Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sandawe Savanna > Welayta Mountains > Light At The Peaks [O][R?]

Character Info
Name: Dala
Age: 18
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Student
Silver: 11882
The Welayta Mountains were said to shine when the sunlight hit it and was rumored to be a place of light. This was why she had traveled to the mountain. She had hitched a ride on a merchant airship traveling to pick up rainbow alpaca wool. Her precious Emerald had to be left behind, as the ship didn't want a giant basalisk on deck. But Dala promised she would return and ensured her snake friend had a safe hunting place. The airship reached the base of the mountains and she left the ship. Her dark brown eyes gazed up at the heights before her. She gave out a heavy sigh and began walking up the mountain. Meanwhile her golden baby dragon Charise had wrapped itself around her shoulders, sleeping while Dala began her long climb. 

The start of the climb was simple but soon she began to fell the weight of her body and the aching in her legs and arms. At first things were just an upwards walk but as she traveled further from the base, the ground became steeper. As the child looked upwards, she could only see the outstretched cliffs yet to be climbed. Beads of sweat rolled down her neck as her muscles screamed for her to stop. With a determined expression, she pushed forwards. Nothing would stop her from reaching the top of the cliffs. The child was set on her mission and wouldn't allow herself to fail. It was early morning when Dala started her climb and became noon by the time she finished. Dala hadn't made it to the top of the mountains but she was high enough to see the sunlight's reflection sparkle over the mountains. 

Instead of admiring the view, she flopped onto the dirt ground and gazed into the sky, exhausted. Her breathing was still heavy and her limbs could barely move. Yet, she had done it. She had gotten to the spot described by the villagers of the Welayta Mountains. It was a pleasant spot, basked in the sun and surrounded by meadow flowers. Behind her were trees and in front of her was a cliff that oversaw the mountain. Struggling to move, Dala reached towards her satchel and pulled out her canteen of water. As she drank a small stream of water ran down her chin but she didn't care. The child cleaned herself off then reached into her infinite purple bag and dragged out the tent, starting to put it up. While she worked Charise flew around her head, excited to have finally made it. 

"You know, when you're older you can fly me up here." Dala pointed out. 

The baby dragon made a chirping noise of excitement before landing next to the tent. It rolled around in the dirt and flopped on its side absorbing the suns rays. Meanwhile the girl had finished putting up the tent. Her next task was to make protections so that she could sleep during the night. Normally Emerald would be in charge of her protection but she had a fine substitution. Traps. She had snare traps, pit traps, spikes to hide in the grass, tripwires to trigger a net falling from the trees. Dala decided to only put up the snares and pit traps for now, as she didn't want to get caught in her own traps before going to bed. Once the two were set up, she grabbed a book from her satchel along with a notebook, sat in front of her tent and opened it to page twenty. 

-The secret to improving one's light magic is to go to a place of light for training.-

She looked at the sky and the cliff, noting the amount of sunlight in the area. 

"Looks like enough light to me." The child muttered. 

Dala checked it off her list and began to read the next step in the book.

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