Roleplay Forums > Onnen > Sandawe Savanna > Sandawe Grasslands > Medic for the Medic [P]

Character Info
Name: Raziel
Age: About 100, appear 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Angel Nymph hybrid
Gender: Female
Silver: 558
Raziel’s eyes snapped open with a sharp inhale of breath, followed by a low moan against the pain in her chest. Normally, the angel would flinch at the sudden touch, but his hands felt cool against her warm skin, leaving her with the sudden urge to press her forehead into his hand. ”The clan?” she repeated softly as he began moving. Once more, she squeaked as she realized he was forcing her into a piggy-back ride. ”Zehrili! I… What are you doing?!” His form was changing beneath her as soft skin turned into smooth scales, muscles shifting as bones altered their shape.

Even his voice changed as he spoke to her, giving her directions she was already following. How high up was she now? If she even allowed herself to slide off, there was no guarantee of a landing without injury. There was simply no choice but to hold on as his wings pushed him into the air. Mikhail whimpered and gave concerned yips. As his powerful wings kept beating against the air, however, the wolf’s noises were not fading, meaning he had picked him up in his claw. Zehrili’s movements had a lulling rhythm to them, Raziel resting her head against him.

A coughing fit began to overtake her again, waking Raziel up suddenly. Her lungs were now intensely burning, unable to take in a proper breath of air as she gasped each moment she could between the coughs. It wasn’t enough, she wasn’t getting air! In fact, the air felt like it did at home, thin. But she knew she was sick, and thin air was worse than moist air. Zehrili had gained altitude. Desperate, Raziel began hitting at the scales beneath her hand. ”Zehri–” she coughed immediately after she tried to gulp more air. ”Can’t breathe…”

The wyvern tucked his wings for a dive to quickly reduce their altitude. Relief was not instantaneous, but her lungs began to gradually feel better as she managed to catch a couple of decent, if painful, breaths. He apologized and assured her that they were almost to the clan. Raziel had almost gotten the coughing back under control by the time he began to descend. She could hear the wyverns below as they moved on through their daily routine, smell the food that they had prepared. But the best thing to hear was the order to fetch Monifa. It wasn’t because of the purple-haired lass on his back, but the fact that blood had been seen on his wing. Either way, she knew that Monifa was the clan’s healer.

Zehrili made to land, releasing Mikhail who shook out his fur and stretched before sniffing the ground, recognizing most of the scents immediately. The moment her feet touched solid ground, Raziel staggered until she fell into someone’s arms. ”Raziel?” Amen-Ra’s voice sounded confused and concerned. He knew that if Raziel was with Zehrili, then surely his cousin would not be coming home by wing, especially if one was injured. The angel pushed herself out of Ra’s arms toward Zehrili, dragging another blanket from her endless back as she blindly fell into his human arms. ”I’m sorry, Zherili… I would have… If I had been thinking…” She wrapped his arm up, applying weak pressure to the wounds as tears fell from her eyes. His wounds were allowed to get worse on her account. The half-angel had worked herself into another coughing fit as she felt supporting arms around her, soothing voices. But all she was concerned about was her patient and her failure to him as she leaned heavily into his body.


Character Info
Name: Zehrili Isimrak
Age: Appears Mid 20s
Alignment: TN
Race: Wyvern
Gender: Male
Class: Assassin
Silver: 664
High into the sky the wyvern took them, in order to cover the most ground quickly enough. His wing stung with every beat opening the wounds that Raziel had so tenderly tried to open, but he knew this was the only way to make sure she would be safe in the end. He felt her head rest upon his back scales, as long as she held on he didn’t mind if she rested. He opened his wings to glide through the air, which gave him a moment of reprise and allowed the pain to subside some. Moments went by and then another coughing fit took over Raziel, something else was wrong though as she started to his his back with her hand. She couldn’t breathe! How stupid could he have been to gain so much altitude! He brought his wings in and dived down, making sure the angle was a way so that she could still hold on to him, especially with trying to catch her breath. Forgive me, i didn’t even think of that….but we are almost there and then you can get help. He felt bad wishing there was more he could do, but this was the least he could do.He could see the clan village in sight now and started his descent to the ground. When he got close enough to be seen, he had heard someone call for Monifa, exactly the person he would have called for for Raziel but it was more than likely for his own wound that they called her for. He got inches from the ground, flapping his wings to reduce his momentum and released Mikhail from his grasp. The wolf seemed thankful again to be on dry ground. His own claws touched ground as Raziel slipped from his back and fell into the arms of none other than Amen-Ra as he started to shift back.”I will explain things…Monifa is needed and not for me.” He emphasized that fact to make sure all knew. His wounds were bad, but not life threatening. Raziel then pushed herself off of Ra and made her way back to Zehrili taking out another blanket from her bag to try and wrap his arm again. Weakly she apologized as tears fell from her eyes. The wrap so weakly tied onto his arm. ”I don’t know what it is with you healer types, but you need to stop! I will make sure Monifa treats you first, I don’t care if you fight it.” She leaned into him and he could feel the heat from her fever.”She fell into the river, the current suddenly picked up. I managed to pull her out, but she was still under long enough to no longer breathe. I tried to lead her back to the savanna when a damned alligator approached through the water. Threw myself before it without turning…that's why my arm is damaged.” He started giving a brief explanation as to what had happened. ”noticed her fever, and I know it was foolish but flew with her back.”

Character Info
Name: Raziel
Age: About 100, appear 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Angel Nymph hybrid
Gender: Female
Silver: 558
Stop? How can she stop? ”But…” But he wasn’t listening to her, not as her hands stopped moving, nor the shocked expression on her teary face. Never before had a patient told her to stop, even if it wasn’t about the treatment itself. Zehrili explained her situation as Monifa’s footsteps could be heard approaching. ”Zehrili Isirmak! For the love of all that is sacred, you should apologize to the healer whose skill might rival my own.” It was as if Monifa was ignoring the explanation. What had happened did happen and it was her job to deal with the aftermath. Granted, it was nowhere lethal as something poisonous, her mind already working out a way to ground him for some time.

Monifa’s hands rested on Raziel’s shoulders as she leaned down to look at her face. ”Let us get you a nice warm bath to clean you up, properly dry you off and redress that wound of yours, yes?” As a way of an answer, Raziel’s ankles decided now was the time to give out on her in the stress. Both Zehrili and Moni caught her. ”No magic…” ”Of course not, dear.” ”Zehrili?” ”I will tend to him as well.” The wyvern attempted to pick the small woman up, stronger than she appeared. Yet, she spread her wings and made it difficult as she clung to Zehrili. She didn’t know why, but a part of her demanded to see his treatment all the way through… But she was just so tired….

”He will be in the room we will set up for you by the time you are dressed from the bath. Please don’t make me treat you as a difficult patient.” Though she pleaded with the angel, Monifa’s voice remained calm and soothing. Reluctantly, her small hands relinquished their hold on the wyvern, wings folded against her once more as she allowed Monifa to do as she pleased. The pair were led to the palace. Once Raziel was set up with a bath and in the care of two female wyverns, Monifa took her leave to address the assassin. ”Alligator, huh?” She was not so gentle as she took his arm, rotating it slightly this way and that to examine the damage.

”Chamomile and … Clover is it? What an unusual combination… But it works. I assume she cleaned it?” The healer spread some ointment over the wounds before binding the arm. A sling was then made, securing it around his neck as the woman of average height glared up at Zehrili. ”Stay off that wing, you hear me? Doctors orders, you’re grounded for seven days. Now, go clean up without getting my bandages wet, and change into something comfortable. Make it snappy so you can keep my promise time.” Monifa left her workshop to check on her little angel patient when she stopped and hollered down the hallway. ”Oh, and tell the kitchen to make her some soup!”


Character Info
Name: Zehrili Isimrak
Age: Appears Mid 20s
Alignment: TN
Race: Wyvern
Gender: Male
Class: Assassin
Silver: 664
He felt his whole body tense up and cringe when he heard his full name shouted, by an all too familiar voice. He looked over to see Monifa approaching the two of them, he also had to wonder if she at all heard anything that he was saying. His eyes narrowed as if he was almost insulted by that fact. ”You of all people should know how stubborn healers are, especially when they are the ones who are hurt instead,” he retorted back to the healer. Zehrili of course did not mean to insult Raziel, it was just he was more concerned about her more severe condition.

Monifa then turned on her sweet voice and tried to get Raziel to go with her, but her legs gave out under her. Zehrili and Monifa both held out their arms to catch her. Raziel asked for no magical cure and just said his name, Monifa agreeing to both terms before she tried to pick up the small angel who still resisted with spread wings, clinging to the wyvern. Did she so badly want to see Zehrili okay that she would risk her life? He would rather her not do such a stupid thing and heal up. The clan healer was able to get Raziel to finally come with her and relinquish her hold on the assassin.

He followed them to the Palace where Monifa had two more female wyverns take Raziel away for a bath. She then finally turned her attention back to the assassin, and as if a switch was flipped in her head the sweet demeanor that she had with Raziel was gone as she grabbed Zehrili’s arm and rotated it to look at it. He of course let out a small hiss in pain. ”So you were listening after all? Yes, damn beast got the best of me. Was worried about Raziel and the thought to turn back into our true form didn’t strike me on protecting her.” he replied. 

”A combination that worked until I decided to fly on it. Yes she did clean the wound before putting the oils on.” Monifa then put some ointment on herself and bandaged and slinged up his arm. He thought the sling was unnecessary and would ground him from not only flying, but also any of his other “duties”. A week he was to stay off of it, and was also ordered to go to Raziel's room and to stop by the kitchen to have them get her some soup.

Begrudgingly he made his way to his own room to swap out and clean himself up like Monifa ordered. He did not realize how hard it was to clean and change with just one arm, and it took longer than he had expected to get it done. One could see that his other arm was not in the sleeve of his tunic, but slinged against his chest beneath the garment. Long black hair flowed down. He honestly preferred to dress relaxed, but while he was out the simple assassin’s garb he wore was far more ideal. He rushed to get to the kitchen and finally to where Raziel was staying before Monifa had him gutted for being late. 

Character Info
Name: Raziel
Age: About 100, appear 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Angel Nymph hybrid
Gender: Female
Silver: 558
The wyverns took great care of Raziel as she fought the crushing fatigue. Her body wanted to shut down and rest, compounded exponentially by the warm bath. Without them, surely she would have drowned again. Every crevice had been gently cleaned and rinsed thoroughly. A thick robe had been placed about her small frame as they carefully dried her hair. They pulled a brush through her lavender locks, dried and brushed it again into shiny splendor. It was at this time that Monifa came into the room with supplies. The gash on her head was covered with an odd smelling substance that wrinkled Raziel’s nose.

”I know it’s probably not what you would have used, but I’m your doctor, and this is what I use.” Raziel did not have the strength to argue Monifa as her head was rebandaged. The three of them then dressed her in clean clothing, and medicine was spooned into her mouth. ”There seems to be nothing else I can do unless you hurt anywhere else?” She slowly shook her head. ”Just need my oils for when I wake…” Her answer was mumbled, earning a soft smile from Monifa. ”I’ll ask why in the near future then.” Monifa replied before lifting the clean, sleepy angel in her arms.

The wyvern’s eyes flicked over Zehrili with a nod of approval when they exited the bathing room. With the small healer in her arms, Monifa made her way to the bed, examining the soft blankets that had already been drawn back. A mischievous smile flashed across her face as she stopped by the edge. But Raziel was not nestled onto the luxurious furniture. She turned to Zehrili, her expression now dead serious, motioning her head to the bed. ”Get in,” she ordered.

Naturally, he was freaked, as if she was ordering him to get undressed beforehand. Monifa sighed with a roll of her eyes. ”Think about it, Zehrili. The times that Ensarrian and Sanyi visited overnight with us, Raziel was with us in the Den, too. We slept next to each other one night. It was nice, her feathers are soft.” She blinked and shook her head, realizing how off point she truly was. ”Coupled with the way that seems attached to you, it might help her subconscious to know you are near. So I’ll say it one more time. To help this “healer type”, get your stubborn ass into this bed.”


Character Info
Name: Zehrili Isimrak
Age: Appears Mid 20s
Alignment: TN
Race: Wyvern
Gender: Male
Class: Assassin
Silver: 664
Thankfully the wyvern has made it to the room that Raziel was staying in time, for as he entered they had not yet emerged from the bathing room yet. At least with that out of the way he could relax more knowing that he wouldn’t be killed by the clan healer, which in of itself would have been an ironic way to die.

The doors to the bathing room opened, Monifa now carrying the exhausted Raziel in her arms. The other two female wyverns departing behind the assassin, as he watched Monifa place her onto the bed for her to rest. The wave of the fresh scent of cleanliness hint Zehrili which he had to attest to that it was far better than the murkiness of the wetlands before. He approached the bed just to make sure the angel was safe, and before he could get a word in Monifa turned to him with the most mischievous smile on her face.

”Get in”

She spoke with a nod indicating for him to do exactly such. ”Excuse me? You want me to do what!?,” He tried to keep his voice down some as to not distress Raziel. His face was obviously confused and flushed at what she ordered. The clan slept communal so it wasn’t uncommon for people to sleep with each other but at the same time, Raziel was not exactly part of the clan so he couldn’t understand the intentions. She started to explain her reasoning, her first point not exactly on key to what she was meaning, yet the rest of her words made since. Raziel barely managed to let go of Zehrili after they arrived and was far too concerned over his own injury.

”Don’t use my words against me, those who heal tend to be the worst patients. Stubborn in their own ways, wonder who that reminds me of?,” he shot back at the clan healer before sitting at the edge of the bed. ”it was not like I was going anywhere anyways. Can not really do much of anything with the sling on the arm. I also did stop by the kitchen like you requested so they got that order,” He paused and looked over at Raziel. ”That is if she even is up to having it. It was strange how fast it onset.” Zehrili then swung his legs up onto the bed also leaning back up against the headboard.

He needed to loosen up some, that much was for sure, but he just didn’t know what he needed to be doing. ”So what now? You should know this is not my area of expertise”

Character Info
Name: Raziel
Age: About 100, appear 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Angel Nymph hybrid
Gender: Female
Silver: 558
Monifa listened to his counter without rebuttal, for he was moving toward the bed. She gave a half-hearted shrug at his stab at her, feigning innocence. "I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, and Raziel happens to be a very docile patient. It's her priorities that are in need of attunement." All jest faded as Zehrili made a comment on the angel's condition, dragging heavily on private conversations she has had with Raziel. Monifa made a "scooch over" movement with her chin as she finally moved to lay the angel into the bed, pulling the blanket up and over her.

She looked so peaceful, save for the rapid breathing. "Now? Just relax. If you would like, I can have a book fetched for you." Still, the healer had not moved as she watched the angel. "I think it has to do with her heritage. The speed of it…" The words seemed random at first. Monifa sat at the edge of the bed, plucking imaginary lint off the blanket. "What I say stays between us. Raziel is only half-angel… So, I am guessing that it is because she drowned in unpure water." Raziel gave a soft moan, scrunching her face slightly. "She is a water nymph, so her body may be reacting harshly against the impurities. Be careful, Zehrili… They can get very jealous and vindictive in their anger. But… I suppose that this kind of creature would be best suited to be tended to by an assassin of your caliber." With a chuckle, Monifa strode out of the room, leaving the assassin alone with the resting healer.

Time crawled slowly by as they laid there, awkward silence enveloping them in an oppressive embrace. The medicine helped, even if only the symptoms were being managed. While her temperature dropped, her cheeks were still rosy. Eventually, Raziel rolled over in her slumber, curling against Zehrili while sliding a wing to curl over her shoulder, almost hiding her from view. All that could truly be seen was a single hand, belonging to the shoulder she laid on. Scared fingers gently curled, seeming to point to the circular scar in the center of her palm.

There she lay, for as long as he would let her, which should have been peaceful. Raziel’s body worked through the medicinal effects faster as it tried to cleanse itself. So when she woke, it was rather disorienting as her lungs demanded air, her body attempting to expel lingering remnants of lake water. One cough followed another with barely any time if any at all to catch her breath. She sat up, struggling until it finally subsided, leaving her gasping. ”Water… Please,” her voice soft, breathless.


Character Info
Name: Zehrili Isimrak
Age: Appears Mid 20s
Alignment: TN
Race: Wyvern
Gender: Male
Class: Assassin
Silver: 664
Zehrili rolled his eyes a little when she offered to fetch a book for him, he wasn’t the one to read on his down time, and holding a book with one hand was not the most comfortable thing in the world either. ”Her heritage?” He questioned as Monfia started to explain as to why the disease seemed to have spread faster in her, as she plucked nothing from the surface of the blanket, probably was a nervous reaction or twitch. He listened as she explained that Raziel wasn’t a pure angel but rather a half breed with a nymph. ”Well, that would explain things then. I for one thought it was because the use of a gate spell may have weakened her body somewhat…but not that quickly.”

Zehrili narrowed his glare at the healer as she strode out of the room leaving the two of them to rest. ”What exactly did she mean by that.” he murmured to himself. He shifted around to make himself more comfortable on the bed and breathed to relax. The sling that his arm was in was the only thing preventing him from truly getting comfort. He gazed over at the angel, who was already fast asleep trying to fight off the disease. ”Why is this so awkward? The silence is not helping anything…perhaps I should have asked for something to read.” he said in defeat and just tried to close his eyes to rest as well.

The sound of the door closing caused Zehrili to open his eyes again, looking over on the bedside table he saw a bowl of soup and pitcher of water. It would go to waste, as both of them were drifted off to sleep he also felt another body closer to him and looked over to see Raziel had curled up closer next to him, her wing covering most of her as its feathers softly brushed against his good arm. Monifa was right, they are soft. Of course he said that while still half asleep and it did not take long for it to wash over him again as his eyelids slowly shut.

The next time his eyes popped open was to the sounds of Raziel being into another coughing fit, which caused him to immediately waken. Her words barely came out as she asked for water. Zehrili quickly got out of the bed and walked over to where the pitcher of water that the kitchen left for them was. ”Here you go, you were sound asleep until that coughing fit. Or at least that I know of, was asleep as well.” She took the water from his hand. ”Are you feeling any better? Or still running that fever?” The reaction she gave was one of surprise, as she didn’t think he would have been in bed with her.

Character Info
Name: Raziel
Age: About 100, appear 25
Alignment: TG
Race: Angel Nymph hybrid
Gender: Female
Silver: 558
Movement came from immediately next to her. Someone was on the bed with her. Raziel's heart gripped with terror, afraid that Ensarrian had been summoned. Next would be a lecture of carelessness, reckless abandon, and a lot of frustration about not being with her at the time. She did not know if she could withstand Ensarrian's protectiveness in her present condition. Yet, when Zehrili's voice filled the void, the sigh of relief was so intense, so immediate, the angel nearly burst into tears. While she was quite alleviated by his identity, questions still filtered through.

Namely, why was he in her bed? They were at his home, with his clan… unless they put her in… his room? If so, she was surprised they would consider such an encroachment of personal space. As Raziel accepted the water, almost dropping it initially, she decided the air lacked a certain personal scent, the musk of his person should be heavy, especially if she was in his bed. What surprised her most would be her easy acceptance of such a proposal. Should there not be an objection, especially if she had just met the guy, officially, mere hours before. Raziel drank heavily from the glass, her mind split in three directions. The healer was carefully making mental notes of her body's signals, the way her limbs felt heavy and sluggish, aches all over. A part of her continued to follow the line of questions about Zehrili being beside her in the first place, while the rest of her mind was lost in the fog of the illness.

It felt like she would drown again if she laid down. She held out the glass for him to take. "Fever will come and go, but it appears to be gone for now. But I ache, I'm tired and I am afraid to lay back down." Everything around her smelled fresh and clean, with the aroma of food which made her nose wrinkle. Raziel opened her mouth, intending on making the request of sending the food away. "Why were you in bed… next to me?" she asked instead, instantly blushing as she began to fidget with her scarred fingers. Almost like a flare within her, a switch turning on, the healer within reminded her that he was still her patient.

She patted the bed next to her. "Please sit. Let me inspect it." If he did, Raziel would slowly reach her hands out to him until she found the sling. Then, she would lean in, unknowingly close to his face as she lifted her hands behind his neck to remove the unnecessary item. Slings were best as a reminder outside of the home, but inside, minor exercises would do him good.


Character Info
Name: Zehrili Isimrak
Age: Appears Mid 20s
Alignment: TN
Race: Wyvern
Gender: Male
Class: Assassin
Silver: 664
Zehrili held out his hand, seeing her almost drop the water, but she still managed to keep ahold of the cup and he walked back over to the platter that the bowl of soup was resting on. He stirred it with the spoon staring into it, watching as a little bit of steam rose from the broken surface. Still warm…but probably not the best any more, I will get her a fresh bowl if she needs it. he thought. She explained that the fever was gone for the current moment, and he smiled a little at that looking at his own reflection before he covered the tray up with its top and walked over to grab the glass she held out. ”That is a relief then, at least it seems that you won’t completely succumb to it. I am, of course, not able to make that call on my own. My job is to take life…not to restore it.” He spoke to her in a nonchalant manner as he placed the empty glass next to the tray. He expected her to ask the other question though, and as he turned to face her he noticed her cheeks flushed, her nervous fidgeting of the fingers. He let out a small sigh.”Was not my choice. Monifa thought it was the best course,” he replied half truthfully. As her condition and the fact that she wouldn’t let go of him made him worry. ”You seemed to be distraught that you couldn’t finish treating my own wound, and it seemed a wise idea that I be by your side as a sense of comfort for your weary mind. Also sleeping as a pack is something we practice, Monifa spoke of your last visit here and following our ways.”Surprising to the wyvern she patted the bed next to her, asking him to sit so she could inspect his wound. He chuckled a little shaking his head and did as she requested. ”Worried still about this arm are we, fine you can examine it.” He stated as she leaned in to remove the sling from his neck. Their faces came extremely close together and Zehrili couldn’t help but to look at the soft features of her face, from lips, eyes to hair. He cleared his throat and looked away leaning down a bit to help with her removing the sling.His arm felt heavy as he had been using it to rest it, and it fell into her hands as she started to undo the bandages. He watched as she worked, his eyes once again noticing the scars on her fingers. ”What happened, if I may ask?,” he asked her, Raziel probably did not know what he meant. ”Those scars…I have seen the same before, of victims of torture. I don’t see as to why anyone would want to do such a thing to someone as gentle as you.” The wounds now fully unwrapped stung slightly as the pressure was relieved off of them and the fresh air struck them.

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