Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Sirona, Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 7:18 AM, Post Subject: Preemptively[P,R]

~Who is that?!~ She thought to herself as she watched a figure walk up to the orc camp, was she crazy?! The angel vanished from her point high up in the mountains overlooking the camp in a streak of light and was gone out of sight.

Down below the interaction between the woman and the orcs currently on guard continued, with the reading of the scroll from the village of Kala. Laughter from those within the camp echoed out from the walls before those within questioned about the past messenger. No sooner had that conversation ended than the message was reiterated when the head landed on the ground by the woman. ~So be it.~ The diplomatic option was off the table now, that one act would now cost the orcs dearly for slaughtering an innocent messenger.

The gate to the camp creaked open as two orc guards came out with swords and shields at the ready towards the woman. They only got a few steps out of the gate before a streak of light snapped past them from right to left and then came back again from left to right. As it did came back on the second pass the ball of light changed forms as the angel appeared and skidding on the ground on her feet as she came to a stop. Her large, white feathered wings were raised high, and she wore a suit of armour of black and white with a hood over her head instead of a full helm. She carried a beautiful broadsword and a unique looking shield that, if asked, she would call Faith.

The angelic knight turned to face the woman and walked over to her as the orcs fell dead from their throats having been slashed open. Within the camp the orcs blared a war horn and the sounds of them getting ready to fight could be heard. But the angel with her brilliant blue eyes, glowing slightly from under her armoured hood, casually walked over to the other woman with a small smile and a nod of a greetings. ”Greetings, ma’am, I applaud your bravery in coming here today, I thought I would be alone in removing them from here. However, if you do not wish to be in harms way, I understand, and am capable of doing this task on my own, I do not wish for another to lose their life to the orcs.” She explained, still ignoring whatever the orcs were doing at the moment, ready to shield the woman if needed. ”I am Sirona, if you feel the need to address me, if you wish to fight along side me I welcome the assistance, but, again, I must state, if you wish to remove yourself from harms way I understand.” Her voice was polite and her smile genuine as she waited to see how the woman would react before taking on the orcs themselves.

Author: Ha Neul, Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 2:08 AM, Post Subject: Preemptively[P,R]

Reinforced leather crushed the verdant green beneath, neither with the rhythm of a stroll, nor haste–yet undoubtedly with intension. An unassuming existence, airing neither hostility nor amiability, nonchalantly venturing into the lion's den.
Fortified walls encompassed smoldering patrol towers; its very presence seemingly in blatant opposition against the unbound wilds, like some ancient grudge against its very existence. The towering pair guarding the fortified gateway appeared baffled almost to the point of awe witnessing the uninvited guests gradually venture ever closer to their proximity.
A whistle suddenly soared from above, the momentum of its presence troublesome to follow, afore its final collision into the ground. A knowing silence seemed to fill the grassland as the figure stopped dead.

"That be close enough!"

A gentle breeze swept the grass beneath, carrying the woman's eyes to glance over the lodged projectile afront her boot.

"State'cha business!"

The breeze ventured on, swaying one blade after another, afore causing the leaves of a nearby tree to dance. As if approving of the performance, a swallow took shelter atop its branches. A hand could be witnessed digging into the hanfu top clothing their owner's torso. The entire grassland seemed to wait in suspense.

"A message from Governor Adil, of the village of Kala to the east."

The scroll hang unfurled afront the woman, eyes following the text seemingly perfunctory as her monotonous speech, despite the necessary volume being present.

"Your amassing force arouses anxiety within our people, and we desire your reasoning for such extensive militaristic practices so near our borders.
The prior messenger sent according to this matter remains unreturned; Whether by your influence or another, we accuse not. But, understand, should we discover a repeated incident by three moons, Kala shall assume your presence hostile, and take necessary precautions to defend our beloved people unless proven otherwise."

No sooner had the final words left the woman's lips, than the scroll rerolled, departing back into her top.

… Echoes of uninhibited laugher dominated the surroundings, and it did not hurry to cease.

The woman simply awaited, nearly motionless.

"Sayin'–ya didn't get our last messenge…?"

"The prior messenger sent according to this matter remains unreturned," recited the woman with repeated monotone, as if she were still reading the text.

As if having tolerated enough unnaturistic racket, the swallow departed from its shelter. The messenger observed its blue and white feathers reascent to the skies, seemingly absentminded–afore the second object sharing its abode commanded her attention.
Heavier and less graceful than her previously received welcoming, the woman squinted to better discern the clumsily launched object in the sunlight. It appeared in little hurry to land–yet, when it did, performed so with no inferior effect.
Her dark green irises casually followed the object as it heavily thumped against the ground; rolling a few feet, staining the verdant grass, then coming to a stop but inches away. It took no genius to discern the nature of it, nor identify the thick sanguine trail left upon the grass blades in its wake.

"I understand."

… Beheaded.

Author: Sirona, Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 10:37 AM, Post Subject: Preemptively[P,R]

The nerve of some beings!

Of all the places for them to set up their war camp it had to be only a couple days walk from where the Cathedral was. They had crossed one line when they had set up so close, though perhaps they did not know. So, a messenger had been sent to inform them of where they were, and, a kind request to relocate. That messenger had made it back to the Cathedral but they had been in rough shape and wounded.

That had been the last straw and she was going to deal with this threat herself, right now.

An orc war camp had been established in the Efe Mountains, about thirty of them in total, ready for war, a war they would start. More over, it would large raids against local settlements as they didn’t have the numbers for a full on attack against a city. They hadn’t started raids yet, but that day would come soon enough as they were almost fully entrenched in the area they had picked, setting up walls and look out towers.

She had sent word out to the locals to keep an eye out for any small raiding bands that might break off to look for supplies. So far none had, but at least the locals to the Southern Savannah had been warned and would be ready. But the angel as intent on making sure they didn’t need to be ready for anything, cut the threat off before it became a problem.

The angel had left all of her Clergy back at the Cathedral, she intended to do this fight alone, and she was capable of it to. She was observing the camp from a higher point in the mountain overlooking them. She was not trying to hide her presence up there either, if they spotted her that was fine, she was well out of range of their bows. Though she was within range of the ballista they had but from what she could tell they had not finished putting it together yet to use against her if they did see her.

For now, the angel was content to watch until she was mentally ready to attack and remove their blind from the lands.

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