Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sandawe Savanna > Welayta Mountains > Wyverns Attack! [Event/R/P]

Character Info
Name: Raziel
Age: About 100, appear 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Angel Nymph hybrid
Gender: Female
Silver: 558
As the wyverns grabbed their orbs, they shifted shape, for their destination was to the west and skyward. Sanyi had been practicing her ability to shift her form in midair, starting with her wings. She picked Raziel up with her human hands, took to the air and carefully lowered her upon Ensarrian’s wyvern back before gaining more altitude. They were seven strong, not including the angel riding one of them. To see the various colored wyverns fly in a perfect V formation could be quite intimidating as they made their way to the levitating mountains.

However, their path through the air would not be an easy feat. For as they flew, Raziel tightened her grip on Ensarrian when he banked hard. ”What is it?!” ”Someone’s shooting at us!” They were forced to perform evasive maneuvers while they scouted for a safe place to land. One of the wyverns roared out in pain as he began to plummet from the air. The other two dove after him while the three leaders and assassin found a place to land. Once grounded, Raziel slid off of Ensarrian’s back, gripping her staff close.

”Now what?” Sanyi placed a reassuring hand on the angel’s shoulder. ”We go up. They said that Lady Sirona has her statue on the highest peak.” The three wyverns returned, one shouldering a wounded wing, which Raziel was more than happy to repair quickly. ”A group of angels approaches our location, followed by a local… Probably one of Sirona’s Anointed.” ”I think we should appoint one of you as a battle leader. With so many alphas, it would make things easier.”

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