Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sandawe Savanna > Sandawe Grasslands > City of Men [P/R]

Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
Simone sat perched on Lewis’s shoulder. It was an odd thing to see. Her brilliant blue and black feathers out in the open like this. She was also rather well taken care of. There was a leash tied to her leg and went to Lewis’s gloved hand like she was a wild bird.

It had started a request from Angela.

“I’ve gotten a request to track down someone but their last known location is a city called Sorora.”

“I don’t know why that’s a problem for you, Ang…” Xeik looked unamused as Rhenakos, Lewis, and by extension, Simone sat next to him.

“They don’t let women into their city. It’s absolutely forbidden. Which is why it’s a problem.”

“Ah…” The three men answered. “Who’s the target?”

“A nobleman from Adeluna named Michael.” Angela produced some pictures for them. “He is the only heir to the family and I owe his family a few favors. Even if its just him telling them to fuck off at least they would know. He took off three weeks ago.”

Once Lewis was home though… “I want to go with you.”

“Mone… It’s men only.”

“I’ll stay a bird! I want to go! I never get to go!” Simone puffed out her cheeks into the cutest pout that Lewis had ever seen… and well…

“How the fuck did this happen?” Rhenakos pointed to the phoenix on Lewis as they met up just an hour outside of Sorora.

“…I don’t want to talk about it.” Lewis made a face and Simone let out a song at Rhenakos.

“She gave you sex didn’t she?”

“…No.” Lewis got a light blush on his face before turning around. “Stop asking.”

They were being inspected at the gate. “What a beautiful bird you have… Night phoenixes are rare… I can’t imagine how you tamed one.” The guard was looking at Simone on Lewis’s shoulder as she was coaxed onto his arm for the guards to see.

“Should we do the standard check to see if it's a female?” One of the guards asked.

“Female night phoenixes don’t exist anymore so there’s no point.” The guard waved his hand. “You lot can go in. Just abide by the rules.”

Even their animals have to be male? How very rude. Simone gave Lewis sass in his mind.


Character Info
Name: Lewis Terrowin
Age: 25
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ex-Assassin
Silver: 5996

The city of Sorora was quite the little hodgepodge of male only enthusiasts. From the base research that Lewis had done, the small city was started by a group of men who had been cursed by a powerful witch, and thus they scorned her kind. As the city started to grow, it was less about the witch’s curse, and turned more into those who were scorned by women. It was rumored that the original hex on the founders involved womenkind, and that lead to a whole different bout of legends and myths onto why Sorora was the way it was.

None of that truly mattered to the small group as they entered the city. It was blisteringly hot, and that meant that most of the group, as well as the men of the city, were wearing either light clothes, or nothing at all. Rhenakos, the largest one of the group, was wearing a super short toga, and had opted to leave his heavy sword behind. The metal alone would burn his flesh if he tried to carry it. Xeik was wearing shorts and a white shawl, which was wrapped over his head to keep the sun out of his eyes, and protect his face.

Lewis was wearing something of a white skirt and a sleeveless, hooded vest. On his left arm was a variety of tanned leather armor fixtures where he could let Simone rest as she perched on him.

“Hush now, Mone,” Lewis said as he nuzzled the phoenix on his shoulder. “We’re not here to worry about their plight. We’re here in search of this…Michael.” Lewis sighed. “Though, we were not given much to go on this time. It might be best to split up and search.” He looked to the ground.

“Right. Well, I’ll head off this way towards the market,” Rhenakos said as he winked. “Might find some interesting things there. And I hear the market is rich with information.” He bounded off into the crowd without waiting for a response, leaving Xeik, Lewis, and Simone.

“Okay…” Lewis sighed. “I guess we’ll hit the tavern.”

Xeik nodded, and pointed at a large building. “That way.”

The trio entered the tavern, and immediately took to the corner table. Being an ex-thief and ex-assassin, both of them tended to have unbreakable habits like this. A waiter came by, and took their orders.

“Fruit, and cactus juice if you would,” Xeik said with a smile.

“Same,” Lewis replied. “Some for my g-, boy as well…”


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
The phoenix lovingly rubbed her face up against his cheek. Once in a while, she would stretch her wings very carefully to not hit Lewis. People would look at her sparkling feathers and comment on them. It would get a strut from her across Lewis’s arm. It wasn’t often people would get to see her bird form so she was reveling in it. It was a shame they were morons though.

Mone go off of Lewis’s arm and walked across the table sticking her beak into the drink for the cactus juice. Yummy… Her feathers almost stood on ends showing how much she actually liked it. It was so odd how her bird form gave away what she was thinking.

She took her foot and started to slice the fruit. “Oh! Your phoenix is trained so well!” One of the tavern goers came near and Simone looked in his directions as she skewered the fruit and used her beak to eat it. “And his feathers are so nice! How do you manage to keep them looking so beautiful looking?!”

The man had a hawk who was eying Simone. “What is it boy? Isn’t he a pretty bird?” The hawk went at Simone with hostility but the bird merely spanned her wings and screamed at the hawk before sending her sharp talons his direction. The man managed to pull the hawk back who’s eyes were large. She had managed to make the bird literally shit on his owner.

Turning her head up she gave attitude and went back to her fruit. Territorial little bastard.

“I’m sorry about him,” the man panicked. “I don’t understand what his issue is.”


Character Info
Name: Lewis Terrowin
Age: 25
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ex-Assassin
Silver: 5996
As Xeik tended to his own food, listening in on the conversations around him. Lewis took his own time tending to Simone. It was rare for her to be in this form for extended lengths, and it was quite something to behold. She was quite the beauty, and her cute little reactions to the cactus water and fruit brought a smile to his face.

A smile from Lewis was creepy, at best, and Xeik shivered. Even after all these years, he could barely handle seeing it.

“Mone, here, is quite the well behaved phoenix,” Lewis said with a smirk. Using her nickname seemed fine enough. It seemed to be able to pass for a male name. “Phoenixes usually don’t require too much when it comes to taking care of their feathers. Just a good diet, and making sure they’re happy.”

Isn’t that right, love? You’re quite the happy one, aren’t you?

He looked around, taking a moment to break his attention away from Simone. They were here for a reason, and though he was enjoying Simone’s phoenix form, they had to find Michael.

When Lewis brought his attention back, he noticed the hawk eyeballing Simone. It was quick in its attempted attack, but Simone was quicker, and the two had a brief standoff. Of course, Simone won.

Probably noticed you were a woman. Maybe he wanted some…even in bird form, you have to fight them off, don’t you? He smirked. “Perhaps he’s simply jealous.” He sighed, laying back in his chair. “You can pay me back, though. Food for my Mone here, and information for me.”

Lewis moved forward. “What do you say?”


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
Quite so. Mone answered as she played with the fruit more. She was figuring out how to approach each fruit and it wasn’t taking her long to figure it out.

“He’s very smart too. I can tell he’s never had some of the fruit before but he’s figuring it out quite fast.”

He’s being an asshole. The hawk was making some noises and in turn, Simone was actually responding to them. Her noises were weird and since she hardly ever did it… Would probably throw Xeik and Lewis off.

The man pulled up a chair and sat down. “Sure, since you gave me information on your beautiful bird I will help you.” He held up his hand and had some more fruit brought over for Mone. Her feathers stood up again as she looked at the different fruit she had never seen before. She was very happy as she took a purple-looking fruit and hopped her way back to Lewis’s lap as she tried to crack it and eat it.

“Ahh! I see he is trying to figure out the Kiska Fruit! Try putting your talons right there.” He showed Simone and she tilted her head before doing what he was showing her. She got it open and started to try it. It was a very sweet taste.


Character Info
Name: Xeik Eraphim
Age: 25, appears 21
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Unspecified
Class: Divine Mender
Silver: 1379
Xeik was listening to the life all around him, the ebb and flow of conversations, the coming and going of people. It was all interconnected. It mattered not that the women were missing from the picture, it was simply replacing a part of the puzzle with something else. Just as Lady Angela had taught him…

Yet, none of the information he was looking for came his way. Michael’s life energy was not present in any of these people. And neither was the sound of his name. He sighed, and opened his eyes. There had been quite a lot of commotion, but he had managed to ignore it all.

“What is-” Now that Xeik’s attention was back, he noticed what Simone was eating. In his mind, the word echoed from hearing it previously. Kiska fruit. A fruit named for the island it comes from, by a tribe of those who used it to rat out changelings. The fruit was a powerful deterrent when it came those who could shapeshift, locking them into a human, or as close to human, form.

Of course, most who devoured the fruit would not know this. In fact, it was pretty good for anyone who didn’t have this problem.

For Simone, though.

“WAIT DON’T EAT THAT!” Xeik said as he tried to reach out and take it from the night phoenix. “It will-”

At once, Simone’s body shifted into her naked form, idly sitting on the table. Her eyes were wide as she bit into the kiska fruit, the juices dripping down her chin as she looked to Xeik, and then to Lewis. “What?”

The entire room was staring at her. As she turned her head, her eyes slowly started to widen. “Oh.”

Lewis blinked. “Fuck.”

Xeik nodded slowly. “Now, I think we can all just-”

“IS THAT A WOMAN!?” someone yelled in the back finally, pointing at Simone.

Lewis was up at once, pulling Simone into his grasps, cradling her. There was murder in his eyes. “Can I just kill them all?


“Can I burn it all?” Simone asked, her eyes still wide.”

“THAT’S THE SAME DAMN THING LEWIS SAID!” Xeik yelled, putting himself between the now restless mob of angry men.

“Is…that a female night phoenix?” Another voice said, stepping into view. His own dark feathers shimmered in the candlelight.

“Ah…fuck…” Lewis said as he glared. “Another night phoenix….” He looked at the window behind him, and then to the door. “We’re running.”

Xeik smirked, “Thought you’d never say that. I’ll clear a-”

Lewis jumped back, great wings erupted from his back. The window crashed open around him as his vest was torn to pieces, and Lewis took to the skies with Simone in his arms.

Xeik closed his eyes, and let out a long sigh. “Why….why do I even bother anymore.” He opened his eyes to see an angry mob still staring at him. Minus, of course, the male night phoenix. Evidently he had gone after Simone and Lewis.


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
It made sense now to the man why his hawk had gotten so territorial. It wasn’t trying to claim the territory it was trying to claim her.

Her gray eyes locked with the man and before long Lewis was taking her into his arms. “Pfft no,” Simone tried to play it off that she was a female night phoenix but it was too long as Lewis decided to take off. She put her arms around his neck and scowled at everyone behind them. “Assholes.”

Well, this whole plan was a bust thanks to that one tiny fruit. Kiska fruit. She would need to keep it away from the kids if they planned on going out in their own bird forms. The twins were starting to experiment with flying lately.

“Lewis,” she looked up at his face which was twisted into an angry expression. “We have an incoming male specimen of the night phoenix variety.”

The night phoenix was gaining them. “Land now. I just have questions.” He was yelling at Lewis. “That roof over there.” The night phoenix landed and looked up at them.

“…I’m not sensing ill intent,” Mone knew their situation was bad. “We can always kill him.”

Once Lewis landed he put Simone down and she was eyeing the night phoenix. “What do you want?”

“I see you are a mated pair,” the man noticed Lewis’s wings. “I just want to know if there are more of you.”

“No,” Simone shook her head. “I was artificially made and by extension turned my husband into one. Unless you mean Night Phoenixes… In which case I do some where some males are. They kidnapped me a few years ago.” She crossed her arms. “We killed a few of them.”

“I see… No, I am just looking for my mate. Supposedly she is still alive so I was hoping you were from the tribe she is at.”

She shook her head, “No, we are lone wolves since we aren’t natural.”

“That was ballsy bringing her here…” He scolded Lewis.

“I didn’t want to stay home. They always make me stay home on jobs,” she hadn’t realized it but she was pouting again.

Meanwhile, Xeik was on his way running away. “He brought a female to the city!” The men were chasing him.

A hand caught Xeik and pulled him into an alley. It was the man with the hawk. “Shh.” He put his finger to his lips. “This way. Saw them fly towards a building this way. So… The phoenix is a girl?” He started to chat with Xeik. “No wonder Nath liked her. She is a very pretty bird. Dangerous city to bring a woman to though…”


Character Info
Name: Lewis Terrowin
Age: 25
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ex-Assassin
Silver: 5996
Lewis still had not learned the intricacies of flying, and the male night phoenix was quick to catch up. The ex-assassin cursed as he landed, eying the male. He had a dagger at the ready, as always. Even if he missed, though, Simone wouldn’t. She had already grabbed the bone dagger from its sheath, and held it in hand.

Still, the man seemed more curious than hostile. If anything, he seemed disappointed to see Simone.

Simone and the night phoenix exchanged words, and then the man turned to Lewis with a hostile statement.

“It’s not like I can talk any sense into her,” Lewis responded with a dead stare. “Or are you saying that your mate listened to you.”

At that, the man looked away, “No. Could never get her to sit still when she wanted something…” He sighed. “My name is Jakob. Let’s just try to get you out of here, okay?”

“Lewis,” the ex-assassin responded with a sigh. “And this is Simone.” She gave a little wave and a smile.

“Look, when this is all over,” Lewis said as he took a step forward. “Maybe…we can help look for your mate.” It was weird, coming from Lewis. But Simone could feel it. The sense of loss whenever she had gone missing. He knew what it was like to feel that, and to have met someone who might feel similarly…

Jakob rolled his eyes. “Worry about this right now. If we fly north, there’s a cave system that I stayed in before I found this town. It’s not too far.” He looked around one last time. “Good riddance, too… what a terrible place. No women…no wonder everyone is so crazy…”

Xeik was immediately on guard when he was pulled into the side alley. It took him a moment to realize, though, that the man was not his enemy.

“You’re from the tavern…” He smirked. “Seems not everyone is crazy here.”

The hawk tamer chuckled. “Most of the natives are. I just came here cause one of them happens to be the best when it comes to grooming Nath here. Stubborn fella won’t let anyone else get close. Other than me, of course, but…”

Nath gave Xeik a look, as if trying to say that he was high maintenance.

“No…I get it,” he replied with a sigh. “Mone is like that too…very picky….”

There was a series of violent tweets, followed by a white fluffball appearing around the corner. It homed in on Xeik, and perched on his shoulder.

“What…who the hell are you?” Xeik asked. “Wait…Snowball? Since when…you know what, no. Not even going to ask. What do you need?”

The white tit practically kicked his little talons into Xeik’s face, and the healer noticed a small note. It didn’t take long for him to take it off, reading it aloud. “Headed…North. Caves, huh?” He nodded. “Right…let’s get going, then…” He looked at the hawk tamer. “Thanks for your-”

“Oh no you don’t. It’s not often I get to see a night phoenix, let alone two. I’m definitely coming with. Nath is interested too!”


Character Info
Name: Simone Terrowin
Age: Appears 20
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Female
Class: Songstress/Novel Writer
Silver: 13883
Mone took Lewis’s hand and smiled at him. He knew what it was like now and she appreciated that he was willing to help someone else. She was proud of him. “I can fly.”

“Mone, you are naked. No,” he scooped Mone up again and she puffed up her face.

“But why not? It’s not like anyone can see.”

“There’s a possibility they could… Miss it's too hot so I’m going naked because I’m going to be a bird the whole time.” He eyed Simone and she puffed up her face again.

Once Xeik got to the caves they found a very happy Simone in Lewis’s lap with a blanket around her. “I got a blanket now!”

“No,” Lewis wouldn’t let her up and she was pouting again.

“Finee~” She sulked in his lap and tilted her head as Xeik, the hawk tamer, Snowball, and Nath showed up. “Hey! Snowball is back!” Snowball puffed up his chest and gave three tweets for victory as he flew over onto Lewis’s shoulder. “You will get extra strawberry seeds for this!” Snowball was pleased by the offering as he stood proud.

“Xeik, this is Jacob. He’s a night phoenix too. He’s been looking for his mate. Lewis said we would help him once we can get out of here,” Simone introduced their new night phoenix friend.

“Huh, don’t have to kill him? That’s a change for the better… After what we dealt with in Tyr…”

Simone made a face at Xeik as he spoke, “I still can’t look at tribal clothing without shivering. They worshiped me.”

“Most women would die to be worshiped by a lot of men,” the hawk hunter joked.

“I got all the devoted worshipers I need.” She spoke as Lewis wrapped his arms tighter around her. “He’s territorial.” She joked.

“You said you were artificially made. What does that mean?” Jacob was curious now that they were out of harm’s way.

“Xeik’s mistress dabbles in many life magics. She used a night phoenix feather to resurrect me after my body decayed. Because of how she used Lewis’s life force to do it we’re bound so eventually he became one too.” Simone weaseled her way out and moved her hair out of the way to show them her back. “This is the magic circle it’s on our bodies and our souls. I didn’t even know there were other night phoenixes until I got kidnapped.”


Character Info
Name: Lewis Terrowin
Age: 25
Alignment: CN
Race: Night Phoenix
Gender: Male
Class: Ex-Assassin
Silver: 5996
Xeik was surprised at the sight he came into once they entered the caves. Lewis had Simone in his lap, which wasn’t unusual, other than the fact that she was covered with a rather comfortable looking blanket. Of course, the overprotective husband was keeping her still, which she wasn’t too happy about.

“Simone, you’re okay,” the healer said with a smile. “I was hoping you all made it out safe.” He took a look at the other male night phoenix, and then to Lewis and Simone, and made an offhand comment about the unusual lack of help as he turned to their new bird tamer friend.

“Well, this is…Hunter. Right?” Xeik said as he introduced the bird tamer.

“Aye,” he replied. It was obvious he was using a moniker, which was fine. Perhaps he wasn’t so trusting of the potential magic users.

Xeik listened in as Simone described the magic that Lady Angela had used to resurrect Simone, and how it had changed the two of them. It was for better, or for worse. So far, better seemed like the best option.

“There’s a whole flock in Tyr. All male. And they don’t seem keen on leaving anytime soon, so I doubt they’ll have seen your mate,” Lewis said as he pulled Simone back into his lap, cradling her. “Now stay still. Your mana still doesn’t feel right.”

Xeik rolled his eyes. “Wait…aren’t we forgetting something?”

Rhenakos stood at the edge of town with a disgruntled Michael over his shoulder. It had taken less than five minutes of asking around before the demon hunter found their target. It took even less time than that to hog tie him and walk him to the city edge. On the way, though, was where he heard the rumors that a woman was spotted near the tavern.

The hunter sighed, “Can’t keep their hands off each other for five fucking minutes…bet they just HAD to go at it….” Rhenakos wandered over to the tavern, and tried his best to get a lead on where the group had gone, but to no avail. As he started to wonder if he should just leave, there was an angry tweet to his side.

“Oh…the white runt,” Rhenakos said as he looked at Snowball. “Haven’t seen you in awhile. I take it you’ll lead me to them?”

The brave bird gave a hefty, annoyed nod. It was far too hot for him, so he landed on Rhenakos’ shoulder. “All right…let’s get going…”

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