Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sandawe Savanna > Welayta Mountains > Welayta Mountains [Area Description]

Character Info
Name: Xunatar Norcross
Age: Over 3000
Alignment: CE
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen God
Silver: 3157
Towards the east of Onnen resides a mountain range high above the sky. If that wasn’t remarkable enough, their appearance is just as striking as their levitating state; when the sunlight hits them, they shine in an array of colors like a rainbow. Animals such as rams, mountain gorillas, golden monkeys, and antelope make their home at the mountain base; trout and other fish constantly swim through the streams that travel down the mountainside. Rarer creatures such as rainbow phoenixes and marozis (spotted lions) take refuge at the peak.

In the valleys, it isn’t uncommon to find small villages. The origin of how their people came to find themselves on these floating mountains has been lost in time but it is said that they live peacefully and welcome outsiders with open arms. They tend to lack any sort of militaristic force as reaching the mountains in the first place is very difficult for those with malicious tendencies.

|You prophet of hate
You profit from faith
Truth-less, two-faced, two-bit

The Mad Admin, Brandon*

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