Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sandawe Savanna > Sandawe Grasslands > Detoxification Required [P, R]

Character Info
Name: Akira Sno
Age: 14
Alignment: CG
Race: Fox demon
Gender: Female
Class: Curious child/ Venomancer
Silver: 1016
"Relax, child. You saved his life." Monifa was attempting to comfort the fox, yet she could not shake the feeling of dread. If she wasn't there, if she didn't have the potion, then her world would be that much smaller. Why had she been so absorbed that she had missed such a major problem with a friend? Akira gazed at his sleeping form as if she would cry at any moment, but they were spent.

When Xeik had found that needle, she was too slow to do anything but yell out one word. "Don't!" The deed was done before she reached his side, scrambling to pull his body against hers and grabbing for the foul needle. It was sleeping into her pouch as she called his name with no response. Lady Luck was on Akira's side when she suddenly remembered the small vial of panacea in her possession. Akira dumped the whole vile into his mouth in a frantic attempt to help him.

She needed to be sure it worked, needed to know he'll be safe. There was no safer place than Aunt Lirin's home in Onnen. It was someplace far away from Sularia, away from Parvpora with all those painful memories. Akira had once attempted to learn how to open portals and gates. Now she needed to recall past attempts and successfully open one, feeling Xeik's life was in precarious balance.

Her aim had been a little off, opening a portal into Lirin's bedroom instead of her own. As she dragged his limp, dangerously thin body through, they were greeted by several wyverns and a vampiress with weapons drawn. Everything seemed to happen so fast from then to now, leaving Akira feeling lost. How can she help him when he doesn't want to escape the problem? Because the problem is what makes his reality more bearable.

Akira climbed onto the bed where Xeik was resting and sat in the center. Regal curled up in her lap as she lazily took in her room. Most everything had a golden color to it, the theme of the palace. Her bed frame was golden but her sheets were white, and it was far too large for Akira, but it was soft and warm. An oak table with matching chairs had golden cushions seemed out of place, yet most rooms had them. The only thing which set Akira's room apart from other guest rooms was the tower which Regal plays and slumbers upon from time to time. From the lack of personalization, one could easily tell she did not spend much time here.

"He won't clean up easily, Regal."
"Not likely."
"This will be difficult, the hardest thing I've done since…"
"Can I do it?"
"For his sake, you must."

The teen allowed herself to fall to her side, her eyes glued to Xeik's face. "I'm sorry, Xeik," she whispered before snuggling Regal close for comfort. It was only a matter of time now before he wakes up. How mad will he be? Monifa had assured her that they didn't have anything that would harm him except certain medicines that had recently been made up for a wyvern who had broken their arm.


Character Info
Name: Xeik Eraphim
Age: 25, appears 21
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Unspecified
Class: Divine Mender
Silver: 1379
I fucked up big time. I shouldn’t be alive right now. I guess you were right, Lewis. I really am too weak for this world. It was ice cold. Things were happening around him, but he didn’t seem to care. Couldn’t care. Everything was too much effort. His eyelids were like heavy weights, his arms like boulders. It felt as though the weight of the ocean itself were holding him down, so why bother fight against it?

This was the end, wasn’t it?

I’m sorry. Drake. Danwe. I really messed up. I can’t really take it back either.

Time in the cold place seemed to have no meaning. Xeik found himself lost in thoughts and dreams that made no sense. Akira was there, yelling at him for some reason. Others too, looking on with some form of pity. And Akira again, this time looking upon him with sadness.

Akira? Why? Making her sad wasn’t a part of this. He hated that feeling. He had disappointed her as well. Don’t cry…I really…

Xeik’s eyes opened. All at once, everything was screaming at him. His body was ice cold, but covered in sweat. He started to pant as though he had run miles just to get here, but barely moved an inch. He could see Akira clearly, a look of concern across her face, but that didn’t matter.

He willed himself to move, barely managing to roll over before his body revolted in protest to withdrawal, and he threw up over the side of the bed. Except there was barely anything in his stomach. Leaning over the side of the bed, he dry heaved a few more times, and then fell back onto the bed, moaning. He curled up, shivering and whimpering.

“Make it stop…it hurts. Please just…give me something, anything…” He was far too much into withdrawal to care how he looked, only wanting to suffering to end. “Please just…if I can’t have any more just…just end it now. Kill me. I can’t take this…please!”


Character Info
Name: Akira Sno
Age: 14
Alignment: CG
Race: Fox demon
Gender: Female
Class: Curious child/ Venomancer
Silver: 1016
How was she to deal with the fact that he was now sweating? Maybe she should get him some water? Akira slid herself off the bed and walked around to the bedside table next to Xeik. Amenthes had left a pitcher of water and two cups there as he usually did whenever she visited. Just as she began to pour him a cup, Xeik rolled over and vomited over the side of the bed.

Her nose wrinkled at the sharp, acrid smell but she continued to pour the water. Small jars were on the table, left by Monifa with explicit instructions on how to use them. "Just a small bit. You don't want to overpower his stomach," she had warned. The fox-teen added a small dash of each powder and stirred them into the water, a small vial of oil was pocketed for future use.

Careful to avoid his mess, his words a painful reminder, Akira sat on the edge of the bed. "I can't end it, Xeik, but I do have something for you. You'd have to drink it, though." She held the cup out for him, watching as he drank it, eager to fall back into the drugged haze. However, he would be disappointed. It was going to be a long road for his body to no longer crave the substances he had gotten involved in.

Akira gave him an apologetic smile. "Sorry, not what you were expecting, was it? Monifa said it'll help your stomach and any fever or aches that you might experience." She put the cup down and climbed over him. Assituating herself next to him, the fox-teen pulled the vial back out of her pocket. Once it was opened, the enticing scent of rosemary filled the air. A drop or two coated her fingertip before she corked the bottle back up. This she used to coat the almost hollow area behind the ear at the base of the jaw. "Aunt Lirin said this should help reduce withdrawal pains. You'll get through this, Xeik… You have to," Akira whispered softly as her fingers gently massaged, ignorant of how she was half draped over him in the close proximity, her face hovering over his face.


Character Info
Name: Xeik Eraphim
Age: 25, appears 21
Alignment: CG
Race: Human
Gender: Unspecified
Class: Divine Mender
Silver: 1379
Time seemed to crawl on as the cycle repeated itself, over and over. The pain was always constant, always in waves. Some days were better than others, but every day was a struggle. There were some times where he felt lucid, where he tried to talk with Akira. Those days were happy, but short lived as the haze returned, and the pain ensued. But finally, after a few weeks, the boy found himself somewhat lucid. He awoke in a puddle of sweat, as he had almost every day since he had arrived, but for once his head wasn’t pounding.

“Akira…?” he asked, looking around. His vision was still hazy, and the room was spinning, but there was so little pain this time. “Where…where am I?” He was avoiding the real question. What had he done? Just how far had he fallen? These were the ones that he already had an idea on, but was terrified of the answer.

Xeik slowly sat up. That…was a lot. Just trying to sit up was a lot of work. He was already panting at the effort, and that was not a good sign. “How long…?” His voice was raspy. “Water please?” He was still dizzy, but slowly starting to feel better. And the fact that Akira was here, while confusing, was comforting. Even if he couldn’t express it, he was glad that someone like her was taking care of him.


Character Info
Name: Akira Sno
Age: 14
Alignment: CG
Race: Fox demon
Gender: Female
Class: Curious child/ Venomancer
Silver: 1016
Their biggest enemy was time. As he slept through it, Akira had to deal with her own problems. Tending to Xeik was therapeutic in its own way for her. She never complained as she cleaned up after him, held him through the pain, coaxed him into drinking the water and broth required for him to survive through the detoxification of his body. Lirin, Monifa, Amenthes, and Ra often kept her company, filling the silence with their voice with very little input from the teen. They were happy that she was finally beginning to open up and speak more.

She had been sitting nearby, reading a book on botany when her ear twitched to the sound of her name. The book was closed and placed on the table as she stood to cross the room. "Sahait, Onnen. Or more specifically, my bedroom in Sahait's palace." Akira answered as she began pouring a cup of water out of habit. "Slowly, Xeik. Don't push yourself too hard yet," she cautioned as she carefully sat on the edge of the bed, already offering him the water by the time he asked. Her gentle hand remained on the glass as he drank from it.

"You've been in and out of it for a couple of weeks. If it wasn't for Uncle Ra and Aunt Lirin, I would probably have lost track of time myself." She gave a small smile, which was probably the happiest one she had given in a long time. "Amen-Ra is the alpha of this clan of wyverns, and is Lirin's husband. Lirin, of course, is my Mother Celeste's twin sister. Hence why my room is in the palace. But don't let the word paint any big ideas. It's not all that huge. Actually, it's kind of cozy." If one of the adults were in here, their eyes would budge at Akira. She was speaking more now with less goading than she had in weeks.

"I believe I understand why you did it, Xeik. You won't have to explain it to me. But my aunt… or Monifa… They might ask questions. You don't have to answer them, not if you don't want to." Her smile turned more sympathetic. When he was done with the glass of water, she refilled it before offering it back to him.

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