Jake began desperately trying to keep the ship afloat, putting out fires, carrying ammunition, trying to move the wounded. Though this eventually led to one shot nearly hitting Jake; of course the explosion actually hit him knocking him off the airship and nearly killing him. Jake managed to regain consciousness for a short while after washing up on the shore of a deserted island. Crawling over to a nearby tree leaving a large trail of blood behind him. The bard finally lay under the tree with the words of the story dancing in his head. One question rang through his head before he passed out. Was he going to die inside of a storybook?

Always have a song in your heart and a drink in your stomach.

Jake can only cast magic through playing music.

For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.

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