Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sandawe Savanna > Welayta Mountains > Floating Hopes [P]

Character Info
Name: Attie
Age: 19
Alignment: CN
Race: Human (Dead)
Gender: Female
Class: Wanderer/Scholar
Silver: 0
A young woman stood near the floating mountain range, looking at in awe. She was dressed oddly, with her silver Canelux winged armor. The wings of her armor weren't white but cosmic, looking similar to the night skies. A pair of silver force gauntlets were on her hands and they had little etchings in blue, pink, and orange. Her boots were combat oriented while still having the colors of orange and red on them. The most striking thing about her outfit was her mask. It started at her forehead and went down to her chin and held the colors of the dawn on them. Purple started at the bottom that faded to blue then to pink then to orange. In her hands was a simple brown bag filled to the brim. 

The sight of a large floating mountain range amazed Attie. This was something that she wouldn't have imagined in all her wildest dreams. She could also see that the mountain was windy, even from where she was standing. The idea of wearing a mask seemed like a bad one so she took it off and tossed it into her bag. Her cosmic wings spread apart and began to pull her into the air. She felt the air comb through her hair as she continued upwards towards the floating mountain range. Eventually, she landed at the base of the mountains. Flying was an option for her but she could only fly for so long. 

Attie had a big smile on her face as she carried the large brown bag over her shoulder. She was careful to keep the bag safe, as it had great value to the people she would be bringing it to. The mountain base wasn't too cold and it was filled with fresh wildlife. The Savannah wouldn't be experiencing the winter as much as Canelux would, as it was a warmer climate. But the mountain peaks would be as cold as ice. In order to get where she was going, she would have to pass through them. For now, she focused on the non-existent path ahead of her. 

Character Info
Name: Conrad
Age: 37
Alignment: TN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Silver: 264
The cool, fresh air filled Conrad’s lungs as he took a deep inhale. It had been a long time since he had gone on an expedition. Something he should have gotten back into years ago, but he had been too cowardly of his own power to venture out. What if things got out of control and he couldn’t handle it? Conrad knew that this potential was out there. He knew that there were potentials to go wrong, but he couldn’t stay cooped up any longer. Even so, the information he was finding needed to be looked into.

What helped his state of mind was that the locals that lived in the Welayta Mountains were known for their peaceful ways. With that in mind, Conrad felt more comfortable making his way there to look for more evidence of his targeted objective. He adjusted the glasses on his face to make sure that he was seeing everything properly. The man’s vision had been severely impaired from his injuries, and thankfully the glasses were able to help to a certain degree. That vision was taking in the incredible sight of the floating mountain range. For the first time, Conrad was glad that he was on this particular expedition.

Shifting the shoulder strap of his bag slung across his chest, he began to wind his way along the path towards the nearest village. He was hoping that the trek would not take too long. Even though his physique was in top condition it had not been used for such a long trek for a while. Conrad gripped the strap of his bag tightly while walking along the long dirt path.

As he walked, the man noticed a woman who was armored in rather spectacular winged armor. Instantly, the researcher part of Conrad was intrigued to look into it further. Unfortunately, the cautious side of him told the mage to not seek out someone dressed in such an outfit. The aura that Conrad was reading off the woman was not one of malicious intent. Even so, he was cautious about wanting to get any closer.

His steps were lengthened in order to speed up his progress to the village. Hopefully they were awaiting such a newcomer.

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