A precarious strip of land that connects the Sotho Coast to the Moors Peninsula. It is the only land bridge between the two regions, with its share of natural hazards. Watch your step!
The first settlement of the Moon Sisters. Named after the city of Mamlak on Canelux since the history of Mamlak has revealed their origins. The Moon Continents thought it would honor the great city and Lion King to name it as such.
One of the most beautiful beaches in the continent, at night a miraculous city emerges and fades with the coming dawn. The rolling dunes are composed entirely of multi-colored sea glass washed up from the ocean over centuries.
Multiple islands that float up in the skies that are a rainbow of colors. Filled with multiple flowers from all different seasons. It appears these enchanted isles aren't held back by the seasons for whatever strange reason.
A morphing kingdom of the sea. Sometimes floating across the waves of the ocean or sometimes floating under the deep dark waters of Onnen. This jellyfish can change its shape into different varieties of jellyfish. Deep within its bubble like head resides an ancient city full of hustle and bustle.