Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sandawe Savanna > Sandawe Grasslands > Matchmaker [P,R]

Character Info
Name: Sanyi
Age: 94 (appears 18)
Alignment: CN
Race: Wyvern
Gender: Female
Silver: 353
Raziel played innocent, but Sanyi knew better. She had been watching them, silently receiving Raziel’s emotions and knew them for what they were. That butterfly feeling in her stomach whenever she heard Zehrili’s voice was the same when Sanyi caught a glimpse of Ensarrian. The angel jumped at nearly everyone touching her, but that smile that accompanied the knowledge of his presence was different from that she gave Ian himself. Raziel had fallen for the wyvern.

Even his clan knew it. Sanyi heard whispers in their market when the royals were not around. They were excited for him, yet said the same thing about the pair as they did Amen-Ra and Phoenix. For some unknown reason, he was holding himself back. Someone had to do something, because Raziel was oblivious to everything and was too sweet to even contemplate asking him. With a smile, the wyvern knew it fell upon her shoulders to help Raziel as the angel had done for the wyverns.

Getting into his room was simple, nothing too complicated. As Sanyi slipped in, she noted that the room was empty. It looked much like her guest room. A four poster bed that looked invitingly soft, a sitting area for private meetings with guests. The room had been cleaned, the bed made by a maid, everything in its proper place. Sanyi snagged an apple off the table as she spied another door.

She opened that door to find a workshop. Tables with beakers full of various colored liquids, tools and glass cages that housed spiders and snakes. Along the wall was a table, which is where Sanyi lounged, cloaking herself in invisibility as she waited for Zehrili to return to his room. He had to return sooner or later.

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