Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: drbuck, Posted: Wed Apr 8, 2020 11:40 PM, Post Subject: Improvement [p][r?]

"I still have plenty of energy left" Fenriz protested, his statement immediately betrayed by another yawn. Even if his body was ready to go to bed, his mind was not quite prepared to do the same. As she sat down next to him, the events of the night that had led to this point began to replay themselves in his head. Though there were certain parts that he didn't particularly care for, he was generally pleased with how the night had gone. He was also reminded that he had never gotten his revenge for Lixue's prank. Far too tired to complete such a quest now, he silently vowed that this war was not yet over.

"No you can say" he said hastily. Though his words suggested he was giving her permission to stick around, his tone implied that it was more of a request for her continued company. Taking the blanket he had been offered, he wrapped it around his shoulders. Though his cloak often was a serviceable cover, it was nothing compared to the warmth of the blanket.

"Do you think that giant snails are real? I've never seen one. I've seen a regular snail though. They're kind of gross. Would they move faster than a regular one? I bet if giant ones do exist you've probably seen one" As his already barely functioning filter began to fail, the many random thoughts that filled the young vampire's head were almost instantly turned to words. "Its a good thing you aren't one, though. Then you'd be even grosser than the regular one"

The mental image of his friend as a giant snail would have been amusing for the young vampire at any hour. But in this increasingly delirious state he found himself in as he pushed well passed his normal bedtime, it seemed to be the most hilarious thing he could picture. Though he weakly attempted to stop himself, his muffled snickering very quickly gave way to a full on laughing fit.

"You'd have these long eyeball things on your head and everything" he sputtered out through unbridled laughter. After this realization, he allowed himself a few more chuckles before his self-amusement came to a controllable level, allowing him to speak normally, or at least as close to normal that he was capable of, though his thoughts still hadn't drifted away from molluscs "Snails have really cool shells, though! I bet if you were a snail you'd have the most amazing looking shell! Better than all the other snails combined"

Putting one final thought a subject he had put far too many into already, he placed a small hand on his chin "Though, now that I think about it, snails tend to live in forests, right? I've hung out in a lot of forests, so I guess if a giant one did exist, I probably would have seen it too. Maybe they live in that forest Miss Ciara was from, though she never really mention giant snails…"

Having spent what little energy he did still possess, he rested his head on the lap he had been offered earlier.. Though he was thankfully not in a position to be affected by it, he flinched at the sight of sunlight creeping through a small hole in the wall. Even though he had taken note of it when he chose this particular room, he had also intended to be asleep before daylight had broken. No longer having the drive to lift his head, much less actually seek out a different room, Fenriz chose to place his faith in the undead should any unexpected structural changes arise.

"I've seen a lot of stuff too, you know. Probably even some stuff you've never seen before. I've met a lot of fun people too. Even ones I didn't tell you about earlier, like Miss Ciara. She was funny. I can tell you about them sometime if you want." Again, it was likely that this was less of a request and more of a warning. "When I see sis again, I want to tell her about the stuff I told you. I'm not sure how, but I think you're right. She would want to know"

With one final yawn, his eyelids forced themselves shut as he whispered out the last words he would utter before waking up again "Maybe I'll get the chance to introduce her to my friend Lixue, too"

Author: Cao Lixue, Posted: Tue Apr 7, 2020 3:54 PM, Post Subject: Improvement [p][r?]

Again the Vampire had embraced her without warning. However, unlike last time, she was not going to allow this opportunity to pass. Wrapping her own arms around Fenriz as the shadow birds took off in separate directions. Even without his response, it was clear to see by his constructs action that her offer greatly pleased the Young Boy.

Continuing the embrace she felt slight wetness and vibrations as if the Young Boy was crying. Unsure what to do next as she had never had to play the role of the older sibling, but she felt as if simply being there for Fenriz was all she had to do until he was done. Time seemed to be the answer as the stifled sobbing and tears halted against the Priestess' chest. Meeting his gaze with her own, Lixue dried off the remaining tears as she softly smiled back at Fenriz. Remaining silent as no words were necessary as she understood his fears and loneliness. Though even if it was just for a small moment in their unaging lives, the two Undead could shrug off their burdens and loneliness as they had each other.

While Lixue was perfectly fine with enjoying Fenriz's company in silence, it seemed as if Fenriz was ready to move on. Removing her arms to have one of her hands quickly claimed by the Vampire as his question seemed more like a command as he guided the Priestess towards his shadow family. Seating herself next to Fenriz as he hovered his hand over top of two of the shadows. Looking at both shadows she could see that one was more feminine than the other as Fenriz explained that they were his parents. Trying to find anything sort of detail to see if she knew of his clan, but Fenriz's comment on how she reminded him of his father broke her thought process. At first, the Priestess did not appreciate the comparison to a masculine figure when a feminine one was available. However, she was reminded of the Vampire's words when she told him to stay out of danger just like his father had done. Understanding what he had meant she noticed that Fenriz had stopped with the explanation as he looked to her. "Do not worry I understand what you meant. I never was the most ladylike of my sisters, even when I try to be like my sister my forward and blunt nature still seeps through". Ending her words with a breathy chuckle as she was well aware that she lacked feminity when compared to her sisters.

With the confirmation that Lixue was indeed listening, Fenriz continued on bringing attention to the shadow with wings that she knew as Raziel. While she knew that Fenriz and Raziel were not truly siblings she understood that both of them shared a strong bond similar to the one that she shares with Fenriz. "Yes, I remember the one you want me to be more like as she is surrounded by others. Though I don't think I'm as lonely as you may think as I have wonderful company presently".

Next was someone the Undead was not aware of. Introducing the figure as Sanyi, Lixue's interest was piqued by the mention of the Woman's draconic heritage. Disappointed slightly that Fenriz could not confirm if Sanyi was truly a dragon, but his question and wishes to be able to polymorph switched her focus as she coyly smiled at the Vampire. "I've met many creatures that can change their form, particularly vampires. Becoming a bird should not be too challenging for you as you become a more experienced vampire". Thinking about the future worried the Undead, as while Fenriz did not wish to harm others, no one can know what the future may bring for Fenriz when he begins to grow into his powers.

Casting her doubt aside as they both shared a promise, doubting her friend and comrade would do nothing to help them achieve their wish. Focusing back onto the last figure as something seemed to give Fenriz pause. Looking to the flustered Vampire as he avoided eye contact as he mentioned that the figure was in fact herself. Looking at the figure as she was surprised that in such a short time she had entered into such a personal circle. "I think this Lixue would prefer her friends to remove the honorifics and simply call her by her name. I also think that she did do something wrong, but is trying her best to see the who instead of the what. I don't think she'll ever stop worrying as she is concerned about you as you have been given a near impossible task before you have even truly lived". Referring to herself in the third person as she exchanges her feelings in an attempt to not embarrass Fenriz further. Looking to the Vampire as he stood up and spun around to grin at her even though he still seemed flustered by their exchange, but his next words would turn the tables on the Undead.

As he mentioned how for the moment they were family the Priestess paused as her eyes widened for a moment as she felt as if her heart had begun to beat once again. Staring at Fenriz in silence before looking away as she wrung her hands together. "Yes, I suppose we are for the day". She had forgotten what it felt like to be around family and those she truly cared for and while she was overjoyed by Fenriz's words the pain of knowing that her family was gone was still fresh in her mind.

Her attention snapped back to Fenriz as he asked her what she thought. Confused about the question, but his gesture towards his shadow figure of her and continuation helped flesh out his question. "Considering it's your first attempt and the first encounter with Karithian culture I'd say this is well above expectations as my first attempts with new magic usually end in failure".

Placing her attention toward her shadow self the beginning of a yawn could be heard before it was muffled by the owner. Looking to the Tired Fenriz with a light smile, "It looks like you've finally run out of energy". Taking note of the figure being dismissed one by one until it was only herself and Fenriz now settling down in a nearby corner. As he fought against his fatigue he would ask and mention odd things about her when she was meditating while apologizing for disturbing her. " As I said before I am more than happy to ease your curiosity, and do not worry I have plenty of magic available if the need arises".

Seating herself in the corner with Fenriz. " A snail you say, though if I was responding it was most likely subconsciously as I am not aware of the questions you had asked at that time. Though questions can wait as sleep is important. While I may not be a giant snail I am more than likely more comfortable than the floor". Patting her legs as she offered to be a makeshift pillow for Fenriz as her sister had done for her. Raising one hand a blanket would suddenly appear, "If you prefer to sleep alone I can leave the blanket with you as I was never able to fall asleep without a blanket".

Author: drbuck, Posted: Mon Apr 6, 2020 11:39 PM, Post Subject: Improvement [p][r?]

While he continued to manipulate the shadows, Fenriz could hear the footsteps of his elder companion, even through his own childish laughter. Though he possessed the enhanced senses that most of his kind did, his youth did not always allow him the keen instincts and awareness to put them to practical use. Writing off the footsteps as Lixue going off to find her own place to rest for the time, he continued his macabre marionette show, unaware that he had acquired an audience in that time, aside from the one he had conjured himself. By now he was surrounded by birds of shade that he would send flying to and fro with a swish of the hand, showing off his talents to the "friends" he had called up before him, smiling brightly all the while.

"See mom, I learned this all by myself" he boasted "It’s still hard to control sometimes. But there’s so many fun things I can do with my magic! Miss Lixue says that if I keep practicing I can get better, too. It… sounds boring to do the same stuff over and over again, but I think she might be right. I don’t think I’ve managed to bring this many birds to life before”

Only moments after Fenriz addressed the advice he had been given, did the one who imparted that advice reveal herself, commenting on his inability to fall asleep. With a startled yelp he leapt to his feet, pivoting to greet his friend with wide red eyes and similarly red face. “M-Miss Lixue I didn’t know you were still up. I couldn’t fall asleep, so I decided to practice more. I didn’t keep you up did I?”

Reminding himself of his own accomplishments, he surveyed the room, only just now managing to take in just how many birds he had created. Still adorned with some of his own creations himself, he spread his arms wide, allowing even more of the birds a place to perch upon him. Pink cheeks gave way to a prideful grin as he said “But look how many birds I made! It’s way more than I’ve ever made before! Isn’t it incredible?”

For a moment he felt further awkwardness when Lixue pointed out the caricatures of friends and family, having never intended anyone else to lay eyes on them. Especially not by one of those that had been represented by the figures themselves. But a part of him was proud of what he had accomplished, and her asking about it presented an opportunity to both speak more about his family and his abilities, perhaps his two favorite topics of discussion. An opportunity that he would not get to immediately take, as she made an offer of her own

Though unexpected, Lixue coming to check in on him had already made the vampire feel a bit better about the way the night had ended. While it pained him slightly that Raziel wasn’t around, that feeling was quickly swallowed by the joy of Lixue offering to serve as a temporary surrogate. Like he had when she presented him with the talisman, Fenriz walked up and wrapped his arms around the unsuspecting undead, sending the birds he was wearing scattering in various directions.

As if he was still holding back tears from earlier, he allowed himself a moment to sob quietly, and in turn provided himself a chance to release at least some of the weight he had been carrying from before. Though he dearly missed his actual sister, he couldn’t ask for a better stand in than someone who could better relate to his own troubles. Once he felt like he had gotten most of the tears out of his system he looked up at the unwilling recipients of his hug with a smile.

“Oh you asked about the shadow people I made. Most of them are my family like you said. Do you wanna see them?” Like he often did, he phrased this request in a way that implied an option, when in reality he had already decided this was what he wanted to do. Placing one of his hands in hers, he gently tugged at it in an attempt to lead her in for a closer look.

“These two are mom and dad” resting on his knees as he spoke, he hovered a hand over each one to indicate which one he was referring to “You remind me of dad, a bit”

With no intention of explaining what he meant by that, he paused just long enough to glance back, assessing whether he still had Lixue’s attention “This one is Raziel. My sister, remember? She has these really pretty wings. I can’t really make them as pretty with my powers but I tried my best. The one next to her is Miss Sanyi. She’s Raziel’s sister, and I guess that means she’s mine too”

While he enjoyed Sanyi’s company, when compared to the familiarity he shared with Raziel they were practically strangers. Still, he had promised to be as great a brother to her as he could, and it was clear she meant a lot to him as well.

“Remember when I told you Raziel got a bunch of people to help her in her quest? Well Miss Sanyi was one of them. And she’s a dragon! Or at least she can turn into one. Have you ever met someone who could change into something else like that? I bet it’s really helpful sometimes. If I could change into stuff I’d want it to be a bird though.”

After making his affinity for winged creatures even more apparent, he moved on to the final model, pausing for a moment as he realized who this one was supposed to portray. The boy blushed slightly, but continued to smile.

“This last one is my friend Miss Lixue” he avoided eye contact with the real priestess, instead keeping his focus on her shadow doppelganger “When we first met it was kind of rough. But since then she’s done her best to make it up to me, even though I still think she didn’t do anything wrong. Even though I haven’t known her for very long, I feel like I’ve learned a lot from her. She even gave me this really cool talisman in case I ever get in trouble. If I see her again I’d tell her I’m sorry for misusing it, and for worrying her. I’d also want to tell her thank you for her help, and I liked traveling with her”

He lifted himself back to his feet, spinning around to face her with a beaming, yet still pink face “I guess I was wrong. They’re all my family. At least for today”

Based on the fondness Lixue seemed to hold for her permanent siblings, Fenriz knew he had little hope of measuring up in comparison. But he sincerely hoped that he was capable of serving as an acceptable temporary brother. It was the least he could do to show his gratitude for all she had done for him.

“What do you think, by the way?” he asked, gesturing once more to the shadow puppets he had just shown off “This is the first time I tried something like this. Yours didn’t turn out exactly the way I wanted. I didn’t know how to make your dress… thing”

The moment he finished his apology, a wide yawn forced its way out of his body, causing him to quickly cover his mouth. By now most of the dark thoughts that had kept him awake had faded into his subconscious, and the early morning hours were visibly starting to catch up to the young vampire. One by one he dismissed the shadows he had conjured, before settling down in the corner he had tried falling asleep in previously. Somewhere in that same subconscious swam a bunch of questions about both of their natures, a conversation Lixue had stated she was open to having, but for now as he tried to stave off sleep for a scant few more moments, he chose to focus on more pleasant topics

“By the way, did you get enough energy earlier? I’m sorry if my questions got in the way” Though there were hints of Fenriz’s usually hyperactive demeanor, his slowed speech and heavy eyelids told the entire story “Did you know you talk kind of weird when you do that? It sounds like if a snail could talk”

Author: Cao Lixue, Posted: Fri Apr 3, 2020 2:39 AM, Post Subject: Improvement [p][r?]

Fenriz's words confused the Undead as she remembered that she did not explain fully what her meditation was for. "Sorry I should have it explained it further, forgive me as this is the first time I've ever explained it. Like how you need blood to survive I need energy such as magic or the soul if you follow certain beliefs". Giving Fenriz a small smile as she waved him over to show that it was safe for the moment as he looked concerned about getting caught in her uncheck draining aura. Feeling as if she was not going to be able to meditate with Fenriz around she patted the ground next to her as no doubt the Vampire had more questions. However, instead of a question, she got an apology referring to his previous questions. Given how most of her answers had played out and the Boy's darken expression it was time for her to be the beacon of positivity. Standing up and walking over to the downcasted Fenriz she would place her hand on top of his head while softly stroking his ivory hair. "I can't forgive you as you have done nothing wrong". Her smile turned into a smirk for a moment as she had used the very same words that frustrated her so against him. "You had no ill intent behind your questioning and it is not as if I do not have many fond memories with my brother and sisters".

Taking her hand off his head and kneeling to Fenriz's eye level as he thanked her for listening. " Curiosity can be dangerous if left unchecked. I am fine with alleviating your curiosity if the knowledge can help direct you away from future danger". Mentioning how their conversations have not been shared with his angelic sibling. The Undead could not help but laugh as he pleaded with her to not share their conversations if they ever meet. Covering her mouth as she looked gleefully at the Young Vampire before her. Removing her hand from her mouth as she nodded to him. "I promise to not tell her, but I'm sure she would want to know of her brother's fears and concerns. No doubt she will be upset that you withheld such information from her, but in the meantime, I'll be more than happy to continue our conversations. As just like yourself you are the only one I've spoken freely about my Undeath and hunger". Smiling at Fenriz she completely understood why he wanted to keep such information private, as even if he told his Sister about his fears it would be doubtful that she would truly understand.

She must have lost track of time as light peered through the openings of the building. Watching Fenriz as he distanced himself from her to the darkness of a nearby hallway hit the Undead with a pang of sadness as she wished to spend more time with Fenriz to not end their conversation on a negative note. As he bid her goodnight his secondary comment of not worrying about him only caused her to worry. While she did check the building she was not entirely sure if anything had entered while she was meditating. Shifting from left to right as Fenriz had left her sight. Holding her ground and not giving in to her own paranoia as it had led her to overact around him before. I should recover my strength now that I have the time to do so. Closing her eyes the Priestess would attempt to meditate but every time she tried to clear her mind, her mind wandered to what Fenriz may be doing. Maybe I should check up on him just this once to see if everything is okay.

Placing her meditation on hold Lixue followed the hallway that Fenriz had taken. Silencing her steps as she drew closer her ears would catch the sounds of giggling as like any child falling asleep was not something instantly available to them. Not wishing to disturb his activities she did her best to remain hidden as she peeked over the door frame to see the Vampire practicing his magic on a smaller scale as she had suggested to him. Seeing him listening to her words sent joy throughout her body as while he did not wish for her to assist him personally with his magic she was glad that he took the small amount of advice she had offered. As more shadow born birds circled the room Lixue ducked back over the doorframe as one circled around the room. Keeping to the wall as she did not want to be caught the Undead would wait until the excitement died down before testing her luck.

Remaining motionless as one mistake could give away her position as while he was a child his vampiric nature granted him abilities far above even a fully grown man. As the laughing and wispy flapping of the shadows quieted she once again peered over to the doorway to see a surprising sight. Looking to Fenriz as he smiled at a group of shadow figures with humanoid appearances. Looking at the one with wings made her think of his angelic sister Raziel. The others were harder to discern, but it would be safe to say that the two closets together would be his parents. However, there was one she did not recognize and another that vaguely reminded her of herself. Returning back to the wall and resting on it as she was unsure what to do. While the Vampire always seemed happy, this was a clear sign of loneliness. When I felt down or lonely I always went to my sister, but his sister is not here. Although the thought of acting as a surrogate sister for the moment was strange to her and even though they did not share a familial bond, both of them shared a dream of overcoming what they are.

Working up the courage to continue on with the awkward offer she stood in front of the doorway and looked to Fenriz as she cleared her throat. Looking away as she lacked the experience as a senior the Undead thought back to what her sister would say to her. "…. I see you are having trouble sleeping". Looking at the figures, "Is that your family"? Stopping midway as her inability to get to the point eloquently was staggering. Huling how were you able to do this!? Keeping her eye contact away from Fenriz, " When I felt lonely or worried I'd always sleep together with my sister when possible. I know your sister is not around, but since she cannot carry out her siblingly duties I can stand in as a substitute… if you wish of course".

Author: drbuck, Posted: Wed Apr 1, 2020 8:08 PM, Post Subject: Improvement [p][r?]

Fenriz was surprised that Lixue had answered every question he had put forth, though some of the answers made him wish she hadn't. Lixue was always so composed and put together, and a part of him was convinced that she would have some wise words to at least slightly put his concerns to rest. Finding out that not only did not, but the degree to which she attempted to combat them instilled a brand new sense of dread in his heart. The mental image of the undead going through such an ordeal should the gaes activate was proving equally as traumatic as picturing the family that had been butchered by his own hand. The more time they spent together, the greater the burdens Lixue took on seemed to become, and with them grew the concern he felt for his fellow undead. Still, if he had to choose someone to share a similar predicament with, knowing that it was someone as poised as her at least offered him some measure of comfort.

"Miss Lixue, are you okay? You were like that for a long time…" Figuring it was now safe to do so, he pulled himself to his feet and cautiously yet steadily made his way over to where she had placed herself, though he kept a few feet in between them just in case. In an average scenario, Fenriz would no doubt have many questions about the meditative process Lixue had just put herself through. Yet for once he found himself too nervous to ask, fearful of the information he might obtain as a result. "I'm really sorry about your parents. I really shouldn't have asked…"

Having grown so accustomed to others either withholding information or offering half-answers to protect his younger sensibilities, Fenriz usually appreciated Lixue's more direct method of answering his questions. As such, he wasn't surprised when she replied to his inquiries to her past the way she did. Given his already darkened mood however, he was hopeful this would yield even a slightly more positive response Even if the intricacies of being forced to marry for power were lost on him, he wasn't certain he wanted further elaboration. 

"Thank you for listening to all of that, by the way. I'm not really sure where it all came from. I got kind of carried away, huh? I feel better now though” He did his best to put on an authentic smile, though how convincing it was he couldn't say. It mattered little, as the faux smile faded as quickly as he had donned it.

"I haven't even told sis that most of that stuff." Picturing the angel's likely worried reaction to the information he had just given Lixue caused him to grimace. Even if there were few secrets between the two, this wasn't a worry he was willing to put her through. "If you ever do meet her, please don't tell her about this, okay?"

The pleading look upon his face suggested that it was imperative that this remain a secret between the two of them. Of all the promises they had made, perhaps none were more important to the young vampire than this one. Whether or not it was necessary, only time would tell. But Fenriz seemed hopeful that the scant few people he held to importance in his life would cross paths at some point.

Glancing out of what was either once a window, or a hole in the building caused by the ravages of time, the boy flinched as he noted the coloration of the skyline outside. Upon turning around, he noticed a lengthy hallway. He took a few steps toward it, pausing briefly to address Lixue once more. "It's getting pretty late, for me at least. I'm gonna go see if I can find a room without a window since… well you know. Don't worry about me though. Goodnight Miss Lixue!"

With a small wave and a slightly more genuine smile, he turned to traverse the hallway, checking each room along the way for one that was intact enough to shelter him from the sun. Eventually he happened upon one that, while not perfect, would suffice so long as he avoided a smaller portion of the room. He glanced back one last time toward the main room. A part of him wondered whether she'd still be around when he awoke. She had more than filled her obligations to him by this point. Given how busy her life seemed to be, combined with the preceding events he would have to be understanding if she wasn't. Still, a selfish part of him felt anxious at the thought. With a sigh, he passed through what remained of the doorway of the room he had chosen, a room that was still partially illuminated by the orb of light Lixue had summoned.

Setting his cloak aside, he settled into a corner of the room with intent to fall asleep. It didn't take long to realize that this wasn't likely to happen. Though his body was certainly still fatigued, his mind was far too active to settle down for the morning. With another heavy sigh he took to his seated position, leaned up against the wall.

"I wonder what mom and dad would say…" he mumbled quietly to himself "I should probably apologize to Miss Lixue for dumping all of that on her. That's probably what dad would tell me to do. At least I think so. It's been so long now…"

Knowing that lingering on his parents would do little to improve his mood, he tried to change gears, though his next train of thought certainly wasn't much better. "Dad's probably right anyway. Miss Lixue has way too much going on to worry about my dumb problems"

Feeling the negative emotions encroaching upon him once more, he shook his head. Figuring it was going to be a while before he could get to sleep, it might be a bit better to use this time for something more productive. He stood up, only to take a seat in the middle of the room, he pointed a hand toward the nearest shadow source, molding them into a bird that rested upon his head. Remembering Lixue's words about starting small, he repeated the same trick he had performed for her when she met. But he would repeat the process, summoning more and more birds from wherever he could find shadows to make them. Before long, there were several shadowy birds scattered across the room, including the one on his head and two now perched on his shoulders. The boy couldn't help but giggle at his own creations, his laughter growing louder with each new creation.

Though he had, by now, summoned more birds than he had ever intentionally done before, his brain had come up with one more idea. Drawing from one last source, he molded this one into five, small humanoid beings, one being adorned with shadowy wings, and another, despite the lack of detail was very clearly dressed in a vastly different fashion than the rest. Even without facial features, it didn't take much imagination to realize who they were supposed to represent, this being likely the closest he was going to come to having his sisters, Lixue, and his parents in the same vicinity. Still, even if it wasn't exactly the real deal, the thought alone was enough to bring a bright smile to his young face.

Author: Cao Lixue, Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 4:46 PM, Post Subject: Improvement [p][r?]

Fenriz seemed to be more inclined to learn the hard way as Lixue could feel part of the energy she took in was the Vampire's own. Though the physical repercussions quickly gave the Boy a reason to heed Lixue's words. As Fenriz stepped a safe distance away the Undead could fully focus on gathering energy. Falling deeper into her mind as the Priestess felt completely at ease as her mind drifted into a blank world ready to be painted with anything she desired be it memories or methods to improve her magic or thought process.

Seated in the middle of nothingness as magic gathered around her an echo from the world outside bounced around the blank world as a basic outline of Fenriz appeared before her asking questions as per the norm. "Yes though it was away from anything that may have been harmed as just like yourself I do not recall or know what happens while lost to the hunger". While in her mind LIxue's speech and movements were normal but that was not the case for reality as her words were painfully slow.

Even though her mind was elsewhere she could sense Fenriz's apprehension as the thought of losing your mind and who you were without being able to do anything about it would unnerve Lixue as well. It is why she goes to such great lengths without caring about the pain or damage she does to herself to make sure she never loses control or at the very least if she does mitigate the damage.

Listening to Fenriz's words and fears caused the Undead's concentration to waver slightly as part of her wanted to console the young Vampire as she understood his fears first hand. However, she needed to focus on regaining her energy as all the consolation and words in the world would not be able to save them if her own fears about the island came to pass. " Not exactly instead of fatigue, it is a gnawing hunger that builds and builds. It is a constant reminder that I cannot relax for even a moment as it may break through and harm others. You're not alone in your fear of losing yourself as I am always afraid that I may hurt you or others".

If the majority of her focus was not on replenishing her magic she would have not responded to Fenriz's comment on Gaes as it was far beyond the vampire's skill level and the sheer mention could lead to dangerous thoughts for his young mind. "Gaes is both a curse and a magical contract, but unlike a normal curse, it has to be done to a willing target. However, even if one party does not wish to uphold the promise anymore the pact will not be broken which is why it is not something to be taken lightly as the penalties for breaking the pact can be severe such as extreme pain or even death. For example, the pact I made will force me to the ground to start with pain as a step up to finally cuts throughout all main arteries and tendons in an attempt to whittle away at my remaining energy to stop the rampage". Silence fell over the two undead as no doubt Fenriz's curiosity more than likely backfired on him as having a friend plainly mention how they purposely caused harm and pain to themselves would not be a pleasant topic. More time passed as the outline of Fenriz in her mind remained silent. Unsure if how much time had passed or even if the Vampire was still nearby as the world was non-existent to her with only Fenriz remaining as a connection between her mind and reality.

Echoes once again graced her world as the blank world shifted with the appearance of her home breaking apart from the earth as the Karith she knew was gone. More and more questions bombarded the world as silhouettes of her family appeared with the Undead's parents taking a larger form than her siblings. More constructs formed in her mind as the questions kept coming breaking her concentration. Opening her eyes and staring forward as she collected herself as the Vampire's endless questions were starting to annoy her. Taking her hat off to fix her hair to allow for some time to pass in hopes that her annoyance with Fenriz would end. She understood that he was still a child and that she was also one the one that mentioned that he could still ask her questions. The fault lied with her as she underestimated the Vampire's restlessness and curiosity.

Putting her hat back on her now fixed hair she looked over at Fenriz who had been sitting cross legged nearby. Thinking back to Fenriz's questions as most of their conversation was but a haze to the Priestess. Remembering bits and pieces about her home and marriage led to her recalling something about family as well. "Karith is no longer my home just as marriage is out of the question for something like me. Though marriage was never really a goal for me as who I was destined to marry would be entirely up to my parents for either political power or to create a stronger magic line". To Fenriz his parents were important, but to Lixue they were a source of great pain and fear as she had to live up to their standard or face all manner of punishment.

Author: drbuck, Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 8:03 PM, Post Subject: Improvement [p][r?]

While Lixue was rushing to come to his aid, Fenriz carelessly laughed away. Although the situation didn't exactly go the way he had hoped, he did still manage to summon something of a much greater size than he ever had before, and it didn't attack him. In his mind, this was a victory, though eventually getting the shadow wolf to stop would eventually become an issue. Fortunately for the vampire this was a problem that he wouldn't have to solve himself, as before he knew it the wolf vanished, seemingly reforming back into the shadows he had created it from. Unfortunately for him, the one that did it was not particularly happy with him. Looking up from his grounded position he could see Lixue hovering above him, her unkempt hair and displeased visage told him everything he needed to know. As quickly as he could manage he snapped to his feet

"I'm sorry! I just wanted to get a chance to practice before the sun came up" He tried his best to look as apologetic as he could manage, though it was clear he was less regretful of his actions than he was scared of her being angry with him.

A cursory sweep of their current surroundings didn't reveal much in the way of potential threats like she feared, though it did reveal that they were getting uncomfortably close to daylight. On the heels of his companion he happily followed her into the building she had chosen. Even if it wasn't as structurally sound as she believed, even if it did hide the dangers she was concerned with, he was more than willing to take that gamble than wait outside. Once inside, the two went separate directions, both intent to scavenge what the old inhabitants had left behind, although seemingly searching for different things. With another yawn Fenriz set out to search for a place he could comfortably spend the daylight hours, Much to his disappointment, most of what he found had decayed far beyond a usable state, furniture included. Though his search hadn't yielded anything worthwhile, it seemed as if Lixue's had gone differently, summoning him to examine her discovery.

Given who it was he was traveling with, and the things he had seen while in her presence, it wasn't a stretch to say that his expectations were a bit high. When she showed him a wall with faded paintings, scarlet eyes scanned it for whatever it was that he was missing. He searched for any trace of magical suggestion, or maybe some sort of hidden message that didn't immediately pop out, or even just a clue that alluded to a greater mystery, though if any of this existed, he could not for the life of him spot it.

"That's pretty neat, Miss Lixue" He smiled softly at the undead. Perhaps sensing his confusion she attempted to explain why such a find was significant, though much of the meaning was still lost on him. Yet despite his personal lack of interest, it was interesting to a friend that was enough for him.

Reciting a phrase Fenriz hadn't heard her use before, she sent an orb of light up to the ceiling, illuminating the surrounding area. Though it was certainly nothing compared to when she threatened him, he could still feel a part of him in the back of his mind, uncomfortable with the sudden light. The child was however much more concerned with what Lixue had told him. The stories his mother used to tell him were filled with mages who utilized "magic words" as a means to channel their abilities, but nobody he had met in the real world had ever utilized them up to this point. Seeing as he had little in the way of structured training in mind, it was certainly worth a shot. Of course to Fenriz, form and function were were of equal importance, and his mind was almost immediately preoccupied trying to dream up the perfect incantation to use, saving his best ideas for himself just in case his elder companion dared take them for herself.

Fen wanted to protest repeatedly doing the magic that he felt sufficient in doing, his frustrations gave way to alarm when he was instructed to keep his distance, fearing that something was amiss after all. Noticing that her speech had slowed, the boy feared that some sort of curse had befallen his friend, though curiously she didn't seem bothered by it. What bothered him however was an odd, draining feeling, almost the direct reverse of how he felt after feeding. As instructed, he would distance himself from Lixue, though only far enough to make the unpleasant feeling subside. Placing himself on the ground as well, he sat with his legs crossed, eyes still locked on the meditating Lixue.

"Did it ever happen to you before? Losing control?" he spoke in a low, grave tone. Though Fenriz naturally didn't possess the greatest social awareness,  he had know doubt that this was potentially a sensitive topic of discussion, given his reluctance to talk about his own experience in the same situation. But it was because of these experiences that he felt compelled to ask. Somewhat selfishly, given how morbid the results tended to be, the boy felt a sense of relief. Relieved that he wasn't the only one who faced such problems. "Do you know what its like? I don't… I don't remember anything from when it happened to me"

Ordinarily topics like this were the last thing he wanted to talk about. Even now there was a part of him that almost didn't want the answer to his questions. But even he knew deep down that this was something he was going to have to have to confront eventually, should he ever want to meet his lofty goals. Feeling like Lixue would agree, he continued speaking to the priestess, though unsure of to what level she really was capable of responding.

"I don't know if you remember but I told you a little bit about before we left the other city. A few days after me and my parents got separated I just remember feeling really tired. Even after I went to sleep, I'd wake up and still be sleepy. I guess one day my brain fell asleep, but my body kept moving. I don't know how long it lasted but when but the first thing I remember from that day is being in a room with blood everywhere. Not just on the walls, but I had it in my hands, in my hair, and in my… teeth"

Bringing his knees to his chest, he curled himself into a makeshift ball as the shadows surrounding them began a slow, melancholy sway. For the moment, it almost didn't matter to Fenriz her stunted ability to respond, or even if she was even capable of understanding what he was saying, he just had a lot he needed to say. "I still don't know how it happened, but I knew that I had… killed them. There were three of them, one of them was a girl who I think was about my age, too"

As he always did when he spoke about this issue, Fenriz could feel the urge to cry welling up inside him. But he resisted that temptation, felling almost as if he'd "lose" in a sense if he gave up now

"Like I said back then I've never ever killed anyone since. I've never lost control since. But I think I've come close a few times, I think. Its really scary, sometimes, Miss Lixue. I'm scared that it'll happen one day when I go to sleep, even if I have fed recently. I'm scared it'll happen around you, Raziel, or Sanyi, or mom and dad when I find them. Is it like that for you?  I don't know how a gaes works, but it must be nice to have that just in case…"

By this point, he had certainly gone well beyond his limited willingness to discuss the subject. Having reminded himself of these fears, he had almost spooked himself out of wanting to sleep for the night. But a very very small part of him was… proud. Though he had spoken on it in brief tidbits, this was the first time since it had happened he had told anyone the greater details of that night. And though it was tough, he had managed to get through it without a single tear. Re-positioning back to his cross-legged seat, he forced a smile and a dry chuckle "I'm sorry Miss Lixue. People tell me I talk a lot, maybe a bit too much."

Briefly he fell into a silence, as both his emotional and mental state were in scrambles. Suddenly he broke his silence however speaking up once more "Oh i meant to ask, do you miss Karith? What was it like? You don't have to answer that if you don't want. I know you said you don't want to talk about your family. But I bet its a lot different now than when you were a kid. How long ago was that, anyway? Did you not get married because there's not a lot of people there? Do you even want to get married?"

None of the questions he asked had anything to do with what he just talked about, which was of course by design. Although he had genuine interest in the answers, he threw anything and everything his mind could think of in a desperate attempt to talk about something else, something that would hopefully be a much more positive topic of conversation.

Author: Cao Lixue, Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 11:10 PM, Post Subject: Improvement [p][r?]

As Lixue was dressing herself she made sure to obscure Fenriz's vision with steam as continuing the lesson on dealing with charms magical or otherwise seemed to be out of the Vampire's scope for now. Even though she had left before the Vampire he managed to dress himself and ask if he could go off on his own. "Fenriz please wait for a moment do not leave as we do not know what resides in this island". While the island seemed peaceful for the most part it's high concentration of magic and nature made it prime territory for all manner of Fey. Unsure to how they may react to the both of them as neither of them possessed evil intent, but their undead status made the two of them immediately hostile to most Fey. "Fenriz"? Calling out to him as his presence faded from her sense as the high level of magic in the area made it hard to keep track of Fenriz’s still budding magical affinity. Dispersing the stream to see that the Vampire had indeed wandered off annoyed Lixue greatly as she feared for what trouble the young man may get into as he seemed to have a natural gift to do so.

With finding her missing companion as her primary goal. Lixue only dressed herself leaving her hair untired and damp as she did want to waste any more time to dry herself when Fenriz may be in danger. Moving to where she hand placed his clothes she had folded it was easy to spot Fenriz's shoe prints as the spring were untouched by anything recently. Following the tracks, she raised her guard as for all she knew enemies could have been watching the two the entire time.

Stopping as the Priestess suddenly felt nervousness and oddly excitement following through her body as the talisman she had given Fenriz was reacting to his emotions. Quicking her pace as she was unsure whether or not the Vampire was in danger as she had given him the talisman for use only for when he was endangered. Breaking into a full on sprint as the talisman told her exactly where the Boy was, but she was still confused by his emotions as he did not appear to be under duress.

Breaking through the more forested area the Undead would come to the ruins of a long lost civilization. By the looks of the ruins, they did not seem nearly as old as the ruins to where she had met Fenriz as they would be far more worn down by time and the elements as the buildings did not hold any magic as the last ruins did. However, it was not the time for the Priestess to look into a lost culture as she faced the runaway Fenriz playing with one of his shadow creatures. Angered by how the Boy had run off just as Dala did, the Priestess banished the shadow wolf back to its origins as she looked to the Vampire with a stern expression. "I told you to wait as the island may be dangerous In fact with these ruins I'm convinced that this island holds something dangerous within it as I doubt that people would give up this island willingly". The more she thought on the island the more questions and concerns pile upon each other.

Looking at the moons falling just out of sight showed that the sun was about to come up meaning that they did not have enough time for them to find another form of shelter. Biting her lip as she reprimanded herself for wasting time in the springs instead of scouting the entire island as they could have avoided staying in a possible dangerous area. Pointing to the most structurally sound building nearby "That one looks to be mostly enacted let's camp there for the morning". Taking the lead the Priestess would enter the building first to confirm it's safety. As she explored the building the Undead was confused by the design of the home as she was surprised that porous materials managed to withstand the test of time considering the location. Continuing to explore led to the discovery of broken pottery and the remnants of furniture and… paint of some sort on the walls. “Fenriz, come look at this”! While danger may lurk within the Island Lixue was not about to ignore her findings. Continuing to examine a wall in the main room that still held bits and parts of what looked to be paint depicting either a past event or origins of the village though the only thing that was clear was that a man may had slain a giant whale that became an island. “It’s not much, but considering the island arts and painting must have been a large part of this culture considering the ease of availability to any and all plants”.

While Lixue would have liked to look over the ruins more she herself needed to rest though none of the still remaining furniture was anywhere close to usable forcing her to use the floor away from any walls to preserve the murals. Looking to Fenriz the Undead knew that worn paintings would not be enough to keep the Young Man’s attention for long. “That wolf you created seemed to act on your playful nature. I’m not about to repeat what I said, but focus and control seem to be your main issues why not try using incantations along with your spells for now”. Holding out her hand as it glowed with arcane power. “ Light a path through the darkness and raise our sight out of ignorance illumination”! Pointing her hand to the roof of the building a ball of light would rise to the and stop in the middle of the roof lighting up the main area. Placing her hand back to her side. “The words do not matter, but incantations can with focusing yourself on the task at hand. Nothing wrong with using incantations as even more experienced mages can benefit from a boost in concentration in more stressful situations”.

Seating herself in the middle of the hall Lixue rested on her ankle as she readied herself to recharge from all of the magic she used. “Start small, training your magic is just like training your muscle repetition over weight or in the case of magic over complex magic. Doing a simple spell correct a hundred times compared to one spell incorrect once will only hinder your progress”. Closing her eyes and allowing her undead nature to take in magic from the surrounding area as her next words were slower as Lixue drifted into a sort of meditative state. “Continue to practice and results will come. Keep your distance but do not worry about disturbing me as I am still able to answer”. Lixue’s words came out slowly and more dreamlike than calm. In this state lying or complex answers would be out of the question for the Priestess, but she trusted that Fenriz would not take advantage of her current state. “About the seal, you asked about before. Like you, I to can fall to an all consuming hunger, but life energy instead of blood. That is why I made a Gaes with myself to stop myself if I ever lose control”. Done speaking she would fall deeper into her meditations as to draw in more energy as she wanted to be ready if she had to protect not only her friend but a fellow comrade on what assuredly was an impossible task of becoming accepted by the world.

Author: drbuck, Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 9:18 PM, Post Subject: Improvement [p][r?]

When Fenriz turned around to face the undead he didn't initially register what she intended to do, though it didn't take long for him to understand. Once she had disrobed the boy quickly turned his back to her once more, remaining that way until he heard the displacement of the water as she entered the spring herself. Two things caught his eyes when he did. Firstly how different she looked with her hair undone. But more striking was what he could only guess was a second mouth of some creature that was trying to escape via her chest. Fenriz opened his own mouth to express his concern, but she spoke first, casually commenting on his pink face, expressing surprise at it's ability to even do so. In turn, trying to get his cheeks to stop became his new focus, stowing any questions he may have about it until later.

"I'll keep it in mind" he said sheepishly. The process she had described reminded him of a technique that Lirin had once used to attract a potential victim meant to satisfy both of their… vampiric needs. Certainly without his protests things would not have ended well for that woman that night, though in thinking about it he wasn't entirely sure they were the same thing. That would be victim was certainly a female, but Lixue made it sound like this was something that women did to men. Was it possible that Lirin just did it wrong? Or was it something that could affect either gender? It made sense. He never really made much distinction of the people he knew based on gender, so they couldn't be that different right? The more he thought about it the more it seemed to drift into one of those "when you're older" topics he despised so much, so with a mental sigh he elected to abandon the thought for now.

In answering the question he had posed himself, she had given him something much more important to ponder anyway. The answer she gave was a comprehensive one, almost to a detrimental degree. Even when she admitted that she was, in many ways, a good person, she still seemed determined to discredit her character. But the most curious thing about her reply came at the end. Lixue seemed capable of acting of her own accord. He felt pretty confident that he wouldn't be around now to even think about this if she wasn't. But if she was acting on behalf of someone else, did the blame really fall to her for her wrongdoings? There wasn't a doubt in his small mind that she would tell him yes, though he wasn't so sure.

Fenriz flinched at the water being flicked his way, chuckling softly at the same time. Though he definitely appreciated the praise, it wasn’t really enough to dissuade his opinion. “You’re not the only one I want to be like. When I’m older, I wanna be a lot like my dad, too. He was really brave, and did his best to keep me and mom safe. Mom was always really nice to me. I always felt like I could talk to her about almost anything. Sis too”

He pushed against the spring walls, turning to face the undead. He smiled softly, making sure to maintain eye contact as he did his best to articulate his point  “I’m glad that you think who I am is amazing, and I want to keep being that person, too. But if I can take the really great parts from the people I like, I think I can be even better”

The young vampire waded into the middle of the spring “Remember how I told you Raziel can’t fly? I still can’t tell you why, but there is… a certain thing that she can’t do that most people can. Her mom sent her on a quest to find two people, which was really hard for her. I tried to help her find them, I guess finding people is something I'm not very good at. But then some really evil guy did some really bad stuff to her cuz he didn't want her to find them. Last time I saw her her hands were all messed up…"

His eyes absently stared into water "If someone tried to hurt me, she would've done everything she could to make sure it never happened. But even if I was around, I don't think I would've been able to protect her. But I keep thinking that if I was strong like my dad, I wouldn't have any problems stopping bad guys like that. If I was a bit more like mom, I would know how I can help her now. And if I was as smart as you, I think I could've helped her in her quest, and maybe she would've never had to deal with that Solmundr guy…"

He once more turned back to Lixue, wearing that same gentle smile in spite of the sorrowful tale he had recounted "I don't think it's a bad thing to want to be like other people. To be honest Miss Lixue, I wish you were like my sister a bit too. Sis eventually met a bunch of people to help her in her quest. Zehrili saved her life, and now they're getting married… I think. Sanyi seems to think so, but Raziel doesn't agree. Its really confusing. But Sanyi's there too, and they're both part of a clan. And even I'm still around if she needs me"

His tone shifted to a lower one, his smile quickly fading as he continued his explanation "I don't have to worry about her as much anymore, because she has so many people looking after her. But you fight all kinds of dangerous stuff, and you do it all by yourself. Sis once told me that nobody can do everything on their own, and I think she's right. Even if I can't do much to help you now, I think you should try and get help from people who can"

By the look in his eyes one could tell his inability to offer any tangible assistance to his elder company still stung, but it all came from concern, as he was about most he considered a friend. He didn't say what he did to discredit Lixue's abilities. After all, the only person he knew that boasted strength even comparable to what she had already demonstrated were his parents. But he knew on her list of targets were vampires, and although that came with a wide host of emotional conflicts for him, first and foremost was the powers that he knew they could wield, and the threat they could pose to her safety.

Having faced her once more, he was once again reminded about the open maw that marked her chest. Though it looked dangerous to him, she didn't seem particularly bothered by it. Tilting his head a bit, he asked "By the way, how come you have a second mouth? Do you eat with it? It must be a lot of work to have to undo that big dress thing every time you want to eat something…"

Lixue refused to provide details on Sophie's injuries, and even he knew why. Though ordinarily frustrated when others withheld information from him, her tone suggested that no amount of prying was going to yield such knowledge, and even if she was willing to give it, he would likely regret having it. Even still, this didn't stop his imagination from taking guesses at what might have caused such a state. Fortunately he wasn't left to his imagination for long, although unfortunately this was due to his own words coming back to bite him. Fenriz had forgotten what exactly he said during his tantrum, though he she had not. Almost immediately he plunged himself into the water,, stopping just at his chin in an attempt to hide his once more red face.

"Yeah I did say that…" he mumbled  Scrambling, he offered a somewhat weak excuse "B-but I can become a good mage anywhere. I don't know where the orphanage is though, so you'd have to show me"

Of course in reality even he knew it wouldn't be too hard to find on his own, he just enjoyed the undead's company. But given the circumstances, there was little chance he was going to admit that now.

Given the somewhat lofty image of her Fenriz had built in his head, it was difficult to imagine Lixue failing at much, in particular passing on knowledge to another. Before he could question it however she insisted that it was time they left. He wondered why, until he noticed her gaze turning toward the sky. As she did, he yawned, a reminder that it was approaching what usually served as his bedtime. As she left, he lingered slightly, enjoying the last few moments in the springs before departing himself. He redressed himself, feeling particularly grateful to have his cloak once more in his possession.

"Miss Lixue, I'm gonna go on ahead, okay?" No doubt due to the simplicity in his own wardrobe, he had managed to ready himself in a much quicker fashion. But there was little time before he would be forced to find shelter and he was feeling reinvigorated after their conversation. Though it may have seemed he was asking for permission of the priestess, he didn't wait for her before trudging off. Heading in a non-particular direction, he kept moving until he came across one of the many ancient buildings that dotted the open fields. Figuring that this would serve as shelter when it came time for the sun to rise, he would set himself to work. He first pulled the talisman from his satchel, channeling his emotion into it as Lixue had instructed. Just in case she wasn't capable of finding him on her own.

"If control is the goal…" with both palms extended, the boy sought out to replicate something similar to what he had accomplished back in Kanuri. Squeezing his eyes shut, tapped in to as many of the surrounding shadows as he could sense. They would dance at his call, slowly coming together into a large, amorphous blob, dwarfing the size of the boy himself. So far, so good. From here, he would command the shadows to form into a wolf, not unlike the ones he called before, though on a much larger scale. In this, he was successful, though as soon as the wolf was given "life" it stopped responding to his commands. Like a playful pup, it almost immediately pounced on the boy, knocking him over, towering above the prone child.

"H-hey stop it" he said through uncontrollable laughter as the shady canine licked at his face. Though he was certainly in no immediate danger, he also didn't have direct control over the situation at hand.

Author: Cao Lixue, Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 3:00 PM, Post Subject: Improvement [p][r?]

Keeping eye on the now flushed Fenriz as it was obvious that bathing practices have become more private in the present by the young vampire's rosy tint. Losing the smug expression as she was only returning a bit of mischief with a bit of interest to the Frolicsome Instigator, but she would never force Fenriz into doing something he was uncomfortable with as all cultures have different customs.

"Don't force yourself Fenriz, there are plenty of other springs out of eyeshot if you wish to enjoy the spring more privately". Even with the better suggestion, the Vampire's advance was not halted as the Priestess had unknowingly challenged Fenriz as it was clear that his mind was made up. As Fenriz warped the shadows around the Undead's eyes she smirked. "You could have simply asked for me to turn my gaze". Looking away even with her darkened vision as she simply waggled her feet through the spring as the Priestess amused herself with the knowledge that a practitioner of healing magic such as herself was already aware of most humanoids' bodies.

"Take as long as you wish, though I'll say again that you do not have to force yourself. In fact, this is entirely pointless for us. You've already proven yourself to be much stronger than most, refusing a simple playful challenge will not lower my view of you at all". With only the sounds of rustling clothing, the Undead leaned back as there was no going back now as Fenriz was determined to share a spring.

With her sight still masked by shadow, the sounds of the dispersal of water and Fenriz's aura were Lixue's only way to perceive the world outside of her personal range. With a splash, the vampire had finally submerged himself within the spring.

"They were one of the only things I looked forward to back then". Even with the makeshift shadow blindfold still, over her eyes she was not hindered in the slightest. Just as Fenriz had turned to look to her the sounds of straps and the loosening of clothing echoed through the peaceful spring. "No need to apologize it is understandable that you would not want to have a stranger see you without proper attire". Purposely ignoring her current actions as the Priestess had removed all of her clothing using only her magic to manipulate the steam around her to cover her form. Folding her and Fenriz’s clothes neatly, the Undead would move back to the edge of the spring to look at Fenriz who was no doubt stunned by the Priestess' actions. "I'll join you in a moment, just need to untie my hair". Continuing to remain nonchalant even though most of her body was bare to the world showing her lithe but fit body moulded by constant battle from training and battles past. Ruffling her hair free she would look to Fenriz to gauge his response as the timid boy was no doubt at his limit. "I'm surprised vampires can blush, though I suppose you are at that age". Finally sliding into the spring and resting against the rock the Undead would keep her eyes on Fenriz. " I suppose it is to be expected as you're still young, but know that there are many creatures and women who use their looks to enchant men. Be sure to remember that and don't let them sway you as many men have met their undoing to a pretty face or voice". Closing her eyes as she let the waters work away all of the tension as the lesson and response to the boy’s challenge had taken quite the emotional toll on the Undead as well.

After the excitement of her lesson, the Undead's springmate closed in supporting his back against the edge close by as he looked to be deep in thought about not only her current lesson but his own thoughts as well. Leaving him to his thoughts, for now, Lixue simply enjoyed the spring harking back to memories of the past with her sisters as they often joined her while partaking in spirits and candy.

"You may". Keeping her eyes close she would respond with a far more relaxed and informal tone, though formality had long since been gone between the two. Her eyelids winced at the Boy's question as she did not expect philosophy to be on his mind. " I suppose by definition I'd be classified as a good person, but I've killed others and have caused quite a lot of fear and destruction in my time to those that deserved it and to others who may not have". Thinking about her next words carefully as while she was not the worst role model her way of life is barely a life at all. "To me a good person is someone who lives their life to the best of their ability while trying to not bring harm to others. Though it is impossible not to bring harm to others as life and death are interlocked. However, those who live for themselves and try to live an honest life are far better than those who fight. Therefore, in all honesty, the average citizen far exceeds myself as they choose to be kind or selfless unlike myself as I was bred and trained to serve others if I wanted to or not”.

Opening her eyes as she looked at the Vampire as he sank further into the water no doubt troubled by her words as he truly did not understand how someone could not act on their own wishes. When he bought up how she threatened to kill him, the Undead felt like sinking into the spring deeper as well. Aside from the playful trick with the water, the Vampire had nothing, but praise for the Priestess, even though her reasons for being nice to him were only a product of his own actions and how relatable he was to her own path to finding a meaning to her new existence. Cupping water into her hands she poured water over her head as Fenriz continued unhindered by interruptions as she has already told him her reasons for her actions. Letting the excess water drip from her hair as the Priestess' turquoise hair covered her eyes as she could not argue that her actions were not worthy of praise.

Overhearing movement in the water she brushed part of her hair back to reveal one of her eyes to see the Vampire grinning at her with that toothy smile. As he proclaimed that he wanted to grow up like her, the Undead took her hand off her head and flicked the excess water at him. "Don't be like me, be like yourself. While you may not think it now you are quite an amazing person. Wisdom comes with age which is one of your biggest issues, but considering your it is to be expected". Feeling as if they have had this conversation many times before as the two of them are able to see something in each other that the person themselves cannot.

Silence once again came over to two of them as their conversation took a darker turn that Lixue could not truly answer. "I don't know for certain, but Sophie's injury had a clear intent to be as painful as possible and that's all I'll say about the matter". Refusing to say anymore as the Undead was well aware of the practices of magic that relied on the pain and suffering of others to create more powerful undead. Though even worse were those that simply caused the pain and suffering of others for pure enjoyment. As he brought up Dala her mind focused on her ex-students injuries caused by her enslavement. Though unlike the others she refused to be healed as she wanted to keep them as a reminder of the past though even with the scars she lost herself in a moment of desire for power.

"She's a bit rough around the edges, though I'm sure she'd enjoy your company". Returning from her thoughts as to not worry Fenriz as it was clear that he was nervous about the entire conversation. Dipping back into silence as the Undead did not know what to say as even the spring could not remove the chilling mood. As Fenriz spoke up again this time to help clear the mood Lixue felt ashamed that the child had to light the mood. "We? I thought you wanted to travel alone and show me how great of a mage you've become"? Using his words against him the Priestess would tease him slightly to help lighten the mood.

While it would be good for Fenriz to spend time with others his age, she did not know how to respond to his questions about Dala. It is not as if she would never want to see her past student again, it was that she was unsure how to go about it as she was supposed to help guide her to become a light mage like herself, but failed before they even got to the next step in basic. Looking to the spring the Priestess decided to speak the truth. "Actually she possessed an amazing natural talent for light magic which led me to decide to train her to be possibly a hero for a present world that is in desperate need of such a person. However, due to my incompetence as a teacher, I was too soft causing her to lack discipline and fall to a desire for quick power at great risk to herself and others".

The thought of her failure still stung as Lixue constantly thought about how she could have done better and how she was too soft on Dala as she did not wish to place her through the hell that she had been through to become what she was. Looking to the skies as the moons were beginning to wane singling only a few hours till the morning. "It's time to leave as I don't want to lose you to negligence". Removing herself from the spring and the conversation the Priestess would go to dress herself.

Author: drbuck, Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 1:01 PM, Post Subject: Improvement [p][r?]

Looking at the pressed daisy Fenriz felt a slight sense of superiority given the more flashy nature of the plant he had gifted Lixue, but it was the story behind the daisy that he found particularly interesting. He winced at the fates of the three children, in particular what had become of Sophie. But the characters that stood out the most in this story were Dala and of course the one telling the tale. Despite not having a face to match the name, he was amazed by the sacrifice Dala was willing to make for those she cared about. Were he in her shoes, even he would have to admit the choice between close friends and a new family, is not one he would have been able to take lightly, to say the very least. But even more striking was Lixue's involvement, her own words further cementing the undead as a force of good in his mind.

Fenriz continue to splash water in Lixue's direction, snickering all the while, until she responded with an evil grin of her own. Only once he noticed the giant ball of water hovering overhead did he fully realize the error he may have made

"Wait I was just kidding!" the boy pleaded before squeezing his eyes shut, preparing for the inevitable drenching he was set to receive, though to his surprise only a few drips made contact with his already wet hair. Cautiously he opened one eye as she placed the water back where it belonged, a feat that he might normally be amazed by but the context of the situation only made him pout as he silently vowed revenge in this prank war.

Explaining the rules of the springs, at least the ones that she had been to, caused him to let out a small groan. Turns out the springs were supposed to be like baths, and like many his age, bathing wasn't exactly his favorite pastime. In addition there was the small issue of another's presence. Mixed gender bathing wasn't entirely out of the norm for him if one considered his mother, though his mother Lixue was of course not. The smug expression on her face not helping matters either, an expression that he met with a scowl and slightly pink face on the part of the vampire. Feeling partially challenged, and still overwhelmingly curious about the springs, he approached both them and his mischievous companion. As he did however, he raised a hand, summoning the nearby shadows into a makeshift blindfold that he telepathically wrapped around the undead’s eyes, stepping behind her for added measure.

“I’ll just be a moment, Miss Lixue” He piled most of his clothing into a neat pile. Even though it was against the “rules” he retained his undergarments for the sake of some modesty. The removal of his tunic in particular was somewhat unique, as it revealed the serpent marking he usually did his best to keep hidden. After rinsing himself off as best he was able to, he stuck a tentative leg into the water. Finding the temperature agreeable enough, he sunk the rest of his body in. Almost immediately his old mood evaporated away, replaced by a mixture of contentment, and wonder.

"I think I get why people like these things" he waded around in the water a bit, adjusting to his new setting "Even though I don't feel any different, it feels really nice. A lot nicer than the baths I usually take. If i was from the same place as you, I'd use them all the time!"

Only when he turned to face the one he was addressing did he realize that in his haste he had let the shadows linger on her face. Quickly dismissing the shade back to its original formation before offering a sheepish apology.

Turning around, he picked a spot close to the undead, before taking a seated position. Propping his back against the wall of the spring, he slid downward, allowing the water to come up to his shoulders. He fell into a contemplative silence, allowing him a moment to take stock of the events that had led to this point. Harkening back to the story she had told him moments earlier, he figured now might be as good a time as any to chime in with his own thoughts.

"Miss Lixue, can I ask you something?" his low tone suggested that the following question was one he had given a great deal of thought "What do you think a good person is like? Every good person I've been told about is a lot like you, but when you talk about yourself it seems like you don't think so"

Fenriz sank even further into the water, submerging himself up to his chin "You're not the first person that's tried to kill me, but none of them have been as nice to me as you have since then. Other than when you almost dumped a bunch of water on my head…"

Though he remembered that little prank, he seemed to conveniently forget who had started it in the first place. He pouted for a moment, contemplating his retaliation. Turning his head toward his belongings, particularly the satchel that stored the talisman, he continued "But nobody has given me a gift like the one you gave me. Nobody has ever willingly offered me their… um… blood before. And you were even nice enough to come with me to this place! You didn't have to do that, you know. But I'm glad you did…"

He trailed off toward the end, only just now realizing the extent to which her extended company meant to him. Being alone didn't usually bother the young vampire, though he had forgotten how nice it was to have people to travel with. A soft smile unfurled on his lips as he spoke "But its not just me you've been really nice to. All those hurt kids you helped at the orphanage? That sounds like a good person to me!"

The boy leaned his head back, looking up at Lixue, this time with a wide, toothy grin "I don't know what adult me is gonna be like, but I hope he's a lot like you!"

"How did those kids get hurt, Miss Lixue?" A dark grimace came over him as he thought back to abuse that the children had suffered. He couldn't help but feel somewhat lucky in comparison. Sure he had had his life threatened on a number of occasions, but he was at very least fortunate to not have any lasting damage from the attacks so far. "Dala seems really nice too, staying behind to protect them. I wish I had a friend like that. Or any my age…"

Another nervous chuckle escaped his lips, briefly knocking him out of his dark mood. Though the allies he had made were certainly varied, one thing they seemed to have in common was they all had a fair amount of years on the vampire. Combining these two thoughts together, he slowly stumbled into an idea.

"Hey maybe we can go visit the orphanage one day!" he exclaimed "It'd be nice to meet some other people around my own age, plus I bet you want to see Dala again!"

Tilting his head slightly as he talked himself into one more realization "How come Dala isn't with you already? She did ask you to teach her, right? I bet you said no so she can stay with her friends, huh?"

Author: Cao Lixue, Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 7:10 PM, Post Subject: Improvement [p][r?]

Hearing and sensing Fenriz closing the distance Lixue held her position but kept her glance away from the vampire's direction. The feeling of being watched did nothing to sway the Undead to look in the Young Boy's direction but his comment on her being strange baffled her as neither of them were in any position to call anything strange. "I invaded your privacy out of concern, but it is hypocritical of me to show concern as not long ago I was planning on killing you". Even if Fenriz had left her hostility toward him behind she was still ashamed of her past deeds to him and others. Ill prepared for Fenriz's words as she remained silent as she wished she could be as forgiving and understanding as to the Young Vampire, but unfortunately, the world and its inhabitants are not so quick to forgive and see others for who they are.

Everyone is so quick to forgive and forget what I am or what I've done, I don't understand. With everything I've done and what I am, I do not deserve forgiveness as I have not done nearly enough to pay for my crimes. As Lixue retreated into her mind she lost her awareness of the Vampire's movements as the Boy explored the nearby area. No doubt if the Undead saw the Boy touching and looking at unknown plants she would yet again give him another scolding as there were plenty of plants that were dangerous if not handled right. With Fenriz's return to The Priestess' side, his words knocked her out of her chain of thought as she looked at him with confusion as he held a large multicoloured flower petal. Looking to the boy with a small smile and a light chuckle as she pulled out a pressed daisy housed in a glass container as she accepted the large petal from him. " You're not the first child to gift me a plant, though this specimen will be much more difficult to keep on hand". With another light chuckle as the Undead looked to the plants found amusement in her own past and words. Looking to Fenriz the Undead would send magic through the flower petal causing it to become more wieldy and easier to store. "Much more manageable, though I suppose you want to know the story behind this daisy, don't worry it may start off sad, but it has a happier ending". Stowing the plants away she thought on where to start on how she came across Musha. "The whole matter was in the spur of the moment as this was when I first met Dala and one of the reasons that most likely that she asked me to be her teacher. Although at the time I was trying to find a way for someone to either adopt her or take her in as an apprentice. She made it clear upon entry into the orphanage she resided in that she had no interest in being adopted. However, I found out very quickly as to the why as she was placing herself in danger to earn money to take care of her close friends of which many of them were scared not only physically but mentally as well". Lixue would pause as she thought about Sophie's past injury and what she would do to the one who not only hurt her but the others as well. Making sure to keep her emotions and expression in check the Undead would continue. "While I cannot undo what has been done I did my best to heal the damage I could. Out of the five three had physical trauma, Gerald had a broken leg that was not properly set causing it to heal incorrectly, Christie had a large scar across her face and Sophie's… tongue had been removed with a dull blade". Pausing yet again to look to Fenriz to see if he wished for her to continue, but also to not let her anger at however did such a thing to children show as just the thought of the act caused her dull steel eyes to show a small moonstone like glow. "Though their physical injuries are a thing of the past and their smiles and the daisy that Musha gifted to me was a treasure that will stay with me forever". As she thought back to their smiles a rush of calm and happiness overcame Lixue forcing a grin from the usually stoic Priestess.

As she shared her store Fenriz's attention turned towards the springs as it seemed that he was prepared to share a story in exchange for hers, though it appeared as if the story formed into a question as his curiosity got the better of him. While Lixue was from Karith and travelled to many places that also had springs such as Nisshoki and even Sidhiel once for a longer stay than expected. She was not completely sure on how they worked and would certainly not want to destroy the natural wonder to find out. However, before she could form an answer the Child had already begun to pour water over himself. "You shouldn't as we will not benefit from the natural properties as we are no longer bound by nature". Shaking her head with a smile as she was defeated by Fenriz's carefree nature as she thought about how she enjoyed relaxing in a spring after a hard battle or stressful mission.

Flinching as the splash of water from the Vampire knocked her out of her reminiscing as she looked at the Boy with an equally mischievous smile as she lifted her hand causing a sphere of water two times as large as the Vampire to rise and hang over his head. Playing up the villainous act as she only dipped a tiny bit of water onto his head before pouring the water back into the spring. "I am not that cruel or wasteful". Approaching the spring she would take off her shoes and wash her feet and legs before placing them into the spring relaxing as the heat filled her cold body. " I cannot explain how they work, but I know how to use them, and I've forgotten how nice it felt to relax". Looking to Fenriz as she relaxed in the spring kicking her feet through the water. "I'm not entirely sure of the rule anymore, but to keep the springs more hygienic one would waste before entering. Towel and coverings are allowed outside of the spring as both men and women bathe together". Giving Fenriz a smug look as payment for his own trickery as she doubted that he'd be able to share a spring with her.

Author: drbuck, Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 1:14 AM, Post Subject: Improvement [p][r?]

Hearing Lixue mention it aloud, he did realize that of his small collection of friends was certainly… eclectic, and gathering such a group of friends hadn't been particularly difficult for the boy, present company excluded. But he never would have considered it a talent. Especially not a talent on the level of transporting them across the continent. But knowing what she was capable of, if Lixue called it an amazing trait he was more inclined to believe it coming from her than just about anyone else. Standing taller than normal, he responded to her praise with a proud grin.

"Miss Lixue…?" he questioned, blinking at the undead after she had forcefully removed his hand from the spring. At first he figured maybe he was on to something with it being magical, though this was seemingly debunked when she released his hand, finding nothing out of the ordinary about it. Although he felt slightly disappointed by the natural explanation as to the source of the heat, he felt grateful to be in the presence of someone more level headed. Somewhat perplexing however was her reaction afterward, as if she had done something wrong, even going so far as to apologize for her actions. Standing up from his kneeling position, he went to close the distance between the two of them that she had created, seemingly unaware that this had been done on purpose. He planted himself about as close as he could manage without coming within physical contact with the undead, looking up at her with a raised eyebrow.

"You're pretty strange Miss Lixue. Why do you keep apologizing when you haven't done anything bad?" his confused visage gave way to a friendly smile "I told you before I can't forgive you if you didn't do anything wrong. If there was something wrong with these springs who knows what would've happened! Instead of telling me sorry, I should be saying thank you. So, thanks. I'll try and be a bit more careful, okay?"

Looking around at the ground, he settled on one of the glowing flowers that he found particularly striking. The increased size of the plants this close to the hot springs seemed a daunting challenge to uproot, so he instead settled for one of their large petals instead. Holding it up to his companion, he grinned and said "I know its not magical like the talisman you gave me, but I think it looks neat, so you can have this! It's a gift for all of your help"

Once that was settled he once more turned his attention to the heated pools, head tilted to the side as he voiced his musings "When my parents were around we used to travel all over the place but I don't think I've ever see hot springs before. Do you think if we dug deep enough we'd find the thing keeping the water warm? I bet that would be would be really helpful when it gets cold. Though I guess people wouldn't be able to use the springs if we took that…"

Slowly he walked around the collection of hot springs, curious eyes surveying they pools before approaching another one "Does therapeutic mean they do have some sort of magic to them after all? I didn't feel anything different when I put my hand in it, but maybe I was using it wrong. How do you use these things, anyway? You said you had them where you came from, yeah? Back in… Karith? So you know how they work, right?"

Too impatient to wait for instructions and seemingly having already forgotten about his pledge to be a bit more cautious, he cupped some of the water in his hands before pouring over his head. A childish giggle escaped his lips as the water washed over his snowy hair, dampening and messing it further than it was normally. He'd repeat the process a couple more times before turning his attention back to Lixue, sporting an amused grin and dripping hair. "I don't really feel any different, but that does feel nice. You should try it!"

A playful and mischievous smirk unfurling on his face, he once more cupped some of the water in his hands, though rather than pouring it on himself, he splashed it at Lixue, taking care not to throw so much as to leave her soaked, but enough to get her attention.

Author: Cao Lixue, Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 6:10 PM, Post Subject: Improvement [p][r?]

Following Fenriz's moment as the Vampire's full attention was on the gateway Lixue had just created. The priestess watched in assumed as Fenriz was complete amazement and disbelief as he poked and prodded the gate, seemingly unconvinced of its authenticity. As he stuck his hand through only to immediately pull it back out Lixue cocked her head in slight confusion as he glanced back to her only to charge through the gate blindly as if her spell was dangerous.

Looking through the gate to Fenriz who barreled through the gate blindly only to pay the price for blindly rushing in. Though as with any child his fall went unnoticed as the boy immediately recovered and roamed the surrounding area. With Fenriz's exclamation and what little she could see the island did seem to hold quite the impressive landscape though the Undead thought on whether or not to continue her journey with Fenriz as she had sent the boy on her way. The Priestess would have to make a decision soon as the young boy was too taken with his surroundings to notice that Lixue still had yet to pass through the gate herself.

Passing through the gate as Lixue was not knowledgeable enough about the island to allow for Fenriz to go off on his own as she would not be able to live with herself if the island was uninhabited thus marooning the boy. Following after Fenriz to make sure not to lose sight of him as she was also unaware of what creatures inhabited the island as she doubted that he would be able to fight off or outrun any dangers the island might hold.

Halting alongside Fenriz as he looked to the moons' reflecting off of the ocean as the boy did a bit of reflecting of his own. Listening to his words as she enjoyed the sounds and breeze from the ocean as Fenriz mentioned how he met his sister. "Nothing wrong with a bluff as many creatures throughout nature make themselves appear more dangerous than they are to scare predators'”. Though unfortunately for Fenriz the one he chose to threaten was knowledgeable on magic and could easily call the boy on his bluff. As he turned to smile Lixue would smile back as he continued his story. Shocked that his sister was not his blood related sister but in fact an Angel. Even if his Angel pseudo sibling could not fly the fact that he created such a bond with an angel was far more impressive than the gate she had created. Lixue's smile widened as she heartily laughed about the whole situation before kneeling down to look into Fenriz's eyes at the same level. "You are amazing Fenriz, while you may not be able to create gates throughout the world your ability to build bridges with the most unlikely of people is far more impressive than my magic". Closing her eyes and grinning at the child, "I have a lot of catching up to do as you are closer to our goal than I am".

After admitting her loss to Fenriz his curiosity started to kick in again as the flora of the island was far better than any other plants she had come across. While the Priestess herself was not that knowledgeable on botany, she knew how to make basic medicine just in case she was unable to tend to herself. Even with her limited knowledge, it was plain to see that the plants of the island were enhanced with mana, however, what was even more impressive was that the island could grow plants from her home even when they required different conditions to grow properly.

As they went further and further into the forest the sounds of the sea slowly faded into the sounds of the call of animals and another sound of water, but different. It was not the tide rushing against the sandy beach but a sound of water cascading into another body of water. As the two of them reached an opening multiple multicoloured springs dotted all around the area as a rainbow stream stirred the septate pools. although hot springs are fairly common in her homeland this spring surpassed any that she had seen.

Looking over to Fenriz as he asked a question while examining one of the springs with his hand. Quickly moving over to the boy and taking his hand out as she checked the vampire's hand. As she saw that his hand seemed no worse for wear she released his hand. "One cannot be too careful when coming across an unknown element. Thankfully it seems that the springs are just rich with minerals and I'm sorry for suddenly grabbing your hand". Distancing herself from Fenriz as she knew that she overreacted, but she did not want any harm to come to him. Refusing to maintain eye contact as guilt clawed at her mind. "These hot springs and they are fairly common where I am from". Pointing down into one of the pools. "The water is heated from an underground source many use such springs for therapeutic purposes as the heat tends to dissolve and take in minerals from the surrounding area and considering the location this spring would be very beneficial for those still living". Deflating slightly as there was little point in using such a spring now as she would not gain anything from using it as her body will never change. It's been a while since I've been in a nice hot spring. It's a shame I'd only taint the pool with my being.

Author: drbuck, Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 12:34 AM, Post Subject: Improvement [p][r?]

All the feelings of frustration toward his limited abilities, and determination to improve them were temporarily shelved as soon as Lixue put her hands together. Silently he stood in wide eyed amazement as she seemed to turn two, small magic circles into what seemingly was a tear in reality itself. Right before his very eyes, a completely different landscape. At first he wondered if he was merely staring into a painting she had conjured, but the sight of gentle waves lapping against the coast and the faint salty smell of sea convinced him that just on the other side was the destination he requested.

"Woah…" he muttered as he approached the gate, though he would stop just shy of actually entering it. Cautiously he stuck a hand through before immediately retracting it. Fen inspected his arm as if expecting some sort of residual effect, although if there was any it was not immediately apparent to his eyes. He glanced back at Lixue, before squeezing his eyes shut and charging through the portal.

Barreling through in such a reckless fashion it was no surprise that he tripped almost immediately. Unscathed, however, the boy opened his eyes and sure enough, he had been transported into the very same scene the portal had revealed to him. Gone was the cold ground and dilapidated buildings of Kanuri, but in their stead a field of glowing flowers that obscured his vision from his grounded position. Standing himself up revealed the field of flowers extended well beyond what his vision was capable of. To the other side, the coast that he had seen before arriving.

“Miss Lixue this is incredible!” He exclaimed. Fenriz ran over to the point where water met land, boots making prints in the sand as he moved. 

"This reminds me of the night I met sis" Staring out into the ocean reflecting the twin moons, a slight breeze passing through his hair, the boy began to reminisce. Although he was talking to Lixue, he didn't turn to face her "It was kinda like this, but it was at a lake. Mister Frey had snuck up on me and I threatened him with a magic spell. But I couldn't even use magic back then. Pretty silly, huh? But Mister Frey could. He's pretty good, though not as good as you Miss Lixue"

Turning around, he faced her with a smile before finishing his story "Raziel was there too, but she wasn't my sister back then. But it was the first time I'd seen an angel before! I really wanted to see her fly, but she's not able too. But don't ask why, cuz I can't tell you. It's our secret"

As one might expect coming from the child, the story lacked many details of that night. Details that, in the moment at least, he didn't have the focus to fill in. He turned his attention inward, back toward the seemingly endless field of flowers that made up the bulk of the island. Though the plants were striking, perhaps the most notable thing to him was, much like their previous location this place seemed to lack other people. This would certainly serve him well when it came time to practice, which was still his primary intention in being here, however as he was prone to be, the sights had him feeling more than a little distracted. The island was unlike anything he had ever seen before, and he was more than curious as to what secrets it might hold.

"C'mon Miss Lixue, lets go! I bet there's all kinds of interesting stuff here!" Fenriz said to her, though he was already off by the time he had received a response. Briskly walking inland, scarlet eyes taking in everything detail they could, noticed that the further he traveled in one direction, the flowers seemed to increase in size. Before he knew it, they had grown so large, his small stature was making it difficult to progress forward, though the increased glow made progress all the more enticing. Not to mention the sound of water that was now hitting his ears, despite the fact that he was pretty certain he had walked away from the ocean. Finally pushing his way through, he found a series of what seemed like smaller lakes, but to Fenriz's surprise there lakes had steam coming out of them.

"That's weird…" he mumbled to himself as he approached one of the pools. Kneeling down and sticking his hand in to the water revealed that it was warm, bordering hot as he expected. Once more his eyes grew wide "Hey Miss Lixue, what do you think makes these springs so warm? Maybe its some kind of magic too!"

The hot springs had his full attention, so much so that he didn't turn around and verify that the person he was speaking to had even managed to follow him.

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